550 AttoL Hemanaa, Herooanoo, Tooraipe, Eahoi, Pohootoo noa, Poota paire, Eonnotaine, Ottahoinoo> Epappa3 Oneete, Heorro taire, Taa, Epoo, Eou, Teaife, Heoudoo, Eeorre, Efaooo, Epaoo, or ooapa, Matoti, APPENDIX, Engliflb* A hottfe, or •jniti ftifoe they bury their dead. Wooden images in 4 bn- rying-boufe* A kind ofkead-drefSy or helmet on cm image. Hire. A cream-coloured whet- Jione+ A diftrift at the Weft em fart of the ijle* A Jhort cloak of Hack and white feathers* One article> or thing. A board nfed ta fwim upon, A kind of cloth. Afmallfcarlet bird, or mer&ps fc&rlaiina* An interjection of admi- ration. A bracekt of & fmgle fhell To fwim. Gardenia^ or Cape Jaf- mine. Arefufal\ I will not do it yor take that for this. A rat. A gimbkt, or any inftru- ment to bore with. There is no more; it is done, or fintfhed. A particular Jort offifh- book. Atmu Erahoi, dehoi, Pattahaee, w he mui, Eappanai, Etooo, Whatte, Oeea* Heore^orcc, Paraoo, Apooava* Etoohc, toohec/ Ootee, or otee, otee, Pappaneeheomano, Maheine, Horny^ Moena1 or mocnga, Eeno, Engliihu Thin 5 as, thin chth% boardy &c. A fort of muftcal inftru- ment or rattle, orna- mented with red fea- thers. A plume of feathers they wear* The Ccrdiafeheftina* To break. Yes; it isfo. Afing. A wooden bowL A fhallow wooden dijh they drink Ava out of. A particular fort of cloth. To cut. A wooden inftrument be- Jet with Jharks teeth, ufed to ad up thofc they kill A wife. Give me\ A mat tofleep on. An adjunlt^ when fhty exprefs any thing good, though by itfdf, it Signifies bad. Thus they fay, Erawha ee- no, goo$\greeting, Us the Otatieiteans fay, Ehoa eeno, or my good friend. Taboo,