National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Web Manual


     Hello and welcome to World Wind, a fully 3D interactive globe. For more information on World Wind's capabilities, please see the Features section.

     To get started, first you will need to get World Wind from the download section. When you download "World_Wind_1.3_Full.exe", go to the directory you saved it to and run it.

     To begin moving around try left-drag-clicking and moving the mouse. This pans around the Earth while keeping you at the same distance. You can also try single-left-clicking and letting go at any point on the Earth. World Wind will automatically move you to that spot. (You can use the arrow keys on your keyboard instead of a mouse)

     To rotate, try right-drag-clicking and moving the mouse. This will spin the perspective around. Please note, single-right-clicking does not work in this mode. (You can use the W, A, S, D keys on the keyboard instead of a mouse)

     To zoom in and out, use the mouse wheel to scroll up and down. If you don't have a mouse wheel, you can hold both left & right mouse buttons down at the same time, then move up or down on the mouse. (You can use the Insert and End keys on the keyboard instead of a mouse)

     That's all you need to get started! World Wind's advanced features can be accessed through the tool bar (the one that says File, View, Library, Help). Some of these options can be accessed through the key chart seen below.


World Wind Key Chart Picture DownloadWorld Wind Key Chart


World Wind is developed at NASA Ames Research Center by Chris Maxwell, Randy Kim, Tom Gaskins, Bruce Lam and project manager Patrick Hogan.
Curator: Randolph Kim
Responsible NASA Official: Patrick Hogan
Last Updated: 9/13/2004
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