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JUNE 17, 2002


Thank you Captain Schubert for that kind introduction.  I know that, as a Kings Point graduate, Class of 74, you take great pride in this Academy. 

Admiral Stewart; Counsel General Garcia du Froshow; flag officers and distinguished guests; leadership and supporters of the Academy; parents, family and friends; ladies and gentlemen. 

On behalf of President Bush and Vice President Cheney, I congratulate all the members of the Class of 2002 on this their commencement day.  First classmen, your presence here today is a testament to your years of hard work, determination, and ability…  all of which will serve you well as you pursue the path ahead.  You have every right to feel justifiably proud of your accomplishment. 

Sometimes on days like this one, it is easy to forget the many people who have supported and encouraged you    or, in some instances, simply put up with you    as you were buffeted by the rigors of completing this course of study.  Take the time today to acknowledge the help and love of your parents, families and friends.   

Much has changed in the four years since you reported aboard for in-doc as a plebe candidate.  You entered the Academy in a time of peace; you leave in a time of war 

Kings Pointers have a long and prestigious history of service to the Nation    so it came as no surprise to me when I learned that you responded instantly to the attacks on September 11th by dispatching a fleet of vessels to New York City.   

When your vessels first headed to lower Manhattan, the Twin Towers still stood.  Merchant Mariners at the helms of commercial vessels all over the harbor helped to evacuate as many as a million people in just a few hours time    and without a single injury.   

Then, for nine days, faculty, staff, and midshipmen from Kings Point worked alongside the Coast Guard and the Fire Department of New York, performing a wide range of duties.  You served in the finest traditions of the Merchant Marine, and of this great institution.  Speaking for President Bush and a grateful Nation, I thank all of those who responded so quickly, so bravely, and so completely.   

The President, the Vice President and I all very much value our United States Merchant Marine Academy as an important source of merchant marine officers, commissioned officers for all branches of the armed forces of America, and as a key source of leaders who will play a decisive role in developing and operating the complex maritime and intermodal transportation systems of the 21st Century. 

We appreciate that the maritime community continues to provide one of the lynchpins in our Nation’s global trade, and in our national defense.  Every hour of every day, ships of all types ply our ports and waterways, connecting America with the rest of the world. 

But we also recognize America’s maritime infrastructure as part of a larger transportation system.  In this regard, I commend all of you for your hard work and dedication to study here at Kings Point that gives each of you a better understanding of intermodal transportation systems, so you can ably serve not only aboard ship, but also shoreside in the front office of a transportation enterprise.

 As a Nation, we should continually rethink how the business of transportation operates, and we ought to constantly identify better, more efficient methods for transporting goods and moving people.  And, in the wake of the horrific terrorist attacks of last September, we also need to continually rethink how to better secure our transportation systems from external threats.  Kings Point plays a critical role. 

As an example, I fully expect that the Class of 2002 will provide a welcome source of professionals to help staff the new Transportation Security Administration.  As Maritime Administrator Schubert has said, jobs with this new TSA will provide yet another way for Academy graduates to serve their country.   

It is no secret that Kings Pointers dominate America’s maritime industry.  This is good for the industry…   but it is also good for America, because America’s economy will continue growing, and maritime transportation will remain at the epicenter of this growth. 

Our commencement speaker today also fully appreciates the vital role that today’s graduates will play in serving the interests of our Nation’s strategic and economic intermodal transportation system.

For more than two decades, I had the privilege of serving in the United States House of Representatives with the gentleman from Florida’s 10th District.  He has earned a reputation in the Congress as a straight shooter, and as someone willing to work hard to develop innovative solutions for the people of Florida, and for all Americans. 

Today, he serves as the chair of the powerful House Appropriations Committee, where he has dedicated himself to improving the quality of life of the men and women who serve in America’s armed forces.   

I also want to note, with many thanks, that Chairman Young has played an essential role here at Kings Point by supporting the Academy’s Master Plan    a Plan that calls for the rebuilding of this important institution through much needed renovations, and by adding important new facilities that will enable the Academy to continue to serve America in the century ahead. 

But, I assure you that I would say nice things about him even if he didn’t hold the purse strings to the Department of Transportation budget.   

It gives me a distinct pleasure to introduce today’s commencement speaker, Congressman Bill Young.  Mr. Chairman, the deck is yours.

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