Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2003 09:15:41 -0500 (EST) From: Jeff Squyres To: OSCAR core Subject: [Oscar-core] Revised: IU agenda Ok, adding it what people have sent, and since Ben broached the topic of packages, I added in a list of updates that I had in an old agenda (we can talk about these in any level of detail that we want -- to include 0). If we can agree on the major topics to cover, I'll try to put these in a chronological order so that we have a sequence of items to go through during our time at IU: ----- * Administravia: - Jeff: Election of new OSCAR working group chair - Stephen/Ben: OSCAR conference update * Short / long / really long term planning - Rich: Strategic goals for OSCAR - Jeremy: more OSCAR goals - Stephen: Goals for OSCAR for next SC * Big features (likely to affect architecture) - Jeff: Add/delete package - Jeremy: Real multi-distro support - Jeremy: SuSE - Ben: Debian - Jeff: Next generation OSCAR installer (MetaMenu) - Jeff: Upgrade path for OSCAR - Sean: RPM-izing OSCAR - Sean: Hardware abstraction layer (e.g., IPMI) * Little features (localized changes, or mundane/grunt work) - Tom: MAC collection enhancements - Ben: Database Organization = Common Information Management - Ben: Oscar Node Definition = More Flexible Framework - Ben: Internationalization = Making OSCAR universal ! - Ben: config.xml and multi-distro issues * Simultaneous efforts - Ben: Thin-oscar progress - Stephen/Chokchai(may dial in): ha-OSCAR * Packages - New packages: - Ben: Benchmark Package - Stephen: Globus - Jeremy: clumon - ?: infinband / MPI - ?: myrinet / MPI - Upgrades: - Sean: SIS new version - Jeff: disable-services configurator support - Tom: c3 configurator support - Neil: ODA allow DB username/passwords - Neil: pfilter configurator support - Jeremy: Maui scheduler version - Jeremy: PBS node auto-detection - Jeremy: pbs configurator support - Jeremy: MPICH configurator support - Jeremy: kernel_picker configurator support - Jeremy: loghost configurator support - Jeremy: opium configurator support -----