Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS)

Working Group Meeting



May 1 -2 , 2007

Washington, DC


View Minutes in PDF



Frank Der, NASA

Bill Brodt, NASA

Steven P. Freitas, USACE (Sacramento)

Pete Rossbach, USACE (Washington)

Sheron Belcher, USACE (Huntsville)

Carl Kersten, NAVFAC (Norfolk)

Pat Robinson, InDyne

Jim Whitehead, InDyne

Cheryl Fitz-Simon, InDyne

Rick Hatcher, SGS




Carl Kersten , NAVFAC

  • Opened the meeting by welcoming everyone.


Meeting Objectives:
Review Action Items
Building Code Checker
Interim Updates
  UFC 1-300-02
CMS vs. Email Review and Approval Process
Unification of UFGS 01 33 00 Submittal Procedures
Quick Fixes - Policy and Procedures
Status of 25 Groups of UFGS for Unification by NASA
CCR Process
Documenting Disassembled Sections within the Section Header
Status Regarding Implementing Check In / Check Out Software
UFGS Tracking Chart
Instructions for NIBS to Post UFGS Master in PDF
Rotation of Release Processing
Cumulative Change List
Review New Action Items
Discussion Summary:
Subject 1: Review Action Items
Action Items were reviewed and agreed to
Subject 2: Building Code Checker
Eunice Lee from the International Code Council, presented the current research in progress for the Building Code Checker. David Hammes and Robert Clarke both from the State Department were present to assist in answering questions.
Subject 3: Interim Updates - Policy and Procedure
UFC 01-300-02
  Do not add periods after the Titles in the UFC 01-3--02
  2-2.9.1 - Submittal Item Descriptions
    As shown in December 2004 - Change 4 Leave as was, do not incorporate Sherri's changes
2-2.9.4 - SD-10, Operation and Maintenance Manuals
  Remove SD-10 from the Title
2-3.1 Mood, Tense and Voice
  Change the term "the Contractor shall"
  Change the term "the Government shall provide" to the "the Government will provide"
2-3.8 - Proprietary Specifications
  Change "from a Level One Contracting Officer to "from appropriate authority"
  Move second sentence to make it the first sentence
  Delete "When a situations arises in which only a single product will perform the required function, forward a request from the...."
  "no other product will be acceptable" should be consistent with the language used in the FAR
2-3.9 "Or Equal" Specifications
  Delete - Refer to FAR Clause
2-3.10 Warranty Clause
  Change ordinarily, do not include warranty clauses in UFGS to Ordinarily, do not include warranty clauses in UFGS
  Change based on the judgment of the designer, to judgment of the author.
  Modify the last sentence to "Reviewed and approved by a Level 1 Contracting Officer" to "by appropriate authority."
Delete 2-3.11 Unrestricted Bidding and 2-3.12 Contract Parties
2-3.13 Contract Clauses
    Change first sentence project specifications to UFGS
2-3.14 Specifying New Items
  In third sentence delete project
  Last Paragraph change project to UFGS
  Last Paragraph Move the following statement to 1st sentence of paragraph 2-3.8. "If there are not two or more manufacturers or suppliers capable of supplying the product specified, the product must be considered proprietary." Change and approval sought for its use in accordance with paragraph "Proprietary Specifications." to ensure the items specified are not proprietary."
2-5 Changes
  Second sentence delete "or UMRL"
  Second sentence delete "or tagging"
  Delete third sentence
  Fourth sentence add period after "section date"
  Fourth sentence delete "and a change statement in the header".
Appendix A UFGS Organization Guidance
  Move 1.1 Definitions to 1.3. Definitions
  Modify / correction superseding subpart numbers to reflect the correct numbers.
Subject 4: CMS vs Email Review and Approval Process
Postpone using CMS until the corrections of the issues associated with this system are fixed.
Continue using Email along with Adobe Acrobat 6.0 or newer for the review and approval process
  Coordination for the Review and Approval Process:
  Receives comments as a PDF file
  Responds to all comments
  Replies are then implemented in the original file
  After final changes are made, redistribute.
Pete Rossbach and Carl Kersten will discuss the review and approval process at the upcoming Coordinating Panel meeting.
MIL-STD-3007F, paragraph
  Do not modify this statement
Subject 5: Unification of UFGS 01 33 00 Submittal Procedures
Rick Hatcher will incorporate the USACE requirements provided by Steve Freitas.
Rick Hatcher will redistribute the *.sec file, original PDF along with the last draft of the Section for Final review and approval.
The 01 33 00 Submittal Procedures Sections ill be forwarded to the Construction Management Groups for all three agencies for review and approval.
Subject 6: Quick Fixes - Policy and Procedure
The following are three types of changes that do not require date changes in the Section Date and Superseded Date. (1-300-02 - paragraph 2.5)
  Updating References
  Administrative (Global Changes - example standardized note)
  Formatting and typographical changes
The following are three types of changes that require date changes in the Section Date and Superseded Date. (1-300-02 - paragraph 2.5.2 and paragraph 2.5.2)
  Rewriting a UFGS specification (Do not use change tags)
  Technical updates (Use change tags)
  Section References and Section Reference Title
Continue to update the statement in the banner "References are in agreement with UMRL dated 19 March 2007.
  Agreed to change the date format in the UMRL and the Section Banner to only use Mmmmm/YYYY
Subject 7: UMRL
The current UMRL updated by IHS reflected updates to the reference
Carl Kersten will direct IHS to include the exact verbiage into the Reference Titles as indicated by the Reference Organizations as published on the IHS site.
  Tara is in the process of reviewing the Compare List generated through the UFGS Database Maintenance Program. She flags the references with the incorrect title so IHS can delete it from the UMRL, this way the correct title will appear.
  When a reference standard changes, it may not get updated in the UMRL for up to one year.
All agencies will implement the Reference IDs used by IHS.
Once IHS has finished the cleanup of the UMRL the Master.ref file will be generated through SpecsIntact to produce the UMRL.
Use the UMRL that is redlined by IHS to update the Agencies Database for the October release.
Discussion took place regarding the latest Master.ref file distributed with the UFGS Master and the UMRL posted on the WBDG web site (dated April 2007):
  The current Master.ref and the UMRL do not include NASA References.
  The UFGS Working Group agreed to regenerate the Master.ref file on the UFGS to include all agencies and publish it as soon as possible.
  The UFGS Working Group agreed to regenerate the Master.ref file and the UMRL .pdf document using the current UFGS database.
Subject 8: Status of 25 Groups of UFGS for Unification by NASA
All agencies were in agreement not to proceed with the disassembly of short sections at this time.
Agreed the following Sections will not be merged, and defined as unified.

01 45 01.10


01 45 04

Agreed the following Sections will not be merged. The following sections will become unified:
  01 45 01 USACE Quality Control
  01 45 02 NAVFAC Quality Control
  01 45 04 NASA Quality Control
  Division 1 requires regional requirements therefore; tailoring options will be required to be placed back into the Section.
  Unify but do not disassemble.
05 21 00 STEEL JOIST
  Pete Rossbach's comments were withdrawn
  Approved for disassembly.
  Send copy to Rudy Perkey at NAVFAC
All groups requiring notice to proceed have been granted to those pending, except the following:
Group 7 - Not Approved.
  Replaced with 07 61 15.00 20
Group 18 - Not Approved
  Replaced with 11 40 00.00 20
Subject 9: Discuss CCR Process
Bill Brodt will schedule a teleconference between Rick Hatcher and CMS to discuss issues he has discovered while using the system.
Until the CMS System is corrected, it was agreed to use email for the review and approval process.
Subject 10: Documenting Disassembled Section within the Section Header
Reviewed the two samples of how the header should be documented when a specification is disassembled.
It was agreed to use Sample #1 and do not indicate the word Disassembled in the header of each specification.
The following is Sample #1 indicating how the header would be documented:
Subject 11: Status Regarding Implementing Check In / Check Out Software
NIBS has expressed some interest in hosting such a tool if it were deemed worthwhile, but acquiring, implementing, and using a centralized check in / check out tool is probably not worthwhile.
Implementing a check in / check out process would be a substantial undertaking.
Such a tool would provide limited protection against overwriting UFGS Sections updated by another agency. With perhaps on exception, however, such file overwriting has not occurred with the current UFGS updating system.
Implementing, maintaining, learning to use, and using such a tool would be time-consuming and would require significant changes to existing procedures.
The protections provided by such a tool could easily be circumvented through careless or overt acts.
Subject 12: UFGS Tracking Chart
The UFGS Tracking Chart provided by SGS will be used as an additional mechanism to track changes. The UFGS Change List will continue to be published during the quarterly release.
UFGS Working Group agreed to make the UFGS Tracking Chart available on the WBDG Web Site.
Rick Hatcher will continue to update the UFGS Tracking Chart, then forward to NIBS for quarterly posting at the time of the database release.
Subject 13: Instructions for NIBS to Post UFGS Master in PDF
Sheron Belcher stated she will publish the UFGS Database to PDF for posting on the WBDG Web Site.
Subject 14: Rotation of Release Processing
UFGS Database
The UFGS Database will remain with Army
  The UFGS Working Groups stated that the UMRL would remain with NAVFAC since they administer the contract with IHS
Subject 15: Cumulative Change List
Prior to posting the Cumulative Change List, the columns that deal with detailed information will be hidden.
Agreed to drop references to the MasterFormat 1995 Section Numbers and Titles from the Quarterly Change List document.



Subject 16: Action Items
# Action Item Person Assign Date Due Date Item Status
1 Email the latest version of the UFC 1-300-02 in MS Word format to Steve Freitas Carl Kersten 05/01/07
2 Modify the UFC 1-300-02 to incorporate changes discussed and recorded at the 05/01/07 UFGS Working Group Meeting Steve Freitas 05/01/07 06/01/07
3 Compare language used in the UFC 1-300-02, paragraph 2-3.8 with the language used in FAR for consistency (SLM's Markup) Steve Freitas 05/01/07 06/01/07
4 Meet with Coordinating Panel to have NASA added to the UFC's that are referenced in the UFGS. Notify Frank Der of the UFC's that will reference NASA. Carl Kersten and Pete Rossbach 05/01/07 06/30/07
5 Modify MIL-STD- 3007F to "UFGS Agency Database Steve Freitas 05/01/07 06/01/07
6 Modify MIL-STD-3007F to "Agency Databases" Steve Freitas 05/01/07 06/01/07
7 Modify MIL-STD-3007F to "UFGS Database" Steve Freitas 05/01/07 06/01/07  
8 Setup Webex Meeting between Bill Brodt, Rick Hatcher and Bill East to review modifications/problems concerning CMS Bill Brodt 05/01/07
9 Discuss review and approval process at the upcoming CP meeting. Carl Kersten and Pete Rossbach 05/01/07 06/30/07
10 Submit updates from the DoD 25 Group Merger for approval to proceed for posting with the UFGS Working Group Meeting Minutes Rick Hatcher 05/01/07 06/01/07 05/10/07
11 Incorporate/modify Section 01 33 00 Submittal Procedures Steve Freitas and Rick Hatcher 05/01/07 06/01/07
12 Coordinate using Adobe Acrobat for review and approval process. Steve Freitas and Rick Hatcher 06/07/07
13 Distribute the Discipline Tri-Service Working Group List to NASA Pete Rossbach 05/01/07 05/06/07
14 Update Discipline Tri-Service Working Group List. Distribute to Pete Rossbach Frank Der 05/01/07 06/01/07
15 Follow up with the Protective Design Center for the status of Section 32 31 ??? Pete Rossbach 05/02/07 05/31/07
16 Coordinate with the Agency Database Managers the update of reference articles using the latest UMRL Sheron Belcher 05/02/07 08/20/07
17 Provide direction to IHS to use the exact publication titles as they are used on the IHS web site Carl Kersten 05/02/07 05/31/07
18 Generate Master.ref on All Agency databases to distribute as the latest UMRL Jim Whitehead 05/02/07 05/07/07
19 Forward the new UMRL in PDF and the Master.ref to NIBS for posting as an official interim release Sheron Belcher 05/02/07 05/11/07 Completed 05/09/07
20 Update and coordinate procedure for the UFGS Database Manager Sheron Belcher 05/02/07 TBD
21 Upon completion post the procedure for the UFGS Database Manager on the WBDG FTP Site Sheron Belcher 05/02/07 TBD
22 Contact NIBS to inform them that Rick Hatcher will be sending the Tracking Chart directly to NIBS for posting. Sheron Belcher 05/02/07 05/11/07 Completed 05/03/07
23 Provide the UFGS Tracking Chart to NIBS for posting on the WBDG when the database is released. Rick Hatcher 05/02/07 05/30/07 Completed 05/09/07
24 Publish the UFGS Master in PDF format for posting on the WBDG Sheron Belcher 05/02/07 Completed 05/09/07
25 Database will be rotated to NASA Frank Der 05/07/07 01/2009
26 UMRL will remain with NAVFAC until the end of the IHS contract. Carl Kersten 05/02/07




The next meeting will be held

October 30 - 31, 2007.

Followed by the SI-CCCB Meeting on November 1, 2007.


Last Updated: 06/21/07