US 7,388,462 B2
Integrated circuit inductors
Kie Y. Ahn, Chappaqua, N.Y. (US); and Leonard Forbes, Corvallis, Oreg. (US)
Assigned to Micron Technology, Inc., Boise, Id. (US)
Filed on Mar. 18, 2002, as Appl. No. 10/100,709.
Application 10/100709 is a division of application No. 09/821240, filed on Mar. 29, 2001, granted, now 6,357,107.
Application 09/821240 is a division of application No. 09/350601, filed on Jul. 09, 1999, granted, now 6,240,622.
Prior Publication US 2002/0095770 A1, Jul. 25, 2002
Int. Cl. H01F 5/00 (2006.01)
U.S. Cl. 336—200  [336/223; 336/232] 46 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. An inductor comprising:
a coil having a core area, the core area being an area surrounded by the coil; and
a substrate, wherein the substrate is partially coated to provide a coated substrate portion and an uncoated substrate portion, wherein the coated substrate portion fills the core area such that a first portion of the coil at a first surface of the substrate passes through the substrate and couples to a second portion of the coil at a second surface of the substrate, wherein a substrate material of the coated substrate portion and a substrate material of the uncoated substrate portion are identical substrate material, and wherein the substrate and the core area include an identical material.