;*************************************************************************** ;*************************************************************************** ; ; README for ; 2007-May-22 ; ; This is a complicated program with many subroutines that are mostly ; contained within this file. The end-user should proceed directly from ; this README section to the final program in this file, which is the one ; named . That program has an extensive header to ; explain its usage. It is not necessary for end-users to understand the ; the details of the various subroutines in order to run ; . (To find the program quickly, search for the ; following word: wrapperstartshere .) ; ; DEM estimation is a tricky business. This solver represents one ; algorithmic approach, and the default XRT temperature responses must ; necessarily make some assumptions (e.g., about the atomic physics, etc.). ; This file cannot possibly be a primer on DEM estimation, and the end-user ; is expected to know something about the topic. However, an effort has ; been made to keep the interface as straightforward and useful as ; possible. Furthermore, the temperature response codes ; ( and associated routines) are designed to be ; modular, allowing end-users to "roll their own". ; ; ; This file contains the following routines: ; ; XRT_ITER_DEMSTAT ; MPDEMFUNCT ; XRT_DEM_ITER_SOLVER --> MPFIT (external routine), ; MPDEMFUNCT, ; XRT_ITER_DEMSTAT ; MP_PREP ; COMPACT ; XRT_DEM_ITER_ESTIM --> COMPACT ; XRT_DEM_ITER_NOWIDGET --> XRT_DEM_ITER_ESTIM, ; MP_PREP, ; XRT_DEM_ITER_SOLVER ; XRT_DEM_ITERATIVE --> XRT_DEM_ITER_NOWIDGET ; ; The parent routine is XRT_DEM_ITERATIVE. See that routine's ; header for a description of how to use this software. ; ;*************************************************************************** ;*************************************************************************** pro xrt_iter_demstat,line_data,dem,t,weights=weights,abunds=abunds, $ i_mod=i_mod, di=di,text=text,chisq=chisq ;========================================================================== ;+ ; NAME: xrt_iter_demstat ; ; PURPOSE: Return statistics given a set of contribution functions ; and a DEM curve. Calculates modeled intensity as ; Integral(EMIS(T)*DEM(T)*DT) ; ; CATEGORY: DEM ; ; INPUTS: line_data - array of structures with minimum fields of: ; emis emissivity for the line ; t temperature points for each bin ; nt number of temperature points for each line ; i_obs observed intensity of line ; i_err error in observed intensity ; elem element name for line ; ion which ion ; wave wavelength of line peak ; dem - the modeled dem curve ; t - log t for each dem bin ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; weights - vector, 1 for line being used, 0 to ignore ; abunds - abundance factor, defaults to 1.0 ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ; i_mod - modeled intensity ; di - difference between modelled and observed intensity ; chisq - total chi-squared ; ; EXAMPLE: IDL> help,line_data ; LINE_DATA STRUCT = -> Array[9] ; IDL> help,line_data,/st ; ** Structure <5c5e68>, 10 tags, length=1688, refs=1: ; T FLOAT Array[200] ; EMIS FLOAT Array[200] ; NT INT 26 ; I_OBS FLOAT 1.90185e-07 ; I_ERR FLOAT 4.39380e-08 ; I_UNITS STRING 'ergs/sec/pix' ; ELEM STRING 'Thin Al Mesh' ; ION STRING '' ; WAVE FLOAT 0.00000 ; IPF STRING '/data/sdata2/XRT/spectra/apec_09_c.genx' ; IDL> xrt_iter_demstat,line_data,dem,t,text=text ; IDL> print,text ; ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 2002 - created by PSH progver = 'v2007-May-19' ;--- (MW) Adapted to ; . ; ;- ;========================================================================== if(NOT KEYWORD_SET(weights)) then weights = $ replicate(1.0,n_elements(line_data)) if(NOT KEYWORD_SET(abunds)) then abunds = $ replicate(1.0,n_elements(line_data)) dt = t[1]-t[0] n_line = N_ELEMENTS(line_data) nt = N_ELEMENTS(t) ; p array will contain t*emis*dlnt (when multiplied by dem and summed ; it gives the intensity) p = FLTARR(n_line,nt) emis = FLTARR(n_line,nt) for i=0,n_line-1 do begin line_nt = line_data[i].nt emis[i,*] = interpol(line_data[i].emis[0:line_nt-1], $ line_data[i].t[0:line_nt-1],t ) > 0.0 p[i,*] = emis[i,*]*10^t[*]*alog(10^dt) endfor ; calculate the intensities ldem = 10^dem i_mod = (ldem##p)*abunds di = (i_mod-line_data.i_obs) chisq = di^2 * weights / (line_data.i_err)^2 idx = where(weights eq 0.0,count) if(count gt 0) then chisq[idx] = 0.0 names = line_data.elem+' '+line_data.ion text = ' Elem | Wave | Wgt | Abd | Mod I | Obs I | Err I | ' $ + 'di | chisq ' fmmt='(a8,T10,f5.1,T16,f5.2,T22,f5.2,T28,G8.3,T37,G8.3,T46,G8.3,' $ + 'T55,G8.2,T64,G7.2)' for i=0,n_line-1 DO BEGIN s = string(names[i],line_data[i].wave,weights[i],abunds[i], $ i_mod[i],line_data[i].i_obs,line_data[i].i_err,di[i],$ chisq[i],format=fmmt) text = [text,s] ENDFOR text = [text,'******** Total Chi-squared = '+trim(total(chisq))+ $ '**********'] chisq = total(chisq) RETURN END ;====================================================================== ;*************************************************************************** ;*************************************************************************** FUNCTION mpdemfunct,p,pm=pm,n_line=n_line,i_obs=i_obs,i_err=i_err, $ i_mod=i_mod,spl_t=spl_t,n_spl=n_spl,t=t,weights=weights, $ abunds = abunds ;========================================================================== ;+ ; ; arguments ; p dem values at spline knots ; pm[i,*] emis*T*d(ln t) array for the ith line ; i_obs observed intensities (scaled) ; i_err errors in observed intensity ; i_mod modeled intensities (scaled) ; spl_t log T values of spline knots ; n_spl number of spline knots ; t points to evaluate DEM on ; weights relative weighting of each line, default = 1.0 ; abunds relative abundance of each line with respect to ; original value ; ; HISTORY: progver = 'v2007-May-19' ;--- (M.Weber) Just tweaked a bit to fit into the ; organization. ; ;- ;========================================================================== dem = 10^(spline(spl_t[0:n_spl-1],p,t)) i_mod = (dem##pm)*abunds chisq = float((i_mod-i_obs)*weights/i_err) idx = where(weights eq 0.0,count) if(count gt 0) then chisq[idx] = 0.0 return,chisq END ;====================================================================== ;*************************************************************************** ;*************************************************************************** PRO xrt_dem_iter_solver, fit_info, restart=restart, maxiter=maxiter ;========================================================================== ;+ ; ;; --- calculates the new DEM curve. progver = 'v2007-May-19' ;--- (M.Weber) Adapted from . ; ;- ;========================================================================== ;=== Preparations ======================================== ;; Set weights in the function arguments for mpfit fit_info.fa.weights = fit_info.weights * fit_info.use_line fit_info.fa.abunds = fit_info.abundances x = fit_info.t y = fit_info.dem n_spl = fit_info.fa.n_spl ;; If /restart set, use existing spline - fit_info must be defined if keyword_set(restart) then begin ;; Use the current curve as the inital guess for mpfit spl_dem = fit_info.spl_dem[0:n_spl-1] endif else begin ;; Use the estimated (aka flat) DEM as an inital guess for mpfit spl_dem = interpol(fit_info.est_dem, x, fit_info.fa.spl_t[0:n_spl-1]) endelse ;=== Do the fit ========================================== ;; -- Limit the spline knots to -20 log DEM. parinfo = replicate({limited:[1,0], limits:[-20.0,0.D]}, n_spl) spl_dem = mpfit('mpdemfunct', spl_dem, functargs=fit_info.fa, $ status=status, errmsg=errmsg, bestnorm=bestnorm, $ /quiet, parinfo=parinfo, MAXITER=maxiter) ;; Store DEM values for spline knots. fit_info.spl_dem[0:n_spl-1] = spl_dem ;; Calculate new curve and store. fit_info.dem = spline(fit_info.fa.spl_t[0:n_spl-1], spl_dem, x) ;; Show results. xrt_iter_demstat, fit_info.input_data, fit_info.dem, x, text=text, chisq=chisq, $ weights=fit_info.weights*fit_info.use_line, $ abunds=fit_info.abundances fit_info.chisq = chisq ;=== Finish ============================================== return END ;====================================================================== ;*************************************************************************** ;*************************************************************************** pro mp_prep,line_data,weights,abunds,n_spl,spl_dem,fa,$ est_t=est_t,est_dem=est_dem,min_t=min_t,$ max_t=max_t,dt=dt ; ========================================================================= ;+ ; ; Project : XRT ; ; Name : mp_prep ; ; Purpose : To prepare the function arguments needed for the ; mp_fit call in dem_widget ; ; Explanation : Sets up the initial dem, temperature arrays. Computes ; an array of values that when multiplied by the DEM ; gives intensity ; ; Use : IDL> mp_prep,line_data,est_t=est_t,$ ; est_dem=est_dem,dt=dt,weights,abunds,$ ; n_spl,spl_dem,fa ; ; Inputs : line_data - an array of structures containing ; information about observed lines ; est_t - log T values for an estimated DEM ; est_dem - estimated log DEM ; ; Opt. Inputs : weights - initial weights, must have same number of ; elements as line_data ; abunds - intial abundances, must have same number of ; elements as line_data ; n_spl - initial number of spline knots ; min_t - minimum t value for dem curve ; max_t - maximum t value for dem curve ; dt - spacing of t values for dem curve ; Outputs : weights - the initial weights for each line ; abunds - initial abundances for each line ; n_spl - initial number of spline knots ; spl_dem - initial dem values of spline knots ; fa - function arguments for use with mp_fit ; ; Opt. Outputs: None ; ; Keywords : None ; ; Calls : None ; ; Restrictions: None ; ; Side effects: None ; ; Category : Util, DEM ; ; Prev. Hist. : None ; ; Written : P S Hamilton, 30-Oct-02 ; ; Modified : None ; ; Version : Version 1, 30-Oct-02 ; progver = 'v2007-May-19' ;--- (M.Weber) Not changed much-- same name. ; Just a few tweaks to make it fit. ; ;- ; ========================================================================= ; Set defaults n_line = N_ELEMENTS(line_data) if(N_ELEMENTS(n_spl) eq 0) then n_spl = n_line-1 < 7 if(N_ELEMENTS(weights) eq 0) then weights = replicate(1.0,n_line) if(N_ELEMENTS(abunds) eq 0) then abunds = replicate(1.0,n_line) if(NOT KEYWORD_SET(dt)) then $ dt = 0.1 if(NOT KEYWORD_SET(max_t)) then begin max_t = 0.0 for i=0,n_line-1 do $ max_t = MAX(line_data[i].t[0:line_data[i].nt-1]) > max_t endif max_t = round_off(max_t,dt) if(NOT KEYWORD_SET(min_t)) then begin min_t = 10000.0 for i=0,n_line-1 do $ min_t = MIN(line_data[i].t[0:line_data[i].nt-1]) < min_t endif min_t = round_off(min_t,dt) nt = round((max_t - min_t)/dt + 1) new_t = min_t + findgen(nt)*dt if(N_ELEMENTS(est_dem) eq 0) then $ new_dem = replicate(22.0,nt) $ else $ new_dem = spline(est_t,est_dem,new_t) est_dem = new_dem est_t = new_t ; p array will contain t*emis*dlnt (when multiplied by dem and summed ; it gives the intensity) p = FLTARR(n_line,nt) emis = fltarr(n_line,nt) for i=0,n_line-1 do begin line_nt = line_data[i].nt emis[i,*] = interpol(line_data[i].emis[0:line_nt-1], $ line_data[i].t[0:line_nt-1],est_t) > 0.0 p[i,*] = emis[i,*]*10^est_t[*]*alog(10^dt) endfor ; Scale the dem to 0-100 ; demscale = MAX(dem) - 2 ; i_obs = line_data.iobs i_mod = FLTARR(n_line) ; scale everything ; pscale = max(p) / 10. ; p = p / pscale ; i_obs = i_obs / pscale / 10^demscale ; intially set splines at equally spaced intervals spl_t = FLTARR(100) spl_dem = FLTARR(100) spl_t[0:n_spl-1] = min(est_t) + findgen(n_spl) * $ (max(est_t)-min(est_t)) / (n_spl-1) spl_dem[0:n_spl-1] = spline(est_t,est_dem,spl_t[0:n_spl-1]) ; set up the function arguments for mpdemfunct fa = {pm:p, n_line:n_line, i_obs:line_data.i_obs, i_err:line_data.i_err,$ i_mod:i_mod, t:est_t, spl_t:spl_t, n_spl:n_spl, weights:weights, $ abunds:abunds} return END ;====================================================================== ;*************************************************************************** ;*************************************************************************** PRO COMPACT,x,y,newx,newy ; ========================================================================= ;+ ; ; Project : XRT ; ; Name : compact() ; ; Purpose : Given arrays of x and y values, average y values ; over any repeated x values ; ; ; Explanation : None ; ; Use : IDL> compact,x,y,newx,newy ; ; Inputs : x - array of x values ; y - array of y values ; ; ; Opt. Inputs : None ; ; Outputs : newx - compacted x values ; newy - averaged y values ; ; Opt. Outputs: None ; ; Keywords : None ; ; Calls : None ; ; Restrictions: X and Y should have the same number of elements ; ; Side effects: None ; ; Category : Util, Numerical ; ; Prev. Hist. : None ; ; Written : P S Hamilton, 28-Oct-02 ; ; Modified : None ; ; Version : Version 1, 28-Oct-02 ; progver = 'v2007-May-19' ;--- (M.Weber) Added into ; . ; ;- ; ========================================================================= done = x & done[*] = 0 tempx = x & tempy = y num = 0 nx = N_ELEMENTS(x) FOR i=0,nx-1 DO BEGIN IF(done[i] EQ 0) THEN BEGIN idx = WHERE(x EQ x[i]) tempx[num] = x[i] tempy[num] = TOTAL(y[idx])/N_ELEMENTS(idx) num = num + 1 done[idx] = 1 ENDIF ENDFOR newx = tempx[0:num-1] & newy = tempy[0:num-1] idx = sort(newx) newx = newx(idx) & newy = newy(idx) RETURN END ;====================================================================== ;*************************************************************************** ;*************************************************************************** PRO xrt_dem_iter_estim,line_data,t,dem,cutoff = cutoff,verbose=verbose,$ nospline=nospline,min_t=min_t,max_t=max_t,dt=dt ; ========================================================================= ;+ ; ; Project : XRT ; ; Name : xrt_dem_iter_estim ; ; Purpose : To calculate a rough estimate of the DEM assuming ; given a set of observed line intensities. ; ; Explanation : Calculates a DEM at the peak of emissivity for each ; line. Assumes that the DEM is constant over the width ; of the line and there is no blending. ; ; Use : IDL> help,line_data,/st ; ** Structure MS_089761536002, 10 tags, length=1660: ; T FLOAT Array[200] ; EMIS FLOAT Array[200] ; NT INT 11 ; IOBS FLOAT 0.00000 ; IDL> xrt_dem_iter_estim,line_data,t,dem ; ; Inputs : line_data - an array of structures of the form seen above ; ; ; Opt. Inputs : min_t - minimum temperature value of range for DEM to ; be spliced onto ; max_t - maximum temperature value " ; dt - spacing of temperature values " ; Outputs : t - An array of the temperature values for these points ; dem - An array of estimated log DEM values ; ; Opt. Outputs: None ; ; Keywords : cutoff - the factor at which contributions from the ; emissivity should be cutoff, default is 1/e ; verbose - plot the results ; nospline - if set do not spline the results onto a ; new temperature range, return points only ; ; Calls : COMPACT, ROUND_OFF ; ; Restrictions: The specified t values in line_data are assumed to ; be evenly spaced ; ; Side effects: None ; ; Category : Util, DEM ; ; Prev. Hist. : None ; ; Written : P S Hamilton, 28-Oct-02 ; ; Modified : None ; ; Version : Version 1, 28-Oct-02 ; progver = 'v2007-May-19' ;--- (M.Weber) Adapted ; from . ; ;- ; ========================================================================= IF(NOT KEYWORD_SET(cutoff)) THEN cutoff = 1 / exp(1.0) idx = where(line_data.i_obs ne 0.0) n_line = N_ELEMENTS(idx) t = FLTARR(n_line) dem = FLTARR(n_line) ;; Assuming that the bulk of the contribution comes from the peak of ;; the emissivity, estimate a DEM value for each line FOR j=0,n_line-1 DO BEGIN l = line_data[idx[j]] dlnt = ALOG(10^(l.t[1]-l.t[0])) ;; Find the peak temperature of the emissivity max_e = MAX(l.emis,max_idx) t[j] = round_off(l.t[max_idx],0.1) ;; Use values down to where the emissivity = max_e * cutoff good = WHERE(l.emis GT max_e * cutoff) ;; Integrate over the peak eintgrl = TOTAL(10^(l.t[good]) * l.emis[good] * dlnt) ;; Determine an average DEM at the peak temperature dem[j] = ALOG10(l.i_obs / eintgrl) ENDFOR ;; remove any duplicate temp points by averaging compact,t,dem,t,dem if(NOT KEYWORD_SET(nospline)) then BEGIN ;; spline onto desired temp values if(NOT KEYWORD_SET(dt)) then $ dt = 0.1 if(NOT KEYWORD_SET(max_t)) then BEGIN ;; Find the max temp of all the lines max_t = 0.0 for i=0,n_line-1 do $ max_t = MAX(line_data[i].t[0:line_data[i].nt-1]) > max_t endif max_t = round_off(max_t,dt) if(NOT KEYWORD_SET(min_t)) then BEGIN ;; Find the min temp for all lines min_t = 10000.0 for i=0,n_line-1 do $ min_t = MIN(line_data[i].t[0:line_data[i].nt-1]) < min_t endif min_t = round_off(min_t,dt) nt = round((max_t - min_t)/dt + 1) new_t = min_t + findgen(nt)*dt ; new_dem = spline(t,dem,new_t) ; dem = new_dem dem = 0.0*findgen(nt) + 1.0 ; Use flat dem for initial guess t = new_t endif IF(KEYWORD_SET(verbose)) THEN $ plot,t,dem,xtit='log Temperature', $ ytit='log DEM',tit='Estimator DEM' RETURN END ;====================================================================== ;*************************************************************************** ;*************************************************************************** PRO xrt_dem_iter_nowidget, input_data, fit_info, max_t=max_t, $ min_t=min_t, dt=dt, out_t=out_t, out_dem=out_dem, $ restart=restart, maxiter=maxiter, nosolve=nosolve ; ========================================================================= ;+ ; NAME: XRT_DEM_ITER_NOWIDGET ; ; PURPOSE: Calculates DEM given observed intensities, errors, and ; contribution functions. Was originally written assuming that ; intensity had units of ergs/cm^2/s/ster, DEM had units of 1/cm^5/K, ; and the contribution functions had units of ergs*cm^3/s/ster. ; But, it can be used to solve for DEM in any equation of the form: ; I = Integral(G(T)*DEM(T)*dT) ; ; Based on dem_widget this is designed to run without user input. ; ; CATEGORY: Analysis ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; XRT_DEM_ITER_NOWIDGET, input_data, fit_info, max_t=max_t, $ ; min_t=min_t, dt=dt, out_t=out_t, $ ; out_dem=out_dem, restart=restart ; ; INPUTS: ; input_data - array of structures with the following ; fields: ; t - array of temperatures in log T ; emis - emissivity (contribution fxn) at these ; temperatures ; nt - number of valid t points ; i_obs - observed intensity ; elem - element name (for display purposes) ; ion - ion Roman numeral (for display purposes) ; wave - wavelength of the line (for display only) ; ierr - error in i_obs ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; max_t - maximum temperature (log T) for DEM calculation ; min_t - minimum temperature (log T) for DEM calculation ; dt - temperature step (log T) for DEM calculation ; restart - Don't use flat initial estimate, start from existing spline ; nosolve - Don't solve DEM, just fill other values. ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ; out_t - temperature array (log T) used in DEM calculation ; out_dem - calculated DEM (log DEM) ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 2001 - created by PSH, first major IDL program so I apologize ; for the disorganization ; 2003-Aug-01 - EED increased maxiter to 400 from default of 200 progver = 'v2007-May-19' ;--- (MW) Adapted ; from . ; ;- ; ========================================================================= ;=== Preparations ======================================== n_ch = n_elements(input_data) lines = strarr(n_ch) for ii = 0, (n_ch-1) do lines[ii] = string(format='(A," ",A,"-",I0.0)', $ input_data[ii].elem, input_data[ii].ion, round(input_data[ii].wave)) uvalue = strarr(n_ch) + 'LINES' weights = fltarr(n_ch) + 1.0 abundances = fltarr(n_ch) + 1.0 ;; Only use channels which have a non-zero signal. idx = where(input_data.i_obs ne 0.0, cnt_idx) use_line = lonarr(n_ch) if (cnt_idx ge 1) then use_line[idx] = 1 ;=== Fitting info ======================================== if (not keyword_set(restart)) then begin ;; Get a rough estimate of the DEM. if (cnt_idx ge 1) then begin xrt_dem_iter_estim, input_data[idx], est_t, est_dem, min_t=min_t, $ max_t=max_t, dt=dt endif else begin est_t = input_data.t est_dem = est_t * 0 endelse ;; Set up the function arguments for . mp_prep, input_data, weights, abundances, n_spl, spl_dem, fa, $ est_t=est_t, est_dem=est_dem, min_t=min_t, max_t=max_t, dt=dt ;; --- structure to hold program info fit_info = { input_data: input_data, $ ; the line observations lines: lines, $ ; names of the lines t: est_t, $ ; temperature array est_dem: est_dem, $ ; estimated DEM dem: est_dem, $ ; actual DEM spl_dem: spl_dem, $ ; DEM at spline knots weights: weights, $ ; abundances: abundances, $ ; use_line: use_line, $ ; current state of check ; boxes for the lines fa: fa, $ ; function arguments for mpfit chisq: 0.0 } ; Return the chisq of fit endif ;=== Do fitting ========================================== if (not keyword_set(nosolve)) $ then xrt_dem_iter_solver, fit_info, restart=restart, maxiter=maxiter ;=== Finish ============================================== out_t = fit_info.t if (keyword_set(nosolve)) $ then out_dem = fit_info.t * 0 $ else out_dem = fit_info.dem return END ;====================================================================== ;*************************************************************************** ;*************************************************************************** ; wrapperstartshere PRO xrt_dem_iterative, obs_index, obs_val, logT_out, dem_out, $ obs_err=obs_err, base_obs=base_obs, $ mod_obs=mod_obs, chisq=chisq, $ tresp=tresp, min_T=min_T, max_T=max_T, dT=dT, $ MC_iter=MC_iter, solv_factor=solv_factor, $ maxiter=maxiter, quiet=quiet, verbose=verbose, $ qabort=qabort, qstop=qstop ; ========================================================================= ;+ ; PROJECT: ; Solar-B / XRT ; ; NAME: ; ; XRT_DEM_ITERATIVE ; ; CATEGORY: ; ; DEM (Differential Emission Measures) ; ; PURPOSE: ; ; WARNING: This routine has been deprecated. See Note #6. ; ; Estimate a DEM(T) curve, given some observations B_i in ; channels "i", and given the temperature response functions ; in every channel R_i(T). These functions satisfy the equation: ; B_i = integral{ DEM(T) * R_i(T) * dT } ; ; The inversion is ill-posed and technically fraught with perils. ; This routine employs a forward-fitting approach: A DEM is guessed ; and folded through the R_i(T) to generate "model" observations. ; This process is iterated to reduce the chi-square between the ; actual and model observations. The DEM function is interpreted ; from some spline points, which are directly manipulated by the ; chi-square fitting routine (MPFIT.pro). There are N_i - 1 ; splines, representing the degrees of freedom for N_i observations. ; (Note that the number of temperature bins requested for the DEM ; solution are usually greater than N_i.) ; ; To estimate errors on the DEM solution, this routine provides for ; Monte-Carlo iteration. On each iteration, the observations are ; varied normally by their sigma error, and then solved for a DEM. ; According to Monte Carlo theory, the distribution of DEM solutions ; is a measure of the error in DEM(T). ; ; This routine only works on one pixel x N channels, at a time. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; XRT_DEM_ITERATIVE, obs_index, obs_val, logT_out, dem_out ; [,obs_err=obs_err] [,base_obs=base_obs] [,mod_obs=mod_obs] ; [,chisq=chisq] [,tresp=tresp] [,min_T=min_T] ; [,max_T=max_T] [,dT=dT] [,maxiter=maxiter] ; [,MC_iter=MC_iter] [,solv_factor=solv_factor] [,/verbose] ; [,/quiet] [,/qstop] [,qabort=qabort] ; ; INPUTS: ; ; OBS_INDEX - [Mandatory] (structure or string array, [Nobs]) ; This parameter identifies the XRT x-ray channel ; for the corresponding element of the OBS_VAL array. ; OBS_INDEX may take one of two forms: ; a) The "index" or "catalog" structure for the ; image from which this pixel OBS_VALUE came from. ; b) A string with the name of the XRT x-ray channel ; or channel temperature response that corresponds ; to this OBS_VALUE. Here are the possible names ; for the default XRT channel names: ; {Al-mesh, Al-poly, C-poly, Ti-poly, Be-thin, ; Be-med, Al-med, Al-thick, Be-thick, ; Al-poly/Al-mesh, Al-poly/Ti-poly, ; Al-poly/Al-thick, Al-poly/Be-thick } ; OBS_VAL - [Mandatory] (float array, [Nobs]) ; This is the set of XRT data values seen in the ; x-ray channels identified by OBS_INDEX, respectively. ; Units = 'DN s^-1 pix^-1', where "pix" means a ; one-arcsecond, full-resolution XRT pixel. ; ; KEYWORDS: ; ; OBS_ERR - [Optional] (float array, [Nobs]) ; This input may provide the Gaussian one-sigma errors ; for the values in OBS_VAL. The solver requires errors ; in order to calculate the least-squares. If the ; user does not provide these, then the default will ; be used. Default = (OBS_VALUE * 0.03). (Min = 2 DN.) ; TRESP - [Optional] ("temp_resp" structure array, [Nchn]) ; If the user has prepared their own XRT temperature ; response functions (using a different spectral ; emission model, for instance), then they may enter it ; with this keyword. If this keyword is not used, then ; the default responses will be used. ; (To directly get the default responses, or to start ; to learn how to create your own temp. responses, see ; .) ; MIN_T - [Optional] (float scalar) ; Input the low end of the DEM temp. range. ; Units = 'log K'. Default = 5.5. See Note #2. ; MAX_T - [Optional] (float scalar) ; Input the high end of the DEM temp. range. ; Units = 'log K'. Default = 8.0. See Note #2. ; DT - [Optional] (float scalar) ; Input the bin-width of the DEM temp. range. ; Units = 'log K'. Default = 0.1. See Note #2. ; MAXITER - [Optional] (float scalar) ; This program works by iterating a least-squares ; search. This keyword may be used to specify the ; maximum number of iterations for each DEM solution. ; Default = 2000. ; MC_ITER - [Optional] (float scalar) ; Use this keyword to cause the program to perform ; Monte Carlo runs. The value of MC_ITER indicates ; how many runs. For each MC run, each of the OBS_VAL ; values are modified from their original value by a ; random normal amount using the respective OBS_ERR as ; a Gaussian sigma. Then, the DEM is solved again using ; the new set of OBS_VAL. See the descriptions of the ; output variables for how the results are reported. ; No MC runs are performed if this keyword is not used. ; SOLV_FACTOR - [Optional] (float scalar) ; The least-squares solver is not completely ; insensitive to the order of magnitude of the numbers ; it is manipulating. SOLV_FACTOR is used to ; normalize the inputs to move the solver into a ; "sweet spot". The default choice is arbitrary but ; seems to work well (default = 1e21). Of course, ; the outputs are un-normalized at the end. It is ; recommended that users use the default. ; /VERBOSE - [Optional] (Boolean) If set, print out extra ; information. Overrides "/quiet" (see Note #1). ; /QUIET - [Optional] (Boolean) If set, suppress messages ; (see Note #1). ; /QSTOP - [Optional] (Boolean) For debugging. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; ; LOGT_OUT - [Mandatory] (float array, [Ntemp]) ; The temperatures corresponding to the DEM solution. ; Units = 'log K'. Runs from MIN_T to MAX_T with ; bin-width = DT. ; DEM_OUT - [Mandatory] (float array, [Ntemp, 1+MC_ITER]) ; A DEM solution is a 1D array of length = Ntemp. ; If Monte Carlo runs were performed, then the ; the 2nd dimension spans these runs. ; DEM_OUT[*,0] is the solution for the original ; OBS_VAL. DEM_OUT[*,1:MC_ITER] correspond to the ; solutions for the MC runs. Units = 'cm^-5 K^-1'. ; See Note #3 for more about units. ; BASE_OBS - [Optional] (float array, [Nobs, 1+MC_ITER]) ; These are the observations that a DEM solution ; corresponds to. BASE_OBS[*,0] = OBS_VAL. ; BASE_OBS[*,1:MC_ITER] correspond to the observations ; produced by adding random OBS_ERR noise to OBS_VAL ; for each MC run. You may think of these as the ; "actual" set of observations that each MC run was ; trying to solve the DEM for. ; MOD_OBS - [Optional] (float array, [Nobs, 1+MC_ITER]) ; These are the model observations which are produced ; by the corresponding DEM solution. BASE_OBS is the ; actual set, and MOD_OBS is how close the DEM can get ; to matching it. ; CHISQ - [Optional] (float array, [1+MC_ITER]) ; These are the chi-square values for the DEM ; solutions. ; CHISQ[i] = total (BASE_OBS[*,i]-MOD_OBS[*,i]/OBS_ERR[*])^2 ; QABORT - [Optional] (Boolean) Indicates that the program ; exited gracefully without completing. (Might be ; useful for calling programs.) ; 0: Program ran to completion. ; 1: Program aborted before completion. ; ; EXAMPLES: ; ; Simplest possible usage: ; IDL> help, obs_index, obs_val ; OBS_INDEX STRING = Array[13] ; OBS_VAL DOUBLE = Array[13] ; IDL> xrt_dem_iterative, obs_index, obs_val, logT_out, dem_out ; IDL> help, logT_out, dem_out ; LOGT_OUT FLOAT = Array[26] ; DEM_OUT DOUBLE = Array[26] ; IDL> plot, logT_out, dem_out, psym=10, xtit='log T [log K]', $ ; ytit='DEM [cm^-5 K^-1]' ; ; Provide errors (obs_err) and perform 100 Monte Carlo runs: ; IDL> help, obs_index, obs_val, obs_err ; OBS_INDEX STRING = Array[13] ; OBS_VAL DOUBLE = Array[13] ; OBS_ERR DOUBLE = Array[13] ; IDL> xrt_dem_iterative, obs_index, obs_val, logT_out, dem_out, $ ; IDL> obs_err=obs_err, base_obs=base_obs, mod_obs=mod_obs, $ ; IDL> chisq=chisq, MC_iter=100 ; IDL> help, logT_out, dem_out ; LOGT_OUT FLOAT = Array[26] ; DEM_OUT DOUBLE = Array[26] ; IDL> help, base_obs, mod_obs, chisq ; BASE_OBS DOUBLE = Array[13, 101] ; MOD_OBS DOUBLE = Array[13, 101] ; CHISQ FLOAT = Array[101] ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; ; none ; ; NOTES: ; ; 1) There are three levels of verbosity. ; a) "verbose" = highest priority. All errors and messages are ; displayed. ("if q_vb") ; b) "quiet" = lower priority. No errors or messages are ; displayed. ("if q_qt") ; c) neither = lowest priority. All errors and some messages are ; displayed. ("if not q_qt") ; ; 2) The user may specify the temperature bins over which the ; DEM will be solved. However, this solution temperature range ; must lie within all of the T-ranges of the temperature ; responses, to permit interpolations. (The default XRT responses ; run logT = 5.5 to 8.0.) Also, the solver requires that the ; T-range be regular in 'log T' units. Therefore, the solution ; range is controlled with these three keywords: MIN_T, MAX_T, ; and DT. Although these temperatures are all presented in ; 'log T', the underlying integrals are performed over 'T'. ; ; 3) A discussion of units. ; It is easier to understand these units in the larger context. ; For a spectral model S, such as is returned by ; : S(wave, T) ~ [ph cm^3 s^-1 sr^-1 A^-1]. ; For a spectral response R, such as ; returns: ; R(wave) ~ [DN cm^2 sr ph^-1 pix^-1], which says something about ; how many DataNumbers are generated in the camera for a photon of ; a given wavelength. Then: ; S(wave, T) * R(wave) ~ [DN A^-1 s^-1 pix^-1 (cm^-5)^-1] ; ~ [DN A^-1 s^-1 pix^-1 EM^-1], ; where EM ~ [cm^-5] is the "line of sight" (or "column") ; emission measure. For a channel's temperature response F{T): ; F(T) = integrate{ S(wave, T) * R(wave) * d(wave)} ; ~ [DN s^-1 pix^-1 EM^-1] ; Note that one must assume a spectral model to calculate a ; temperature response. ; ; Going just a bit further, for an EM at T = T0, the signal G ; observed is ; G|T0 = F(T0) * EM|T0 ~ [DN s^-1 pix^-1]. ; For an emission measure continuously distributed over a range ; of temperatures T, one uses the differential emission measure: ; DEM(T) ~ [cm^-5 K^-1]. ; Now the net signal G is ; G = integrate{F(T) * DEM(T) * dT} ~ [DN s^-1 pix^-1]. ; ; Note that this program just solves ; the equation: ; B_i = integral{ DEM(T) * R_i(T) * dT } ; So DEM(T) will satisfy the unit-equation: ; U{DEM} = U{G} / U{F} / U{dT}. ; As long as the units are all consistent, it is less important ; what they are. So if the temperature response units were ; 'DN cm^5 s^-1 pix^-1', and the observations were in units of ; 'DN s^-1 pix^-1', then DEM will still have units of 'cm^-5 K^-1'. ; The moral of the story is that a combination of temperature ; responses and observations can be solved, given sufficient care ; about units and cross-calibrations. ; ; 4) There is a program called , which may be used ; to generate a set of XRT observations from a DEM(T) curve. ; (See that program for an explanation of its usage.) ; ; We can use these faux observations to illustrate the usage of ; the solver, since you can compare the "real" original DEM ; against the estimated DEM. Here is a simple tutorial using both ; programs. First, create a simple DEM curve. ; IDL> demt = findgen(26)*0.1 + 5.5 ;; Temps are logarithms. ; IDL> dem = demt * 0 ; IDL> dem[15] = 1.3e22 ; IDL> print, demt[15] ; 7.00000 ; IDL> wdef, 0, 1000 ; IDL> plot, demt, dem, psym=10, /ytype, yr=[1e20,1e23] ; ; Now generate the set of observations XRT would see. ; IDL> obs = xrt_dem2obs(demt, dem) ; IDL> help, obs ;; 14 XRT channels ; OBS STRUCT = -> Array[14] ; IDL> help, obs[0], /st ; ** Structure <26648d4>, 3 tags, length=28, data length=28, refs=1: ; CHANNEL_NAME STRING 'Al-mesh' ; OBS FLOAT 8344.32 ; OBS_UNITS STRING 'DN s^-1 pix^-1' ; ; Just to be clear, prepare input variables for the solver. ; IDL> obs_val = obs.obs ; IDL> obs_index = obs.channel_name ; IDL> help, obs_index, obs_val ; OBS_INDEX STRING = Array[14] ; OBS_VAL DOUBLE = Array[14] ; ; Run the solver. ; IDL> xrt_dem_iterative, obs_index, obs_val, logT_out, dem_out ; IDL> help, logT_out, dem_out ; LOGT_OUT FLOAT = Array[26] ; DEM_OUT DOUBLE = Array[26] ; ; Overplot the solution. ; IDL> oplot, logT_out, dem_out, psym=10, linesty=2 ; ; As a follow-up exercise, re-run the solver for 10 Monte Carlo ; iterations and overplot the results. ; ; 5) When the OBS_VAL values are smaller than the OBS_ERR ; uncertainties, there is a chance that the Monte Carlo ; random variations to the data set will generate a set ; of all-zero observations. The program checks for this case, ; and returns a DEM function equal to zero. ; ; 6) This routine has been deprecated because it is not ; compatible with the most recent versions of the response ; codes. Please use instead. ; ; CONTACT: ; ; Comments, feedback, and bug reports regarding this routine may be ; directed to this email address: ; xrt_manager ~at~ head.cfa.harvard.edu ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; progver = 'v2007-May-21' ;--- (MW) Written, (Based heavily on ; and associated routines.) progver = 'v2007-Aug-09' ;--- (MW) Fixed bug with MAX_T. progver = 'v2007-Aug-15' ;--- (MW) Fixed crash when Monte Carlo generates ; a set of all-zero observations. Also added ; a reform() on OBS_VAL to fix a bug. progver = 'v2008-Oct-05' ;--- (MW) This routine has been deprecated. ; See Note #6. ; ;- ; ========================================================================= ; === Initial setup ====================================== ;=== Initialize program constants. prognam = 'XRT_DEM_ITERATIVE' prognul = ' ' ;=== Set Booleans which control print statements. ;=== Keyword "verbose" overrules "quiet". q_vb = keyword_set(verbose) q_qt = keyword_set(quiet) and (q_vb eq 0) ;=== Announce version of . if q_vb then box_message, prognam+': Running ' + progver + '.' if q_vb then print, prognam+': Performing initial setup...' ;=== Set some keyword Booleans and defaults. default, min_T, 5.5 ;; log K default, max_T, 8.0 ;; log K default, dT, 0.1 ;; log K default, solv_factor, 1d21 default, maxiter, 2000 default, obs_err, (obs_val*0.03) > 2d ;; DN/s/pix qtresp = keyword_set(tresp) q_MC = keyword_set(MC_iter) qstop = keyword_set(qstop) qabort = 0B ;=== Other useful stuff. n_obs = n_elements(obs_val) if q_vb then print, prognul+' ...OK' ;=== Check inputs ======================================== if q_vb then print, prognam+': Checking inputs...' ;=== Check for number of inputs. if (n_params() ne 4) then begin if (not q_qt) then box_message, prognam+': Incorrect number of ' $ + 'parameters. Aborting.' qabort = 1B return endif ;=== Compare obs_index with obs_val. if (n_elements(obs_index) ne n_elements(obs_val)) then begin if (not q_qt) then box_message, [prognam+': OBS_INDEX does not ' $ + 'have the same length as OBS_VAL.', prognul+' Aborting.'] qabort = 1B return endif ;=== Check type of obs_index. ind_typ = datatype(obs_index) case 1 of (ind_typ eq 'STR') : begin obs_index1 = obs_index end (ind_typ eq 'STC') : begin obs_index1 = xrt_index2chname(obs_index, qabort=qabort) if qabort then begin if (not q_qt) then box_message, prognam+': Cannot resolve ' + $ 'channel names from OBS_INDEX. Aborting.' qabort = 1B return endif end else : begin if (not q_qt) then box_message, $ [prognam+': OBS_INDEX must be a structure or string array.', $ prognul+' Please refer to the header description. Aborting.'] qabort = 1B return end endcase ;=== Check type of obs_val. if (total(is_number(obs_val)) ne n_obs) then begin if (not q_qt) then box_message, $ [prognam+': OBS_VAL must be a number array. Aborting'] qabort = 1B return endif obs_val = double(obs_val) ;=== Check T-response selection. if qtresp then begin trtyp = datatype(tresp) if (trtyp eq 'STC') then begin if not required_tags(tresp, 'TYPE,CHANNEL_NAME,TEMP,TEMP_UNITS,' $ + 'TEMP_RESP,TEMP_RESP_UNITS,LENGTH') then begin if (not q_qt) then box_message, [prognam+': Do not recognize' $ + ' the TRESP structure. Aborting. (See', $ prognul+' for more info ' $ + 'about this structure.)'] qabort = 1B return endif end endif else begin if q_vb then print, prognam+'Using the default XRT temp. repsonses.' tresp = calc_xrt_temp_resp() ;; Default units (DN ...) endelse if q_vb then begin print, prognam+': Here is the list of valid channel names from the' print, prognul+' loaded temp. responses:' print, prognul+' ', tresp.channel_name endif ;=== Sort tresp against obs_index1. ss_obs = 1L for ii = 0,(n_obs-1) do begin ss = where(tresp.channel_name eq obs_index1[ii], count) if (count eq 0) then begin if (not q_qt) then box_message, $ [prognam+': OBS_INDEX[' + strcompress(ii,/rem) + '] = "' + $ obs_index1[ii] + '" does not match any of the', $ prognul+' loaded temp. responses. Aborting.', $ prognul+' (Run again with /verbose to see list of valid names.)'] qabort = 1B return endif ss_obs = [ss_obs, ss[0]] endfor ss_obs = ss_obs[1:*] tresp1 = tresp[ss_obs] ;=== Check temperature range. min_T = min(min_T) ;; Intended solution range max_T = max(max_T) ;; Intended solution range dT = float(dT[0]) ;; Intended solution range ntemp = long(((max_T-min_T)/dT)+1) logT_out = findgen(ntemp) * dT + min_T ;; Find most constrictive limits in all temp_resps. tresp_minT = max(tresp.temp[0]) tresp_maxT = min(max(tresp.temp, dim=1)) tresp_range = '[' + strcompress(tresp_minT,/rem) + ', ' + $ strcompress(tresp_maxT,/rem) + ']' ;; Can't interpolate beyond temp_resps. if ((min_T lt tresp_minT) or (max_T gt tresp_maxT)) then begin if (not q_qt) then box_message, $ [prognam+': MIN_T or MAX_T is outside the interpolation range for', $ prognul+' these temp. responses ' + tresp_range + '.', $ prognul+' Please pick appropriate values. Aborting.'] qabort = 1B return endif ;=== Make sure MC_iter is useful. if q_MC then MC_iter = long(MC_iter[0]) if q_vb then print, prognul+' ...OK' ;=== Prepare input for xrt_dem_iter_nowidget ============= if q_vb then print, prognam+': Preparing for the solver...' input_str = { t : fltarr(200), emis : dblarr(200), $ nt : 0, i_obs : 0d, $ i_err: 0d, i_units: '', $ elem : '', ion : '', $ wave : 0.0, ipf : '' } input_str.t[0:ntemp-1] = logT_out input_str.nt = ntemp input1 = replicate(input_str, n_obs) for obscnt = 0,(n_obs-1) do begin tlen = tresp1[obscnt].length emis1 = interpol(tresp1[obscnt].temp_resp[0:tlen-1], $ tresp1[obscnt].temp[0:tlen-1], logT_out) input1[obscnt].emis[0:ntemp-1] = emis1 input1[obscnt].i_obs = obs_val[obscnt] input1[obscnt].i_err = obs_err[obscnt] endfor ;; The factor is necessary for the DEM to be of a good order ;; of magnitude for the least-squares solver. input1.i_obs = input1.i_obs / solv_factor input1.i_err = input1.i_err / solv_factor if q_vb then print, prognul+' ...OK' ;=== Run solver ========================================== if q_vb then print, prognam+': Run the solver for the base case...' base_obs = reform(obs_val) ;; If the number of observations "not equal to zero" is zero, ;; then all observations are equal to zero, ;; and so we just want to set "nosolve = 1" and dem_out = 0... ss_noz = where(input1.i_obs ne 0.0, cnt_noz) nosolve = (cnt_noz eq 0) xrt_dem_iter_nowidget, input1, fit_info, min_t=min_t, max_t=max_t, $ dT=dT, out_t=out_t, out_dem=out_dem, $ maxiter=maxiter, nosolve=nosolve logT_out = out_t dem_out = 10.^out_dem * solv_factor chisq = mpdemfunct(fit_info.spl_dem, pm=fit_info.fa.pm, $ spl_t=fit_info.fa.spl_t, n_spl=fit_info.fa.n_spl, $ t=fit_info.t, abunds=fit_info.abundances, $ i_obs=fit_info.input_data.i_obs, $ weights=fit_info.weights, $ i_err=fit_info.input_data.i_err, i_mod=i_mod) chisq = total(chisq^2) mod_obs = i_mod * solv_factor if q_vb then print, prognul+' ...OK' ;=== Run the Monte Carlo loops =========================== if q_MC then begin if q_vb then print, prognam+': Run the solver for M.C. iterations...' seed = systime(1) for ii = 1,MC_iter do begin if (q_qt eq 0) then print, prognam+': M.C. loop ' + $ strcompress(ii,/rem) + ' of ' + strcompress(MC_iter,/rem) + '.' input2 = input1 input2.i_obs = $ (input1.i_obs + randomn(seed, n_obs)*input1.i_err) > 0.0 base_obs = [[base_obs], [input2.i_obs * solv_factor]] fit_info = 0 ;; If the number of observations "not equal to zero" is zero, ;; then all observations are equal to zero, ;; and so we just want to set "nosolve = 1" and dem_out = 0... ss_noz = where(input2.i_obs ne 0.0, cnt_noz) nosolve = (cnt_noz eq 0) xrt_dem_iter_nowidget, input2, fit_info, min_t=min_t, max_t=max_t, $ dT=dT, out_t=out_t, out_dem=out_dem, $ maxiter=maxiter, nosolve=nosolve if nosolve then dem_out = [[dem_out], [out_dem]] $ else dem_out = [[dem_out], [10.^out_dem * solv_factor]] chisq2 = mpdemfunct(fit_info.spl_dem, pm=fit_info.fa.pm, $ spl_t=fit_info.fa.spl_t, n_spl=fit_info.fa.n_spl, $ t=fit_info.t, abunds=fit_info.abundances, $ i_obs=fit_info.input_data.i_obs, $ weights=fit_info.weights, $ i_err=fit_info.input_data.i_err, i_mod=i_mod) chisq = [chisq, total(chisq2^2)] mod_obs = [[mod_obs], [i_mod * solv_factor]] endfor if q_vb then print, prognul+' ...OK' endif ;=== Finish ============================================== if q_vb then print, prognam+': Finished.' if qstop then stop END ;======================================================================