Author: Aaron Doyle Date: 03/22/2000 7:03 AM Subject: Purposed regulation FD Dear SEC: I have a difficult time understanding how you could possibly not implement the secretary's purposed changes. Your mission statement must clearly state somewhere that your job is to provide a level field of play for all participants in this market of ours. As Americans we all have for the first time in history the means to access pertinent information about the companies we choose to be a part of. It is an opportunity for the poorest among us with some readily available education to participate in the American dream. Inner city minorities with access to computers in public libraries can learn about and possibly receive encouragement to save and invest in some of Americas great companies wit the hope of a better life. The key word is "HOPE". Please don't reconfirm what most of us presently believe to be the case-"He who has the gold makes the rules". Don't let the establishment brokers control the mote, give us a bridge to all pertinent information in a timely manner without having to pay the troll. A learning small investor--Admar