p17 Fixed Data and Monte Carlo for Summer

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How many datasets do I need to get all data ? The full data for any given skim is the union of three datasets. These can be described as followed: Details can be found in this section of this web page. These data sets do not overlap and are not different passes of the same data.
  2. Why are some files called called PASS2 and PASS3 ? This is purely historical, depending on the production history.
  3. So what is the difference then ? PASS3 data is the older data in terms of data taking. It was reprocessed before the hadronic calibration was available. It was then fixed afterwards and skimmed again. The PASS2 data is newer (> September 2005) and reconstructed with p17.09.00 which already had the hadronic calibration.
  4. What should I use then for the luminosity calculation ? Use -pass3 which will give you all parentage files you need.
  5. Are there duplicate events in these datasets ? Yes, but only in the CAF trees due to errors in the production process. You should remove them on the analysis level. Fixing this would require declaring a lot of files as bad and reprocessing them, then redoing all the parentage files. This should not be the case in the next CAF tree production...
  6. Are there duplicate events in the Monte Carlo ?Yes, due to a bug in the random number initalization in mc_runjob. Again, you should remove these on the CAF tree level in your analysis.
  7. What are the definitions for the different skims ? The definition of physical and logical skims is here, while the definition of all event flags is here
  8. How do I include reprocessed cable-swap data in my analysis? Use skimmed refixed data, and reskimmed unfixed data.

Unskimmed Data

To find data from the pass2 p17 fixing, use the following constraints:

sam translate constraints --dim="appl_name p17tmbfixer and version p17.09.03 and data_tier thumbnail"

or use this dataset: CSG_P17fixing_Pass2.

All data reconstructed with p17.09.00 already includes the fixing. You can find the unskimmed p17.09.00 data with these constraints:

sam translate constraints --dim="(((APPL_NAME  recon_root and VERSION  p17.09.00) and DATA_TIER  thumbnail) and FILE_NAME  recoT_all_%)"

Cable swap data was reprocessed using p17.09.06 and likewise does not need to be fixed. You can find the unskimmed p17.09.06 data using these constraints:

sam translate constraints --dim="(((APPL_NAME  recon_root, d0reco and VERSION  p17.09.06) and DATA_TIER  thumbnail) and FILE_NAME  recoT_all_%)"

Skimmed Data

The complete skimmed dataset is the union of skimmed refixed data and reskimmed unfixed data. The latter data includes non-cable-swap and cable-swap data. Thus, for any skim, the complete data set includes at least three predefined datasets for thumbnails:

or CAF trees: where XXXX is the name of the skim.

Run Ranges

Here is information about where to find specific run ranges in the above datasets.

Monte Carlo

Detailed information about Run 2 Monte Carlo samples is available on the Run 2 MC web page.

Thumbnails and CAF Trees for Re-fixed Data

To find skimmed thumbnails, use the following constraint:
sam translate constraints --dim="(((APPL_NAME  tmbskim and VERSION  csskim-pass3-p17.09.03) and DATA_TIER  thumbnail) and FILE_NAME  CSskim-XXXX-%)"

or the pre-defined dataset CSskim-XXXXX-PASS3-p17.09.03 where XXXXX is the skim name.

To find CAF trees for the skimmed datasets, use the following constraint:

sam translate constraints --dim="((APPL_NAME  tmb_analyze and VERSION  csgcaf_02.00.00) and FILE_NAME  CSG-CAFv3-CSskim-XXXX-%)"
or the pre-defined dataset CSG_CAF_XXXXX_PASS3_p17.09.03 where XXXXX is the skim name.

These CAF trees are produced with p18.05.00.

Skim Thumbnail Dataset Definition CAF Tree Dataset Definition
EMinclusiveCSskim-EMinclusive-PASS3-p17.09.03 CSG_CAF_EMinclusive_PASS3_p17.09.03
MUinclusiveCSskim-MUinclusive-PASS3-p17.09.03 CSG_CAF_MUinclusive_PASS3_p17.09.03
ZBMBCSskim-ZBMB-PASS3-p17.09.03 CSG_CAF_ZBMB_PASS3_p17.09.03
NPCSskim-NP-PASS3-p17.09.03 CSG_CAF_NP_PASS3_p17.09.03
2EMhighptCSskim-2EMhighpt-PASS3-p17.09.03 CSG_CAF_2EMhighpt_PASS3_p17.09.03
2MUhighptCSskim-2MUhighpt-PASS3-p17.09.03 CSG_CAF_2MUhighpt_PASS3_p17.09.03
JPSICSskim-JPSI-PASS3-p17.09.03 CSG_CAF_JPSI_PASS3_p17.09.03
3JETCSskim-3JET-PASS3-p17.09.03 CSG_CAF_3JET_PASS3_p17.09.03
DIFFCSskim-DIFF-PASS3-p17.09.03 CSG_CAF_DIFF_PASS3_p17.09.03
QCDCSskim-QCD-PASS3-p17.09.03 CSG_CAF_QCD_PASS3_p17.09.03
HiggsCSskim-Higgs-PASS3-p17.09.03 CSG_CAF_Higgs_PASS3_p17.09.03
EMMUCSskim-EMMU-PASS3-p17.09.03 CSG_CAF_EMMU_PASS3_p17.09.03

Dataset Definitions for Thumbnails and CAF Trees for p17.09.00 Data

These data are affected by the "cable-swap" problem and have been superseded by reskimmed unfixed data (see below).

Descriptions of the old skims for thumbnails and caf trees can be found here.

Reskimmed Unfixed Data (includes reprocessed cable-swap data).

Cable-swap data taken near the end of Run IIa have been re-reconstructed using d0reco p17.09.06 (these data were originally reconstructed using d0reco p17.09.00). However, all data originally reconstructed using d0reco p17.09.00 have been reskimmed. Thus, the reskimmed data has two parts:

Reskimmed thumbnails can be found using the following sam query:

Reskimmed CAF trees can be found using the following sam query:

These CAF trees are produced with p18.05.00.

Skim Thumbnail Dataset Definition CAF Tree Dataset Definition

Thumbnails and CAF Trees for Recaffed Data

This section describes skimmed datasets for TMBs and CAF trees that were used for the run 2a recaffing project using production releases p18.13.00 and p18.13.01, plus p18.14.00 for photon hits-in-road recaffed samples.

The TMB datasets listed here contain the same data as the older skimmed TMB datasets described above, but they have been combined into a single dataset for each skim and for the all stream. The CAF tree datasets are completely newly generated using production release p18.13.00, p18.13.01, or p18.14.00.

Unskimmed Data

The following dataset has been defined for the entire Run 2a data all stream, which is the union of the datasets given above (p17.09.03 refixed, p17.09.00 unfixed, and p17.09.06 reprocessed cable swap).

Skimmed TMBs and CAF Trees

Datasets for skimmed TMBs and recaffed CAF trees are given in the following table. The following constraint can be used find find recaffed CAF trees made using p18.13.00 or p18.13.01.
sam translate constraints --dim="APPL_NAME  tmb_analyze and VERSION csg-p18.13.00, csg-p18.13.01 and DATA_TIER root-tree-bygroup and SKIM.NAME xxxx"
The following constraint can be used find find recaffed CAF trees made using p18.14.00..
sam translate constraints --dim="APPL_NAME  tmb_analyze and VERSION csg-p18.14.00 and DATA_TIER root-tree-bygroup and SKIM.NAME xxxx"
where xxxx is the (lower case) name of the skim.

Skim Thumbnail Dataset Definition CAF Tree Dataset Definition
EMinclusiveCSskim-EMinclusive-PASS3-p17.09.xx CSG_CAF_EMinclusive_PASS3_p18.13.01
MUinclusiveCSskim-MUinclusive-PASS3-p17.09.xx CSG_CAF_MUinclusive_PASS3_p18.13.01
ZBMBCSskim-ZBMB-PASS3-p17.09.xx CSG_CAF_ZBMB_PASS3_p18.13.01
NPCSskim-NP-PASS3-p17.09.xx CSG_CAF_NP_PASS3_p18.13.01
2EMhighptCSskim-2EMhighpt-PASS3-p17.09.xx CSG_CAF_2EMhighpt_PASS3_p18.13.01
2MUhighptCSskim-2MUhighpt-PASS3-p17.09.xx CSG_CAF_2MUhighpt_PASS3_p18.13.01
JPSICSskim-JPSI-PASS3-p17.09.xx CSG_CAF_JPSI_PASS3_p18.13.01
3JETCSskim-3JET-PASS3-p17.09.xx CSG_CAF_3JET_PASS3_p18.13.01
DIFFCSskim-DIFF-PASS3-p17.09.xx CSG_CAF_DIFF_PASS3_p18.13.01
QCDCSskim-QCD-PASS3-p17.09.xx CSG_CAF_QCD_PASS3_p18.13.01
HiggsCSskim-Higgs-PASS3-p17.09.xx CSG_CAF_Higgs_PASS3_p18.13.01
EMMUCSskim-EMMU-PASS3-p17.09.xx CSG_CAF_EMMU_PASS3_p18.13.01

Comments to CSG Conveners

Last updated: Nov. 15, 2006