Energy Scan

From X6AWiki

Steps to run Energy Scan:

0. It is IMPORTANT to Protect the detector. Move the detector to at least 400 mm in the hutch tab of DCS and carefully place the scattering shield as shown in the figure!!!

DCS view: Protecting detector for energy scan
DCS view: Protecting detector for energy scan

1. Change to a new Workspace.

2. Open a Terminal

3. Run grepx

4. The following windows will show up:

DCS view: Grepx window
DCS view: Grepx window

5. Select Beamline Macro > OptiX.

DCS view: Grepx window
DCS view: Grepx window

6. The following windows will show up.

DCS view: OptiX window
DCS view: OptiX window

7. Select "Set Monochromator".

8. The following windows will show up.

DCS view: "Set Mono..." window
DCS view: "Set Mono..." window

9. Change the energy (or wave length) around you want to do energy scan.

10. Press Midpoint. (This command will send the monochromator to the selected energy).

11. Select you conditions to perform energy scan (Energy step size (eV), count time and number of points).

12. Go to DCS and open the shutter manually:

13. Return to grepx and press "Scan".

14. A window with the reading from the detectors will show up.

15. When it end, first, close the shutter in DCS.

16. Then Press "Plot Spectrum". (This command will show you the energy scan normalised (fluorescence values/reading from ion chamber(or BPM)). The vertical scale is in relative units.)

17. In a new terminal, go to the directory: >home/ccduser/epx_run

18. Type ls -ltr

19. Copy the last *.raw file to your own diretory: >cp XXXX.raw /data_val/User/x6aXXX

20. Now you are able to run Chooch (link: Interpret_the_energy_scan_with_Chooch)

21. IMPORTANT: Remove the protection in front of the detector!!