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06/26/2008 #0 Forty-eighth Legislature - Second Regular Session

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Forty-eighth Legislature – Second Regular Session




Minutes of Special Meeting

Thursday, June 26, 2008

House Hearing Room 4  --  Upon adjournment of Special Appropriations Meeting.



Chairman Reagan called the meeting to order at 10:44 a.m. and attendance was noted by the secretary.


Members Present


Mr. Adams

Ms. Cajero Bedford

Mr. Driggs

Mr. Konopnicki

Mr. Meza

Mr. Miranda B

Mr. Paton

Mr. Crandall, Vice-Chairman

Ms. Reagan, Chairman


Members Absent


Mr. DeSimone (exc)


Committee Action


SB 1084 – DPA – S/E (7-2-0-1)




SB 1084 – enduring freedom memorial; extension

S/E: cactus league baseball - DO PASS AMENDED S/E


Vice-Chairman Crandall moved that SB 1084 do pass.


Vice-Chairman Crandall moved that the proposed nineteen-page Reagan S/E amendment to SB 1084 dated 06/24/08 (Attachment 1) be adopted.


Kitty Decker, Majority Research Analyst/Senior Economist, explained that the S/E amendment to SB 1084 (Attachment 2) allows the County Board of Supervisors in any county with a population of more than 300,000 but less than 2 million to form a Sports Authority District and ask voters to approve taxing and bonding authority for the purposes of building and financing a mulipurpose facility. She responded to questions regarding similar programs.


Vice-Chairman Crandall moved that the proposed ten-line Reagan amendment dated 6/25/08 (Attachment 3) to the S/E amendment to SB 1084 be adopted.


 Ms. Decker explained that the proposed ten-line Reagan amendment ensures that the tax would be applied just within the district of Pima County.


Question was called on the motion that the proposed ten-line Reagan amendment dated 6/25/08 (Attachment 3) to the S/E amendment to SB 1084 be adopted.  The motion carried.


Mr. Konopnicki proposed that the Commerce Committee suspend the rules and let the consideration of his amendment be allowed.


Chairman Reagan moved that the Commerce Committee suspend the rules and let consideration of Mr. Konopnicki’s amendment be allowed.  The motion carried.


Mr. Konopnicki moved that his proposed twenty-two-line amendment to the Reagan S/E amendment dated 6/26/08 (Attachment 4) be adopted.


Ms. Decker explained that the twenty-two-line Konopnicki amendment strikes the language that puts a tax just on the car rentals, transient lodging, restaurant and bars and the professional sports facilities that the district owns and instead applies a three-quarter percent tax on all the taxable activities within the district.


Mr. Konopnicki further explained his bill and responded to questions.


Kevin DeMenna, Arizona Cactus League Coalition, spoke in favor of  SB 1084, stating that without legislative action there is no way to save Pima County Cactus League which is the goal.  Mr. DeMenna encouraged members to defer the Konopnicki amendment to Floor for debate.  Discussion ensued.


Steve Chucri, Arizona Restaurant Association, spoke against SB 1084. Discussion ensued regarding benefits and disadvantages of the proposed sales tax.


Senator Robert Blendu, Sponsor, explained SB 1084.  He answered questions regarding the Pima County citizens’ opportunity to decide for themselves what the tax might be.


Rick Grinnell, Metro Restaurants, spoke in support of SB 1084.


Barry Aarons, Tucson Convention and Visitors Bureau, yeilded his time to Vince Trinidad.


Vincent Trinidad, Tucson Convention and Visitors Bureau, in favor of SB 1084, stated that the Sports Authority bill gives them a way to invest in their community, upgrade existing facilities and create new facilities for youth and adult amateur athletic programs.


Tom Tracey, Southern Arizona Lodging & Resort Association, spoke in favor of SB 1084 stating that nonaction will cause Spring Training in Tucson to not exist beyond 2010/2011.  Discussion ensued regarding benefits and setbacks of broad-based support.



Jeff Schaufel, Arizona Restaurant Association, addressed the Committee in oppositin to the bill, stating that they are not against Spring Training but that this bill would put the bulk of the tax on the restaurant customers’ backs.


Steve Johnson, owner of Macayo’s Restaurants, Tucson and Phoenix, Arizona, spoke against SB 1084 stating that this tax was not fair to families and youth in particular.


Matt McMahon, owner, Outback Steakhouse, Arizona, testified against SB 1084.  He responded to comments regarding the segragation of the restaurant industry in this matter.   


Persons recognized by the Vice-Chair who signed up in support of SB 1084 but did not speak:

Ed Casper, respresenting self
Tom Moulton, Souther Arizona Attraction Alliance

Mitch Menlove, Arizona Cactus League Coalition

Lori Lustig, Southern Arizona Chamber of Commerce Alliance


Persons recognized by the Vice-Chair who signed up in opposition to SB 1084 not speaking:

Don Isaacson, Arizona Licensed Beveragae Association

Marcus Osborn, Yum Brands Restaurants
Steve Voeller, Arizona Free Enterprise Club

Bill Weigele, Arizona Licensed Beverage Association
Dan Jacob, Self

Suzanne Elefante, Self


Question was called on the motion that the proposed twenty-two-line Konopnicki amendment to the Reagan S/E amendment to SB 1084 dated 6/26/08 (Attachment 4) be adopted.  The motion carried.


Vice-Chairman Crandall moved that the S/E amendment to SB 1084 as amended be adopted.  The motion carried.


Vice-Chairman Crandall moved that SB 1084 as amended do pass.  The motion carried by a roll call vote of 7-2-0-1 (Attachment 5).


Without objection, the meeting adjourned at 12:01 p.m.





Sarah Griffith, Committee Secretary

July 02, 2008


(Original minutes, attachments and audio on file in the Office of the Chief Clerk;  video archives available at




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                        COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE


                        January 31, 2007


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