Gaikowski, M.P. and J.J. Rach. 1996. Safety of hydrogen peroxide treatments on fish eggs. American Fisheries Society-Fish Health Section meeting in Madison, Wisconsin on August 6-9. Hydrogen peroxide is considered a Low Regulatory Priority (LRP) compound by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for control of fungal infections on fish eggs. The LRP limit is currently 500 uL/L with no specified exposure time limit. We studied the treatment profiles of hydrogen peroxide in Heath, egg jar, and Clark-Williamson egg incubators during treatments intended to deliver an effective treatment regimen of > 500 uL/L (i.e., treatments of 500 and 1000 uL/L) for 15 minutes. Hydrogen peroxide concentrations decreased with increasing distance from the influent water in both Heath and Clark-Williamson incubators. The top treatment tray (tray 2) of the Heath incubator received >90% of the intended regimen during the 500 uL/L treatment, whereas all trays had hydrogen peroxide concentrations > 500 uL/L for 15 min during treatment at 1000 uL/L. None of the compartments in the Clark-Williamson incubator received the intended therapeutic regimen. The egg jar incubator efficiently delivered the intended concentration for the designated treatment period in all jars except for those located directly below the influent water. Our results indicate that dilution of therapeutants applied in certain hatchery incubators significantly decreases the efficacy of treatments and may render them ineffective. We recommend that aquaculturists assess the dilution characteristics of their incubators in order to ensure proper delivery of all intended chemical concentrations and exposure regimens. Suggestions for maintaining the minimum effective concentrations in evaluated incubators are included.