Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Resources courtesy of the

North Dakota Game and Fish Department

100 North Bismarck Expressway
Bismarck, North Dakota 58501-5095

The following resources are based on articles produced by or in cooperation with the North Dakota Game and Fish Department. Many of the articles appeared in North Dakota Outdoors, the official publication of the North Dakota Game and Fish Department, and are reprinted here with the authors' permission. Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center appreciates the cooperation shown by the State Game and Fish Department and their cooperators.

Visit the North Dakota Game and Fish Department Web site for information on hunting and fishing opportunities in North Dakota.

1997 North Dakota Fishing Waters
This resource provides anglers with a county by county listing of public fishing waters in North Dakota and lake access points along the Missouri River system.
Aging Antelope It's All in the Teeth
Have you ever wondered how old your antelope is? This resource outlines the basics for determining antelope age by the wear and development of their teeth.
Aging Elk
Provides information for estimating an elk's age based on tooth development and wear.
Aging Moose
A guide intended to help successful hunters estimate the age of their moose based on tooth development and wear.
Attracting Bluebirds and Other Cavity Nesting Songbirds in North Dakota
Features information on how to develop, manage, and maintain a bluebird trail and increase the available nesting habitat for bluebirds.
Attracting Wildlife to Your Back Yard: A Guide to Increasing Wildlife Diversity and Aesthetic Value Around Your Home
Contains useful information about plants and animals to homeowners interested in making their surroundings more attractive to wildlife.
Backyard Bird Feeding in North Dakota
This resource provides backyard birding novices with information on selecting the proper feeder and seed to attract wild birds, and helps them identify some of the more common North Dakota wintering songbirds that may frequent their feeders.
Building Nest Structures, Feeders, and Photo Blinds for North Dakota Wildlife
Providing nesting areas, feeding, and watching wildlife are popular and enjoyable activities in North Dakota. This resource provides how-to information for constructing these devices at minimal expense.
Celebrating Prairie: First Annual Event Invites Exploration, Understanding of Tallgrass Landscape
An opportunity for citizens to experience the late summer beauty of tallgrass prairie wildflowers and grasses, which provide a hint of what North Dakota's bountiful native grasslands once looked like
The Clamor Over Clams
Clams? In North Dakota? Those mouthwatering, saltwater delicacies enjoyed daily by coastal dwelling friends and relatives? In North Dakota, the only place to find these clams, it seems, is at restaurants. However, North Dakota has many freshwater mussels, a fact which is discussed here.
A Closer Look Series from North Dakota Outdoors
A Closer Look: The Cedar Waxwing
This article provides information on the diet, migration, and nesting habits of one of North Dakota's most colorful songbirds.
A Closer Look: Giant Moths of North Dakota
This resource takes a close look at some of the giant silk moths found in North Dakota.
A Closer Look: The Great Ichneumon
"Ick" is probably the first term that comes to mind after seeing a member of the Ichneumonidae family of wasps. This resource provides information on these fascinating parasitic insects that inhabit the deciduous woodlands of North America.
A Closer Look: The Lark Sparrow
This resource examines the identification and ecology of the lark sparrow and provides directions to locate this native sparrow in western North Dakota.
A Closer Look: The Osprey
This article briefly describes the biology, range, and identifying characteristics of this ubiquitous, fish-eating raptor.
A Closer Look: The Western Meadowlark
This article contains information on the nesting habits and diet of one of North Dakota's most colorful songbirds.
A Closer Look: The Wise Burrower
This resource briefly describes the biology, and, in particular, the feeding and unique nesting habits of the burrowing owl.
A Closer Look: The Yellow-Rumped Warbler
This article describes the species appearance, diet, and migration route.
The Conservation Reserve Program - Good For Birds of Many Feathers
The Conservation Reserve Program, enacted in 1985, has had a favorable effect on both game and nongame birds. This resource describes some of the benefits that CRP has had on bird nesting success in North Dakota.
Coyotes on the Move
Coyotes are moving eastward in North Dakota and displacing fox in their wake. Outlined here are reasons for this change, and how the change has affected the density and relative distribution of red fox populations.
'Cross the Wide Missouri: Significant Missouri River System Biological Sites
Nine sites of special biological significance within North Dakota that possess unique and regionally/nationally important species and associated habitat
Estimating Big Game Weights — A Crash Course for the Curious
This article presents equations for estimating live-weight from dressed weight and comparative averages of fall live-weights for six North Dakota big game species.
Fishes of the Dakotas
This resource provides information about the 100+ species of fish known to occur in North and South Dakota.
Fishes of North Dakota
This publication is a basic guide to identifying the common fish species found in North Dakota waters.
Hawks, Eagles, and Falcons of North Dakota
This publication includes color photos and basic information on these interesting birds of prey.
How Old is My Deer?
Have you ever wondered how old your deer is? This resource outlines the basics for determining deer age by the wear and development of their teeth.
Last Call for Tallgrass in North Dakota
Nationwide, just one percent of tallgrass prairie remains intact. No other major ecosytem on the North American continent has been so fully altered by people. This resource describes the 70,000-acre Sheyenne National Grassland, one of the last remaining tallgrass prairies in North America.
Le Conte's Sparrow: Ephemeral Jewel of the Northern Great Plains
Le Conte's Sparrow: Ephemeral Jewel of the Northern Great Plains contains results of long-term breeding bird survey in CRP fields for nine counties within Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota.
Lewis and Clark in North Dakota: Wildlife Then & Now
A brief natural history of North Dakota from the first observations of Lewis and Clark in 1804 to the present.
Lions and Bears in North Dakota?
Although resident populations of mountain lions or bears are not confirmed in North Dakota, the western badlands and Turtle Mountains might be hospitable for lions, and the Turtle Mountains and Pembina River Valley contain suitable bear habitat. This resource provides information on the history and current status of these two large mammals in North Dakota.
Marshbirds and Shorebirds of North Dakota
This resource contains photos and species descriptions of twenty wetland birds found in North Dakota.
The Missouri River System's "Other" Fish
This resource contains information on environmental changes impacting the Missouri River through the years, and how these changes have affected the pallid sturgeon, sicklefin chub, sturgeon chub, and blue sucker.
Natural Areas of North Dakota
A guide to some of North Dakota's most treasured undeveloped areas, containing locations and descriptions of 19 publicly-accessable natural areas.
North Dakota Bird Life: Tracking Changes Over a Quarter Century
Written for the general public, this resource examines changes in breeding bird populations and their habitats between 1967 and 1992-93.
North Dakota Furtakers Educational Manual
This manual is intended to improve the reader's knowledge of North Dakota's furbearing animals and to give the basics of how to trap them.
North Dakota Wildlife Management Area Guide
A publication that provides readers with a county by county listing of North Dakota's State Wildlife Management Areas and regulations for public use of these areas.
North Dakota's Endangered and Threatened Species
This resource includes color photos, species description, and distribution maps of some of North Dakota's threatened and endangered species.
Owls of North Dakota
This resource contains color photos and descriptions of nine owls found in North Dakota.
Prairie Wildflowers and Grasses of North Dakota
This guide is intended to provide beginners with an overview of North Dakota's prairie wildflowers and grasses.
Promise for Plovers
This article summarizes a study to monitor breeding success of piping plovers and evaluate effectiveness of management aimed at reducing predation on plover eggs and chicks in northwestern North Dakota and adjacent Montana.
The Rare Ones: The Uncommon Floral and Faunal Components of North Dakota
North Dakota is a place where east meets west and north meets south. It has diverse flora and fauna, with species ranging in abundance from very common to extremely rare. This resource contains photos and information about many of these species along with basic information about endangered and rare species in general.
Return of the Wolf?
Return of the Wolf? contains information on gray wolf sightings in North Dakota and discusses the likelihood of wolves establishing resident populations.
Reptiles and Amphibians of North Dakota
This resource provides color photos, distribution maps, and species descriptions of some of the least understood of North Dakota's wildlife species.
The Ring-necked Pheasant in North Dakota
This resource includes information on the history, biology, and management of this introduced and highly popular, but somewhat controversial upland game species.
Ruby-Throated Hummingbird in North Dakota
This unique resource provides color photos, descriptions and range movements of the ruby-throated hummingbird, as well as a guide describing how to attract them to your backyard.
Small Mammals of North Dakota
This resource introduces some common small mammals found in North Dakota and includes a complete checklist of mammals occurring in the state.
Snow Goose Population Problem: Part I, II and III
This resource describes the large and growing population of arctic-nesting snow geese, and the problems these birds are creating for all organisms that depend on fragile arctic habitats.
Songbirds of North Dakota
This publication includes color photos, breeding range maps, and descriptions of songbirds found in North Dakota.
Sparrows of North Dakota
This publication is a guide to the 19 species of native sparrows that utilize grasslands and other important habitats in North Dakota.
Upland Game Identification
This guide provides information on how to sex and age ring-necked pheasant, sage grouse, sharp-tailed grouse, hungarian partridge, ruffed grouse, and wild turkey.
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