Dear Luca: Your letter of the 19th and manuscript arrived 2 days ago. It is unfortiate that we have to work under such pressure of time; in better circumstances, I am sure that the tasks would be far more pleasurable. On the whole, the ms. is in quite good shape , and with the exception of the biometric problem at issue batween us, I would not be distreesed to see it published just as is. However, I have marked a number of points for your attention, all in red pencil to make them more conspicuous. Most of these are formalities, or improve- ments in phraseology, of which your judgment must be final. In two places, I have suggested softening a phrase to mitigate possible personal criticisms. The points to which I ask your ppecial consideration are marked*, but again I will acquiesce to your considered judgment. We seem each to have becools rigidly convinced on the question raisedon p. 8, which perhaps means that I am no longer really thinking about it. Perhaps I have not fully understood your point. I am willing to admitnthat several parameters might be needed to describe the response of a population, one of these possibly describing the distribution of potential resistance among the cells, about another parameter, their mean response (or probability of forming a resistant colony). Such parameters may have values corresponding to what you call inter&. inhomogeneity. But if the parameters are the same from culture to culture, i.e., if these man be regarded as unbiassed samples from the M universe, I contend that these eamples will have to show a Po&ssonian distribution. Of course, if the cultures are not unbiassed samples, i.e., if for any underlying reason Qf environment or heredity, the individual variates (cells) are correlated within cultures with respect to any parameter (mean or i-i moment), then e.g. a negative binomial might ensue. But this is not, as I would call it. internal heterogeneity, but a modification of Hinshelwood's proposals of uncon- trolled or even accidental variation in the state (i.e. the parameters) of one culture as against another. I have best been able to convince mJrsel.f of the conclusion by taking the extreme cases. Consider two tlspecies 11 of bacteria, of which one has a probability = $ of becoming resistant, while the second has a probability ~1. Then of course, so long as the second species is rare, rebplicate cultures among which the proportion of the two species is subject pnly to random or sampling error, will give a Poasson distribution. To postulate a non-random variation ia the prop@tion of species is to bring in som specific factor, different from tube to tube, responsible for the difference (e.g. common heredity). The same consideration should apply to a system of numsrous species, each with a charecteristic probability of surviual. In fact, the problem ueems quite analogous to Fisher's treatment of %he relation between the number of species and the number of individuals in a random sample of an animal populationn (J. Animal Ecol. l2:42, 1943 or paper 43 in the collection "Contributions to Mathematiual Statistics It "In strictly parallel samples, i.e. equivalent sampling processes applied to homogeneous material, the numbers ca&ght of each indi- vidual species will be distributed in a Poisson series , and it easily follows that the same is true of the aggregate number of all species...." I am not sure of the Greenwood-Yule paper to which you refer. Professor Crow showed me the J. Roy. Stat. Sot. 83, 1920, concerning the distribution of accidents among workmen. It readily follows that an appropriate spread of accident-liability among different individuals tested over a period of time long enough to per&t curpulation will lead to a negative-binomial distribtition of accidnnts among individualz He does not treat directly the problem of the distrib&tion of accidents amhg factories (of uniform size) which would be more relevant to the present problem. I can imagine that there would be a distortion of the Poisson distribution even here, Fp the observations were continued long enough to include repeated injuries by one person, but this is only because the repeated occurrences are correlated with each other. In our present problem, if there is even a transient persistence of characteristic response through one or more cell P divisions (as might be expected of cell size) adeviation from the Poisson would be expected, but I assume that even this vestige of heritability is dehied. This is #xx a point, however, that L&D did not ade;iuateJy consider , as they distiaguished only the extremes of full heritability versus entire &eanese~ non-correlation of relatives, and Hinshelwood would likely be in favor of an intermediate. or better _/Y&kin Perhaps this is what you had in mind. The results with B are interesting indeed. I had thought we had tested B,(auxotrophs x Hfr) with negative results, but I rather suspect that several cultures are masquerading under the nanm B, and this may account for differences. Id the fact of crossability itself, in your Ipaterial, confirmed? I did not fully understand your marginal note. I hope you will not hold me to my (not entirely serious) proposal of a book, but if I could manage to as little work on it as for the preparation of this paper I would be glad to help. The thought of more literary work just now is rather terrifying! But perhaps time will help relieve this. June-October are t&e least pleasant months of the year9 but by all means start preliminary enquiries. I can alnu>st certaihly raise the funds for a supplementary salary ($250-3OO/mo.) but will know more surely in a couple of months. There are some other vexatious problems of lab. space, but we will surely find some way of accomodating both of you, regardless of contingencies. On the whole, I would think WHO would be both more likely to support a short-term fellowship, and also would be useful in disposing of fuss with passpurt-visa problem. &&e sure that an extra salary here would be unobjec- tionable both to WHO ard to the US consular authorities. As you have probably guessed, I have temporarily turned over most of the Hfr work to Nelson, while I finished some Salmonella problems. I am nearly rea$r to go back to cytology of Hfr X F-, (&ich had given some promising results),and am sure that we will not get so far as to preclude a very active collaboration on it if you can get here next year, a possibility to which I look forward with anticipated pleasure. His most recent . experimsnts, bp the wap, show that St (and therefore certainly 3'") Het Mal- Lac- X YlO or XYl.0 Sr give &m&&x diploida, about 90$ Male Lac+/-, and 10% Ma&/. Lac+/-. There is therefore certainly w an elimination of the contribution of the F+ parent in lO$ of the diploids, in confirmation of previous data. We are ourrently tag to clean up with some real data the suppositions on the role of F polarity gn elMnatio@, as the basis odi the effects on segregation (cf. p.727 paragraph 2 of our Genetics paper), since we know have Het M- F- stocks (by passage through motility agar. On this point, a single experiment in Novick's cBemostat seems to show that prolonged cultivation at great dilution is sufficient to yield F-, aa may possibly explain the motility agar effect, but this result needs to be substantiated ). Have you received the filter as yet? Thank you for the ca. 200 reprints of the J5M papel?, received during several days this week. I am not sure how freely to distribute these, Probably, I will get most of the US-originating requests. I do not wish to ask for any part of your supply, but it will help mu to judge how well the "market" can be saturated if I know how many you have purchased, and how many will be left after you complete a routine mailing(Unless you advise me to the contmry, I assu@e that you will be distribu- ting yourself to a general Ust which would probably be congruent with rgy own=> I regret that there was only one copy of the ms. with your letter. If you can send FM-+ a second (perhaps with those changes to which you would accede) it would be appreciated, but not indispensable. the discussion. I will try to refrain from perpetuating I will return the tear-sheets of your paper Eor the Biochemical Congress in Paris in the near future. Could you get for me the fLlll name, publisher, and price so that I can get our library to buy the volume? [Please do not consider assuming this burdeh yourself!] Unfortunately, I have to think of two other mss. along with this one, so my mind is not so clear on other issues that may have accumulated. I assume that you will be increaeingly busy (if not frantic!) with the forthcoming meetings. I will wait for your acknowledgment chf this hefore trying to collect our past correspondence and resunrs in a mDre coherent way. Only owls person seems to be going to Europe this summer from this department, one of my students (Miss Helen Byera). I intend to ask her to bring back the printed materials from the Congress for me, if possible. If there is any comparable favor I can ask of her, please let me know- may be tight for baggage weight. but she will probably be flying, and Yours sincerely,