‘~io AIaba~~~a ROW, he don~t do nothin‘ but jalous me, loo~ la~.he‘d know I didn‘ w~flt no man, but jes‘ fer company; ~n‘ dat boy I brung up, he jus‘ runs nights ‘twell I am jes‘ plumb skeered. So one night I sont for ‚fly sister‘s boy, she is my dead. brother‘s wife, an~ Miss, dat rascal, lie would steal my las‘ dime look likes Miss he would steal 5~e har offen your haid could he jus‘ ~it a holt, so I jes‘ sont him back. I talk to him nice befo‘ I sont him, but hit didn‘ do no good so I up an‘ sont him. L “Then I~iiss Nellie (She that keeps the fillin‘ station) tooken ~* hira an‘ he stole~whole ~in~er ale an‘ a coky coly, an‘ she cotch hirn ~~T1(1 em. No ~ 81fl he didn ‚ t ~it ‚ era open, effen he had uv, he would uv drunk tern both, he would f~t sure. “An‘ ‚S‘im tellin‘ folks he married a rich widow. Huh:;., Wir. Corte ~ •~ ne say ~iiiandy you is getting yo‘ se‘f messed for shop He did so Miss, an~ he done tole de truf‘ f0‘ God., he sho did. I is sho messed up wid 1ei~1 bofe. t1But L.Iiss, hit was de biggest cullud weddi.n‘, you ever see, an‘ le as black as I is. Dey was three tables for de white folks, an‘ I J, •~on~ know how many cakes, an‘ Liiss Bessie give m/ my xnarryin~ dress, ~‚ ~tster Harry he give me a dollar, antHjm? o yessum, he been A ~ befo!;~ he is got eight head uv chillun. His fust wife‘ s bring~ p) em up, up in Dallas County, an‘ him carryin‘ on like he is down It1 ailus wantedthiliun, a house plum full of I em, en I done los li I could mek, so now effen I could of had me some widout ‘em I ever woulö. of had ary hUsb8fl‘ a tall. No‘a~. ~ 11.:e dance? No‘am I is j‘ined to de Church. 1iIi~~ Emily she showed e ~ white folks dancin‘ oncet, but I thought they was gettin‘ too LC~~t ~o~)eOEaer. In my day they used to swing corners.