Table of contents for Mystical bodies, mystical meals : eating and embodiment in medieval Kabbalah / Joel Hecker.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog.

Note: Contents data are machine generated based on pre-publication provided by the publisher. Contents may have variations from the printed book or be incomplete or contain other coding.

Acknowledgments		000
Introduction	000
1. "Give Heed to Me, and You Shall Eat Choice Food": The Religious Significance of Eating in Judaism from the Bible to the Kabbalah	000
2. "A Blessing in the Belly": Mystical Satiation	000
3. "The Bread of Angels": The Role of Idealized Foods		000
4. "I Am So Glad to See the Face of the Shekhinah!": The Social Aspects of Meals	000
5. "Blessing Does Not Rest on an Empty Place": Talismanic Theurgy	000
6. "He Makes Peace and Increases Peace between the Supernal Realm and the Lower Realm": Augmentation Theurgy at Mystical Meals	000
Conclusion		000
Notes	000
Bibliography	000
Index	000

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:

Cabala -- History.
Dinners and dining -- Religious aspects -- Judaism.
Mysticism -- Judaism.
Sacred meals.