Coastal Services Center

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

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Where are you on the content-process continuum?

Each of the 12 items below describes a leadership action. Using the drop-down menu to the left of each state, make a selection as follows:

  • 5 - if you always behave that way
  • 4 - if you frequently behave that way
  • 3 - if you occasionally behave that way
  • 2 - if you seldom behave that way
  • 1 - if you never behave that way

When I am a member of a group:

1. I offer facts and give my opinions, ideas, feelings, and information in order to help the group discussion.
2. I warmly encourage all members of the group to participate. I am open to their ideas. I let them know I value their contributions to the group.
3. I ask for facts, information, opinions, ideas, and feelings from the other group members in order to help the group discussion.
4. I help communication among group members by using good communications skills. I make sure that each group member understands what the others say.
5. I give direction to the group by planning how to go on with the group work and by calling attention to the tasks that need to be done. I assign responsibilities to different group members.
6. I tell jokes and suggest interesting ways of doing the work in order to reduce tension in the group and increase the fun we have working together.
7. I pull together related ideas or suggestions made by group members and restate and summarize the major points discussed by the group.
8. I observe the way the group is working and use my observations to help discuss how the group can work together better.
9. I give the group energy. I encourage group members to work hard to achieve our goals.
10. I promote the open discussion of conflicts among group members in order to resolve disagreements and increase group cohesiveness. I mediate conflicts among members when they seem unable to resolve them directly.
11. I ask others to summarize what the group has been discussing in order to ensure that they understand group discussions and comprehend the material being discussed by the group.
12. I express support, acceptance, and liking for other members of the group and give appropriate praise when another member has taken a constructive action in the group.


Content Orientation Process Orientation
1. Information and Opinion Giver 2. Encourager of Participation
3. Information and Opinion Seeker 4. Communication Facilitator
5. Direction and Role Definer 6. Tension Reliever
7. Summarizer 8. Process Observer
9. Energizer 10. Interpersonal Problem Solver
11. Comprehension Checker 12. Supporter and Praiser
  Content Total   Process Total

Descriptions of Some Typical Content-Process Patterns

Compare the combination of your totals above with the pairings listed below:
6 6

Only a minimum effort is given to getting the required work done. There is general non-involvement with other group members.

The person with this score may well be saying "To heck with it all." Or he or she may be so inactive in the group as to have no influence whatsoever on other group members.

6 30

High value is placed on keeping good relationships within the group. Thoughtful attention is given to the needs of other members.

The person with this score helps create a comfortable, friendly atmosphere and work tempo. However, he or she may never help the group get any work accomplished.

30 6

Getting the job done is emphasized in a way that shows very little concern with group maintenance. Work is important, and relationships among group members are ignored.

The person with this score may take an army drillmaster approach to leadership.

18 18

The task and maintenance needs of the group are balanced. The person with this score continually balances content and process needs.

Though a great compromiser, this person does not look for or find ways to creatively integrate task and maintenance activities for optimal productivity.

30 30

When everyone plans and makes decisions together, all the members become committed to getting the task done as they build relationships of trust and respect. A high value is placed on sound, creative decisions that result in understanding and agreement. Ideas and opinions are sought and listened to, even when they differ from one's own.

The group as a whole defines the task and works to get it done. The creative combining of both task and maintenance needs is encouraged.