"Six-Year List for Eastern Pacific Storms"

1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
Adrian Alleta Adolph Alma Andres Agatha
Beatriz Bud Barbara Boris Blanca Blass
Calvin Carlota Cosme Cristine Carlos Celia
Dora Daniel Dalila Douglas Dolores Darbv
Eugene Emilia Erick Elida Enrique Estelle
Fernanda Fabio Flossie Fausto Felicia Frank
Greg Gilma Gil Genevieve Guillermo Georgette
Hilary Hector Henriette Hernan Hilda Howard
Irwin Ileana Ismael Iselle Ignacio Isis
Jova Jhon Juliette Julio Jimena Javier
Kenneth Kristy Kiko Kenna Kevin Kay
Lidia Lane Lorena Lowell Linda Lester
Max Mirian Manuel Marie Marty Madeline
Norma Norma Narda Norbert Nora Newton
Otis Olivia Octave Odile Olaf Orlene
Pilar Paul Priscilla Polo Pauline Paine
Ramon Rosa Raymond Rachel Rick Roselyn
Selma Sergio Sonia Simon Sandra Seymor
Todd Tara Tico Trudy Terry Tina
Veronica Vicente Velma Vance Vivian Virgil
Wiley Willa Wallis Winnie Waldo Win
Xina Xavier Xina Xina Xavier Xavier
York Yolanda York Yolanda York Yolanda
Zelda Zeke Zelda Zeke Zelda Zeke

If over 24 tropical cyclones occur in a year in the Eastern North Pacific, then the Greek alphabet will be used following Zeke or Zelda.

Given names are also used to identify typhoons and hurricanes in the Pacific Ocean. A set of six alphabetical lists is used in the eastern North Pacific Ocean. As in the Atlantic, the sets are used again when the six year lists are completed. The 1993 list will be used again in 1999.