THROUGHFALL DISPLACEMENT EXPERIMENT (TDE) ECOSYSTEM MODEL INTERCOMPARISON DATA ARCHIVE This archive provides and documents data from a project whose purpose is to compare the output of various ecosystem models when they are run with the data from the Throughfall Displacement Experiment (TDE) at Walker Branch Watershed, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The project is not designed to determine which models are "best" for diagnosis (i.e., explaining the current functioning of the system) or prognosis (i.e., predicting the response of the system to future conditions), but, rather, to clarify similarities and differences among the models and their components, so that all models can be improved. data archive: TDE web site: TDE data archive web site: TDE ecosystem model intercomparison data archive web site: reference: Hanson, P.J., et al. 2004. Carbon and water cycle simulations for an upland oak forest using 13 stand-level models: Intermodel comparisons and evaluations against independent measurements. Ecological Monographs (in press) TDE Ecosystem Model Intercomparison coordinator: Paul J. Hanson ( Environmental Sciences Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory TDE Ecosystem Modelers: Jeffrey S. Amthor ( Environmental Sciences Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory Dennis D. Baldocchi ( Division of Ecosystem Sciences Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management University of California, Berkeley Robert F. Grant ( Department of Renewable Resources University of Alberta, Canada Anne E. Hartley ( Department of Evolution, Ecology & Organismal Biology The Ohio State University Dafeng Hui ( Department of Botany and Microbiology University of Oklahoma E. Raymond Hunt Jr. ( Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory Agricultural Research Service U.S. Department of Agriculture Dale W. Johnson ( Department of Environmental and Resource Sciences University of Nevada, Reno John S. Kimball ( School of Forestry University of Montana Anthony W. King ( Environmental Sciences Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Yiqi Luo ( Department of Botany and Microbiology University of Oklahoma Steven G. McNulty ( Southern Global Change Program U.S. Forest Service U.S. Department of Agriculture Ge Sun ( Department of Forestry North Carolina State University Peter E. Thornton ( School of Forestry University of Montana Shusen Wang ( Geomatics Canada - Canada Centre for Remote Sensing Natural Resources Canada Mathew Williams ( Institute of Ecology and Resource Management University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom Kell B. Wilson (( Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Division National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration U.S. Department of Commerce Stanley D. Wullschleger ( Environmental Sciences Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ QUALITY-ASSURANCE CHECKS AND DATA-PROCESSING ACTIVITIES PERFORMED BY CDIAC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- For all files, data format was checked. Reported "Mean model" values were verified from the individual model values. Approximate mean annual values of model output estimates of evapotranspiration and soil respiration were calculated from the daily files (by taking the average of all non-zero values in each year, and multiplying by 365, i.e., ignoring the distinction between leap years and non-leap years); these approximate mean annual values were compared with the reported 1993-2000 mean annual value calculated from the mean annual values provided by the individual investigators for each year from 1993 through 2000 for inclusion in the Annual.csv file. For evapotranspiration (ET) from the model BGC++, the difference was suspiciously large (770 mm y-1 when calculated from the daily file, 801 mm y-1 when calculated from the annual file); the discrepancy is being investigated. The following equivalences were checked: Annual sum of daily NEE (in DailyNEE.csv) = annual NEP (in Annual.csv) ET = E + T (in Annual.csv) Reco = Rauto + Rheter (in Annual.csv) NEP = GPP - Reco (in Annual.csv) All discrepancies (greater than could be explained by rounding error) were resolved by consulation with Paul Hanson and the appropriate modeler(s), to ensure that they truly represented model output rather than errors in data reduction and management. LIST OF FILES ------------- This report documents the following 6 files: Annual.csv Annual model predictions DailyET.csv Daily evapotranspiration (ET) model predictions (except see note for model MAESTRA, below) DailyNEE.csv Daily net ecosystem carbon exchange (NEE) model predictions DailySResp.csv Daily soil respiration model predictions NEEhour.csv Hourly net ecosystem carbon exchange (NEE) model predictions Thour.csv Hourly transpiration (T) model predictions DESCRIPTION and FORMAT OF THE DATA FILES ---------------------------------------------- The 6 models described herein are all ascii comma-delimited (also known as comma-separated-variable) files, in which columns are of varying width and, consequently, lines are of varying length. Variables within a line are separated by commas. Commas do not appear in the files except as separators between variables. Not all models provide estimates of all variables, so users should be aware of missing values, indicated by consecutive commas. The first line in each data file is a header, providing the variable names. All variables expressed per m2 refer to unit area of ground. ********** Contents and format of the file Annual.csv Column Variable Units Definition and comments 1 Model ----- Name of model used to produce the predicted value (BGC++, BIOME-BGC, CANOAK, EALCO, ecosys, INTRASTAND, LaRS, LINKAGES, LoTEC, MAESTRA, NuCM, Pnet, SPA, or Mean Model), or source of measured data (Obseddy = eddy covariance data, Obswatershed = watershed-based estimates from precipitation and streamflow data, Biometric = mass or allometric observations) 2 Year ----- Year (1993 through 2000) 3 ET mm y-1 Evapotranspiration 4 T mm y-1 Transpiration 5 E mm y-1 Evaporation 6 Drain mm y-1 Drainage of water through the soil below the rooted profile 7 NEP gC m-2 y-1 Net ecosystem production 8 GPP gC m-2 y-1 Gross primary production 9 NPP gC m-2 y-1 Net primary production 10 Reco gC m-2 y-1 Total ecosystem respiration 11 Rheter gC m-2 y-1 Heterotrophic respiration 12 Rauto gC m-2 y-1 Autotrophic respiration 13 Rleaf gC m-2 y-1 Leaf respiration 14 Rstem gC m-2 y-1 Stem respiration 15 Rgrowth gC m-2 y-1 Growth respiration 16 Rsoil gC m-2 y-1 Soil respiration, including root and heterotrophic respiration 17 Gleaf gC m-2 y-1 Leaf growth 18 Gwood gC m-2 y-1 Wood production 19 Groot gC m-2 y-1 Root growth Header line and first two data records: Model,Year,ET,T,E,Drain,NEP,GPP,NPP,Reco,Rheter,Rauto,Rleaf,Rstem,Rgrowth,Rsoil,Gleaf,Gwood,Groot BGC++,1993,644,342,302,495,311,1591,893,1280,534,698,97,130,347,658,186,347,360 BGC++,1994,843,493,351,831,823,2027,1178,1204,323,849,95,130,447,500,230,531,417 Last two data records: Biometric,1999,,,,,368,,840,,,,,,,,223,248,182 Biometric,2000,,,,,230,,703,,,,,,,,246,215,167 ********** Contents and format of the file DailyET.csv Column Variable Units Definition and comments 1 Year ----- Year (1993 through 2000) 2 DOY ----- Day of the year (1 through 365 or 366) 3 RDOY ----- Running day of the year, i.e., days since 1 January 1993 (1 through 2922) 4 PPFD mol m-2 d-1 Measured daily photosynthetic photon flux density (per unit area of ground) 5 VPD kPa Measured mean vapor pressure deficit 6 BGC++ mm d-1 BGC++ model estimate of daily evapotranspiration 7 BIOME-BGC mm d-1 BIOME-BGC model estimate of daily evapotranspiration 8 CANOAK mm d-1 CANOAK model estimate of daily evapotranspiration 9 EALCO mm d-1 EALCO model estimate of daily evapotranspiration 10 ecosys mm d-1 ecosys model estimate of daily evapotranspiration 11 INTRASTAND mm d-1 INTRASTAND model estimate of daily evapotranspiration 12 LaRS mm d-1 LaRS model estimate of daily evapotranspiration 13 LINKAGES mm d-1 LINKAGES model estimate of daily evapotranspiration 14 LoTEC mm d-1 LoTEC model estimate of daily evapotranspiration 15 MAESTRA mm d-1 NOTE: the value presented for MAESTRA is actually the model estimate of daily transpiration, T 16 SPA mm d-1 SPA model estimate of daily evapotranspiration 17 Model Mean ET mm d-1 Mean of estimates, from all reporting models, of daily evapotranspiration 18 Eddy ET mm d-1 Measured daily evapotranspiration from tower-based eddy covariance instrumentation Header line and first two data records: Year,DOY,RDOY,PPFD,VPD,BGC++,BIOME-BGC,CANOAK,EALCO,ecosys,INTRASTAND,LaRS,LINKAGES,LoTEC,MAESTRA T,SPA,Model Mean ET,Eddy ET 1993,1,1,8.04,0.65,0.500,1.000,,-0.094,,0.873,0.320,0.547,0.000,0.003,0.630,0.420, 1993,2,2,8.04,0.65,0.074,0.424,,0.030,0.412,0.071,0.160,0.561,0.000,0.003,0.320,0.205, Last two data records: 2000,365,2921,8.87,0.24,0.007,0.001,0.238,0.016,0.152,0.071,0.000,0.114,0.000,0.001,0.000,0.054,0.201 2000,366,2922,14.26,0.28,,,0.238,0.028,0.134,,0.000,,0.000,0.002,0.000,0.057, ********** Contents and format of the file DailyNEE.csv Column Variable Units Definition and comments 1 Year ----- Year (1993 through 2000) 2 DOY ----- Day of the year (1 through 365 or 366) 3 RDOY ----- Running day of the year, i.e., days since 1 January 1993 (1 through 2922) 4 PPFD mol m-2 d-1 Measured daily photosynthetic photon flux density 5 BGC++ gC m-2 d-1 BGC++ model estimate of daily net ecosystem carbon exchange 6 BIOME-BGC gC m-2 d-1 BIOME-BGC model estimate of daily net ecosystem carbon exchange 7 CANOAK gC m-2 d-1 CANOAK model estimate of daily net ecosystem carbon exchange 8 EALCO gC m-2 d-1 EALCO model estimate of daily net ecosystem carbon exchange 9 ecosys gC m-2 d-1 ecosys model estimate of daily net ecosystem carbon exchange 10 INTRASTAND gC m-2 d-1 INTRASTAND model estimate of daily net ecosystem carbon exchange 11 LaRS gC m-2 d-1 LaRS model estimate of daily net ecosystem carbon exchange 12 LoTEC gC m-2 d-1 LoTEC model estimate of daily net ecosystem carbon exchange 13 MAESTRA gC m-2 d-1 MAESTRA model estimate of daily net ecosystem carbon exchange 14 Model Mean NEE gC m-2 d-1 Mean of estimates, from all reporting models, of daily net ecosystem carbon exchange Header line and first two data records: Year,DOY,RDOY,PPFD,BGC++,BIOME-BGC,CANOAK,EALCO,ecosys,INTRASTAND,LaRS,LoTEC,MAESTRA,Mean Model NEE 1993,1,1,8.0430696,-1.39,-1.26,,-0.75,,-1.03,-1.91,-1.16,0.03,-1.07 1993,2,2,8.0430768,-1.39,-1.17,,-0.80,-1.18,-1.04,-1.89,-1.13,0.03,-1.07 Last two data records: 2000,365,2921,8.8668,-0.45,-0.48,-1.15,-0.50,-0.51,-0.79,-1.37,-0.69,0.03,-0.66 2000,366,2922,14.256,,,,-0.50,-0.44,,-1.33,-0.69,0.04,-0.59 ********** Contents and format of the file DailySResp.csv Column Variable Units Definition and comments 1 Year ----- Year (1993 through 2000) 2 DOY ----- Day of the year (1 through 365 or 366) 3 RDOY ----- Running day of the year, i.e., days since 1 January 1993 (1 through 2922) 4 BGC++ gC m-2 d-1 BGC++ model estimate of daily soil respiration 5 BIOME-BGC gC m-2 d-1 BIOME-BGC model estimate of daily soil respiration 6 CANOAK gC m-2 d-1 CANOAK model estimate of daily soil respiration 7 EALCO gC m-2 d-1 EALCO model estimate of daily soil respiration 8 ecosys gC m-2 d-1 ecosys model estimate of daily soil respiration 9 INTRASTAND gC m-2 d-1 INTRASTAND model estimate of daily soil respiration 10 LaRS gC m-2 d-1 LaRS model estimate of daily soil respiration 11 LoTEC gC m-2 d-1 LoTEC model estimate of daily soil respiration 12 Model Mean SResp gC m-2 d-1 Mean of estimates, from all reporting models, of daily soil respiration 13 Eddy SResp gC m-2 d-1 Estimated daily soil respiration from a 1.5 meter eddy covariance tower located under the forest canopy (data are available for 1998-2000) Header line and first two data records: Year,DOY,RDOY,BGC++,BIOME-BGC,CANOAK,EALCO,ecosys,INTRASTAND,LaRS,LoTEC,Model Mean SResp,Eddy SResp 1993,1,1,1.232,1.245,,0.435,,0.912,1.53,1.02,1.062, 1993,2,2,1.229,1.152,,0.479,1.171,0.902,1.5,0.985,1.06, Last two data records: 2000,365,2921,0.385,0.474,1.014,0.272,0.503,0.695,1.17,0.643,0.645,0.823 2000,366,2922,,,,0.276,0.435,,1.13,0.635,0.619, ********** Contents and format of the file NEEhour.csv Column Variable Units Definition and comments 1 Year ----- Year (1993 through 2000) 2 DOY ----- Day of the year (1 through 365 or 366) 3 HOD ----- Hour of the day (1 through 24) 4 PPFD umol m-2 h-1 Measured hourly photosynthetic photon flux density 5 CANOAK gC m-2 h-1 CANOAK model estimate of hourly net ecosystem carbon exchange 6 EALCO gC m-2 h-1 EALCO model estimate of hourly net ecosystem carbon exchange 7 ecosys gC m-2 h-1 ecosys model estimate of hourly net ecosystem carbon exchange 8 INTRASTAND gC m-2 h-1 INTRASTAND model estimate of hourly net ecosystem carbon exchange 9 LaRS gC m-2 h-1 LaRS model estimate of hourly net ecosystem carbon exchange 10 LoTEC gC m-2 h-1 LoTEC model estimate of hourly net ecosystem carbon exchange 11 MAESTRA gC m-2 h-1 MAESTRA model estimate of hourly net ecosystem carbon exchange 12 Eddy NEE gC m-2 h-1 Measured hourly net ecosystem carbon exchange from tower-based eddy covariance instrumentation Header line and first two data records: Year,DOY,HOD,PPFD,CANOAK,EALCO,ecosys,INTRASTAND,LaRS,LoTEC,MAESTRA,Eddy NEE 1998,238,1,0,-0.184032,-0.231552,-0.396,-0.226957,-0.301536,-0.240984,-0.086759456,-0.055728 1998,238,2,0,-0.183168,-0.227232,-0.381,-0.217353,-0.295056,-0.230985,-0.079769403,-0.07344 Last two data records: 1999,219,23,0,-0.250992,-0.31752,-0.5075,-0.284366,-0.335232,-0.345701,-0.105069002,-0.071928 1999,219,24,0,-0.249264,-0.309744,-0.4928,-0.272442,-0.327456,-0.330579,-0.093936352,-0.06156 ********** Contents and format of the file Thour.csv Column Variable Units Definition and comments 1 Year ----- Year (1993 through 2000) 2 DOY ----- Day of the year (1 through 365 or 366) 3 HOD ----- Hour of the day (1 through 24) 4 VPD kPa Mean vapor pressure deficit 5 PPFD umol m-2 h-1 Measured hourly photosynthetic photon flux density 6 CANOAK mm h-1 CANOAK model estimate of hourly transpiration 7 EALCO mm h-1 EALCO model estimate of hourly transpiration 8 ecosys mm h-1 ecosys model estimate of hourly transpiration 9 INTRASTAND mm h-1 INTRASTAND model estimate of hourly transpiration 10 LaRS mm h-1 LaRS model estimate of hourly transpiration 11 LoTEC mm h-1 LoTEC model estimate of hourly transpiration 12 MAESTRA mm h-1 MAESTRA model estimate of hourly transpiration 13 SPA mm h-1 SPA model estimate of hourly transpiration 14 Sapflow mm h-1 Estimated stand transpiration derived from individual tree water-use measurements (heat dissipation) scaled to the stand level Header line and first two data records: Year,DOY,HOD,VPD,PPFD,CANOAK,EALCO,ecosys,INTRASTAND,LaRS,LoTEC,MAESTRA,SPA,Sapflow 1998,238,1,0.174,0,0.00044226,0.00014742,-0.0004,0.00108,0.00324,0.011156,0,0.002,0.002510565 1998,238,2,0.014,0,0.010909091,-0.027420147,-0.0038,0,-0.001296,0.000836,0,-0.001,0.002120777 Last two data records: 1999,219,23,1.128,0,0.039066339,0.008402948,0.0136,0.01123,0.034344,0.07995,0,0.015,0.009238887 1999,219,24,0.733,0,0.032432432,0.012825553,0.0095,0.00813,0.026568,0.05197,0,0.015,0.00856049 ********** RMC 08/2002