[graphic] National Historic Landmarks Program header [graphic]NPS Arrowhead and link to www.nps.gov[photo] Chrysler Building, New York[photo] Brown Chapel, Selma AL[phtoto] Cape Hatteras Light Station, Buxton, North Carolina[photo] Pioneer Deep Space Station, Fort Irwin, CA
Warren County Courthouse

Vicksburg, Mississippi
County of Warren.
Court Square
National Register Number: 68000029
Resource type: Building.
Property type: Government - courthouse.
Congressional District: MS-2 Certified Local Government: YES
This NHL offers public access.
Please contact the NHL directly for visitor information.
Current use/information: Museum.

Statement of Significance (as of designation - May 23, 1968):
During the Vicksburg Campaign of 1862-63, Union forces camped on the Louisiana flood plain opposite the city could look across the Mississippi River and see on the bluffs the Warren County Courthouse (1859-61), symbol of Confederate resistance. In mid-May, 1863, after outmaneuvering and outfighting the Confederate defenders to gain the eastern approaches, Grant's army besieged the city. On July 4, 1863, after 47 days, the city surrendered, and Union soldiers unfurled the colors of the 75th Illinois and 4th Minnesota from the cupola of the Courthouse as a symbol of their victory.

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