Docket No. A-96-22 Primary Copper Smelter NESHAP Category II Items Considered in Developing Proposal Subcategory II-A EPA Studies or Contractor Reports Document No. Description II-A-1 Final Summary Report, Primary Copper Smelters, National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP), ESD Project No. 91/61, prepared by EPA:OAQPS, July 1995. II-A-2 Final Report, Estimating Fugitive HAP Emission from Converter Aisles, January 24, 1996. Docket No. A-96-22 Primary Copper Smelter NESHAP Category II Items Considered in Developing Proposal Subcategory II-B EPA Factual Memoranda Document No. Description II-B-1 Memorandum, M. Bahner, Research Triangle Institute, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, February 12, 1993, Site visit report for trip to Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation, Garfield, Utah facility on July 17, 1992. II-B-2 Memorandum and attachment, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, November 5, 1992, Site visit report for trip to Kennecott, Magna, Utah facility on July 17, 1992. (Considered to be Confidential Business Information) II-B-3 Memorandum and attachment to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, November 5, 1992, Draft site visit report for trip to Copper Range Co, White Plains, MI facility on July 29, 1992. (Considered to be Confidential Business Information) II-B-4 Memorandum and attachment to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, November 5, 1992, Site visit report for trip to., ASARCO, Inc., El Paso, Texas facility on July 20, 1992. (Considered to be Confidential Business Information) II-B-5 Memorandum and attachment, M. Bahner, Research Triangle Institute, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, February 15, 1993, Site visit report for trip to Cyprus Miami Mining Corporation, Claypool, Arizona, facility on April 29, 1992 (attached are diagrams showing gas flow rate before and after completion of IsaSmelt Modifications). II-B-6 Memorandum and attachments, M. Bahner, Research Triangle Institute, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, February 16, 1993, Site visit report for trip to Magma Copper Company, San Manuel, Arizona, facility on May 1, 1992 (attached are SIP Emission Regulations and three page computer printout of plant sulfur dioxide emissions). II-B-7 Memorandum and attachment, M. Bahner, Research Triangle Institute, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, February 18, 1993, Site visit report for trip to ASARCO Incorporated, Ray Complex facility in Hayden, Arizona, on April 30, 1992 (attached is a plant process flow diagram). II-B-8 Memorandum and attachments, M. Bahner, Research Triangle Institute, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, March 30, 1993, Site visit report for trip to Copper Range Company, White Pine, Michigan, facility on July 29, 1992 (attached are handouts on plant history and plant flow diagrams and incoming concentrate impurities). II-B-9 Memorandum and attachment, M. Bahner, Research Triangle Institute, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, June 29, 1993, Site visit report for trip to ASARCO Incorporated, El Paso, Texas, facility on July 20, 1992 (attached selected materials from ASARCO CONTOP brochure). II-B-10 Memorandum and attachment, M. Bahner, Research Triangle Institute, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, July 15, 1993, Site visit report for trip to Phelps Dodge Corporation, Chino Mines Company facility in Hurley, New Mexico, on July 21, 1992 (attached is a process flow diagram). II-B-11 Memorandum and attachment, M. Bahner, Research Triangle Institute, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, July 15, 1993, Site visit report for trip to Phelps Dodge Corporation, Hidalgo Smelter in Playas, New Mexico, on July 22, 1992. II-B-12 Memorandum and attachment, M. Bahner, Research Triangle Institute, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, September 17, 1993, Site visit report for trip to Cyprus Miami Mining Corporation smelter in Miami, Arizona, on December 8 9, 1992, to observe particulate emissions testing (attached is a copy of the converter schedule for ASARCO-Hayden Plant given to Cyprus Miami Mining Corporation by Research Triangle Institute). II-B-13 Memorandum, E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, to file, October 13, 1994, Site visit report for trip to Phelps Dodge Corporation's facilities in Hildago and Hurley, New Mexico and to ASARCO, Incorporated's facility in El Paso, Texas on September 26 through 28, 1994. II-B-14 Memorandum, E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, to P. Peterson, Research Triangle Institute, July 19, 1995, enclosing summary table on draft to blowing ratios for primary hoods. II-B-15 Memorandum, E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, to file, October 20, 1997, Site visit report for trip to tour the modernized primary copper smelter operated by Kennecott Utah Copper Company in Garfield Utah on September 16 and 17, 1996. II-B-16 Memorandum, E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, to Linda Chappell, EPA, September 19, 1997. Enclosing information for development of costs of proposed primary copper smelter standard. II-B-17 Memorandum and attachment, E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, to Primary Copper Smelter Docket (A-96-22), January 14, 1998, Major source status of the Kennecott Copper, Inc. Utah Smelter. Docket No. A-96-22 Primary Copper Smelter NESHAP Category II Items Considered in Developing Proposal Subcategory II-C EPA Correspondence to Outside Persons Document No. Description II-C-1 Letter and attachments, B. Jordan, EPA:ESD, to K. Morano, ASARCO, Incorporated, April 10, 1992, confirming site visit to ASARCO facility in Hayden, Arizona, on April 30, 1992. Identical letters were sent to attached list of addressees. II-C-2 Letter and attachments, J. Crowder, EPA:ESD, to L. Pruett, Phelps Dodge Corporation, July 1, 1992, confirming site visit to Phelps Dodge copper smelter in Playas, New Mexico, on July 22, 1992. (For enclosures see II-C-1). II-C-3 Letter and attachments, J. Crowder, EPA:ESD, to D.P. Milovich, Chino Mines Company, July 1, 1992, confirming site visit to Chino Mines Company copper smelter in Hurley, New Mexico, on July 21, 1992. (For enclosures see II-C-1). II-C-4 Letter and attachments, J. Crowder, EPA:ESD, to R. Mitten, Copper Range Company, July 1, 1992, confirming site visit to Copper Range Company copper smelter, on June 29, 1992. (For enclosures see II-C-1). II-C-5 Letter and attachment, J. Crowder, EPA:ESD, to E. Riege, ASARCO Incorporated, August 17, 1992, enclosing a draft trip report based on information obtained during site visit to the ASARCO, Incorporated facility in Hayden, Arizona, on April 30, 1992. (for final trip report see II-B-7) II-C-6 Letter and attachment, J. Crowder, EPA:ESD, to J. May, Magma Copper Company, August 17, 1992, enclosing a draft trip report based on information obtained during site visit to Magma Copper Company facility in San Manuel, Arizona, on May 1, 1992. (for final trip report see II-B-6) (For Enclosure 2 see II-C-5). II-C-7 Letter and attachment, J. Crowder, EPA:ESD, to W. Leipold, Cyprus Miami Mining Corporation, August 17, 1992, enclosing a draft trip report based on information obtained during site visit to Cyprus Miami Mining Corporation facility in Claypool, Arizona, on April 29, 1992. (for final trip report see II-B-5) (For Enclosure 2 see II-C-5). II-C-8 Letter and attachment, J. Crowder, EPA:ESD, to T. Oliver, Chino Mines Company, December 4, 1992, enclosing a draft trip report based on information obtained during site visit to Phelps Dodge Corporation smelter in Hurley, New Mexico, on July 21, 1992. (for final trip report see II-B-10) (For Enclosure 2 see II-C-5). II-C-9 Letter and attachment, J. Crowder, EPA:ESD, to C. Viecelli, Phelps Dodge Corporation, December 4, 1992, enclosing a draft trip report based on information obtained during site visit to Phelps Dodge Corporation Hidalgo Smelter near Playas, New Mexico, on July 22, 1992. (for final trip report see II-B-11) (For Enclosure 2 see II-C-5). II-C-10 Letter and attachment, J.Crowder, EPA:ESD, to J. Rice, ASARCO, Incorporated, December 4, 1992, enclosing a draft trip report based on information obtained during site visit to ASARCO, Incorporated copper smelter in El Paso, Texas, on July 20, 1992. (for final trip report see II-B-9) (For Enclosure 2 see II-C-5). II-C-11 Letter and attachment, J. Crowder, EPA:ESD, to C. Emmons, Kennecott Corporation, December 4, 1992, enclosing a draft trip report based on information obtained during site visit to Kennecott Utah Copper smelter near Magna, Utah, on July 17, 1992. (for final trip report see II-B-2) (For Enclosure 2 see II-C-5). II-C-12 Letter and attachments, J. Crowder, EPA:ESD, to R. Mitten, Copper Range Company, December 4, 1992, enclosing a draft trip report based on information obtained during site visit to the Copper Range Company smelter in White Pine, Michigan on July 29, 1992. II-C-13 Letter and attachment, J. Crowder, EPA:ESD, to W. Leipold, Cyprus Miami Mining Corporation, February 1, 1993, enclosing a draft trip report based on information obtained during site visit to Cyprus Miami Copper Smelter in Claypool, Arizona, in December 1992. (For Enclosure 2 see II-C-5) II-C-14 Letter, J. Crowder, EPA:ESD, to T. Martin, ASARCO, Incorporated, April 2, 1993, enclosing final versions of the trip report for the July 20, 1992 visit to the ASARCO, Incorporated copper smelter in El Paso, Texas (Enclosure 1 considered to be Confidential Business Information) (for final trip report see II-B-4). II-C-15 Letter and attachments, J. Crowder, EPA:ESD, to E. Riege, ASARCO, Incorporated, June 7, 1993, enclosing request for additional data for developing national emission standards. II-C-16 Letter and attachments, B. Jordan, EPA:ESD, to J. May, Magma Copper Company, June 7, 1993, enclosing request for additional data for developing national emission standards. (For enclosures 2-5 see II-C-15). II-C-17 Letter and attachments, B. Jordan, EPA:ESD, to N. Gambell, ASARCO, Incorporated, June 7, 1993, enclosing request for additional data for developing national emission standards. (For enclosures 2-5 see II-C-15). II-C-18 Letter and attachments, B. Jordan, EPA:ESD, to W. Leipold, Cyprus Miami Mining Corporation, June 7, 1993, enclosing request for additional data for developing national emission standards. (For enclosures 2-5 see II-C-15). II-C- 19 Letter and attachments, B. Jordan, EPA:ESD, to T. Martin, ASARCO, Incorporated, July 16, 1993, enclosing request for additional data for developing national emission standards. (For enclosures 2-5 see II-C-15). II-C-20 Letter and attachments, B. Jordan, EPA:ESD, to L. Pruett, Phelps Dodge Corporation, July 16, 1993, enclosing request for additional data for developing national emission standards. (For enclosures 2-5 see II-C-15). II-C-21 Letter and attachments, B. Jordan, EPA:ESD, to P. Chiaro, Kennecott Corporation, July 16, 1993, enclosing request for additional data for developing national emission standards. (For enclosures 2-5 see II-C-15). II-C-22 Letter and attachments, B. Jordan, EPA:ESD, R. Mitten, Copper Range Company, July 16, 1993, enclosing request for additional data needed for developing national emission standards. (For enclosures 2-5 see II-C-15). II-C-23 Letter and attachment, E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, to C. Viecelli, Phelps Dodge, Hidalgo, E. Humphrey, Phelps Dodge, Chino Mines, W. Leipold, Cyprus Miami, Claypool, T. Martin, ASARCO, El Paso, J. May, Magma Metals, San Manuel, and N. Gambell, ASARCO, Hayden, November 28, 1994, enclosing a graph showing the ranking of the infiltration ratio for the Primary Hood collection systems for 22 smelters world wide. II-C-24 Letter and attachment, E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, February 13, 1995, enclosing report based on information collection requests. II-C-25 Letter and attachment, E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, to J. May, Magma Metal Company, August 30, 1995, enclosing a list of potential options for a MACT standards for both existing and new source primary copper smelters. II-C-26 Letter and attachment, E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, to T. Martin, ASARCO, Inc., August 30, 1995, enclosing a list of potential options for a MACT standard for both existing and new source primary copper smelters. II-C-27 Memorandum, M. Goo, attorney, through M. Winer, EPA:ARD, to A. Verveart and E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, March 12, 1996, enclosing information regarding whether a site specific optimization approach to controlling fugitive emissions is legally consistent with MACT standards. II-C-28 Letter and attachments, E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, to M. Traubert, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, April 9, 1996, enclosing scope of work for the 105 grant activity to assist the US EPA in the development of MACT standards for primary copper smelters. II-C-29 Letter and attachments, A. Vervaert, EPA:ESD, to L. Salmon, Kennecott, September 4, 1996, confirming visit to Kennecott, Utah Copper facility located in Garfield, Utah on September 17, 1996. II-C-30 Letter, B. Jordan, EPA:ESD, to N. Wrona, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ), January 16, 1997, response to November 7, 1996 letter which proposed permission for the ADEQ be allowed to develop a case-by-case MACT type standard for the three primary copper smelters located in Arizona. II-C-31 Letter, B. Jordan, EPA:ESD, to C. Viecelli, Phelps Dodge Corporation - Hidalgo Smelter, March 26, 1997, follow up to telephone conversation of March 25, 1997, in which dates were discussed for testing at the Phelps Dodge Corporation Hidalgo Smelter facility located in Playas, New Mexico. II-C-32 Letter, B. Jordan, EPA:ESD, to J. Humphrey, Phelps Dodge Corporation - Chino Mines Company, March 26, 1997, follow up telephone conversation of March 25, 1997, in which dates were discussed for testing at the Phelps Dodge Corporation Hurley Smelter facility located in Hurley, New Mexico on April 3 and 4, 1997. II-C-33 Letter, B. Jordan, EPA:ESD, to N. Gambell, ASARCO, Inc., April 10, 1997, discussing EPA plans to visit the ASARCO, Inc. facility located in Hayden, Arizona on April 30 and May 1, 1997 to conduct EPA Method 9 visible emissions observations of fugitive emissions from the smelter converter building. II-C-34 Letter, B. Jordan, EPA:ESD, to K. Watkins, Cyprus Miami Mining Corporation, April 10, 1997, discussing plans to visit the Cyprus Miami Mining Corporation facility located in Claypool, Arizona on April 28 and 29, 1997, to conduct EPA Method 9 visible emissions observations of fugitive emissions from the smelter converter. II-C-35 Letter, B. Jordan, EPA:ESD, to J. May, BHP Copper Company, April 10, 1997, discussing plans to visit the BHP Copper Company facility located in San Manuel, Arizona on May 2 and 3, 1997, to conduct EPA Method 9 visible emissions observations of fugitive emissions from the smelter converter. Docket No. A-96-22 Primary Copper Smelter NESHAP Category II Items Considered in Developing Proposal Subcategory II-D EPA Correspondence From Outside Persons Document No. Description II-D-1 Letter and attachment, W. Leipold, Cyprus Miami Mining Corporation, to B. Jordan, EPA:ESD, November 13, 1992, enclosing a copy of the test protocol for the compliance test and agreeing to allow an EPA representative to be present during testing. II-D-2 2 Letter, R. Mitten, Copper Range Company, to J. Crowder, EPA:OAQPS, January 11, 1993, enclosing comments on site visit trip report to Copper Range Company facility in White Pine, Michigan on July 29, 1992. II-D-3 Letter and attachment, W. Leipold, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, February 4, 1993, enclosing tables pertaining to monthly tract metal emission testing that cover the period August through November 1992. II-D-4 Letter and attachment, Magma Copper, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, July 29, 1993, ICR response for Magma Copper, San Manuel, Arizona. (Considered to be Confidential Business Information) II-D-5 Letter and attachment, Cyprus Miami Mining, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, August 3, 1993, ICR response for Cyprus Miami Mining, Claypool, Arizona. (Considered to be Confidential Business Information) II-D-6 Letter and attachment, ASARCO, Inc., to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, September 2, 1993, ICR response for ASARCO, Inc., New York, New York. (Considered to be Confidential Business Information) II-D-7 Letter and attachment, letter not attached, Phelps Dodge Corporation, to B. Jordan, EPA:ESD, September 7, 1993, ICR response for Phelps Dodge Hidalgo Smelter, Playas, New Mexico. II-D-8 Letter and attachment, W. Brack, Chino Mines Company, to B. Jordan, EPA:ESD, September 8, 1993, ICR response for Chino Mines Hurley Smelter plant. II-D-9 Letter and attachment, Phelps Dodge Mining, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, September 16, 1993, ICR response for Phelps Dodge Mining, Hurley, New Mexico. (Considered to be Confidential Business Information) II-D-10 Letter and attachment, Kennecott-Garfield, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, October 26, 1993, ICR response for Kennecott-Garfield, Bingham Canyon, Utah. (Considered to be Confidential Business Information) II-D-11 Letter, D. Spotts, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, January 14, 1994, discussion concerning increasing mercury contamination in Lake Superior from copper smelters. II-D-12 Letter, J. May, Magma Copper Company, San Manuel Operations, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, March 28, 1994, comments on Draft Summary Report of Information Gathering for Primary Copper Smelters. II-D-13 Letter, J. Gilchrist, American Mining Congress, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, April 8, 1994, comments on Draft Summary Report of Information Gathering for Primary Copper Smelters. II-D-14 Letter and attachment, W. Leipold, Cyprus Miami Mining, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, April 8, 1994, comments on Draft Summary Report of Information Gathering for Primary Copper Smelters and enclosing a corrected Table 7. II-D-15 Letter and attachment, J. Richardson, ASARCO Incorporated, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, April 13, 1994, enclosing comments on Draft Summary Report of Information Gathering for Primary Copper Smelters. II-D-16 Letter and attachment, L. Pruett, Phelps Dodge Corporation, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, April 14, 1994, enclosing comments on Draft Summary Report of Information Gathering for Primary Copper Smelters. II-D-17 Letter and attachment, F. Fox, Kennecott Utah Copper, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, April 15, 1994, enclosing comments on Draft Summary Report of Information Gathering for Primary Copper Smelters. II-D-18 Letter and attachment, T. Martin, ASARCO Incorporated, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, April 15, 1994, enclosing comments on Draft Summary Report of Information Gathering for Primary Copper Smelters. II-D-19 Facsimile, D. Zigich, NMED, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, November 29, 1994, enclosing Air Quality Control Regulation 506 - Nonferrous Smelters - Particulate Matter. II-D-20 Letter, N. Gambell, ASARCO, Incorporated, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, November 30, 1994, enclosing computer printouts of half hour data for convertor blast air flow and acid plant gas flow. II-D-21 Letter and attachment, T. Martin, ASARCO, Incorporated, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, December 1, 1994, enclosing corrected table entitled "ASARCO-EL PASO PLANT, ConTop Emissions - HAP-Emitting Sources Only. II-D-22 Letter, C. Viecelli, Phelps Dodge Mining Corporation, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, December 13, 1994, enclosing data used to calculate the infiltration ratio for the converter primary hood collection system at the Hidalgo smelter. II-D-23 Facsimile and attachment, W. Leipold, Cyprus Miami Mining Corporation, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, December 14, 1994, enclosing ratio of off gas to blowing air in converters data. II-D-24 Letter and attachment, F. Fox, ASARCO Incorporated, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, December 20, 1994, enclosing comments on A Reassessment of HAP Emissions from Primary Cooper Smelters in Response to Comments from the Industry. II-D-25 Letter, N. Gambell, ASARCO, Incorporated, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, December 21, 1994, comments on A Reassessment of HAP Emissions from Primary Cooper Smelters in Response to Comments from the Industry. II-D-26 Facsimile, J. Humphrey, Chino Mines Company, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, January 11, 1995, enclosing the Chino Smelter converter dilution ratio. II-D-27 Letter, N. Gambell, ASARCO, Incorporated, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, February 21, 1995, enclosing comments on the RTI report. II-D-28 Letter and attachment, L. Salmon, Kennecott, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, March 15, 1995 enclosing revisions to RTI's Draft Summary Report of Information Gathering for Primary Copper Smelters. II-D-29 Facsimile, W. Leipold, Cyprus Miami Mining Corporation, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, March 20, 1995, enclosing comments on Research Triangle Institute Report. II-D-30 Facsimile, J. May, Magma Copper Company, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, April 11, 1995, enclosing comments on Draft Summary Report of Information Gathering fro Primary Copper Smelters. II-D-31 Letter, J. May, Magma Copper Company, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, April 18, 1995, enclosing DRAFT Converter Building Fugitive Sampling Protocol. II-D-32 Letter and attachments, C. Viecelli, Phelps Dodge Mining Company, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, April 18, 1995, enclosing Primary Copper MACT Background Document, and tables and flow charts from the RTI Report for Primary Copper Smelters updated for the Hidalgo smelter. II-D-33 Letter and attachment, L. Salmon, Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, April 25, 1995, enclosing revised flow diagram for the Kennecott Utah Copper Modernized Smelter (revision date December 1, 1993). II-D-34 Letter, W. Leipold, Cyprus Miami Mining, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, June 29, 1995, enclosing comments on the June 7, 1995 Draft Summary Report. II-D-35 Facsimile, B. Wichers, Magma Metals Company, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, July 3, 1995, enclosing comments on the RTI document. II-D-36 Letter, T. Martin, ASARCO, Incorporated, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, July 3, 1995, enclosing comments on the May, 1995, Draft summary Report on Primary Copper Smelters, National Emission Standards of Hazardous Air Pollutants. II-D-37 Letter and attachment, B. Wichers, Magma Metals Company, E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, July 17, 1995, enclosing a marked-up copy of the draft document entitled, "Estimating Fugitive HAPs Emission from Converter Aisles." II-D-38 Letter, L. Salmon, Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation, to E. Crumple, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, July 17, 1995, comments on the draft document entitled, "Estimating Fugitive HAPs Emission from Converter Aisles." II-D-39 Letter, N. Gambell, ASARCO Incorporated, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, July 18, 1995, comments on the draft document entitled, "Estimating Fugitive HAPs Emission from Converter Aisles." II-D-40 Letter and attachment, S. Burr, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, July 24, 1995, enclosing comments on the draft document entitled, "Estimating Fugitive HAPs Emission from Converter Aisles." II-D-41 Letter, C. West, Phelps Dodge Corporation, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, July 31, 1995, final comments on the Industry Survey. II-D-42 Letter and attachment, B. Wichers, Magma Metals Company, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, August 2, 1995, enclosing report entitled, "Additional Information Regarding HAPs Emissions." II-D-43 Facsimile, D. Zigich, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, August 10, 1995, enclosing comments on the options list for the Primary Copper Smelter MACT. II-D-44 Letter, C. West Phelps Dodge Corporation, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, August 18, 1995, comments on the draft document entitled, "Estimating Fugitive HAPs Emission from Converter Aisles." II-D-45 Facsimile, M. Traubert, ADEQ-Phoenix, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, August 25, 1995, enclosing Arizona Administrative Code. II-D-46 Facsimile, M. Traubert, ADEQ-Phoenix, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, August 28, 1995, enclosing Arizona Administrative Code. II-D-47 Facsimile, T. Martin, ASARCO Incorporated, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, September 13, 1995, enclosing pages showing updated data on the amount of dust from the baghouse and the ventilation volumes. II-D-48 Letter, N. Gambell, Arizona Mining Association, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, October 19, 1995, enclosing comments on report entitled, "Candidate NESHAP Regulatory Options for Control of Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions from Primary Copper Smelter Converter Operations". II-D-49 Letter and attachment, N. Gambell, ASARCO Incorporated, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, November 27, 1995, enclosing report entitled, "Results of a Fugitive Particulate Emission Study at ASARCO Hyden Smelter," dated November 1995, prepared by TRC North American Weather Consultants. II-D-50 Facsimile, T. Martin, ASARCO, Incorporated, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, December 4, 1995, enclosing information on the converter building baghouse stack tests. II-D-51 Letter and attachments, T. Martin, ASARCO, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, December 6, 1995, enclosing two current Texas Natural Conservation Commission (TNRCC) air permits for the El Paso Plant. II-D-52 Letter and attachments, W. Leipold, Cyprus Miami Mining Corporation, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, December 8, 1995, enclosing results of Cyprus Miami Mining Corporation's attempt to investigate roof emissions. II-D-53 Facsimile, J. May, Magma Copper Company, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, January 24, 1996, enclosing information for average grain loading for dryer, flash and converter. II-D-54 Letter and attachments, N. Gambell, ASARCO, Incorporated, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, March 25, 1996, enclosing comments on MACT Floor Determination for Facilities other than Converters Ventilation System Regulation Options. II-D-55 Letter and attachment, Phelps Dodge Corp., to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, March 25, 1996, enclosing emission data at Chino and Hidalgo Smelters, Phelps Dodge Corp., Phoenix, Arizona. (Considered to be Confidential Business Information) II-D-56 Letter and attachment, N. Gambell, ASARCO, Incorporated, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, March 26, 1996, enclosing report entitled, "A Population-Based Case-Control Study of Lung Cancer Mortality in Gila Basin Smelter Towns," dated December 20, 1995, prepared for Arizona Department of Health Services, prepared by University of Pittsburgh, Graduate School of Public Health, Department of Biostatistics and University of Arizona, Disease Prevention Center. II-D-57 Facsimile, W. Leipold, Cyprus Miami Mining, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, April 18, 1996, enclosing operations and emission type information. II-D-58 Letter and attachments, J. May, Magma Copper Company, San Manuel Operations, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, April 22, 1996, response to "action items 5 through 10" from March 25, 1996, Primary Copper Smelter MACT meeting (For final meeting minutes, see II-E-6). II-D-59 Letter and attachment, A. Porter, Lewis and Roca, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, May 17, 1996, enclosing comments on EPA's Straw Man Copper MACT Standards. II-D-60 Letter and attachment, Phelps Dodge to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, June 18, 1996, enclosing Hidalgo monthly submittal, Phelps Dodge Corp., Playas, New Mexico. (Considered to be Confidential Business Information) II-D-61 Letter, N. Wrona, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, to B. Jordan, EPA:OAQPS:ESD, November 7, 1996, seeking EPA's concurrence in the floor determination and procedure for development of MACT standard. II-D-62 Letter, N. Gambell, ASARCO, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG , January 13, 1997, enclosing revised "Table 4A. Plant Input Impurities". II-D-63 Facsimile, Danan, New Mexico Environmental Department, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, February 10, 1997, enclosing grain loading values for the Hidalgo and Hurley Phelps Dodge Copper Smelters. II-D-64 Letter and attachments, A. Ross, Phelps Dodge, to US EPA, OAQPS, March 31, 1997, requesting information gathered during inspection of Phelps Dodge Hidalgo Smelter in Playas, New Mexico no March 31, 1997 be subject to the confidentiality of business information provisions of 40 CFR 2.201. II-D-65 Letter, N. Wrona, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, to B. Jordan, EPA:OAQPS:ESD, April 4, 1997, announcing the development of a protocol for gathering emissions data to allow the EPA to establish MACT for primary copper smelters. II-D-66 Phelps Dodge Hidalgo, Inc. to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, April 22, 1997, enclosing monthly computations dated March 7, 1997 from Phelps Dodge Hidalgo, Inc., Playas, New Mexico. (Considered to be Confidential Business Information) II-D-67 Facsimile, J. May, BHP Copper Metals, to E. Crumpler c/o Ed Reige, ASARCO Hayden, April 30, 1997, enclosing detailed description of the converter aisle operation and operational parameters for monitoring HAPs capture efficiency. II-D-68 Letter, W. Leipold, Cyprus Miami Mining, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, May 5, 1997, enclosing comments on the proposal draft of the copper MACT standard. II-D-69 Letter and attachment, N. Gambell, ASARCO, Inc., to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, May 7, 1997, enclosing copies of the Converter Initial/Final Status Sheet and Test Log from Asarco Hayden smelter converter building. II-D-70 Letter, N. Gambell, ASARCO, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, May 8, 1997, enclosing the summary pages of a November, 1992 EEMC Report and the summary page of an October 1996, EEMC Report. II-D-71 Letter, W. Leipold, Cyprus Miami Mining, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, May 16, 1997, enclosing tabulation of the total particulate grain loadings from testing performed on the vent fume stack from August 1992 through December 1996. II-D-72 Letter and attachment, J. May, BHP, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, May 20, 1997, enclosing comments on the April 24, 1997 Draft "Subpart QQQ - National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants from Primary Copper Smelters". II-D-73 Facsimile, S. Burr, Lewis and Roca, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, June 2, 1997, enclosing comments on EPA's April 24, 1997 draft MACT standard for primary copper smelters on behalf of the Arizona Mining Association. II-D-74 Letter, E. Groten, Brown McCarroll & Oaks Hartline, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, June 11, 1997, enclosing suggested changes to the April 24, 1997 draft rules. II-D-75 Letter and attachment, W. Brack, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, June 11, 1997, enclosing particulate emission data for concentrate dryer baghouse outlet emissions and secondary hood baghouse outlet emissions. II-D-76 Letter and attachment, M. Parra, Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, June 16, 1997, enclosing emissions measurements from the ASARCO converter building located in El Paso, Texas. II-D-77 Letter, R. Godbole, Phelps Dodge Corporation, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, June 17, 1997, enclosing comments on the preliminary draft Copper Smelter MACT standard. II-D-78 Facsimile and attachment, N. Airhart, Phelps Dodge Hidalgo Inc., June 26, 1997, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, enclosing baghouse specifications for converter and flash furnace off gas baghouses. II-D-79 Facsimile and attachment, J. May, BHP, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, July 25, 1997, enclosing comments on the July 23, 1997 working draft of the primary copper smelter MACT standard. II-D-80 Facsimile, W. Leipold, Cyprus Miami Mining Corporation, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, August 5, 1997, enclosing comments on the proposed draft MACT rule for copper smelters. II-D-81 Facsimile, R. Godbole, Phelps Dodge Corporation, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, August 8, 1997, enclosing comments on the draft MACT standard. II-D-82 Facsimile, S. Burr, Lewis and Roca, to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, August 12, 1997, enclosing comments of ASARCO, Inc. addressing the July 23, 1997, Draft MACT Standard for primary copper smelters. II-D-83 Letter and attachment, E. Riege, ASARCO, Inc. to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, August 25, 1997, enclosing the following documents: EEMC, ESCV & Baghouse Particulate/SO2 Emissions Test Report; EEMC, R&R Cottrell & Acid Plant #2 Particulate, Metals, & SO3 Emission Compliance Report; and EEMC, Converter Secondary Hood Baghouse Emission Test Report. II-D-84 Letter and attachment, T. Martin, ASARCO, Inc., to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, August 26, 1997, enclosing backup documentation for the performance stack-tests for Converter Building Ventilation and Concrete Dryer Baghouse. II-D-85 Letter and attachment, J. Roose, Phelps Dodge Hidalgo, Inc., to E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, August 28, 1997, enclosing test data for converter baghouse outlet and dryer precipitator outlet. Docket No. A-95-42 Primary Copper Smelter NESHAP Category II Items Considered in Developing Proposal Subcategory II-E EPA Memoranda of Meetings and Telephone Conversions With Outside Persons Document No. Description II-E-1 Telephone Contact Summary, J. Portzer, Research Triangle Institute, with J. May, Magma Copper Company, December 8, 1992, Casual conversation (during break at 18th Annual AWMA/EPA Information Exchange at EPA:ERC in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina) concerning what was going on at Magma Copper Company. II-E-2 Memorandum, E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, to file, March 2, 1995, minutes for February 9, 1995, Primary Copper Smetlers MACT meeting (Attached are the meeting agenda and a list of attendees). II-E-3 Memorandum, E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, to file, June 1995, minutes for June 20, 1995, meeting with Primary Copper Smelters in San Antonio, Texas. II-E-4 Memorandum, E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, to Attendees, January 23, 1996, minutes for November 28, 1995, meeting with Primary Copper Smelters. Enclosing reports entitled "Estimating fugitive HAP emissions from converter aisles" and "Arizona mining association proposed copper MACT standard". II-E-5 Telephone Contact Summary, E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, with A. Clause, Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commissions, March 8, 1996, to discuss that the ASARCO-El Paso smelter has a provision in their state permit that states that there be no visible emissions from the converter building. II-E- 6 Memorandum and attachments, E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, to Attendees, April 3, 1996, minutes for March 25, 1996, Primary Copper Smelter MACT meeting (Attached are meeting agenda, list of attendees, EPA's response (OECA and OGC) to the Arizona Mining Association Proposal, outline of visible emission approach, draft visible emission standards, testing protocol for smelter visible emissions, and Arizona Mining Associations' comments on MACT floor determination for facilities other than converters and candidate ventilation system regulatory options). II-E-7 Memorandum, E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, to file, February, 12, 1997, telephone conversation with Rusty Ruby, Utah DEQ II-E-8 Memorandum, E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, to file, July 28, 1997, telecom with Jerry Roose, Phelps Dodge, Hidalgo Smelter. II-E-9 Memorandum, E. Crumpler, EPA:OAQPS:ESD:MG, to Meeting Attendees, August 18, 1997, enclosing minutes of Primary Copper MACT Meeting on July 24, 1997. II-E-10 Telephone Contact Summary, J. Domanico, Research Triangle Institute, with D. Edelstein, U.S. Geological Survey, to outline smelter capacities from facilities. Docket No. A-95-42 Primary Copper Smelter NESHAP Category II Items Considered in Developing Proposal Subcategory II-I References Not Readily Available to the Public Elsewhere Document No. Description II-I-1 Emissions Test Report, Primary Copper Smelter Converter Aisle Fugitive Emissions, Phelps Dodge, Hildago, New Mexico, undated. II-I-2 Emissions Test Report, Primary Copper Smelter Aisle Fugitive Emissions, Phelps Dodge, Hurley, New Mexico, undated. II-I-3 Emission Test Report, Primary Copper Smelter Converter Aisle Fugitive Emissions, Cyprus-Miami, Mining, Arizona, undated. II-I-4 Emissions Test Report, Primary Copper Smelter Converter Aisle Fugitive Emissions, BHP Copper, San Manuel, Arizona, undated. II-I-5 Emissions Test Report, Primary Copper Smelter Converter Aisle Fugitive Emission Arizona, ASARCO, Inc., Hayden, Arizona, undated. II-I-6 Report, Summary of Control Device Performances at Primary Copper Smelters, undated. II-I-7 Report, Inspiration Consolidated Copper Company Mass Emission Testing Supplement, April, 1987. II-I-8 Report, Particulate and Metals Emission Testing at Copper Range Company in White Pine, Michigan, August 15, 1990. Prepared by The Almega Corporation. II-I-9 Report, Gas Flow Monitor Certifications, Volume 2, ASARCO, Inc., Hayden, Arizona, prepared by Energy and Environment Measurement Corporation, October 27 - November 2, 1992. II-I-10 Report, Particulate, Metals and SO3 Emission Compliance Report, prepared by Energy and Environmental Measurement Corporation, November 3 - November 11, 1992. II-I-11 Report, Smelter Fugitive Emission Field Survey for Phelps Dodge Mining Company, Chino Smelter, performed by Goodfellow Consultants Texas, Incorporated, November 15, 1995. II-I-12 Report, Smelter Fugitive Emission Field Survey for Phelps Dodge Mining Company, Chino Smelter, performed by Goodfellow Consultants Texas, Incorporated, January 4, 1996. II-I-13 Final Report, Fugitive SO2 Emission Study, ASARCO Ray Complex, Hayden, Arizona, prepared by TRC North American Weather Consultants, March 1, 1996. II-I-14 Report, Converter Secondary Hood Baghouse, Emission Test Report Particulate Emissions, ASARCO, Ray Complex, Hayden, Arizona, prepared by Energy and Environmental Measurement Corporation, October 1, 1996. II-I-15 Letter and attachments, T. Erskine, ASARCO, Inc. to N. Wrona, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, March 18, 1997, enclosing notice of the replacement of process and pollution control equipment with new and improved process and pollution control equipment at ASARCO, Inc. Hayden Smelter facility. II-I-16 Revised Final Report, Acid Plant and Vent Fume Stacks Particulate, Acid Mist, and Lead Compliance Test Report, Cyprus Miami Mining Corp., Claypool, Arizona, prepared by Secor International Incorporated, April 1997 II-I-17 Test Report, Particulate Loading Measurements, EPA Method 5 vs Emission Test Method 29, BHP Copper, San Manuel, Arizona, prepared by Petro Chem Environmental Services, Inc., April 25, 1997. II-I-18 Test Report, Source Test Report - Volume 1, BHP Copper, San Manuel, Arizona, prepared by Petro Chem Environmental Services, Inc., April 25, 1997. II-I-19 Test Report, Source Test Report - Volume 2, BHP Copper, San Manuel, Arizona, prepared by Petro Chem Environmental Services, Inc., April 25, 1997. II-I-20 Report, Summary of Results for Batch Copper Converter Visible Emissions Analysis from April-May 1997 EPA Smelter Opacity Observations, July 22, 1997. II-I-21 Text, BHP U.S. Operations, undated. II-I-22 Text, Copper in the USA: Bright Future - Glorious Past, undated. II-I-23 Article, Copper, D. L. Edelstein, 1995 Minerals Yearbook, undated. II-I-24 Text, Encyclopedia of American Industries, Volume 1: Manufacturing Industries, Kevin Hillstrom, ed. Gale Research Inc., New York, 1994, pp. 737-741. II-I-25 Text, U.S. Industrial Outlook 1994, U.S. Department of Commerce, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1994, pp. 13-7 through 13-8. II-I- 26 Text, 1992 Census of Manufacturers, Industry Series, Smelting and Refining of Nonferrous Metals and Alloys, Industries 3331, 3334, 3339, 3341, U.S. Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of the Census, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., Table 1a, Historical Statistics for the Industry, 1992, p. 33C-7. II-I-27 Text, Copper, D. Edelstein, U.S. Geological Survey Annual Report, Reston, VA, Table 1, Salient Copper Statistics, April 1995. II-I-28 Text, Copper, Mineral Industry Surveys, 1994 Annual Review, D. Edelstein, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, Washington, D.C., November 1995, p. 6. II-I-29 Article, Copper: Prices likely to resume uptrend, Standard & Poor's Industry Surveys, Volume 2, M-Z, January 1996, p. M81-M86. II-I-30 Report, 1995 Annual Survey of Manufacturers, Statistics for Industry Groups and Industries, M95(AS)-1, prepared by U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, February, 1997. II-I-31 Report, 1995 Annual Survey of Manufactures, Value of Product Shipments, M95(AS)-2, prepared by U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, February, 1997, p. 2-23. II-I-32 Article, Copper in January 1997, Mineral Industry Surveys, D. Edelstein, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA, April 3, 1997. II-I-33 Text, Dun's Market Identifiers, Dun and Bradstreet, Online database, accessed through EPA's National Computation Center computer, FINDS system, October 1997. Docket No. A-95-42 Primary Copper Smelter NESHAP Category II Items Considered in Developing Proposal Subcategory II-J Miscellaneous Federal Register Notices Published During Proposal Development Document No. Description II-J-1