                                          |                                         |
                                          |                BI-WEEKLY                |
                                          | PRELIMINARY TEXTILE AND APPAREL IMPORTS |                              February 5, 2009
                                          |         HTS Chapters 50-63 ONLY!        |
                                          |                                         |
                                          |               By Category               |

                                           Category 659:  OTHER MMF APPAREL
                                                      Data in Kg..

(P)  These data are limited preliminary import data based on import figures from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
It will be supplanted by official imports from the Census Bureau as those data become available.  The release of these data 
is to allow preliminary analysis of the impact of total imports into the United States and imports from China into the 
United States to facilitate the administration of the textile safeguard in China's WTO Accession Agreement.

                        ----------- Official Data -------- |  --------------- Preliminary Data (unofficial) --------------------------------------------| 
                                                    Monthly Data                          Two Weeks-ending Data  (2008 - 2009)     
                        --------------------------------------------------------   ---------------------------------------------------------------------   
 Country                 12/2007    1/2008   11/2008       |  12/2008    1/2009       11/01     11/15     11/29     12/13     12/27      1/10      1/24
                                                                 (P)       (P)          (P)       (P)       (P)       (P)       (P)       (P)       (P)
 World                   7712558   9333114   8218911       |   8919724   9438857     4317552   3934811   3610137   4056403   3524322   3645576   4713634

 China                   2993493   3822930   4078693       |   3767186   3974447     2462228   2012365   1595324   1768251   1425127   1561274   1909111

 Indonesia                543636    770763    488075       |    825456    943845      159875    199385    209178    418751    274762    396724    436139

 Mexico                   735833    660799    509262       |    618557    542137      323146    288188    226564    309551    260604    124628    303403

 Vietnam                  466484    654871    423383       |    539020    700584      219647    194589    246459    269188    166652    280580    359357

 Bangladesh               478504    696479    221532       |    523783    721340       77063    114135    135312    185225    259213    252081    350717

 Cambodia                 392668    439550    346762       |    447168    569602      122269    151109    200162    168668    206768    232674    288800

 Taiwan                   281334    358336    262508       |    324987    426227       89529    138854    129194    132523    140721    155733    224170

 Pakistan                 259996    247878    227898       |    289741    127831       98093     89119    127233    121210    101113    118083     70246

 India                    128691    117055    445831       |    286834    332543      173327    157147    249136    106889    120645    114711    201615

 Dominican Republic       232906    202653    163153       |    276812    201835      107985     84027     62129    128457    107482    101412     90268

 Thailand                 146014    282504    118083       |    158447    154705       47651     40280     56752     43190     97106     67957     63590

 Honduras                 132589     85540    184403       |    154385    109781       48879    109716     58523     70170     73912     13635     70580

 El Salvador               91258     93589    106216       |    106245     72607       57149     54046     50770     62684     32507     23872     49553

 Sri Lanka                 96482    177563     92060       |     89427    154228       38407     52426     45710     34646     36273     49738     85247

 Philippines               72861     73014     64313       |     67403     66022       24439     23626     51841     30863     29136     37236     12044

 _ASEAN                  1642225   2242299   1443182       |   2048354   2445669      576220    611392    765226    935577    776541   1021363   1162526

 _CBI                     593586    498237    520568       |    645265    452962      252732    276868    208853    313351    264282    153067    246245

 _CAFTA                   590550    491633    518003       |    634079    442717      250205    275681    207456    311351    256461    148708    245867

 _SUB-SAHARA               72239     91052     89515       |     48300     65723       45785     45560     32536     24359     23034     13025     53594

 _ANDEAN (ATPA)            72757     69108     25113       |     31577     21540       11891     12154     14063     15982     13214     10056      5798