PDS LDN Data Review 7 December 2007 Review Summary Apollo 14 and 15 Cold Cathode Ion Gage (CCIG) Reviewers - John Freeman (telecon), Dana Crider (telecon) There were difficulties setting up the Apollo 14 CCIG, did these affect the results? Note this in the dataset.cat (Kent Hills says the difficulties did not affect the results, the experiment was set up pointed nearly vertically as planned.) Change the wording on the description of the ordinate - note that it is ALWAYS the same range and scale for the ordinate on all plots, in dataset.cat. The scale was usually the same along the bottom, the ranges were always different. Add more detail about the daytime data being unreliable. The instrument was often turned off due to high temperature arcing. This is in instrument.cat file but should be added to dataset.cat. Arcing was often indicated by noisy temperature data. Also, daytime data was swamped by outgassing. Add a note on completeness of data - missing later years 1974 - 1975 (We never received these data at NSSDC, don't know if they exist elsewhere.) In table - data stop, file stop columns - fill columns if blank, easier to read by computer (add comment where data and file stop are different). Clearly note N2 was used as reference gas (as opposed to N). Second paragraph in Apollo 14 inst.cat file refers to Apollo 15 instrument, fix this paragraph. Add a note that bursts shown in the nighttime data are probably real Add a set of browse images so users can go through the images quickly without downbloading the full images. Add note on the later LACE instrument data (Apollo 17) - It had better data. Also add notes on LOMS data. Add reference to LACE and LOMS data and pointers to the references in the dataset.cat file Note that sunrise/sunset effects were observed and bursts were seen at night, especially pre-dawn, which were thought to be argon-40 events, in instrument.cat and dataset.cat files. Kent Hills may be able to get more information about how arcing and outgassing affected the CCIG data from Dick Hodges. We could send him the cat files and some sample data and labels if he wanted to look it over. Apollo 15 indxinfo.txt-- couple of occurrences of "identifiies" Apollo 15 insthost.cat - the sentence starting, "A radioisotope . . ." is missing a verb--probably insert "provided" before "the power" A15A_CCIG_71_M04674.LBL - last object's NAME should be "COMMENTS", penultimate object is named differently than in all the other volumes--this one is "PLOT_END_TIME" whereas it is "FRAME_END_TIME" in the other files Apollo 14 indxinfo.txt-- couple of occurrences of "identifiies" Apollo 14 insthost.cat - the sentence starting, "A radioisotope . . ." is missing a verb--probably insert "provided" before "the power" Apollo 15 mission.cat-- one place says collected "76.6 kg" and "76.8 kg" somewhere else. (The number should be 76.8, change it to this.) But the "official" number according to "Apollo by the Numbers" is 77.3 kg We should check all the official numbers, don't know where the 76.8 value came from. Add a note on the image quality, enhancement of images is up to viewer. A note to this effect is in the dataset.cat file, add it to the aareadme file as well. Include information on the solar zenith angle in the data set as a table of zenith angle with data and time. I'll ask John Freeman to take another look at these issues: Files DATA/A15_CCIG_71_M04674.LBL and .TXT contain Apollo 14 instead of Apollo 15 data. These look to be Apollo 15 data to me??? The Apollo 14 instrument description and other files were copied into Apollo 15? I can't find this - all Apollo 15 files look fine ???