How does a DAFS experiment work?

The DAFS experiment on BaTiO3 was performed at beamline BM02 at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France between 27 November and 1 December, 1997.

[[Image of a schematic of a DAFS experiment]]


BM02 is a bending magnet beamline -- a tunable, polarized, broad band, very bright source of x-rays.
BM02 uses a fixed exit assembly of paired (111) silicon crystals, a sagittally focusing entrance mirror (M1), and a cylindrically focusing exit mirror (M2). The x-ray energy is determined by the diffraction angle alpha from the monochromator.
Tantalum knife edges are used to position the beam on the sample.
The sample sits at the eucentric point of a 7--circle goniometer. Theta and 2Theta track the diffraction peak as the energy is tuned by the monochromator.
Here I0 is a scintillation counter and ID is a photo-diode.


ID / I0 is measured as a function of energy.

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Bruce Ravel

Last modified: Wed Feb 18 15:56:11 EST 1998