DIRECTORY STRUCTURE AND IMAGE INDEX CDROM | | AAREADME.DOC - Address, contact, and other information. CD-ROM_FAQ.TXT - Answers to the most common questions about our CD-ROMs. HOW_TO_UNZIP.TXT - Instructions on how to "unzip" PKZIP files. INDEX.TXT - This file. MUST_READ_THIS.TXT - Notice to our users. | | |---->IMAGE | | | |---->GALILEO | | | | | |----> EARTH | | | | | | | 9800R.IMG - Image | | | 9800R.LBL - External header | | | | | |----> MOON | | | | | | | 0600R.IMG - Image | | | 0600R.LBL - External header | | | | | |----> VENUS | | | | | 5200R.IMG - Image | | 5200R.LBL - External header | | | |---->MAGELLAN | | | | | BROWSE.IMG - Image | | BROWSE.LBL - External label | | FF16.IMG - Image | | FF16.LBL - External label | | | |---->VIKING | | | | | |---->GIF | | | | | | | EI05S070.GIF - Valles Marineris | | | MARS2.GIF - Global view | | | MF20N133.GIF - Olympus Mons | | | | | |---->MDIM | | | | | | | MG10S047.IMG - Selected low res. image | | | MG10S077.IMG - Selected low res. image | | | MG20N132.IMG - Selected low res. image | | | MG25N092.IMG - Selected low res. image | | | MG25N097.IMG - Selected low res. image | | | MG25N112.IMG - Selected low res. image | | | MG50S176.IMG - Selected low res. image | | | MG50S183.IMG - Selected low res. image | | | | | |---->RAW | | | | | F035A72.IMG - Selected high res. image | | F070A13.IMG - Selected high res. image | | | |---->VOYAGER | | | |---->JUPITER | | | | | C1636828.IMG - Selected high res. image | | C1640000.IMG - Selected high res. image | | C1640212.IMG - Selected high res. image | | C2063005.IMG - Selected high res. image | | C2063048.IMG - Selected high res. image | | C2065022.IMG - Selected high res. image | | | |---->SATURN | | | | | C3450835.IMG - Selected high res. image | | C3469858.IMG - Selected high res. image | | C3494217.IMG - Selected high res. image | | C3494229.IMG - Selected high res. image | | C3494413.IMG - Selected high res. image | | C3494828.IMG - Selected high res. image | | C3495301.IMG - Selected high res. image | | C4388549.IMG - Selected high res. image | | C4393700.IMG - Selected high res. image | | C4393911.IMG - Selected high res. image | | C4396355.IMG - Selected high res. image | | C4396724.IMG - Selected high res. image | | C4398317.IMG - Selected high res. image | | C4399829.IMG - Selected high res. image | | C4400044.IMG - Selected high res. image | | C4400357.IMG - Selected high res. image | | C4411805.IMG - Selected high res. image | | C4427509.IMG - Selected high res. image | | | |---->NEPTUNE | | | | | C1110702.IMG - Selected high res. image | | C1138148.IMG - Selected high res. image | | C1138651.IMG - Selected high res. image | | C1138920.IMG - Selected high res. image | | C1141545.IMG - Selected high res. image | | | |---->URANUS | | | C2660628.IMG - Selected high res. image | C2681817.IMG - Selected high res. image | C2683625.IMG - Selected high res. image | C2684004.IMG - Selected high res. image | C2684313.IMG - Selected high res. image | C2684409.IMG - Selected high res. image | C2684533.IMG - Selected high res. image | |---->OTHERS | | | PKZ204G.EXE | |---->SOFTWARE | |---->MAC | | | IMAGE4PDS1459.sea.hqx - Mac viewing software with lots of | nifty image processing tools. | IMAGE4PDS1495.sea.hqx - Non-FPU version of the above. For | PowerMac & non-FPU users. | MACDCOMP.HQX - Mac decompression software to be used with | IMAGE4PDS, both versions. | BROWSER3.0.sea.hqx - Nice Mac viewing software (good for | browsing lots of images.) |---->DOS | | | CONVERT.EXE - Conversion tool for IMDISP. | COPIM.EXE - Copy tool for IMDISP. | IMDIS79E.EXE - DOS image viewing software. | PCDCOMP.EXE - DOS image decompression software. | WINVIEW.ZIP - Windows image viewing software. | HELIOS.ZIP - DOS software for use with NSSDC | Heliospheric CD-ROM. | HELIOS_Z.EXE - Self-extracting software for for use with NSSDC | Heliospheric CD-ROM. | MAGSAT_Z.EXE - Self-extracting software for for use with NSSDC | MAGSAT CD-ROM. | CDROM_SOFTWARE_README.TXT | - Info. about HELISO_Z.EXE MAGSAT_Z.EXE software. | PDSWIN_20.ZIP - Windows image viewing software - by far | the best. | AE_Z.EXE - Software for accessing NSSDC AE CD-ROM. | FITSV040.ZIP - FITSview is a viewer for astronomical images in the | FITS format | |---->VAX | | | CDCOPY.COM | MDIMDISP.EXE | MDIMDISP.FOR | SOFTINFO.TXT | |---->UNIX | | | |---->SUN | | | | | GRAY.PAL | | MARS.PAL | | OPENWIN.PAL | | READER.BIN | | SOFTINFO.TXT | | SOFTINFO.TXT | | XV.SU4 | | XVDOCS.PS | | | |---->INDIGO | | | README.XV | SOFTINFO.TXT | XV.IND |---->OS2 | IMAGV204.ZIP - Native OS/2 2.x/Warp image viewer that currently handles PDS and VICAR format files. Note: I haven't reviewed this software, but welcome your comments. Please feel free to send your comments, suggestions, and other thoughts about this section directly to me. Your suggestions are vital in improving service. Also, I welcome your reviews of the software we have made available. I haven't had the time to review each and every one. I may include your reviews in this index. Thanks, Jennifer Ash-Poole (Hughes STX Corp.) National Space Science Data Center Tel:(301)286-0678 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Fax:(301)286-1625 Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA ................................................................................................. Last Updated: June 3, 1996, JAP