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Peace Corps Week
photo of international festival participants
RPCVs in San Diego participated in an international festival during Peace Corps Week 2004.
Readead about the experiences of returned Volunteers who participated in previous Peace Corps Day celebrations.

From the moment you decide to join the Peace Corps, your service never really ends. Peace Corps service changes you profoundly - so deeply and so thoroughly that you can't shed it. You carry it with you forever. Read the full article
Karen Unger
Liberia 1976-1978

I received an unexpected gift during my service that made me realize the value and importance of sharing my experiences with people here in the United States and showed me that my work with the Peace Corps did not end with my arrival home. Read the full article. (This file is in PDF format and requires the free Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Jennifer Kinniff
Russia, 2001-2002

As Christmas vacation approached, Mr. MacDonald decided to introduce us to a part of his life that we could have never imagined: Peace Corps Botswana! Seven years later, Mr. MacDonald wrote a letter of recommendation for my Peace Corps application and I embarked on the two most remarkable years of my life. Read the full article
Shawn Davis
Mali, 1996-1998

My presentations tend to highlight the similarities between people from diverse backgrounds. After showing students my necklace, which the village sharman gave me for protection, one of the young girls produced a small crucifix and said, "My mom and dad gave me this to protect me."
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Katie Leshock
Sri Lanka, 1994-1997

"Can we sing the song again?" asked an enthusiastic second grader. It was a pleasure for me to "bring the world back home" to children in my own community. Peace Corps Week provided a great opportunity to share life in Guatemala with students and plant the seeds of excitement in them for future service.
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Mary Mueller
Guatemala, 1996-1998

My goal was to plant a seed of interest about the Peace Corps in their minds, and I was happy to see that glimmer of light in the eyes of several students. Hopefully, they will remember that day when I came to their class and introduced them to the Peace Corps.
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Joan Ambre
Jamaica, 1969-1971

The students were wonderful! It seemed like they could hardly believe it when I read some of the things that Joe had written about life in the village and at school. Students are responsible for cleaning the classrooms? They sweep and scrub the floors?
Read the full article
Pat McDonald
Parent of a Peace Corps Volunteer

I spoke to my middle school students about my experiences in Honduras. I especially found the world map helpful. Many of my students are from Sonora, Mexico, and were happy to know that Mexico will be one of the colored-in countries next year [The Peace Corps established a program in Mexico in 2004]. I'm glad I can do my part. I know that I first heard about the Peace Corps when I was in school because of a Peace Corps poster displayed in our classroom.
Elise Barrett
Honduras, 1974-1978

I hosted a noontime presentation at my workplace. This was the first time that I was able to communicate my experience to people other than fellow RPCVs. As the article in Hotline said, it was "A Chance to Bridge the Gap"; that is exactly what this presentation was for me. Finally, I felt comfortable and adjusted enough to present on this topic that is so near and dear to my heart.
Jolene Allred
Jamaica, 1998-2000

As a former Volunteer from the Philippines and a middle school teacher, the spouse of a former Volunteer in India (David Benson, 1963-1965), the parent of a former Volunteer in Nepal (Adrienne Benson Scherger, 1993-1995); the mother-in-law of a former Volunteer in Romania and current Peace Corps administrative officer (Michael Scherger, Ukraine, 1996-1997), I am particularly pleased that Peace Corps outreach is so appropriate and meaningful. Keep it up!
Pamela Cohelan Benson
Philippines, 1963-1965

I think we have a good target audience in community colleges. We may want to develop materials especially targeted to them about the appropriateness of a two-year degree for Peace Corps service.
Jim Heaton
Malawi, 1962-1964


For more information contact:

Peace Corps Third Goal
Domestic Programs
Second Floor
1111 20th St. NW
Washington, DC 20526
Email: thirdgoal

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Peace Corps 45th Anniversary

More Information About Peace Corps Week

For more information please contact the Peace Corps Week Coordinator:

Agnes Ousley
Peace Corps Week Coordinator
Domestic Programs
Second Floor
1111 20th St. NW
Washington, DC 20526