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Jared Henderson

University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Physics and Computer Science
Bachelor of Science, May 2002

NASA Academy Research Project:

Evaluation of a Large Area High Spatial Resolution Detector for Hard X-Rays and Gamma Rays.
Principal Investigator: Upendra Desai, Code 682

Research and Work Experience

  • University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR
    • For my final project in artificial intelligence I designed a poker playing agent that used the genetic algorithm to evolve the most best possible wagering strategy.
    • My academic schedule has kept my extremely busy over the last few years. In addition to physics and computer science course, I have completed a number of advanced mathematics cources including calculus, differential equations, linear algebra, statistical methods and cominatorics.
  • Howard Schultz & Associates, Computer Programmer
    • Responsibilies included both writing original code and maintaining/updatingexisting softwar in Visual FoxPro 6.0
    • In addition I assisted our company's network administrator in operating the firm's 1.5 terabyte database
    • Having never worked with the programming language before my first day, I gained valuable experience learning on the job while still being expected to contribute to the team

Skills and Certifications

  • C, Visual C++ programming, Assembly Language programming, Visual FoxPro, MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point), Word Perfect, Windows 95/98/NT
  • I have also completed courses on algorithm design and analysis, data structures, and artificial intelligence and team software engineering

Honors and Awards

  • U of A Physics Dept Maurer Fellow
  • Wal-Mart Competitive Edge Technology Scholar
  • Chancellor's List (2 semesters)
  • Deans List (4 semesters)
  • PiKA Most Outstanding Regional Undergrad
  • Order of Omega Outstanding Senior
  • Outstanding Fraternity President Award
  • University Student Ambassador

Memberships and Activities

  • Pi Kappa Alpha Alpha Zeta Chapter Founding President
  • Pi Kappa Alpha Alpha Zeta Chapter Philanthropy Chairman
  • Order of Omega Vice President
  • Big Brothers/Big Sisters and Habitat for Humanity-150+ hours in past 14 months

Hobbies and Interests

Reading (anything), running and working out, Tae Kwon Do, pretty much anything that I can Learn from.

About Me

"On July 1,1997 I was sworn in as a United States Naval Academy Midshipman. That day began a period that forever changed the way in which I live my daily life. Shortly after Plebe Summer, a broken hip ended my Naval career. However, I returned home with a new standard of hard work and a vision of what talented individuals can accomplish when working as a team. My academy experience taught me the value of service and being a part of something larger than myself. Today I spend a great deal of my time working in the community through volunteering myself and coordinating the efforts of others. My favorite philanthropies are Habitat for Humanity and Big Brothers of America.

I've wanted to be a part of the space program since I was 7 years old. It's difficult for me to imagine a more exciting and fulfilling life than working with the most brilliant minds on the planet to accomplish things on the edge of human achievement. Although I would love to go into space myself someday, at the very least I want to be part of the team getting others up there and back safely."

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