US 7,389,290 B2
System and method for scoring new messages based on previous responses within a system for harvesting community knowledge
Eytan Adar, Palo Alto, Calif. (US); Rajan Mathew Lukose, Palo Alto, Calif. (US); Joshua Rogers Tyler, Stanford, Calif. (US); and Caesar Sengupta, Los Altos, Calif. (US)
Assigned to Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P., Houston, Tex. (US)
Filed on Jul. 31, 2002, as Appl. No. 10/210,331.
Prior Publication US 2004/0024718 A1, Feb. 05, 2004
Int. Cl. G06F 17/30 (2006.01)
U.S. Cl. 707—7  [709/229] 17 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A method for knowledge management, comprising:
generating a client computer profile from a set of data items on a client computer;
generating a set of message response profiles from a corresponding set of message responses;
generating a set of new message profiles from a corresponding set of new messages;
storing the profiles on the client computer; and
scoring a new message with respect to the client and message response profiles wherein each of the generating elements includes: generating expertise vectors from data items in the client computer and the messages.