This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords: Warning: the citation search should be used and interpreted with great care. At present, the source for the citation list in the HEP database is only the preprints received by the SLAC Library, and not the (unpreprinted) journal articles. Citations of a paper during the months it was circulated as a preprint may also be lost, because only references to journal articles and e-print papers are indexed. Still, the citation index in HEP (SPIRES-SLAC) is formed from an impressive number of sources. For example, in 1994, the citation lists were collected from 10,000 preprints. Database: HEP (SPIRES-SLAC) Search Command: FIND C PHRVA,D37,784 Result: Phys. Rev. D37:784 was cited by the following 31 documents in HEP: 1) SCALAR THREE BODY DECAYS AND SIGNALS FOR NEW PHYSICS. By Rathin Adhikari (Mehta Research Inst.), Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya (ICTP, Trieste). MRI-PHY-8-94, (Received Aug 1994). 10pp. Published in Mod.Phys.Lett.A9:3741-3748,1994. e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9407358 References Keywords Abstract_and_Paper from SLAC postscript depository Link to Los Alamos server 2) DETECTING SLEPTONS AT HADRON COLLIDERS AND SUPERCOLLIDERS. By Howard Baer, Chih-hao Chen (Florida State U.), Frank Paige (SSCL & Brookhaven), Xerxes Tata (Hawaii U.). FSU-HEP-931104, Nov 1993. 18pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D49:3283-3290,1994. e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9311248 References Keywords Citation_Search Abstract_and_Paper from SLAC postscript depository Link to Los Alamos server 3) THE NEUTRALINO RELIC DENSITY IN MINIMAL N=1 SUPERGRAVITY. By Manuel Drees (DESY), Mihoko M. Nojiri (SLAC). DESY-92-101, Jul 1992. 63pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D47:376-408,1993. e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9207234 References Keywords Citation_Search Abstract_and_TeX_Source Link to Los Alamos server 4) PROCESS INDEPENDENT RADIATIVE CORRECTIONS IN THE MINIMAL SUPERSYMMETRIC STANDARD MODEL. By M. Drees (DESY), K. Hagiwara (Durham U. & KEK, Tsukuba), A. Yamada (Tokyo U., Komaba). KEK-TH-291, Jun 1991. 60pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D45:1725-1743,1992. References Keywords Citation_Search 5) RADIATIVE SYMMETRY BREAKING IN MINIMAL N=1 SUPERGRAVITY WITH LARGE YUKAWA COUPLINGS. By Manuel Drees (DESY), Mihoko M. Nojiri (KEK, Tsukuba). KEK-TH-290, Jun 1991. 41pp. Published in Nucl.Phys.B369:54-98,1992. References Keywords Citation_Search 6) CHARGINO - PHOTINO PRODUCTION IN P ANTI-P COLLISION FOR THE LEFT-RIGHT SUPERSYMMETRIC MODEL. By C.S. Kalman, H.N. Saif (Concordia U., Montreal). CUQ-EPP-76, Feb 1991. 31pp. References Keywords 7) A SUPERSTRING MODEL WITH R SYMMETRIES AND LOW B-L BREAKING. By B. Ananthanarayan (Bartol Research Inst.). BA-90-81, (Received Mar 1991). 37pp. Published in Int.J.Mod.Phys.A7:5085-5104,1992. References Keywords 8) AN INTRODUCTION TO SUPERSYMMETRY AND SUPERSYMMETRY PHENOMENOLOGY. By Xerxes Tata (Hawaii U.). UH-511-713-90, Dec 1990. 75pp. Lectures presented at Mt. Sorak Symp. on the Standard and Beyond, Mt. Sorak, Korea, Aug 1990. Published in Mt. Sorak Symposium 1990:304-378 (QCD161:S939:1990) References Keywords 9) HOW MODEL DEPENDENT ARE SPARTICLE MASS BOUNDS FROM LEP? By Manuel Drees (CERN), Xerxes Tata (Hawaii U.). UH-511-702-90, May 1990. 52pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D43:2971-2988,1991. References Keywords Citation_Search 10) SUPERSYMMETRIC CONTRIBUTION TO THE ELECTROWEAK RHO PARAMETER. By Manuel Drees (CERN), Kaoru Hagiwara (Durham U. & KEK, Tsukuba). CERN-TH-5649-90, Feb 1990. 51pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D42:1709-1725,1990. References Keywords Citation_Search 11) Z0 + JETS + (MISSING) P(T) EVENTS AS A SIGNAL FOR SUPERSYMMETRY AT THE TEVATRON COLLIDER. By Howard Baer (Florida State U.), Xerxes Tata (Hawaii U.), Jeffrey Woodside (Oklahoma State U.). UH-511-692-90, Feb 1990. 20pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D42:1450-1454,1990. References Keywords Citation_Search 12) CONSTRAINTS ON SUPERSYMMETRIC PARTICLES FROM THE LEP DATA ON Z0 DECAY PROPERTIES. By Howard Baer (Florida State U.), Manuel Drees (CERN), Xerxes Tata (Hawaii U.). FSU-HEP-891104-Rev., (Received Feb 1990). 26pp. Revised version. Published in Phys.Rev.D41:3414,1990. References Keywords Citation_Search 13) SIGNATURES FOR NEUTRALINOS AT THE Z0. By A. Bartl (Vienna U.), W. Majerotto, N. Oshimo (Vienna, OAW), S. Stippel (Vienna U.). HEPHY-PUB-526/89, Oct 1989. 18pp. Published in Z.Phys.C47:235-240,1990. References Keywords Citation_Search 14) SUMMARY OF THE SESSION ON SEARCH FOR NEW PARTICLES. By Alfred Bartl (Vienna U.), Xerxes Tata (Hawaii U.). UH-511-689-89, (Received Jan 1990). 25pp. Presented at 12th Warsaw Symp. on Elementary Particle Physics, Kazimierz, Poland, May 29 - Jun 3, 1989. References Conference_Info 15) THREE GENERATIONS: A PREDICTION FULFILLED. By Jorge L. Lopez, D.V. Nanopoulos (Texas A-M). CTP-TAMU-62/89, Oct 1989. 11pp. Published in Mod.Phys.Lett.A5:645,1990. References Keywords 16) DETECTING THE HIGGS BOSONS OF SUPERSYMMETRIC MODELS IN Z0 DECAYS. By R.Michael Barnett, Giorgio Gamberini (LBL, Berkeley). LBL-27456, Aug 1989. 11pp. Published in Phys.Lett.B241:541,1990. References Keywords Citation_Search 17) SIGNATURES OF CHARGINOS AND NEUTRALINOS IN Z0 DECAY. By Alfred Bartl (Vienna U.). UWThPh-1989-36, May 1989. 7pp. Contribution to 12th Warsaw Symp. on Elementary Particle Physics, Kazimierz, Poland, May 29 - Jun 2, 1989. Published in Warsaw Symp. 1989:399-405 (QCD161:W3:1989) References Keywords Conference_Info 18) SEARCHING FOR SUPERSYMMETRY AT COLLIDERS AND SUPERCOLLIDERS. By Xerxes Tata (Hawaii U.). UH-511-673-89, Mar 1989. 31pp. Invited talk given at Workshop on High Energy Physics Phenomenology, Bombay, India, Jan 2-15, 1989. Published in Bombay HEP Workshop 1989:93-122 (QCD161:W607:1989) References Keywords Conference_Info 19) THE NEUTRALINO MASS MATRIX IN THE MINIMAL SUPERSYMMETRIC MODEL. By A. Bartl (Vienna U.), H. Fraas (Wurzburg U.), W. Majerotto, N. Oshimo (Vienna, OAW). UWThPh-1989-13, Mar 1989. 40pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D40:1594,1989. References Keywords Citation_Search 20) HIGGS ASSOCIATED PRODUCTION IN E+ E- ANNIHILATION AT TRISTAN. By Manuel Drees (CERN), Ken-ichi Hikasa (KEK, Tsukuba). KEK-TH-222, Mar 1989. 26pp. PHYS. REV. D40 (1989) 47-53 AND TSUKUBA KEK - KEK-TH-222 (89,REC.APR.) 26p. References Keywords Citation_Search 21) DILEPTONS FROM CHARGINO AND STOP PRODUCTION AT THE TEVATRON. By H. Baer (Florida State U.), V. Barger (Wisconsin U., Madison), R.J.N. Phillips (Rutherford), X. Tata (Hawaii U.). MAD/PH/457, Dec 1988. 14pp. Published in Phys.Lett.B220:303,1989. References Keywords Citation_Search 22) NEUTRALINO PRODUCTION IN POLARIZED E+ E- COLLISIONS. By E.Kh. Khristova, N.P. Nedelcheva (Dubna, JINR). JINR-E2-88-607, Aug 1988. 14pp. Submitted to Nucl. Phys. B References Keywords 23) ELASTIC PRODUCTION OF SUPERSYMMETRIC PARTICLES AT E P COLLIDERS. By M. Drees, D. Zeppenfeld (Wisconsin U., Madison). MAD-PH-438, Aug 1988. 30pp. Contribution to Proc. of Snowmass Workshop, 1988 Summer Study of High Energy Physics in the 1990's, Snowmass, CO, Jun 27 - Jul 15, 1988. Published in Snowmass: DPF Summer Study 1988:267 (QCD161:D15:1988) References Keywords Conference_Info 24) A SUPERSYMMETRIC SOLUTION TO THE SOLAR NEUTRINO AND DARK MATTER PROBLEMS. By G.F. Giudice (Fermilab), E. Roulet (SISSA, Trieste). FERMILAB-PUB-88/129-T, Sep 1988. 14pp. Published in Phys.Lett.B219:309,1989. References Keywords Citation_Search 25) MAD-TH-88-11 - Cancelled: withdrawn by author, 9/88 References 26) CROSS-SECTIONS, RELIC ABUNDANCE AND DETECTION RATES FOR NEUTRALINO DARK MATTER. By Kim Griest (Chicago U., Astron. Astrophys. Ctr. & Fermilab). FERMILAB-PUB-88/74-A, Jun 1988. 53pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D38:2357,1988, ERRATUM-ibid.D39:3802,1989. References Keywords Citation_Search 27) SEARCHING FOR SUPERSYMMETRY AT E+ E- SUPERCOLLIDERS. By Howard Baer (Florida State U.), A. Bartl (Vienna U.), Debra Karatas (Argonne & Illinois Tech.), W. Majerotto (Vienna, OAW), Xerxes Tata (Wisconsin U., Madison). MAD/PH/422, May 1988. 94pp. Published in Int.J.Mod.Phys.A4:4111,1989. References Keywords Citation_Search 28) OPPORTUNITIES AND REQUIREMENTS FOR EXPERIMENTATION AT A VERY HIGH-ENERGY E+ E- COLLIDER. By Changrim Ahn, T. Barklow, D.L. Burke, A.R. Cooper, Claudio Dib, G.J. Feldman, T. Himel, Sachio Komamiya, Michael E. Peskin, A. Petersen, R. Van Kooten (SLAC), C. Baltay (Columbia U.), P. Burchat, Howard E. Haber (UC, Santa Cruz), J.F. Gunion (UC, Davis), B.W. Lynn (Stanford U., Phys. Dept.). SLAC-0329, May 1988. 224pp. References Keywords 29) TWO BODY RADIATIVE GLUINO DECAYS. By Ernest Ma, Gwo-Guang Wong (UC, Riverside). UCRHEP-T10, May 1988. 13pp. Published in Mod.Phys.Lett.A3:1561,1988. References Keywords Citation_Search 30) ON THE MODEL DEPENDENCE OF THE CHARGINO MASS BOUND FROM THE CERN COLLIDER DATA. By Howard Baer (Florida State U.), Kaoru Hagiwara (KEK, Tsukuba), Xerxes Tata (KEK, Tsukuba & Wisconsin U., Madison). MAD/PH/409, Feb 1988. 24pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D38:1485,1988, ERRATUM-ibid.D39:989,1989. References Keywords Citation_Search 31) HIGGS BOSONS IN SUPERSYMMETRIC MODELS. 3. DECAYS INTO NEUTRALINOS AND CHARGINOS. By John F. Gunion (UC, Davis), Howard E. Haber (UC, Santa Cruz). UCD-88-06, Feb 1988. 41pp. Published in Nucl.Phys.B307:445,1988. References Keywords Citation_Search Link to the main HEP (SPIRES-SLAC) page