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Ice cream headache

Author:      fath
Text:        What causes an "ice cream headache"?  Are they dangerous?  What 
would happen if I induced an ice cream headache when I had a regular headache?

Response #:  1 of 2
Author:      Lou Harnisch
Text:        This is really a neat question.  I am certainly no expert on 
headaches, but it has a lot to do blood circulation in the sinuses and around 
and within the brain.  Why do some people get them easily and other seem 
resistant?  The cold might restrict blood flow which  is the basis for the 
problem.  An Ice cream headache can be turned "on" or "off" by adjusting the 
rate of consumption, Slurpees work best, so really cold stuff enhances the 
effect.  Are there stages:  cold sensation, lingering headache, subsiding 
headache, warming, etc?  Does the cold actually create similar headache 
"conditions" or does the brain confused cause it cannot directly feel pain?  
The difference in people is probably due to differences in arteriole branching 
and general circulation.  In my experience smokers get worse headaches than 
nonsmokers of the same age.  Do you find a similar trend?  I am trying to 
stimulate discussion!

Response #:  2 of 2
Author:      wizkid
Text:        Yes, insufficient blood flow to the head does play a large role 
in headaches.  The brain itself does not have sensory neurons, so it does not 
directly feel pain, like Lou Harnisch explained.  But the muscles of the head 
are very sensitive to changes in blood flow, blood pressure, nutritional 
variations, temperature, and tension caused by stress.  The pain comes from 
abnormal contraction of these head muscles.  These contractions, in turn, can 
be triggered by insufficient blood flow, excessive blood pressure, cold, and 
tension build up (hence the term "tension" headache).  So, in our 
consideration of why ice cream might cause a headache, several factors might 
all come into play:  the decrease in blood flow as Lou Harnisch suggested; the 
constrictive response to cold of the muscles of the mouth, neck, and 
ultimately head; the increase in blood pressure do to stimulation of 
digestion; the sharp increase in blood sugar and insulin levels in response to 
the sugary treat; and maybe even the guilt one feels for eating an ice cream 
cone (NO!  That could not possibly be a reason!).  I have even read one 
medical authority who believes that the headache could be triggered by an 
allergic reaction to milk proteins, and indeed, many people have allergies to 
milk.  Just a health note.  If any of the following symptoms accompany a 
headache, please consult with your doctor ASAP:  blurred vision, sensitivity 
to light, pressure behind the eyes relieved by vomiting, food allergies, 
pressure in the facial sinus area, heart pounding, visual color changes, 
feeling as though your head will explode, and unbearable throbbing.  Do not 
just take an aspirin.  Something more serious may be causing the headache.

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