144 NOTES UPON RUSSIA. which is situated on the Lech; and there I was met by Gre- gory Sagrevski, the Russian ambassador, and Chrysostom Columnus [Colonna ?], the secretary of Elizabeth, widow of John Sforza, of Milan and Bari, who became the companions of my journey. Leaving Augsburg in the beginning of the year 1516, we crossed the Lech, and passed through the fol- lowing cities and towns of Bavaria,—Fridberg, Inderstorff, Freysingen, the seat of a bishopric on the river Ambor [Iser ?], Landschuct, on the Iser, Gengkhofn, Pfarkhirchen, and Scharding, on the Inn. Crossing the Inn, and proceeding along the banks of the Danube, we reached Austria, above the Ens. We then entered Linz, a town on the banks of the Danube, and capital of that province; and crossing a bridge thrown across the Danube at that place, passed through the towns of Galneukirchen, Pregarta, Pierpach, Kunigsvisn, Arbaspaeh, Eapolstein, into the archduchy of Austria, and so through the towns of Claraval, commonly called Zvetl, Kastafeld,, Horn, and Eetz. We then proceeded direct to Snoima [Zneym], a town in Moravia, beyond the river Teya, which for the most part separates Austria from Moravia. At this place I heard of the death of my colleague, Peter Mraxi; and thus, agreeably with the emperor's wish, I took upon myself alone the task which had been assigned to us conjointly. From Zneym to Wolfernitz [Wolframitz] and Brunn, then to Olmutz, the seat of a bishopric, on the river Moraw. These three cities^ Zneym, Brunn, and Olmutz, are the principal cities in the marquisate. Thence to Lipnik. Hranitza, in German, Weissenkirchen. Itzin, in German, Tischen. Ostrava, in German, the town of Ostra, where we crossed the river Osfmvitza* which washes the town, and separates Silesia from Moravia. Afterwards to Freistatt, a town of Silesia, belonging to the dukes of Tischen, and situated on the Eka>