3. 174 huir~rnin~ °round and suck de honey out de blue bells on de vines. I ‘niember5 ~at well ‘nough, dat was a pleasazit memory. Is I told you n~ maumry name Clara? My brothers and sisters, who they? George dead, Calvin dead, Hattie (name for pa‘s young mistress) dead, Samson, who got his ear scald off in a pot of hot water, is dead,too. Vs existing still. I did mighty little work ilL slavery timeo ‘Membera iaot much ‘bout de Yankees. . ‘t Freedom come, pa corne straight as a martin to his gourd, to mammy and us pickanirinies. They send us to school at Blackstock and us walk fourteen miles, end back, every day to schools At school I meets 1~ry Stroud, a gal comm1 from de Gaillard quarter. Her. eyes was lak twin stare. Her hair lak a swarm of beeso All my studyin‘ books was changed to studyin‘ how to gît dat swami of beee in a hive by myself. One day I walk home from school with her and gît old. Uncle Tom Walker to marry us, for de forty cents I s aved up • Us happy ever since . Nex ‚ year I work for Ben Calvin ‚ a colored man on de Cockere].l place ‚ ‘ de Gaillard place ~ Us did dat to be near her pappy, Uncle Morria Stroud~ t, All thru them ‘Carpet Bag‘ days my pappy stuck to de white folie, ~Ld went ‘long wid de Ku Kiuxes. His young mistress, vise Harriet Cameron, marry de Grand Titan of all de Holy invisible Roman 1~mpire. Him naine WS8 Col. Leroy McAfee. Pappy tell me all ‘bout it • ~8aree Col~ McAfee come down from North Ca‘line., and see Marse Feaster Cameron at old Marse Gregg Cameron ‘s home and want Marse Feaster to t eke charge down in dis State • While on dat visit him fall in love wid Marss Fees‘s sisters Harriet, and n~.rry her. You say Marss Tom Dixon dedicate a book to her, de Clansman? Well, well, wellZ To think of dat. Wish my pappy could a knowed dat, de Sundays he‘d take dat long walk to Concord Church to put flowers on her grave. They all lie dere in dat graveyard, Old Marss Gregg, ~.ree ~‘eroy, Misa Harriet, and Marss Feas. De day they bury Marss Feas de whole county was dere and both ~en and