Policies and dispatchers

What are policies and dispatchers?

The policy decides how to process a request and divide it into jobs. The dispatcher takes those jobs and submits them to a batch system, such as LSF or condor. The STAR scheduler comes with different policies and dispatchers that can be used to control how and where jobs are submitted. To specify a policy use the "-policy policyName" argument of the scheduler. If the site you submit from is the same as the site with the queue(s) you are submitting to the scheduler will simply submit locally. If you are on a different site the scheduler will use its grid dispatcher to submit to this remote site. This assumes you have initialized your grid certificate else the submission will fail.


Name Location Description
bnl_lsf_cas BNL (deprecated) Prepares all jobs and assigns them to the rcas cluster.
pdsf_sge PDFS (default at pdsf) Prepares all jobs and assigns them to SGE at PDSF
bnl_condor_cas BNL  (default at bnl) Prepares all jobs and assigns them to the condor batch system on the RCAS cluster
bnl_condor_crs BNL (active) Prepares all jobs and assigns them to the condor batch system on the RCRS cluster. (special account permeations may be needed)
bnl_condor_cas_crs BNL (active) Prepares all jobs and assigns them to the condor batch system. The condor batch system decides how to split jobs between the RCAS and RCRS clusters.
ResonanceGroupPolicy BNL (active) Prepares all jobs and assigns them to the rcas cluster. The long jobs will be using the star_cas_cd queue at BNL
sp_sge Sao Paulo (active) Prepares all jobs and assigns them to the SGE batch system at Departamento de Física Nuclear Universidade de Sao Paulo
star_all Distributed Across All Sites (Experimental, should no be used  ) Prepares all jobs and distributes them in a fixed ratio between BNL, WSU and Sao Paulo. A grid cert is required to use this policy
bnl_lsf_prod BNL(active) Submits all jobs to the production queue on the LSF batch system at BNL. Only the production coordinator has access to this queue. 
bnl_condor_rcf BNL(active) This is an opportunistic policy, it prepares all jobs and assigns them to the condor batch system. This is a cross experiment queue. It gives STAR users the ability to run jobs on all RCF nodes (including  ATLAS) even if they are own by an experiment other then STAR. If your job lands on a STAR own node it has a 3 hour guarantied run time. Should it land on a node not owned by STAR it will run so long as no local experiments job wants the node. If a local experiments job wants the node your job will be evicted, this can be 1 minute, 1 hour, ect … there are no guaranties. This is a truly opportunistic policy, the shorter the jobs, greater your chances of having the unit of work done.

Note: If you are accessing files please use xrootd or rootd as the files you want may not be on the node your job is sent to.

wsu_sge Wayne State University (default at WSU) Prepares all jobs and assigns them to the SGE batch system at Wayne State University.
MLQueuePolicy BNL (Experimental, should no be used ) This is a policy based on the AssignmentByQueueMonitorPolicy class which looks at the loads of queues and submits to the best one.  It uses the crs_queue and NFSQueueObj queues. The most optimal calculation for determining queue load is still under development.
MonalisaBNLPolicy BNL (Experimental, should no be used ) Prepares all jobs and assigns some of them to the rcas and some to the rcrs cluster. The policy will contact the Monalisa monitoring service to determine whether the rcrs cluster is being fully used or not. Therefore, the number of jobs sent to the rcrs cluster will depend on the load on the rcrs cluster.
BNLPolicy BNL (Experimental, should no be used ) Prepares all jobs and assigns them roughly half to the rcas cluster and the other half to the rcrs cluster.
MIT_XGrid MIT (ONLY mit, can not be called by name) Prepares all jobs and assigns them to the Apple Mac Xgrid cluster at MIT.
cz_pbs Golias CZ  
zen_pbs ANY (Experimental, should no be used ) For submitting to the Chicago globus Virtual Workspace. Note that the gatekeeper name is always in fux on this policy.
lowMen BNL (active) This policy submits exclusively to the queue star_cas_mem. This policy is for jobs using less then 90min of run time and 200MB of ram. Users should be aware that if jobs exceed this requirement and do not "fit in the queue" the job will be bounced and because star_cas_mem is the only queue in this policy, the jobs will not be routed to a bigger queue. An error message will be displayed letting you know the job could not be placed, however no "file lists" or .csh files will be generated.



Name Available at Dispatcher Description
NSFlocalQueueObj BNL RCASDispatcher star_cas_dd on RCAS
NFSQueueObj BNL RCASDispatcher star_cas_short on RCAS
NSFlongQueueObj BNL RCASDispatcher star_cas_big on RCAS
star_golias_pbs Golias CZ PBS_Dispatcher PBS queue at Golias
condor_rcrs_queue BNL RCASDispatcher a condor queue on the RCRS cluster    
HBT_group_Queue BNL condorRCRSDispatcher star_cas_cd on RCAS
PDSF_SGE_Queue BNL SGETestDispatcher not a real queue, just used for testing- (currently disabled)
lsf_crs_queue BNL RCASDispatcher star_crs_short   on RCRS
medium PDSF no longer available PDSFDispatcher medium queue
long PDSF no longer available PDSFDispatcher long queue
PDSF_SGE_Queue PDSF SGETestDispatcher meta queue used for submitting to the SGE

* Dispatchers are now selected by the scheduler at runtime as of version 1.8.6.

Levente Hajdu - page was last modified