Connections LANL Community Relations Office
July 2005

in this issue
  • Creative Ideas and Solutions Lead to National Recognition
  • A Salute to Service-Disabled & Veteran-Owned Small Businesses Conference, July 25th & 26th
  • Espanola Community Development Corporation
  • Quality Conversations Luncheon
  • Los Alamos National Laboratory Community Leaders' Survey
  • Medicare to Offer Prescription Drug Coverage in 2006
  • Calendar

  • A Salute to Service-Disabled & Veteran-Owned Small Businesses Conference, July 25th & 26th

    The NM Small Business Administration together with the Department of Interior, the NM Department of Veterans' Services and other federal agencies and prime contractors, will be providing information to veteran-owned small businesses and the small business community. This is an opportunity for veteran-owned small businesses to meet and network with the federal, state, and private sector representatives.

    The following are a few of the workshops being offered:

    • Doing Business with the Government
    • Strategies for Building Capacity
    • Veteran Benefits & Services
    • SBA Certifications

    Espanola Community Development Corporation

    In 2005, the Greater Espanola Valley Community Development Corporation (GEVCDC) became one of the 19 partner organizations to apply for and successfully receive a Kellogg Grant for the promotion of an entrepreneurship development system for this rural region. The GEVCDC's role will be to work as a partner in the system to ensure that the offerings and benefits of the system are marketed to and used by the entrepreneur sector of the Espanola Valley, to ensure that the City of Espanola and Rio Arriba County officials are contributing to the system's philosophy of inclusion and entrepreneurship promotion.

    The GEVCDC is a local, grass-roots, non-profit community and economic development organization serving Rio Arriba County and the Espanola Valley. The GEVCDC was organized four years ago with the goal of working with the greater Espanola Valley in community and economic development.

    The GEVCDC is in the process of developing a website where more information about the organization will be made available.

    Quality Conversations Luncheon

    Quality New Mexico is pleased to present "Quality Conversations Luncheon," Tuesday, July 19, 2005 - 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM. The event will take place at the Taos Civic Plaza in Taos, New Mexico.

    Steve W. Wells will be the Keynote Speaker at the luncheon where he will speak about Los Alamos National Bank's "best practices" and how the bank became the first company in New Mexico to receive the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in the Small Business Category.

    Los Alamos National Laboratory Community Leaders' Survey

    The Los Alamos National Laboratory Community Leaders' Survey is currently being developed and will soon be distributed.

    Please note that those on the distribution list may receive a telephone survey call.

    Medicare to Offer Prescription Drug Coverage in 2006

    Enrollment for new Medicare prescription drug plans will begin November 15. This new prescription drug benefit plan is a landmark achievement in the 40-year history of Medicare. It will help provide the necessary medication to seniors to help them live healthier and longer lives.

    Medicare beneficiaries and their families can get information about the new benefits and local resources by calling 1-800-MEDICARE or visiting the Medicare website.


  • July-December: Santa Fe Community Foundation Workshops
  • July 19: Quality Conversations Luncheon -Taos, NM
  • July 25-26: Dept of the Interior/SBA "Salute to Veterans" Business Expo
  • August 6: MS Northern NM Bike Tours
  • August 8-9: Four Corners Procurement Conference
  • August 27: Espanola Spirit Days
  • Sept. 14-15: Governor's Summit on Economic Development
  • Oct. 14-16: Bioneers Conference, Taos

    • Creative Ideas and Solutions Lead to National Recognition

      Coming up with great ideas is one thing, but actually accomplishing them and providing creative solutions to complex problems is another. That's why Los Alamos National Laboratory nominated the veteran- owned small business ARES Corporation to compete for the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) 2005 Administrator's Small Business Awards Program. The category the company competed in was the "Small Business Supplier Award of Excellence," and the outcome of this national competition was very successful for this New Mexico engineering firm.

      On June 14, 2005, ARES Corporation was honored during the NNSA Small Business Awards Program luncheon held at the 6th Annual Department of Energy Small Business Conference in Nashville, Tennessee. Hundreds of small business owners were represented in the 1300 attendees.

      "This is such an honor to receive this award," said Don Bryson, ARES Corporation. "We have worked with Los Alamos National Laboratory for many years, and we are honored that they value our performance enough to nominate us for this national award. We appreciate the outstanding support of the LANL technical staff, their purchasing organization and the wonderful people that work for LANL in their Small Business Offices."

      Since 1997, ARES Corporation has provided the Laboratory high quality engineering, project management, and risk management services. Some of the company's projects with the Laboratory have included the following:

      • Design and startup support for a high-precision ventilation system at TA-35.
      • Preparation of a new and improved lighting configuration for glovebox applications at TA-55.
      • Project management, engineering, and quality assurance support to the Cerro Grande Rehabilitation Waste Management Risk Mitigation TA- 50 Pump House and Influent Storage Facility Project at TA-50.
      • Preparation of design media for a loading bay for the Real Time Radiography drum assay trailer at TA-54.

      "We nominated ARES to compete in the NNSA 2005 Administrator's Small Business Award Program because they have provided creative solutions to some of the Laboratory's technical challenges since 1997," said Dennis Roybal, Small Business Program Manager. "ARES previously won the SBA National Small Business of the Year, and this award demonstrates that they continue to provide outstanding support to important national programs. This small business has helped the Laboratory accomplish numerous projects on time and on budget, while continuing to provide services of the highest quality."

      Learn more about Ares Corporation
      LANL/DOE/NNSA links...

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      505-667-2194, community@lanl.gov

      LANL | PO Box 1663, MS A117 | Los Alamos | NM | 87545