Disk space overview

Generated on Mon Mar 16 00:35:09 2009


  1. Disk Space Overview
  2. Disk needing indexing
  3. Production locations
  4. Summary

Disk space overview

Note that each disk may contain other directories than reco*/. Those are the only ones scanned ... The reported structure reflects a tree assumed to be of the form Trigger/Field/Production.

Color Scale 0 - 12 12 - 25 25 - 37 37 - 50 50 - 62 62 - 75 75 - 87 87 - 100

Disk Total Used Avail Used % Triggers Libs
User Space
/star/data01 2362232032
( 2.20 TB)
1536471200 825760832 66%
User   space for PWG.
See pwg/ for groups you belong too.

Quota of soft=75 GB hard=100 GB per user applies

There is a large retention on this disk of 540 days. This was
applied in July 2005 - See starsoft for details

/star/data02 2362232032
( 2.20 TB)
2331143648 31088384 99%
User   space for PWG.
See pwg/ for groups you belong too.

Quota of soft=75 GB hard=100 GB per user applies

There is a large retention on this disk of 540 days. This was
applied in July 2005 - See starsoft for details 
Reserved Usage Space Area
/star/data03 2684354560
( 2.50 TB)
856878784 1827475776 32%
This  disk is reserved for DAQ files ONLY (raw DAQ only, 
no processed files, extracted info, histo, etc...).
Retention time will be 1 year.

Any other files found may be deleted without warning 
unless permission was specifically granted (you should
then appear in this message).

Quota of soft=75 GB hard=100 GB per user applies
/star/data04 2147483648
( 2.00 TB)
1809480288 338003360 85%
This   space is reserved for Simulation files (output of
simulator, geant etc...) ONLY !!
Retention time will be 6 months.

Any other files found may be deleted without warning
unless permission was specifically granted (you should
then appear in this message).

Quota of soft=75 GB hard=100 GB per user applies 
/star/data05 3221225472
( 3.00 TB)
2564105312 657120160 80%
  scratch space for users (retention time 75 days = 2.5 months)
Production Disks / Assigned TEMPORARY space for Projects
/star/data06 1073741824
( 1.00 TB)
784167232 289574592 74%
Disk  may be loaned temporarily to projects or sub-systems

calib/ Space loaned to the SVT+SSD tracking efforts in 200612
       0.5 TB requested. Should be give back when done.
SVT/   Space loaned to the SVT group for calibration tests on pp data
SSD/   Loaned to Lilian on March 15th 2005 for Cu+Cu 
       Loan renewed SSD boost 2006 (Jonathan Bouchet) until March 2007.

embed/ Space created 20070419 for Victor, reshaped 20090122 for Andrew 
       Boost for embedding debuging
WSU/   Space loaned 20070518 for Wayne State, file transfer (1 week)

Quota of soft=122 GB hard=138 GB per user applies
/star/data07 959447040
( 0.89 TB)
883299840 76147200 93%
Space  may be loaned to users for specific tasks of common interrest

db/      Transitional buffer space for HPSS backup of databases
calib/   space loaned to Yuri for calibration purposes. 
         50GB requested.

EMC/     Requested 500 GB space, Matthew Walker 2008/07, 6 months     

FMS/     Space loaned to Akio / Les for the FMS calibration
         in Run8. Space requested 100 GB for 3 months January

Quota of soft=140 GB hard=162 GB per user applies

The backup/ directory belongs to starlib and used for archiving
recent library versions. Usually pushed into HPSS ...
/star/data08 2147483648
( 2.00 TB)
1415735424 731748224 66%
Disk  was loaned for GC project, Xrootd and Grid related activities 
Not used by production

Production Disks
/star/data09 2147483648
( 2.00 TB)
1206676576 940807072 57%
Year2004  Fastoffline ( spanning ) 

laser_localclock laser_rhicclock pedAsPhys physics2009_early production2009_test tune tune_emc_timing tune_ht tune_jan1 tune_l2
/star/data10 959447040
( 0.89 TB)
362298368 597148672 38%
Attention  - this disk is reserved for FastOffline

calib/   is used to output laser tags.root files

tune tune_emc_timing
/star/data12 817889280
( 0.76 TB)
777004736 40884544 96%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias pp200 pp2006MinBias pp2pp ppEmcCheck ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionLongNoEmc ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 upsilonTest   P08ie P06ie P08if P07ic min_bias 25_35gev P06ib P08ic P07id P06id P08ib
/star/data13 2684354560
( 2.50 TB)
2276217088 408137472 85%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias auau200 barrelBackground barrelBackground62 bbcvpd cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias lowEnergy2008 pp200 pp2006MinBias pp2pp ppEmcBackgroundCheck ppEmcCheck ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionLongNoEmc ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 upsilonTest +
  P08ie 9_11gev P08if 15_25gev b0_20 P07id P06id P06ie dev Upsminbias P07ic 11_15gev 7_9gev 25_35gev P06ib P08ic 55_65gev P08ib 45_55gev
/star/data14 1073741824
( 1.00 TB)
954380096 119361728 89%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias barrelBackground cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias pp2006MinBias ppEmcCheck ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionLongNoEmc ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 upsilonTest +
  P08ie P07ie P06ie P08if P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P06id P08ib
/star/data15 1073741824
( 1.00 TB)
941036704 132705120 88%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias barrelBackground cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias pp2006MinBias ppEmcCheck ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionLongNoEmc ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 upsilonTest +
  P08ie P07ie P07ib P06ie P08if P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P06id P08ib
/star/data16 2147483648
( 2.00 TB)
1788731072 358752576 84%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias barrelBackground barrelBackground62 cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias muonminbias pp200 pp2006MinBias pp2pp ppEmcCheck ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionLongNoEmc ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 upsilonTest +
  P08ie 4_5gev P07ie P07ib P06ie 5_7gev 0_2gev P08if 11_15gev P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P06id P08ib
/star/data17 959447040
( 0.89 TB)
911581696 47865344 96%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias barrelBackground barrelBackground62 cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias pp200 pp2006MinBias pp2pp ppEmcCheck ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionLongNoEmc ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 upsilonTest   P08ie P07ib P06ie P08if 2_3gev P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P06id P08ib
/star/data18 2684354560
( 2.50 TB)
1953304544 731050016 73%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias barrelBackground cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias pp200 pp2006MinBias ppEmcCheck ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransFPDonly ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 +
  P08ie P06ie 5_7gev P08if P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P06id P08ib
/star/data19 2684354560
( 2.50 TB)
1807699808 876654752 68%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias pp2006MinBias ppEmcCheck ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 upsilonTest +
  P08ie P07ie P06ie P08if P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P06id P08ib
/star/data20 2684354560
( 2.50 TB)
1900707136 783647424 71%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias pp2006MinBias ppEmcCheck ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 +
  P08ie P06ie P07ib P08if P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P06id P08ib
/star/data21 1610612736
( 1.50 TB)
1216414304 394198432 76%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias barrelBackground barrelBackground62 cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias pp2006MinBias ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionLongNoEmc ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 +
  P08ie P06ie P08if P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P06id P08ib
/star/data22 2147483648
( 2.00 TB)
1484772480 662711168 70%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias barrelBackground barrelBackground62 cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias muonminbias pp2006MinBias pp2pp ppEmcCheck ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 +
  P08ie P07ie P06ie P08if P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P06id P08ib
/star/data24 959447040
( 0.89 TB)
911492096 47954944 96%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias pp2006MinBias ppEmcCheck ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionLongNoEmc ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 upsilonTest +
  P08ie P07ie P06ie P08if P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P06id P08ib
/star/data25 5368709120
( 5.00 TB)
2704010720 2664698400 51%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias barrelBackground cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias EmcCheck pp2006MinBias pp2pp ppEmcBackgroundCheck ppEmcCheck ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 +
  P08ie P07ie P06ie P08if P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P06id P08ib
/star/data26 5368709120
( 5.00 TB)
2611352416 2757356704 49%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias EmcCheck pp2006MinBias pp2pp ppEmcBackgroundCheck ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 upsilonTest +
  P08ie P07ie P06ie P08if P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P06id P08ib
/star/data27 1610612736
( 1.50 TB)
1223706112 386906624 76%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias pp2006MinBias pp2pp ppEmcBackgroundCheck ppEmcCheck ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 +
  P08ie P06ie P07ib P08if P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P06id P08ib
/star/data28 959447040
( 0.89 TB)
898458400 60988640 94%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias pp2006MinBias ppEmcCheck ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionLongNoEmc ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 +
  P08ie P07ie P06ie P08if P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P06id P08ib
/star/data29 959447040
( 0.89 TB)
911474848 47972192 96%
P02gc  files are test MuDstwith EMC in.
2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias barrelBackground barrelBackground62 cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias pp2006MinBias ppEmcCheck ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008
  P08ie P07ie P06ie P08if P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P06id P08ib
/star/data30 959447040
( 0.89 TB)
908821120 50625920 95%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias pp2006MinBias ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production62GeV production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 +
  P04ie P08ie P07ie P06ie P08if P07ic P04id P06ib P08ic P07id P06id P08ib
/star/data31 5368709120
( 5.00 TB)
2561797408 2806911712 48%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias EmcCheck pp2006MinBias pp2pp ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008   P08ie P07ie P06ie P08if P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P06id P08ib
/star/data32 1879048192
( 1.75 TB)
1492636352 386411840 80%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias barrelBackground barrelBackground62 cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias pp200 pp2006MinBias ppEmcCheck ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionLongNoEmc ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 +
  P08ie 4_5gev P07ie P06ie P08if above_35gev P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P06id P08ib
/star/data33 959447040
( 0.89 TB)
848317344 111129696 89%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias pp2006MinBias ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 +
  P08ie P07ie P06ie P07ib P08if P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P06id P08ib
/star/data34 2684354560
( 2.50 TB)
1868457152 815897408 70%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias barrelBackground barrelBackground62 cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias muonminbias pp200 pp2006MinBias ppEmcCheck ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionLongNoEmc ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 +
  P08ie P07ie P07ib P06ie 3_4gev P08if P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P06id P08ib
/star/data35 2684354560
( 2.50 TB)
1892719232 791635328 71%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias barrelBackground barrelBackground62 cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias EmcCheck pp2006MinBias ppEmcCheck ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionLongNoEmc ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 upsilonTest +
  P08ie P07ie P07ib P06ie P08if P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P06id P08ib
/star/data36 5368709120
( 5.00 TB)
2762177472 2606531648 52%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias barrelBackground barrelBackground62 cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias EmcCheck pp2006MinBias pp2pp ppEmcCheck ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionLongNoEmc ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 upsilonTest +
  P08ie P07ie P07ib P06ie P08if P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P06id P08ib
/star/data37 1782579200
( 1.66 TB)
1369850944 412728256 77%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias barrelBackground barrelBackground62 cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias pp2006MinBias pp2pp ppEmcCheck ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionLongNoEmc ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 upsilonTest +
  P08ie P07ie P07ib P06ie P08if P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P06id P08ib
/star/data38 2147483648
( 2.00 TB)
1679959872 467523776 79%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias barrelBackground barrelBackground62 cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias nohup.out pp2006MinBias ppEmcCheck ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionLongNoEmc ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 upsilonTest +
  P08ie P07ie P07ib P06ie P08if P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P06id P08ib
/star/data39 2147483648
( 2.00 TB)
1703971200 443512448 80%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias barrelBackground barrelBackground62 cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias nohup.out pp2006MinBias ppEmcCheck ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 upsilonTest +
  P08ie P07ie P07ib P06ie P08if P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P06id P08ib
/star/data40 3221225472
( 3.00 TB)
2359308768 861916704 74%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias barrelBackground barrelBackground62 cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias EmcCheck muonminbias pp200 pp2006MinBias ppEmcCheck ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionLongNoEmc ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 +
  P08ie P07ie P07ib P06ie P08if P07ic charm P06ib P08ic P07id P06id P08ib
/star/data41 3221225472
( 3.00 TB)
2374029440 847196032 74%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias barrelBackground barrelBackground62 cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias pp2006MinBias ppEmcCheck ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionLongNoEmc ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 upsilonTest +
  P08ie P07ie P07ib P06ie P08if P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P06id P08ib
/star/data42 1782579200
( 1.66 TB)
1487555488 295023712 84%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias barrelBackground barrelBackground62 cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias nohup.out pp2006MinBias ppEmcCheck ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionLongNoEmc ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 +
  P08ie P07ie P07ib P06ie P08if P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P06id P08ib
/star/data43 3221225472
( 3.00 TB)
2194488928 1026736544 69%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias barrelBackground barrelBackground62 cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias EmcCheck pp2006MinBias ppEmcCheck ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionLongNoEmc ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 upsilonTest +
  P08ie P07ie P07ib P06ie P08if P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P06id P08ib
/star/data44 1920991232
( 1.79 TB)
1636151424 284839808 86%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias barrelBackground cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias pp2006MinBias ppEmcCheck ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionLongNoEmc ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 upsilonTest   P08ie P07ie P07ib P06ie P08if P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P06id P08ib
/star/data45 1782579200
( 1.66 TB)
1547971328 234607872 87%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias barrelBackground barrelBackground62 cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias pp2006MinBias ppEmcCheck ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionLongNoEmc ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 upsilonTest +
  P08ie P07ie P07ib P06ie P08if P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P06id P08ib
/star/data46 5368709120
( 5.00 TB)
4983615872 385093248 93%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias barrelBackground barrelBackground62 cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias EmcCheck LowEnergy_newtier1 minBias22GeVZDC pp200 pp2006MinBias ppEmcCheck ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionLongNoEmc ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 upsilonTest +
  4_5gev P08ie 9_11gev 5_7gev P08if 15_25gev 35_45gev P07id P06id P07ie P06ie P07ib 3_4gev minbias 7_9gev P07ic 11_15gev 25_35gev P06ib P08ic 55_65gev P08ib 45_55gev
/star/data47 5368709120
( 5.00 TB)
4324553568 1044155552 81%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias barrelBackground barrelBackground62 cu62productionMinBias cucu200 cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias minBias22GeVZDC pp200 pp2006MinBias pp62 ppEmcCheck ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionLongNoEmc ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 upsilonTest +
  P08ie 9_11gev 5_7gev P08if 15_25gev 35_45gev P07id P06id P07ie P06ie P07ib 3_4gev P07ic 11_15gev 7_9gev 25_35gev P06ib P08ic P05if 55_65gev b0_14 P08ib 45_55gev
/star/data48 5368709120
( 5.00 TB)
3777570016 1591139104 71%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias auau200 barrelBackground barrelBackground62 bbcvpd cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias EmcCheck lowEnergy2008 pp2006MinBias pp2pp ppEmcBackgroundCheck ppEmcCheck ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionLongNoEmc ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 upsilonTest +
  P08ie P07ie P07ib P06ie b0_3 P08if P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P06id
/star/data49 2101402240
( 1.96 TB)
1351803904 664202304 68%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias barrelBackground barrelBackground62 cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias pp2006MinBias pp2pp ppEmcCheck ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionLongNoEmc ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransFPDonly ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 +
  P08ie P06ib P06ie P08ic P07id P08if P07ic
/star/data50 2101402240
( 1.96 TB)
1510323584 505682624 75%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias barrelBackground62 cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias pp2006MinBias ppEmcBackgroundCheck ppEmcCheck ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionLongNoEmc ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransFPDonly ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 upsilonTest +
  P08ie P07ie P07ib P06ie P08if P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P08ib
/star/data51 2101402304
( 1.96 TB)
1732297216 262360064 87%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias barrelBackground barrelBackground62 cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias pp2006MinBias pp2pp ppEmcBackgroundCheck ppEmcCheck ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionLong ppProductionLongNoEmc ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransFPDonly production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 upsilonTest +
  P08ie P07ie P07ib P06ie P08if P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P08ib
/star/data52 2101402240
( 1.96 TB)
1709419008 306587200 85%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias barrelBackground barrelBackground62 cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias pp2006MinBias pp2pp ppEmcCheck ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionLongNoEmc ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransFPDonly ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 upsilonTest +
  P08ie P07ie P07ib P06ie P08if P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P08ic_tpc
/star/data53 2684354560
( 2.50 TB)
1628397952 1055956608 61%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias barrelBackground barrelBackground62 cu62productionMinBias cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias pp2006MinBias ppEmcBackgroundCheck ppEmcCheck ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionLongNoEmc ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransFPDonly ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 setup-2008 upsilonTest +
  P08ie P07ie P07ib P06ie P08if P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id P08ib
/star/data54 2684354560
( 2.50 TB)
2035280800 649073760 76%   2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias barrelBackground barrelBackground62 cucu200 cuProductionHighTower cuProductionMinBias pp2006MinBias pp2pp ppEmcBackgroundCheck ppEmcCheck ppLongTest ppProduction ppProduction2008 ppProduction2008-2 ppProduction62 ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionLongNoEmc ppProductionMB62 ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransFPDonly ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 production_mb2008 production_PMD2008 upsilonTest +
  P08ie P07ie P07ib P06ie P08if P07ic P06ib P08ic P07id b0_14
/star/data55 2684354560
( 2.50 TB)
1978536864 705817696 74%   1DplusOnly 2007LowLuminosity 2007Production2 2007ProductionMinBias auau200 auau9 cu62productionMinBias cuProductionMinBias pp200 pp2006MinBias ppProductionJPsi ppProductionLong ppProductionLongNoEmc ppProductionTrans ppProductionTransFPDonly ppProductionTransNoEMC production_dAu2008 +
  P08ie 4_5gev 9_11gev 15_25gev b0_20 P07ie P06ie 3_4gev b0_3 minbias P07ic 11_15gev P05id 25_35gev P06ib P08ic pt10
Institution disks
/star/institutions/bnl 4294967296
( 4.00 TB)
4236726912 58240384 99%
This  disk space is STRICLY reserved for BNL Institution users.

Disk space manager for BNL is: Paul Sorensen

- If you are a BNL user, please contact Paul
  and make arrangements for creating a directory
- If you are NOT from BNL, please keep off this area
  unless you have prior agreements with BNL disk space
  manager. If so, your name should (if not MUST) appear
  in this file with the following information
  + space agreed upon 
  + duration of the loan

All files in this directory MUST be STAR group readable. There shall be
no hidden files. Hidden directories will be un-protected without prior

Thank you.
/star/institutions/emn 2147483648
( 2.00 TB)
1832264576 315219072 86%
This  disk space is strictly reserved for SUBATECH Institution users.

Disk space manager for SUBATECH is: Artemios Geromitsos.

- If you are a SUBATECH  employee, create a directory here as 
- If you are not from SUBATECH, please keep off this area. 

/star/institutions/iucf 1073741824
( 1.00 TB)
655635712 418106112 62%
This  disk space is STRICLY reserved for IUCF Institution users.

Disk space manager for IUCF is: Jim Sowinski

- If you are a IUCF user, please contact Jim
  and make arrangements for creating a directory
- If you are NOT from IUCF, please keep off this area
  unless you have prior agreements with IUCF disk space
  manager. If so, your name should (if not MUST) appear
  in this file with the following information
  + space agreed upon ("morale" quota)
  + duration of the loan

All files in this directory MUST be STAR group readable. There shall be
no hidden files. Hidden directories will be un-protected without prior

Thank you.
/star/institutions/ksu 1073741824
( 1.00 TB)
1060569984 13171840 99%
This  disk space is STRICLY reserved for KSU Institution users.

Disk space manager for KSU is: Spiros Margetis

- If you are a IUCF user, please contact Spiros
  and make arrangements for creating a directory
- If you are NOT from KSU, please keep off this area
  unless you have prior agreements with KSU disk space
  manager. If so, your name should (if not MUST) appear
  in this file with the following information
  + space agreed upon 
  + duration of the loan

All files in this directory MUST be STAR group readable. There shall be
no hidden files. Hidden directories will be un-protected without prior

Thank you.
/star/institutions/lbl 15032385536
(14.00 TB)
14632568256 399817280 98%
This  disk space is STRICLY reserved for LBNL Institution users.

Disk space manager for LBNL is: Andrew Rose

- If you are a LBNL user, please contact Andrew
  and make arrangements for creating a directory
- If you are NOT from LBNL, please keep off this area
  unless you have prior agreements with LBNL disk space
  manager. If so, your name should (if not MUST) appear
  in this file with the following information
  + space agreed upon 
  + duration of the loan

All files in this directory MUST be STAR group readable. There shall be
no hidden files. Hidden directories will be un-protected without prior

Thank you.


Date Start       Date End     Ammount(GB)    	User
01-05-98	01-09-08	50	 	qiuh
06-07-08	01-10-08	100	 	wang187
17-07-08	01-10-08	100	 	weixie
01-07-08	01-09-08	20		wuj	
21-07-08	01-01-09	100		martinc
21-08-08	31-12-09	100		cjena	
04-02-09        04-02-10        100             tesar
bbcvpd lowEnergy2008
/star/institutions/mit 1073741824
( 1.00 TB)
1040695584 33046240 97%
This  disk space is STRICLY reserved for MIT Institution users.

Disk space manager for MIT is: Adam Kocoloski

- If you are a MIT user, please contact Adam
  and make arrangements for creating a directory
- If you are NOT from MIT, please keep off this area
  unless you have prior agreements with MIT disk space
  manager. If so, your name should (if not MUST) appear
  in this file with the following information
  + space agreed upon 
  + duration of the loan

All files in this directory MUST be STAR group readable. There shall be
no hidden files. Hidden directories will be un-protected without prior

Thank you.
/star/institutions/psu 1073741824
( 1.00 TB)
1002502624 71239200 94%
This  disk space is STRICLY reserved for PSU Institution users.

Disk space manager for PSU is: Akio Ogawa (akio@bnl.gov)

 - If you are a PSU user, please contact Akio and make arrangements
   for creating a directory /star/institutions/psu/$USER

 - If you are NOT from PSU, please keep off this area unless you have
   prior agreements with PSU disk space manager. If so, your name
   should (if not MUST)appear in this file with the following information
    + space agreed upon
    + duration of the loan

 All files in this directory MUST be STAR group readable. There shall be
 no hidden files. Hidden directories will be un-protected without prior

 Thank you.

 Date Start       Date End     Ammount(GB)        User
 20080814         21080101     500                bland
 20080814         21080101     20                 akio
 20081112         21080101     50                 nogach
 20090101         21080101     50                 agordon
 20090304         21080101     50                 crawford
/star/institutions/rice 1073741824
( 1.00 TB)
913094560 160647264 86%
This  disk space is STRICLY reserved for RICE Institution users.

Disk space manager for RICE is: Bill Llope

edit by Bill: if you are working on TOF related analyses,
i will of course say "yes! please use the space"
but please let me know anyway. 
And *please* be tidy. move your stuff to HPSS when you
can, so that we can leave space for other TOF users.
if Rice users are running into disk space limits, then
we will face that conflict in a reasonable way when that 
until then, enjoy!  
o.k. now read the rest of the standard comments below
(especially re: permissions).

2009/02/05 Space loaned to Aihong Tang (Hao Qiu / 1.5 TB asked)


- If you are a RICE user, please contact Bill
  and make sure he is aware of you creating a directory
  of the form /star/institutions/rice/$USER
- If you are NOT from RICE, please keep off this area
  unless you have prior agreements with RICE disk space
  manager. If so, your name should (if not MUST) appear
  in this file with the following information
  + space agreed upon 
  + duration of the loan

All files in this directory MUST be STAR group readable. There shall be
no hidden files. Hidden directories will be un-protected without prior

Thank you.
/star/institutions/ucla 3221225472
( 3.00 TB)
3031506304 189719168 95%
This  disk space is STRICLY reserved for UCLA Institution users.

Disk space manager for UCLA is: Huan Huang

- If you are a UCLA user, please contact Huan
  and make arrangements for creating a directory
- If you are NOT from UCLA, please keep off this area
  unless you have prior agreements with UCLA disk space
  manager. If so, your name should (if not MUST) appear
  in this file with the following information
  + space agreed upon 
  + duration of the loan

All files in this directory MUST be STAR group readable. There shall be
no hidden files. Hidden directories will be un-protected without prior

Thank you.
/star/institutions/uky 1073741824
( 1.00 TB)
628810240 444931584 59%
This  disk space is STRICLY reserved for UKY Institution users.

Disk space manager for UKY is: Renee Fatemi

- If you are a UKY user, please contact Renee
  and make arrangements for creating a directory
- If you are NOT from UKY, please keep off this area
  unless you have prior agreements with UKY disk space
  manager. If so, your name should (if not MUST) appear
  in this file with the following information
  + space agreed upon 
  + duration of the loan

All files in this directory MUST be STAR group readable. There shall be
no hidden files. Hidden directories will be un-protected without prior

Thank you.
/star/institutions/uta 1073741824
( 1.00 TB)
1005790592 67951232 94%
This  disk space is STRICLY reserved for UTA Institution users.

Disk space manager for UTA is: Christina Market

- If you are a UTA user, please contact Christina
  and make arrangements for creating a directory
- If you are NOT from UTA, please keep off this area
  unless you have prior agreements with UTA disk space
  manager. If so, your name should (if not MUST) appear
  in this file with the following information
  + space agreed upon 
  + duration of the loan

All files in this directory MUST be STAR group readable. There shall be
no hidden files. Hidden directories will be un-protected without prior

Thank you.
/star/institutions/vecc 2147483648
( 2.00 TB)
2051698528 95785120 96%
This  disk space is STRICLY reserved for VECC Institution users and 
related to PMD work essentially.

Disk space manager for VECC is: Subhasis Chattopadhyay

- If you are a VECC user, please contact Subhasis 
  and make arrangements for creating a directory
- If you are NOT from a VECC affiliated institution, please keep 
  off this area unless you have prior agreements with VECC disk 
  space manager. If so, your name should (if not MUST) appear
  in this file with the following information
  + space agreed upon 
  + duration of the loan

All files in this directory MUST be STAR group readable. There shall be
no hidden files. Hidden directories will be un-protected without prior

Thank you.

Disk needing indexing

Disk Indexer Spider   Disk Indexer Spider   Disk Indexer Spider
/star/data09 +
off   /star/data10 +
off   /star/data13 +
/star/data14 +
+   /star/data15 +
+   /star/data16 +
/star/data18 +
+   /star/data19 +
+   /star/data20 +
/star/data21 +
+   /star/data22 +
+   /star/data24 +
/star/data25 +
+   /star/data26 +
+   /star/data27 +
/star/data28 +
+   /star/data29 +
+   /star/data30 +
/star/data32 +
+   /star/data33 +
+   /star/data34 +
/star/data35 +
+   /star/data36 +
+   /star/data37 +
/star/data38 +
+   /star/data39 +
+   /star/data40 +
/star/data41 +
+   /star/data42 +
+   /star/data43 +
/star/data45 +
+   /star/data46 +
+   /star/data47 +
/star/data48 +
+   /star/data49 +
+   /star/data50 +
/star/data51 +
+   /star/data52 +
+   /star/data53 +
/star/data54 +
+   /star/data55 +

Production Location

Production Trigger setup Location list
0_2gev pp200 /star/data16
11_15gev pp200 /star/data13 /star/data16 /star/data46 /star/data47 /star/data55
  pp62 /star/data47
15_25gev pp200 /star/data13 /star/data46 /star/data47 /star/data55
25_35gev pp200 /star/data12 /star/data13 /star/data46 /star/data47 /star/data55
  pp62 /star/data47
2_3gev pp200 /star/data17
35_45gev pp200 /star/data46 /star/data47
3_4gev pp200 /star/data34 /star/data46 /star/data55
  pp62 /star/data47
45_55gev pp200 /star/data13 /star/data46 /star/data47
4_5gev pp200 /star/data16 /star/data32 /star/data46 /star/data55
55_65gev pp200 /star/data13 /star/data46 /star/data47
5_7gev pp200 /star/data16 /star/data18 /star/data46 /star/data47
  pp62 /star/data47
7_9gev pp200 /star/data13 /star/data46 /star/data47
9_11gev pp200 /star/data13 /star/data46 /star/data47 /star/data55
  pp62 /star/data47
P04id production62GeV /star/data30
P04ie production62GeV /star/data30
P05id cu62productionMinBias /star/data55
P05if ppProduction /star/data47
P06ib cu62productionMinBias /star/data47
  cuProductionHighTower /star/data12 /star/data13 /star/data14 /star/data15 /star/data16 /star/data17 /star/data18 /star/data19 /star/data20 /star/data21 /star/data22 /star/data24 /star/data25 /star/data26 /star/data27 /star/data28 /star/data29 /star/data30 /star/data31 /star/data32 /star/data33 /star/data34 /star/data35 /star/data36 /star/data37 /star/data38 /star/data39 /star/data40 /star/data41 /star/data42 /star/data43 /star/data44 /star/data45 /star/data46 /star/data47
  cuProductionMinBias /star/data12 /star/data13 /star/data14 /star/data15 /star/data16 /star/data17 /star/data18 /star/data19 /star/data20 /star/data21 /star/data22 /star/data24 /star/data25 /star/data26 /star/data27 /star/data28 /star/data29 /star/data30 /star/data31 /star/data32 /star/data33 /star/data34 /star/data35 /star/data36 /star/data37 /star/data38 /star/data39 /star/data40 /star/data41 /star/data42 /star/data43 /star/data44 /star/data45 /star/data46 /star/data47 /star/data48 /star/data49 /star/data50 /star/data51 /star/data52 /star/data53 /star/data54 /star/data55
P06id ppProduction /star/data46
  ppProductionJPsi /star/data12 /star/data13 /star/data14 /star/data15 /star/data16 /star/data17 /star/data18 /star/data19 /star/data20 /star/data21 /star/data22 /star/data24 /star/data25 /star/data26 /star/data27 /star/data28 /star/data29 /star/data30 /star/data31 /star/data32 /star/data33 /star/data34 /star/data35 /star/data36 /star/data37 /star/data38 /star/data39 /star/data40 /star/data41 /star/data42 /star/data43 /star/data44 /star/data45 /star/data46 /star/data47 /star/data48
  ppProductionLong /star/data14 /star/data36 /star/data41 /star/data44 /star/data45 /star/data46 /star/data47
  ppProductionTrans /star/data13 /star/data14 /star/data15 /star/data18 /star/data22 /star/data32 /star/data36 /star/data39 /star/data41 /star/data42 /star/data43 /star/data44 /star/data45 /star/data46 /star/data47
P06ie barrelBackground62 /star/data13 /star/data16 /star/data17 /star/data21 /star/data22 /star/data29 /star/data32 /star/data34 /star/data35 /star/data36 /star/data37 /star/data38 /star/data39 /star/data40 /star/data41 /star/data42 /star/data43 /star/data45 /star/data46 /star/data47 /star/data48 /star/data49 /star/data50 /star/data51 /star/data52 /star/data53 /star/data54
  barrelBackground /star/data13 /star/data14 /star/data15 /star/data16 /star/data17 /star/data18 /star/data21 /star/data22 /star/data25 /star/data29 /star/data32 /star/data34 /star/data35 /star/data36 /star/data37 /star/data38 /star/data39 /star/data40 /star/data41 /star/data42 /star/data43 /star/data44 /star/data45 /star/data46 /star/data47 /star/data48 /star/data49 /star/data51 /star/data52 /star/data53 /star/data54
  muonminbias /star/data16 /star/data22 /star/data34 /star/data40
  pp2006MinBias /star/data12 /star/data13 /star/data14 /star/data15 /star/data16 /star/data17 /star/data18 /star/data19 /star/data20 /star/data21 /star/data22 /star/data24 /star/data25 /star/data26 /star/data27 /star/data28 /star/data29 /star/data30 /star/data31 /star/data32 /star/data33 /star/data34 /star/data35 /star/data36 /star/data37 /star/data38 /star/data39 /star/data40 /star/data41 /star/data42 /star/data43 /star/data44 /star/data45 /star/data46 /star/data47 /star/data48 /star/data49 /star/data50 /star/data51 /star/data52 /star/data53 /star/data54 /star/data55
  ppEmcBackgroundCheck /star/data13 /star/data25 /star/data26 /star/data27 /star/data48 /star/data50 /star/data51 /star/data53 /star/data54
  ppEmcCheck /star/data12 /star/data13 /star/data14 /star/data15 /star/data16 /star/data17 /star/data18 /star/data19 /star/data20 /star/data22 /star/data24 /star/data25 /star/data27 /star/data28 /star/data29 /star/data32 /star/data34 /star/data35 /star/data36 /star/data37 /star/data38 /star/data39 /star/data40 /star/data41 /star/data42 /star/data43 /star/data44 /star/data45 /star/data46 /star/data47 /star/data48 /star/data49 /star/data50 /star/data51 /star/data52 /star/data53 /star/data54
  ppLongTest /star/data12 /star/data13 /star/data14 /star/data16 /star/data17 /star/data19 /star/data20 /star/data21 /star/data22 /star/data24 /star/data28 /star/data29 /star/data30 /star/data32 /star/data33 /star/data34 /star/data35 /star/data36 /star/data37 /star/data38 /star/data39 /star/data40 /star/data41 /star/data42 /star/data44 /star/data45 /star/data46 /star/data47 /star/data49 /star/data52 /star/data53 /star/data54
  ppProduction62 /star/data12 /star/data13 /star/data14 /star/data15 /star/data16 /star/data17 /star/data18 /star/data19 /star/data20 /star/data21 /star/data22 /star/data24 /star/data25 /star/data26 /star/data27 /star/data28 /star/data29 /star/data30 /star/data31 /star/data32 /star/data33 /star/data34 /star/data35 /star/data36 /star/data37 /star/data38 /star/data39 /star/data40 /star/data41 /star/data42 /star/data43 /star/data44 /star/data45 /star/data46 /star/data47 /star/data48 /star/data49 /star/data50 /star/data51 /star/data52 /star/data53 /star/data54
  ppProduction /star/data12 /star/data13 /star/data14 /star/data15 /star/data16 /star/data17 /star/data18 /star/data19 /star/data20 /star/data21 /star/data22 /star/data24 /star/data25 /star/data26 /star/data27 /star/data28 /star/data29 /star/data30 /star/data31 /star/data32 /star/data33 /star/data34 /star/data35 /star/data36 /star/data37 /star/data38 /star/data39 /star/data40 /star/data41 /star/data42 /star/data43 /star/data44 /star/data45 /star/data46 /star/data47 /star/data48 /star/data49 /star/data50 /star/data51 /star/data52 /star/data53 /star/data54
  ppProductionJPsi /star/data12 /star/data13 /star/data14 /star/data15 /star/data16 /star/data17 /star/data18 /star/data19 /star/data20 /star/data21 /star/data22 /star/data24 /star/data25 /star/data26 /star/data27 /star/data28 /star/data29 /star/data30 /star/data31 /star/data32 /star/data33 /star/data34 /star/data35 /star/data36 /star/data37 /star/data38 /star/data39 /star/data40 /star/data41 /star/data42 /star/data43 /star/data44 /star/data45 /star/data46 /star/data47 /star/data48 /star/data49 /star/data50 /star/data52 /star/data53 /star/data54 /star/data55
  ppProductionLong /star/data12 /star/data13 /star/data14 /star/data15 /star/data16 /star/data17 /star/data18 /star/data19 /star/data20 /star/data21 /star/data22 /star/data24 /star/data25 /star/data26 /star/data27 /star/data28 /star/data29 /star/data30 /star/data31 /star/data32 /star/data33 /star/data34 /star/data35 /star/data36 /star/data37 /star/data38 /star/data39 /star/data40 /star/data41 /star/data42 /star/data43 /star/data44 /star/data45 /star/data46 /star/data47 /star/data48 /star/data49 /star/data50 /star/data51 /star/data52 /star/data53 /star/data54 /star/data55
  ppProductionLongNoEmc /star/data12 /star/data13 /star/data14 /star/data15 /star/data16 /star/data17 /star/data21 /star/data24 /star/data28 /star/data32 /star/data34 /star/data35 /star/data36 /star/data37 /star/data38 /star/data40 /star/data41 /star/data42 /star/data43 /star/data44 /star/data45 /star/data46 /star/data47 /star/data48 /star/data49 /star/data50 /star/data51 /star/data52 /star/data53 /star/data54 /star/data55
  ppProductionMB62 /star/data12 /star/data13 /star/data14 /star/data15 /star/data16 /star/data17 /star/data18 /star/data19 /star/data20 /star/data21 /star/data22 /star/data24 /star/data25 /star/data26 /star/data27 /star/data28 /star/data29 /star/data30 /star/data31 /star/data32 /star/data33 /star/data34 /star/data35 /star/data36 /star/data37 /star/data38 /star/data39 /star/data40 /star/data41 /star/data42 /star/data43 /star/data44 /star/data45 /star/data46 /star/data47 /star/data48 /star/data49 /star/data50 /star/data51 /star/data52 /star/data53 /star/data54
  ppProductionTrans /star/data12 /star/data13 /star/data14 /star/data15 /star/data16 /star/data17 /star/data18 /star/data19 /star/data20 /star/data21 /star/data22 /star/data24 /star/data25 /star/data26 /star/data27 /star/data28 /star/data29 /star/data30 /star/data31 /star/data32 /star/data33 /star/data34 /star/data35 /star/data36 /star/data37 /star/data38 /star/data39 /star/data40 /star/data41 /star/data42 /star/data43 /star/data44 /star/data45 /star/data46 /star/data47 /star/data48 /star/data49 /star/data50 /star/data51 /star/data52 /star/data53 /star/data54 /star/data55
  ppProductionTransFPDonly /star/data18 /star/data49 /star/data50 /star/data51 /star/data52 /star/data53 /star/data54 /star/data55
  ppProductionTransNoEMC /star/data12 /star/data13 /star/data14 /star/data15 /star/data16 /star/data17 /star/data18 /star/data19 /star/data20 /star/data21 /star/data22 /star/data24 /star/data25 /star/data26 /star/data27 /star/data28 /star/data29 /star/data30 /star/data31 /star/data32 /star/data33 /star/data34 /star/data35 /star/data36 /star/data37 /star/data38 /star/data39 /star/data40 /star/data41 /star/data42 /star/data43 /star/data44 /star/data45 /star/data46 /star/data47 /star/data48 /star/data49 /star/data50 /star/data52 /star/data53 /star/data54 /star/data55
  upsilonTest /star/data12 /star/data13 /star/data14 /star/data15 /star/data16 /star/data17 /star/data19 /star/data24 /star/data26 /star/data35 /star/data36 /star/data37 /star/data38 /star/data39 /star/data41 /star/data43 /star/data44 /star/data45 /star/data46 /star/data47 /star/data48 /star/data50 /star/data51 /star/data52 /star/data53 /star/data54
P07ib cuProductionHighTower /star/data15 /star/data16 /star/data17 /star/data20 /star/data27 /star/data33 /star/data34 /star/data35 /star/data36 /star/data37 /star/data38 /star/data39 /star/data40 /star/data41 /star/data42 /star/data43 /star/data44 /star/data45 /star/data46 /star/data47 /star/data48 /star/data50 /star/data51 /star/data52 /star/data53 /star/data54
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Available = 36924.26 GB