#include "afni.h" #include "vol2surf.h" /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- * history: * * ... [rwcox] ... * * 08 Oct 2004 [rickr] * - AFNI_process_NIML_data() has been broken into many process_NIML_TYPE() * functions. Functionality has been added for local_domain_parents, such * that surface data is sent per LDP, not per surface. * * 25 Oct 2004 [rickr] * - use vol2surf for all surfaces now (so nvused is no longer computed) * - in ldp_surf_list, added _ldp suffix and full_label_ldp for clarity * - added functions int_list_posn, slist_choose_surfs, * slist_check_user_surfs and slist_surfs_for_ldp to handle an arbitrary * number of surfaces per LDP * - moved any fprintf off the margin * - pass data/threshold pointers to AFNI_vol2surf_func_overlay() * - prepare for sending data to suma (but must still define new NIML type) * can get data and global threshold from vol2surf * - for users, try to track actual LDP label in full_label_ldp * * 04 Jan 2005 [rickr] * - process_NIML_SUMA_ixyz: a new surface will replace the existing one * - added g_show_as_popup, receive messages default to terminal * - re-wrote receive messages, only to be shorter * * 11 Jan 2005 [rickr] * - slist_choose_surfs(): do slist_check_user_surfs() for nsurf == 1 *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /**************************************/ /** global data for NIML connections **/ /**************************************/ /*---------------------------------------*/ /*! Number of streams on which to listen */ #define NUM_NIML 2 /* 09 Mar 2005: increased to 2 */ /*--------------------------------------*/ /*! Array of streams on which to listen */ static NI_stream_type *ns_listen[NUM_NIML] ; /*--------------------------------*/ /*! Array of stream names to open */ static char ns_name[NUM_NIML][64] ; /*-------------------------*/ /*! Array of stream flags */ static int ns_flags[NUM_NIML] ; /*! Waiting for connection flag */ #define FLAG_WAITING 1 /*! Connected flag */ #define FLAG_CONNECTED 2 /*! Skip flag */ #define FLAG_SKIP 4 /*-------------------------------------*/ /*! The SUMA stream index in ns_listen */ #define NS_SUMA 0 /*--------------------------------*/ /*! If 1, won't send info to SUMA */ static int dont_tell_suma = 1 ; /*! If 1, won't send func overlay to SUMA */ static int dont_overlay_suma = 1 ; /*---------------------------------------*/ /*! If 1, won't listen to info from SUMA */ static int dont_hear_suma = 0 ; /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! if 1, display some messages as popups, else to terminal */ static int g_show_as_popup = 0 ; /* 04 Jan 2005 [rickr] */ #undef SHOW_MESSAGE /*! Show a string as popup or just to stderr. [10 May 2005] */ #define SHOW_MESSAGE(mmm) \ do{ if( g_show_as_popup == 1 ) AFNI_popup_message(mmm); \ else if( g_show_as_popup == 0 ) fputs(mmm,stderr) ; } while(0) /*-------------------------*/ #ifndef SUMA_TCP_PORT #define SUMA_TCP_PORT 53211 #endif /*-----------------------------------------------------*/ /* Stuff for an extra NIML port for non-SUMA programs. */ #ifndef NIML_TCP_FIRST_PORT #define NIML_TCP_FIRST_PORT 53212 #endif /*-----------------------------------------------------*/ #define EPS 0.01 /* threshold for coordinate changes */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! local structure types for organizing surfaces and LDPs */ typedef struct { char * idcode_ldp; char * label_ldp; char full_label_ldp[64]; int nsurf; int sA, sB; int use_v2s; } ldp_surf_list; typedef struct { ldp_surf_list * list; int nused, nalloc; } LDP_list; /*------------------------------------------------*/ /*! If 1, send data; if 0, debug print it instead */ static int sendit=1 ; static int serrit=0 ; /* print element headers to stderr? */ /*-----------------------------------------------*/ /*! Flag to tell if NIML things are initialized. */ static int started = 0 ; static int redisplay_key[MAX_CONTROLLERS] ; static int viewpoint_key[MAX_CONTROLLERS] ; /*---------------------*/ /* Internal prototypes */ static void AFNI_niml_atexit( void ) ; static Boolean AFNI_niml_workproc( XtPointer ) ; static void AFNI_process_NIML_data( int , void * , int ) ; static void AFNI_niml_redisplay_CB( int,int,void *,void * ) ; static void AFNI_niml_viewpoint_CB( int,int,void *,void * ) ; static void AFNI_niml_driver( char * , NI_stream_type *, NI_element * ) ; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- * AFNI_process_NIML_data() has been broken in to many process_NIML_TYPE() * functions. Functionality has been added for local_domain_parents, such * that surface data is sent per LDP, not per surface. 08 Oct 2004 [rickr] *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int process_NIML_SUMA_ixyz( NI_element * nel, int ct_start ) ; static int process_NIML_SUMA_ijk( NI_element * nel, int ct_start ) ; static int process_NIML_SUMA_node_normals( NI_element * nel, int ct_start ); static int process_NIML_SUMA_crosshair_xyz(NI_element * nel) ; static int process_NIML_Node_ROI( NI_element * nel, int ct_start ) ; static int disp_ldp_surf_list(LDP_list * ldp_list, THD_session * sess); static int fill_ldp_surf_list(LDP_list * ldp_list, THD_session * sess, v2s_plugin_opts * po); static int int_list_posn(int * vals, int nvals, int test_val); static int slist_choose_surfs(LDP_list * ldp_list, THD_session * sess, v2s_plugin_opts * po); static int slist_check_user_surfs(ldp_surf_list * lsurf, int * surfs, v2s_plugin_opts * po); static int slist_surfs_for_ldp(ldp_surf_list * lsurf, int * surfs, int max, THD_session * sess, int debug); /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Functions for receiving an AFNI dataset from NIML elements. * 10 Mar 2005 - RWCox ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void process_NIML_AFNI_dataset ( NI_group * , int ) ; static void process_NIML_AFNI_volumedata( void * , int ) ; static void process_NIML_MRI_IMAGE ( NI_element * , int ) ; /************************************************************************/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Routine executed at AFNI exit: shutdown all open NI_stream. -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void AFNI_niml_atexit( void ) { int cc ; STATUS("called AFNI_niml_atexit") ; for( cc=0 ; cc < NUM_NIML ; cc++ ) /* close any open sockets */ NI_stream_closenow( ns_listen[cc] ) ; return ; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Initialize NIML listening. -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void AFNI_init_niml( void ) { int cc , ii ; ENTRY("AFNI_init_niml") ; if( started ) EXRETURN ; PLUTO_register_workproc( AFNI_niml_workproc , NULL ) ; atexit( AFNI_niml_atexit ) ; /* initialize status and names of all listening NI_streams */ for( cc=0 ; cc < NUM_NIML ; cc++ ){ ns_listen[cc] = NULL ; ns_flags[cc] = 0 ; } /* 10 Dec 2002: allow user to specify NIML port number */ cc = GLOBAL_argopt.port_niml ; if( cc < 1024 || cc > 65535 ) cc = SUMA_TCP_PORT ; sprintf( ns_name[0] , "tcp:host:%d" , cc ) ; /* 09 Mar 2005: add extra ports */ cc = AFNI_numenv( "AFNI_NIML_FIRST_PORT" ) ; if( cc < 1024 || cc > 65535 ) cc = NIML_TCP_FIRST_PORT ; for( ii=1 ; ii < NUM_NIML ; ii++ ) sprintf( ns_name[ii] , "tcp:host:%d" , (cc+ii-1) ) ; /* initialize all receive keys (cf. afni_receive.c) */ for( cc=0 ; cc < MAX_CONTROLLERS ; cc++ ){ redisplay_key[cc] = -1 ; viewpoint_key[cc] = -1 ; } /* set up to receive notifications (callbacks) when the functional overlay is redisplayed (controller A only) */ redisplay_key[0] = AFNI_receive_init( GLOBAL_library.controllers[0] , RECEIVE_FUNCDISPLAY_MASK , AFNI_niml_redisplay_CB , GLOBAL_library.controllers[0] , "AFNI_niml_redisplay_CB" ) ; /* set up to receive notifications (callbacks) when the viewpoint is altered by the user (controller A only) */ viewpoint_key[0] = AFNI_receive_init( GLOBAL_library.controllers[0] , RECEIVE_VIEWPOINT_MASK , AFNI_niml_viewpoint_CB , GLOBAL_library.controllers[0] , "AFNI_niml_viewpoint_CB" ) ; /* determine if we actually want to send data */ sendit = !AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_NIML_DONTSEND") ; serrit = !sendit || AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_NIML_STDERR") ; /* debugging */ /* 12 Feb 2003: setup ni_do "DRIVE_AFNI" verb */ NI_register_doer( "DRIVE_AFNI" , AFNI_niml_driver ) ; /* 04 Jan 2005 [rickr]: check for AFNI_SHOW_SURF_POPUPS */ if( AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_SHOW_SURF_POPUPS") ) g_show_as_popup = 1 ; else if( AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_KILL_SURF_POPUPS") ) g_show_as_popup = -1 ; /* and we're off to see the wizard */ started = 1 ; EXRETURN ; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Drive AFNI from a NIML element. [12 Feb 2003] */ void AFNI_niml_driver( char *object , NI_stream_type *ns , NI_element *nel ) { (void) AFNI_driver( object ) ; return ; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Debug printout of a NIML element. -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void NIML_to_stderr( void *nini , int send ) { NI_stream ns_err ; if( NI_element_type(nini) != NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ) return ; ns_err = NI_stream_open( "stderr:" , "w" ) ; if( ns_err != NULL ){ if( send ) fprintf(stderr,"-------------- AFNI sends NIML element: --------------\n"); else fprintf(stderr,"-------------- AFNI gets NIML element: --------------\n"); NI_write_element( ns_err , nini , NI_TEXT_MODE | NI_HEADERONLY_FLAG ) ; NI_stream_closenow( ns_err ) ; } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! NIML workprocess. - Listen for new incoming connections on any non-open connections. - Read and process any new data from open connections. (If the return is True, that means don't call this workproc again. If the return is False, that means call this workproc again.......) -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static Boolean AFNI_niml_workproc( XtPointer elvis ) { int cc , nn , ct , ngood=0 ; void *nini ; char str[512] ; int keep_reading , read_msec ; /* 17 Mar 2005 */ ENTRY("AFNI_niml_workproc") ; /** loop over input NIML streams **/ for( cc=0 ; cc < NUM_NIML ; cc++ ){ keep_reading = 0 ; /* 17 Mar 2005 */ /* open streams that aren't open */ if( ns_listen[cc] == NULL && (ns_flags[cc]&FLAG_SKIP)==0 ){ if(PRINT_TRACING){ sprintf(str,"call NI_stream_open('%s')",ns_name[cc]) ; STATUS(str) ; } ns_listen[cc] = NI_stream_open( ns_name[cc] , "r" ) ; if( ns_listen[cc] == NULL ){ STATUS("NI_stream_open failed") ; ns_flags[cc] = FLAG_SKIP ; continue ; } ns_flags[cc] = FLAG_WAITING ; } if( ns_listen[cc] == NULL ) continue ; /* Ziad's fault */ ngood++ ; /* now check if stream has gone bad */ if(PRINT_TRACING){ sprintf(str,"call NI_stream_goodcheck('%s')",ns_listen[cc]->orig_name); STATUS(str) ; } /* 17 Mar 2005: loopback point if instructed to keep reading */ Keep_Reading: read_msec = (keep_reading) ? 222 : 1 ; /* 1/3 of the Beast! */ nn = NI_stream_goodcheck( ns_listen[cc] , 1 ) ; if( nn < 0 ){ /* is bad */ STATUS("NI_stream_goodcheck was unhappy") ; fprintf(stderr,"++ NIML connection closed from %s\n", NI_stream_name(ns_listen[cc]) ) ; NI_stream_closenow( ns_listen[cc] ) ; ns_listen[cc] = NULL ; /* will be reopened next time */ keep_reading = 0 ; continue ; /* skip to next stream */ } if( nn == 0 ){ STATUS("NI_stream_goodcheck was neutral") ; keep_reading = 0 ; continue ; /* waiting: skip to next stream */ } /* if here, stream is good */ STATUS("NI_stream_goodcheck was good!") ; /* if just became good, print a message */ if( ns_flags[cc] & FLAG_WAITING ){ ns_flags[cc] = FLAG_CONNECTED ; fprintf(stderr,"++ NIML connection opened from %s\n", NI_stream_name(ns_listen[cc]) ) ; } /* see if there is any data to be read */ nn = NI_stream_hasinput( ns_listen[cc] , read_msec ) ; if( nn > 0 ){ /* has data!*/ STATUS("Reading data!") ; ct = NI_clock_time() ; /* start timer */ nini = NI_read_element( ns_listen[cc] , read_msec ) ; /* read it */ if( nini != NULL ){ /* handle it */ if( serrit ) NIML_to_stderr(nini,0) ; /*--- a processing instruction? ---*/ if( NI_element_type(nini) == NI_PROCINS_TYPE ){ /* 17 Mar 2005 */ NI_procins *npi = (NI_procins *)nini ; /* deal with PI's we understand, skip the rest: "keep_reading" ==> loop back to read again immediately "pause_reading" ==> turn "keep_reading" off "drive_afni cmd='stuff'" ==> execute a DRIVE_AFNI command right now */ if(PRINT_TRACING){ char sss[256]; sprintf("Processing instruction: '%s'",npi->name); STATUS(sss) ; } if( strcasecmp(npi->name,"keep_reading") == 0 ) keep_reading = 1 ; else if( strcasecmp(npi->name,"pause_reading") == 0 ) keep_reading = 0 ; else if( strcasecmp(npi->name,"drive_afni") == 0 ){ char *cmd = NI_get_attribute(npi,"cmd") ; if( cmd != NULL ) (void) AFNI_driver(cmd) ; } /*--- actual data (single element or group)? ---*/ } else { STATUS("Actual NIML data!") ; AFNI_process_NIML_data( cc , nini , ct ) ; /* do something */ } STATUS("Freeing NIML element") ; NI_free_element( nini ) ; /* trash it */ } } else keep_reading = 0 ; /* was no data in the read_msec interval */ if( keep_reading ){ STATUS("Loopback to Keep_Reading") ; goto Keep_Reading ; /* try to get another input now! */ } } /* end of loop over input NIML streams */ dont_tell_suma = 0 ; /* talk to SUMA */ dont_overlay_suma = 0 ; /* hopefully the following will never happen */ if( ngood == 0 ){ fprintf(stderr,"++ NIML shutting down: no listening sockets\n") ; RETURN( True ) ; } RETURN( False ) ; /* normal return: this function will be called again */ } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Process NIML data. "chan" is the type of stream it came from; this is currently not used. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void AFNI_process_NIML_data( int chan, void *nini, int ct_start ) { int tt=NI_element_type(nini) ; NI_element *nel ; char msg[256] ; ENTRY("AFNI_process_NIML_data") ; if( tt < 0 ) EXRETURN ; /* should never happen */ if( tt == NI_PROCINS_TYPE ) EXRETURN ; /* 16 Mar 2005 */ /* we got a group element, so process it */ if( tt == NI_GROUP_TYPE ){ NI_group *ngr = (NI_group *) nini ; /* 10 Mar 2005: add support for 2 types of groups [RWC] */ if( strcmp(ngr->name,"AFNI_dataset") == 0 ){ process_NIML_AFNI_dataset( ngr , ct_start ) ; /* AFNI dataset header */ } else if( strcmp(ngr->name,"VOLUME_DATA") == 0 ){ process_NIML_AFNI_volumedata( ngr , ct_start ) ; /* AFNI sub-bricks */ } else { /* the old way: we don't know about this group, so process the elements within it separately */ int ii ; for( ii=0 ; ii < ngr->part_num ; ii++ ) AFNI_process_NIML_data( chan , ngr->part[ii] , -1 ) ; /* recursion */ } EXRETURN ; } if( tt != NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ) EXRETURN ; /* should never happen */ /* if here, have a single data element; process the data based on the element name */ nel = (NI_element *)nini ; #if 0 fprintf(stderr,"AFNI received NIML element name=%s\n",nel->name) ; #endif /* broke out as functions, added node_normals 06 Oct 2004 [rickr] */ if( strcmp(nel->name,"SUMA_ixyz") == 0 ){ process_NIML_SUMA_ixyz(nel, ct_start) ; /* surface nodes for a dataset */ } else if( strcmp(nel->name,"SUMA_ijk") == 0 ){ process_NIML_SUMA_ijk(nel, ct_start) ; /* surface triangles from SUMA */ } else if( strcmp(nel->name,"SUMA_node_normals") == 0 ){ process_NIML_SUMA_node_normals(nel, ct_start) ;/* node normals for surf */ } else if( strcmp(nel->name,"SUMA_crosshair_xyz") == 0 ){ process_NIML_SUMA_crosshair_xyz(nel) ; /* new focus position */ } else if( strcmp(nel->name,"Node_ROI") == 0 ){ process_NIML_Node_ROI(nel, ct_start) ; /* ROI drawing from SUMA */ } else if( strcmp(nel->name,"VOLUME_DATA") == 0 ){ /* 10 Mar 2005 */ process_NIML_AFNI_volumedata( nel , ct_start ) ; /* AFNI sub-bricks */ } else if( strcmp(nel->name,"MRI_IMAGE") == 0 ){ /* 22 Mar 2005 */ process_NIML_MRI_IMAGE( nel , ct_start ) ; /* store as a .1D file */ } else { /*** If here, then name of element didn't match anything ***/ sprintf(msg,"*** ERROR:\n\n" " Unknown NIML input: \n" " <%.222s ...> \n" " Ignoring it, and hoping it goes away.\n" , nel->name) ; AFNI_popup_message(msg) ; } EXRETURN ; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void AFNI_disable_suma_overlay( int aa ) { dont_overlay_suma = aa ; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Receives notice when user redisplays the functional overlay. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void AFNI_niml_redisplay_CB( int why, int q, void *qq, void *qqq ) { static LDP_list ldp_list = { NULL, 0, 0 }; /* 07 Oct 2004 [rickr] */ Three_D_View *im3d = (Three_D_View *) qqq ; THD_3dim_dataset *adset , *fdset ; SUMA_irgba *map ; float *rdata, rthresh ; int nmap, nvtot , ct , kldp ; int sA, sB; NI_element *nel ; char msg[16] ; THD_session *sess ; /* 20 Jan 2004 */ ENTRY("AFNI_niml_redisplay_CB") ; /* check inputs for reasonability */ if( dont_tell_suma || dont_overlay_suma || !IM3D_OPEN(im3d) || !im3d->vinfo->func_visible ) EXRETURN ; sess = im3d->ss_now ; if( sess->su_num == 0 ) EXRETURN ; adset = im3d->anat_now ; fdset = im3d->fim_now ; if( fdset == NULL ) EXRETURN ; if( sendit ){ if( NI_stream_goodcheck(ns_listen[NS_SUMA],1) < 1 ) EXRETURN ; } /* build a node+color map */ ct = NI_clock_time() ; if ( gv2s_plug_opts.sopt.debug > 0 || gv2s_plug_opts.sopt.dnode >= 0 ) fprintf(stderr, "============================================================\n"); if( fill_ldp_surf_list(&ldp_list, sess, &gv2s_plug_opts) != 0 ) EXRETURN ; if( gv2s_plug_opts.sopt.debug > 1 ) /* spit out some info */ disp_ldp_surf_list(&ldp_list, sess); /* 07 Oct 2004 [rickr] Now we loop over all local domain parents in the current session and send the node+color map for each and every one! */ for( kldp=0 ; kldp < ldp_list.nused ; kldp++ ){ /* For each LDP, if use_v2s, use it * else if one surface, use afni * else, call vol2surf w/midpoint on the 2 surfaces * 07 Oct 2004 [rickr] */ sA = ldp_list.list[kldp].sA; /* for the sake of laziness */ sB = ldp_list.list[kldp].sB; rdata = NULL; /* if we want these values, send them to A_vol2surf */ rthresh = 0.0; if( ldp_list.list[kldp].use_v2s ){ /* vol2surf was requested */ nmap = AFNI_vol2surf_func_overlay(im3d, &map, sA,sB, 0, NULL, &rthresh); } else if ( ldp_list.list[kldp].nsurf > 1 ){ /* use v2s with defaults */ nmap = AFNI_vol2surf_func_overlay(im3d, &map, sA,sB, 1, NULL, &rthresh); } else { /* one surface, no request: use vnlist */ /* okay, no more vnlist... :( 25 Oct 2004 [rickr] */ /* nmap = AFNI_vnlist_func_overlay( im3d, sA, &map,&nvused ) ; */ nmap = AFNI_vol2surf_func_overlay(im3d, &map, sA, -1, 1, NULL, &rthresh); } #if 0 if( serrit ) fprintf(stderr,"AFNI_niml_redisplay_CB: nmap=%d\n",nmap) ; /* we always use v2s now */ if( ! v2s && ( nmap < 0 || sess->su_surf[sA]->vn == NULL ) ) { if( gv2s_plug_opts.sopt.debug > 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"** afni: bad surface %d, ret: %d,%p\n", sA, nmap, map); continue ; /* this is bad */ } #endif /* base the error checking on which mapping method was used */ if( nmap < 0 || (nmap > 0 && !map) ) /* 29 Sep 2004 [rickr] */ { if( gv2s_plug_opts.sopt.debug > 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"** bad v2s map %d, ret: %d,%p\n", sA, nmap, map); continue ; /* this is bad */ } if( nmap > 0 ){ /*--- make a data element with data ---*/ int *icol ; byte *rcol, *gcol, *bcol, *acol ; int ii ; nel = NI_new_data_element( "SUMA_irgba" , nmap ) ; /* adding a NULL column creates it, full of zeros */ NI_add_column( nel , NI_INT , NULL ) ; icol = nel->vec[0] ; NI_add_column( nel , NI_BYTE , NULL ) ; rcol = nel->vec[1] ; NI_add_column( nel , NI_BYTE , NULL ) ; gcol = nel->vec[2] ; NI_add_column( nel , NI_BYTE , NULL ) ; bcol = nel->vec[3] ; NI_add_column( nel , NI_BYTE , NULL ) ; acol = nel->vec[4] ; #if 0 /* just as a reminder, will we send the data to suma? */ if( rdata ){ if( gv2s_plug_opts.sopt.debug > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"-d sending data and thresh (%f) to suma\n",rthresh); NI_add_column( nel , NI_FLOAT, rdata ) ; free(rdata) ; rdata = NULL ; } #endif for( ii=0 ; ii < nmap ; ii++ ){ /* copy data into element */ icol[ii] = map[ii].id ; rcol[ii] = map[ii].r ; gcol[ii] = map[ii].g ; bcol[ii] = map[ii].b ; acol[ii] = map[ii].a ; } free(map) ; /* data in nel, so don't need map no more */ } else { /*--- make an empty data element ---*/ nel = NI_new_data_element( "SUMA_irgba" , 0 ) ; } if ( sess->su_surf[sA]->vn ) /* 29 Sep 2004 [rickr] */ nvtot = sess->su_surf[sA]->vn->nvox ; /* 13 Mar 2002 and 20 Jan 2004 */ else nvtot = -1; /* make it clear, vol2surf has no interface for this */ /* 13 Mar 2002: send idcodes of surface and datasets involved */ NI_set_attribute( nel, "surface_idcode" , sess->su_surf[sA]->idcode ) ; NI_set_attribute( nel, "local_domain_parent_ID" , sess->su_surf[sA]->idcode_ldp ) ; NI_set_attribute( nel, "volume_idcode" , adset->idcode.str ) ; NI_set_attribute( nel, "function_idcode", fdset->idcode.str ) ; /* 13 Mar 2002: also send the number of voxels in the surface and the number of voxels that were colored in */ if( nvtot >= 0 ) { sprintf(msg,"%d",nvtot) ; NI_set_attribute( nel , "numvox_total" , msg ) ; } #if 0 /* we no longer have this number */ if ( nvused >= 0 ) { sprintf(msg,"%d",nvused) ; NI_set_attribute( nel , "numvox_used" , msg ) ; } #endif /* 22 Oct 2004: pass the threshold (only works for vol2surf now!) */ NI_set_attribute( nel , "threshold" , MV_format_fval(rthresh)) ; if( sendit ) NI_write_element( ns_listen[NS_SUMA] , nel , NI_BINARY_MODE ) ; if( serrit ) NIML_to_stderr(nel,1) ; #if 0 if( serrit || GLOBAL_argopt.yes_niml > 1 ) fprintf(stderr, "++ NIML write colored surface: voxels=%d nodes=%d time=%d ms\n", nvused , nmap , ct = NI_clock_time() - ct ) ; #endif NI_free_element(nel) ; /* it's gone, so forget it */ } /* end of loop over surface in session */ EXRETURN ; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Display the contents of the LDP_list ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int disp_ldp_surf_list(LDP_list * ldp_list, THD_session * sess) { ldp_surf_list * slist; int ldp; ENTRY("disp_ldp_surf_list"); if(!ldp_list || !sess ) { fprintf(stderr,"** disp_ldp_surf_list: bad params (%p,%p)\n", ldp_list, sess); RETURN(1); } if( ldp_list->nused <= 0 ){ fprintf(stderr,"+d LDP_list: empty\n"); RETURN(0); } fprintf(stderr,"+d LDP_list:\n" " (nused, nalloc) = (%d, %d)\n", ldp_list->nused, ldp_list->nalloc); for (ldp = 0, slist = ldp_list->list; ldp < ldp_list->nused; ldp++, slist++ ) fprintf(stderr," (nsurf,sA,sB,use_v2s) = (%d, %d, %d, %d) : '%s'\n", slist->nsurf, slist->sA, slist->sB, slist->use_v2s, slist->full_label_ldp[0] ? slist->full_label_ldp : slist->label_ldp); RETURN(0); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! For this session, make a list of surfaces per local domain parent. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int fill_ldp_surf_list(LDP_list * ldp_list, THD_session * sess, v2s_plugin_opts * po) { ldp_surf_list * slist; int surf, ldp; ENTRY("fill_ldp_surf_list"); if(!ldp_list || !sess || !po ) { fprintf(stderr,"** fill_ldp_surf_list: bad params (%p,%p,%p)\n", ldp_list, sess, po); RETURN(1); } if ( sess->su_num <= 0 ) RETURN(0); /* first of all, be slightly wasteful and grow the list to su_num length */ if( ldp_list->nalloc < sess->su_num ){ ldp_list->nalloc = sess->su_num; ldp_list->list = (ldp_surf_list *)realloc(ldp_list->list, ldp_list->nalloc * sizeof(ldp_surf_list)); if( !ldp_list->list ){ fprintf(stderr,"** cannot allocate ldp_list (%d)\n", ldp_list->nalloc); exit(1); } } /* now, go through the very difficult task of emptying the ldp_list */ ldp_list->nused = 0; /* next, fill the list with ldp and their surfaces (beware of O(n^2)...) */ for ( surf = 0; surf < sess->su_num; surf++ ) { for ( ldp = 0; ldp < ldp_list->nused; ldp++ ) /* does this ldp exist? */ if ( strncmp(ldp_list->list[ldp].idcode_ldp, sess->su_surf[surf]->idcode_ldp,32) == 0 ) break; slist = &ldp_list->list[ldp]; /* note where we are */ if( ldp == ldp_list->nused ){ /* then we have a new ldp */ slist->idcode_ldp = sess->su_surf[surf]->idcode_ldp; slist->label_ldp = sess->su_surf[surf]->label_ldp; slist->full_label_ldp[0] = '\0'; /* init to empty */ slist->nsurf = 1; /* adding first surface */ slist->sA = surf; /* the session's surface index */ slist->sB = -1; /* init to unused */ slist->use_v2s = 0; /* assume no user request */ ldp_list->nused++; /* we have added a new ldp entry */ if ( po->sopt.debug > 2 ) fprintf(stderr,"+d ldp_list add: ldp '%s', surf #%d '%s'\n", slist->label_ldp, surf, sess->su_surf[surf]->label); } else { slist->nsurf++; if( slist->nsurf == 2 ) slist->sB = surf; if ( po->sopt.debug > 2 ) fprintf(stderr,"+d ldp_list add: ldp '%s', surf #%d '%s'\n", slist->label_ldp, surf, sess->su_surf[surf]->label); } } (void)slist_choose_surfs(ldp_list, sess, po); RETURN(0); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Now there are 2 things to clear up for each LDP (when there is more * than 1 surface). If the user has selected any surfaces for v2s, then * set sA and sB appropriately (and do some error checking). Also, any * time there are more surfaces than needed, inform the user which will * be used, and which will be ignored. */ static int slist_choose_surfs(LDP_list * ldp_list, THD_session * sess, v2s_plugin_opts * po) { ldp_surf_list * lsurf; int * surfs, max_surf, ldp; int first, surf; ENTRY("slist_choose_surfs"); /* first, decide on how much memory we need for surfs */ max_surf = 0; for ( ldp = 0; ldp < ldp_list->nused; ldp++ ) /* does this ldp exist? */ if ( ldp_list->list[ldp].nsurf > max_surf ) max_surf = ldp_list->list[ldp].nsurf; /* and allocate */ surfs = (int *)malloc(max_surf * sizeof(int)); if ( !surfs ) { fprintf(stderr,"** scs: failed to allocate %d ints\n", max_surf); exit(1); } /* now process each LDP */ for ( ldp = 0; ldp < ldp_list->nused; ldp++ ) { lsurf = &ldp_list->list[ldp]; /* set pointer */ /* if( nsurf < 2 ) continue; - must still slist_check_user_surfs() 11 Jan 2004 [rickr] */ if ( slist_surfs_for_ldp(lsurf, surfs, max_surf, sess, po->sopt.debug) ) continue; /* try with current sa sb */ slist_check_user_surfs(lsurf, surfs, po);/* proceed even on failure */ if ( lsurf->sB < 0 ) first = 1; /* we know nsurf >= 2 */ else first = 2; /* if something is discarded and using defaults or debug */ if ( (first < lsurf->nsurf) && (! lsurf->use_v2s || po->sopt.debug > 1) ){ fprintf(stderr, "--------------------------------------------------\n" "received too many surfaces for LDP '%s'\n", lsurf->full_label_ldp[0] ? lsurf->full_label_ldp : lsurf->label_ldp); for ( surf = 0; surf < first; surf++ ) fprintf(stderr," using surf #%d : %s\n", surfs[surf], sess->su_surf[surfs[surf]]->label); for ( surf = first; surf < lsurf->nsurf; surf++ ) fprintf(stderr," ignoring surf #%d : %s\n", surfs[surf], sess->su_surf[surfs[surf]]->label); } } free(surfs); RETURN(0); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! sort slist (and sa,sb) by user selections 21 Oct 2004 [rickr] */ /* Note that sa and sb are already initialized to the first 2 surfaces. */ static int slist_check_user_surfs( ldp_surf_list * lsurf, int * surfs, v2s_plugin_opts * po ) { int done = 0, posn; ENTRY("slist_check_user_surfs"); /* the easiest check */ if ( ! po->ready ) RETURN(0); if ( ! po->use0 && ! po->use1 ) RETURN(0); if ( po->use0 ) { posn = int_list_posn(surfs, lsurf->nsurf, po->s0A); if ( posn >= 0 ) { done = 1; lsurf->use_v2s = 1; /* ready for v2s */ if ( posn != 0 ) { /* swap and set sA */ lsurf->sA = surfs[posn]; surfs[posn] = surfs[0]; surfs[0] = lsurf->sA; } /* check for surfB, but skip the first position (avoid duplicate) */ if ( po->s0B < 0 ) lsurf->sB = -1; else { posn = int_list_posn(surfs+1, lsurf->nsurf-1, po->s0B) + 1; if ( posn >= 1 ) { /* we've added 1 */ if ( posn != 1 ) { /* swap and set sB */ lsurf->sB = surfs[posn]; surfs[posn] = surfs[1]; surfs[1] = lsurf->sB; } } else /* complain, and just use sB as is */ fprintf(stderr,"** user requested surf pair (%d,%d), but\n" " cannot find surf %d for LDP '%s'\n" " --> giving up and using pair (%d,%d)\n", po->s0A, po->s0B, po->s0B, lsurf->label_ldp, lsurf->sA, lsurf->sB); } } } /* if we did not apply pair 0, check pair 1 */ if ( ! done && po->use1 ) { posn = int_list_posn(surfs, lsurf->nsurf, po->s1A); if ( posn >= 0 ) { done = 1; lsurf->use_v2s = 1; /* ready for v2s */ if ( posn != 0 ) { /* swap and set sA */ lsurf->sA = surfs[posn]; surfs[posn] = surfs[0]; surfs[0] = lsurf->sA; } /* check for surfB, but skip the first position (avoid duplicate) */ if ( po->s1B < 0 ) lsurf->sB = -1; else { posn = int_list_posn(surfs+1, lsurf->nsurf-1, po->s1B) + 1; if ( posn >= 1 ) { if ( posn != 1 ) { /* swap and set sB */ lsurf->sB = surfs[posn]; surfs[posn] = surfs[1]; surfs[1] = lsurf->sB; } } else /* complain, and just use sB as is */ fprintf(stderr,"** user requested surf pair (%d,%d), but\n" " cannot find surf %d for LDP '%s'\n" " --> giving up and using pair (%d,%d)\n", po->s1A, po->s1B, po->s1B, lsurf->label_ldp, lsurf->sA, lsurf->sB); } } } if ( po->sopt.debug > 1 ) { if ( done ) fprintf(stderr,"+d user surfs (sA,sB) = (%d,%d) {of %d}, LDP '%s'\n", lsurf->sA, lsurf->sB, lsurf->nsurf, lsurf->label_ldp); else fprintf(stderr,"+d default (sA,sB) = (%d,%d) {of %d}, LDP '%s'\n", lsurf->sA, lsurf->sB, lsurf->nsurf, lsurf->label_ldp); } RETURN(0); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! search list for test_val and return position 21 Oct 2004 [rickr] */ static int int_list_posn(int * vals, int nvals, int test_val) { int c; ENTRY("int_list_posn"); for (c = 0; c < nvals; c++) if ( vals[c] == test_val ) RETURN(c); RETURN(-1); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! construct list of surfaces for this LDP 21 Oct 2004 [rickr] */ static int slist_surfs_for_ldp( ldp_surf_list * lsurf, int * surfs, int max, THD_session * sess, int debug ) { SUMA_surface * ss; int count, surf, len; ENTRY("slist_surfs_for_ldp"); if ( debug > 2 ) fprintf(stderr,"-d ss_for_ldp: LDP '%s', ldp.nsurf = %d, su_num = %d\n", lsurf->label_ldp, lsurf->nsurf, sess->su_num); count = 0; for ( surf = 0; surf < sess->su_num; surf++ ) { ss = sess->su_surf[surf]; if ( strncmp(lsurf->idcode_ldp, ss->idcode_ldp, 32) == 0 ) { if (count >= max) { fprintf(stderr,"** failure: ss_for_ldp #1 (%s: %d,%d,%d)\n", lsurf->label_ldp, surf, count, max); RETURN(1); } if ( debug > 2 ) fprintf(stderr,"-d surfs_for_ldp: surf %d '%s' matches LDP '%s'\n", surf, ss->label, ss->label_ldp); /* found a surface for this LDP: note it and check if it is LDP */ surfs[count++] = surf; len = strlen(ss->label_ldp); if ( ((len >= 4) && (strncmp(ss->label+len-4, "SAME", 4) == 0)) || (strncmp(lsurf->idcode_ldp, ss->idcode, 64) == 0) ) { /* then this surface is also a Local Domain Parent */ strncpy(lsurf->full_label_ldp, ss->label, 63); lsurf->full_label_ldp[63] = '\0'; if ( strlen(lsurf->full_label_ldp) < (63 - 11) ) strcat(lsurf->full_label_ldp, " (via SAME)"); if ( debug > 2 ) fprintf(stderr,"-d surfs_for_ldp: surf %d '%s' is LDP '%s'\n", surf, ss->label, lsurf->full_label_ldp); } } } /* do a little quick verification that the first 1 or 2 match sa and sb */ if ( lsurf->sA != surfs[0] ) { fprintf(stderr,"** failure: ss_for_ldp #2 (%d,%d)\n",lsurf->sA,surfs[0]); RETURN(1); } if ( lsurf->nsurf > 1 && lsurf->sB != surfs[1] ) { fprintf(stderr,"** failure: ss_for_ldp #3 (%d,%d)\n",lsurf->sB,surfs[1]); RETURN(1); } /* and that we didn't miss anything */ if ( count != lsurf->nsurf ) { fprintf(stderr,"** failure: ss_for_ldp #4 (%d,%d)\n",count,lsurf->nsurf); RETURN(1); } RETURN(0); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Receives notice when user changes viewpoint position. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void AFNI_niml_viewpoint_CB( int why, int q, void *qq, void *qqq ) { Three_D_View *im3d = (Three_D_View *) qqq ; NI_element *nel ; float xyz[3] ; static float xold=-666,yold=-777,zold=-888 ; int kbest=-1,ibest=-1 ; ENTRY("AFNI_niml_viewpoint_CB") ; if( dont_tell_suma || !IM3D_OPEN(im3d) || im3d->ss_now->su_num == 0 || im3d->ss_now->su_surf[0] == NULL ) EXRETURN ; if( sendit ){ if( NI_stream_goodcheck(ns_listen[NS_SUMA],1) < 1 ) EXRETURN ; } xyz[0] = im3d->vinfo->xi ; /* current RAI coordinates */ xyz[1] = im3d->vinfo->yj ; xyz[2] = im3d->vinfo->zk ; if( fabs(xyz[0]-xold) < EPS && fabs(xyz[1]-yold) < EPS && fabs(xyz[2]-zold) < EPS ) EXRETURN ; /* too close to old point */ /* 20 Feb 2003: find closest node */ AFNI_get_xhair_node( im3d , &kbest , &ibest ) ; if( kbest < 0 ) kbest = 0 ; /* default surface */ /* now send info to SUMA */ nel = NI_new_data_element( "SUMA_crosshair_xyz" , 3 ) ; NI_add_column( nel , NI_FLOAT , xyz ) ; /* 13 Mar 2002: add idcodes of what we are looking at right now */ NI_set_attribute( nel, "surface_idcode", im3d->ss_now->su_surf[kbest]->idcode ) ; NI_set_attribute( nel, "volume_idcode" , im3d->anat_now->idcode.str ) ; /* 20 Feb 2003: set attribute showing closest node ID */ if( ibest >= 0 ){ char str[32] ; sprintf(str,"%d",ibest) ; NI_set_attribute( nel, "surface_nodeid" , str ) ; } xold = xyz[0] ; yold = xyz[1] ; zold = xyz[2] ; /* save old point */ if( sendit ) NI_write_element( ns_listen[NS_SUMA] , nel , NI_TEXT_MODE ) ; if( serrit ) NIML_to_stderr(nel,1) ; NI_free_element(nel) ; EXRETURN ; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void AFNI_get_xhair_node( void *qq3d , int *kkbest , int *iibest ) { Three_D_View *im3d = (Three_D_View *)qq3d ; int ks , kbest=-1,ibest=-1 ,ii , nnod ; float xyz[3] , dbest=WAY_BIG,dd , xbot,xtop,ybot,ytop,zbot,ztop ; SUMA_surface *ag ; SUMA_ixyz *nod ; if( !IM3D_OPEN(im3d) || (kkbest==NULL && iibest==NULL) ) return ; if( im3d->ss_now->su_num == 0 || im3d->ss_now->su_surf[0] == NULL ) return ; xyz[0] = im3d->vinfo->xi ; /* current RAI coordinates */ xyz[1] = im3d->vinfo->yj ; xyz[2] = im3d->vinfo->zk ; /* 20 Feb 2003: find closest node */ xbot = ybot = zbot = xtop = ytop = ztop = 0.0 ; /* unrestricted */ if( im3d->vinfo->view_setter > 0 ){ /* restrict to a thick plane */ THD_fvec3 fv ; LOAD_FVEC3(fv,DSET_DX(im3d->anat_now), DSET_DY(im3d->anat_now),DSET_DZ(im3d->anat_now)) ; fv = THD_3dmm_to_dicomm(im3d->anat_now,fv) ; switch( im3d->vinfo->view_setter ){ case AXIAL: dd = 0.499*fabs(fv.xyz[2]) ; zbot = xyz[2]-dd ; ztop = xyz[2]+dd ; break ; case SAGITTAL: dd = 0.499*fabs(fv.xyz[0]) ; xbot = xyz[0]-dd ; xtop = xyz[0]+dd ; break ; case CORONAL: dd = 0.499*fabs(fv.xyz[1]) ; ybot = xyz[1]-dd ; ytop = xyz[1]+dd ; break ; } #if 0 fprintf(stderr,"view_setter=%d box=%f,%f %f,%f %f,%f\n", im3d->vinfo->view_setter , xbot,xtop,ybot,ytop,zbot,ztop ) ; #endif } /* search all surfaces */ for( ks=0 ; ks < im3d->ss_now->su_num ; ks++ ){ ag = im3d->ss_now->su_surf[ks]; if( ag == NULL ) continue; nod = ag->ixyz ; nnod = ag->num_ixyz ; ii = AFNI_find_closest_node( nnod,nod , xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2] , xbot,xtop,ybot,ytop,zbot,ztop ) ; if( ii >= 0 ){ dd = sqrt( (xyz[0]-nod[ii].x)*(xyz[0]-nod[ii].x) +(xyz[1]-nod[ii].y)*(xyz[1]-nod[ii].y) +(xyz[2]-nod[ii].z)*(xyz[2]-nod[ii].z) ) ; if( kbest < 0 || dd < dbest ){ kbest = ks ; ibest = ii ; dbest = dd ; } } } /* if didn't find anything, try again unrestricted */ if( kbest < 0 && im3d->vinfo->view_setter > 0 ){ xbot = ybot = zbot = xtop = ytop = ztop = 0.0 ; for( ks=0 ; ks < im3d->ss_now->su_num ; ks++ ){ ag = im3d->ss_now->su_surf[ks]; if( ag == NULL ) continue; nod = ag->ixyz ; nnod = ag->num_ixyz ; ii = AFNI_find_closest_node( nnod,nod , xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2] , xbot,xtop,ybot,ytop,zbot,ztop ) ; if( ii >= 0 ){ dd = sqrt( (xyz[0]-nod[ii].x)*(xyz[0]-nod[ii].x) +(xyz[1]-nod[ii].y)*(xyz[1]-nod[ii].y) +(xyz[2]-nod[ii].z)*(xyz[2]-nod[ii].z) ) ; if( kbest < 0 || dd < dbest ){ kbest = ks ; ibest = ii ; dbest = dd ; } } } } if( kbest >= 0 ){ ag = im3d->ss_now->su_surf[kbest] ; nod = ag->ixyz ; ibest = nod[ibest].id ; } if( kkbest != NULL ) *kkbest = kbest ; if( iibest != NULL ) *iibest = ibest ; return ; } /***********************************************************************/ /** process NIML elements, one process_NIML_TYPE function per TYPE **/ /** - broken out of AFNI_process_NIML_data() 06 Oct 2004 [rickr] **/ /***********************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /******** Surface nodes for a dataset *********/ static int process_NIML_SUMA_ixyz( NI_element * nel, int ct_start ) { THD_slist_find find ; THD_3dim_dataset *dset ; THD_session *sess ; /* 20 Jan 2004 */ SUMA_surface *ag, *sold; int *ic ; float *xc,*yc,*zc ; char *idc , idstr[32] ; int num , surf_num , replace ; Three_D_View *im3d = AFNI_find_open_controller() ; MCW_choose_cbs cbs ; int nss = GLOBAL_library.sslist->num_sess ; int ct_read = 0, ct_tot = 0 ; char msg[1024] ; ENTRY("process_NIML_SUMA_ixyz"); if( dont_hear_suma ) RETURN(0) ; if( ct_start >= 0 ) ct_read = NI_clock_time() - ct_start ; /*-- check element for suitability --*/ if( nel->vec_len < 1 || /* empty element? */ nel->vec_filled < 1 || /* no data was filled in? */ nel->vec_num < 4 || /* less than 4 columns? */ nel->vec_typ[0] != NI_INT || /* must be int,float,float,float */ nel->vec_typ[1] != NI_FLOAT || nel->vec_typ[2] != NI_FLOAT || nel->vec_typ[3] != NI_FLOAT ){ AFNI_popup_message( "*** ERROR:\n\n" " SUMA_ixyz surface data\n" " is badly formatted! \n" ) ; if( nel->vec_len < 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"** SUMA_ixyz vec_len = %d\n",nel->vec_len) ; if( nel->vec_filled < 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"** SUMA_ixyz vec_filled = %d\n",nel->vec_filled) ; RETURN(1) ; } /*-- we need a "volume_idcode" or "dataset_idcode" attribute, so that we can attach this surface to a dataset for display; if we don't find the attribute or the dataset, then we quit --*/ idc = NI_get_attribute( nel , "volume_idcode" ) ; if( idc == NULL ) idc = NI_get_attribute( nel , "dataset_idcode" ) ; if( idc == NULL && nss > 1 ){ AFNI_popup_message( "*** ERROR:\n " " SUMA_ixyz surface input\n" " does not identify dataset! \n " ) ; RETURN(1) ; } find = PLUTO_dset_finder(idc) ; dset = find.dset ; if( dset == NULL && nss > 1 ){ sprintf(msg, "*** ERROR:\n\n" " SUMA_ixyz volume dataset idcode is \n" " %s\n" " Can't find this in AFNI\n", idc ) ; AFNI_popup_message( msg ) ; RETURN(1) ; } if( dset != NULL ) sess = GLOBAL_library.sslist->ssar[find.sess_index] ; /* 20 Jan 2004 */ else sess = GLOBAL_library.sslist->ssar[0] ; /*-- get surface ID code (or make it up) --*/ idc = NI_get_attribute( nel , "surface_idcode" ) ; if( idc == NULL ) idc = NI_get_attribute( nel , "SUMA_idcode" ) ; if( idc == NULL ){ UNIQ_idcode_fill(idstr) ; idc = idstr ; } /*-- 14 Aug 2002: we used to trash old surfaces, but now we just accumulate them 20 Jan 2004: now we put them on the session instead of dataset --*/ num = sess->su_num ; /* number of surfaces currently attached */ /* 19 Aug 2002: check for surface idcode in existing set of surfaces */ for( surf_num=0 ; surf_num < num ; surf_num++ ) if( strstr(sess->su_surf[surf_num]->idcode,idc) != NULL ) break ; /*-- 04 Jan 2005 [rickr]: allow surface replacement, check num_ixyz for decision on whether to keep triangles --*/ if( surf_num < num ){ replace = 1 ; /* this surface exists, replace it */ } else { replace = 0 ; num++ ; /* note that there is one more surface now */ /*-- make space for 1 more set of surface pointers --*/ sess->su_surf = (SUMA_surface **) realloc(sess->su_surf, num*sizeof(SUMA_surface *)) ; } /* note: surf_num is the appropriate index for the received surface */ /*-- initialize surface that we will fill up here --*/ ag = SUMA_create_empty_surface() ; MCW_strncpy(ag->idcode,idc,32); /* idc is surface idcode from above */ /*-- 06 Oct 2004 [rickr]: get idcode of local domain parent (to surface) --*/ idc = NI_get_attribute( nel , "local_domain_parent_ID" ) ; if( idc == NULL ){ UNIQ_idcode_fill(idstr) ; idc = idstr ; } MCW_strncpy(ag->idcode_ldp,idc,32) ; /*-- 19 Aug 2002: get surface label (or make it up) --*/ idc = NI_get_attribute( nel , "surface_label" ) ; if( idc == NULL ) idc = NI_get_attribute( nel , "SUMA_label" ) ; if( idc != NULL ) MCW_strncpy(ag->label,idc,64) ; else sprintf(ag->label,"Surf#%d",num) ; /*-- 06 Oct 2004: get label of local domain parent (or make it up) --*/ idc = NI_get_attribute( nel , "local_domain_parent" ) ; if( idc == NULL ) sprintf(ag->label_ldp,"Surf#%d_local_domain_parent",num) ; else MCW_strncpy(ag->label_ldp,idc,64) ; /*-- set IDCODEs of surface and of its dataset --*/ if( dset != NULL ) MCW_strncpy( ag->idcode_dset , dset->idcode.str , 32 ) ; /*-- pointers to the data columns in the NI_element --*/ ic = (int *) nel->vec[0] ; /* index */ xc = (float *) nel->vec[1] ; /* x coordinate */ yc = (float *) nel->vec[2] ; /* y coordinate */ zc = (float *) nel->vec[3] ; /* z coordinate */ /*-- add nodes to the surface --*/ SUMA_add_nodes_ixyz( ag , nel->vec_filled , ic,xc,yc,zc ) ; /*-- prepare the surface for AFNI --*/ SUMA_ixyzsort_surface( ag ) ; sess->su_num = num ; /* 14 Aug 2002 (may be same value) */ /* 04 Jan 2005 [rickr]: if we are replacing the old surface, do it now */ sold = sess->su_surf[surf_num] ; /* store the old pointer, in case */ sess->su_surf[surf_num] = ag ; /* set the new pointer, either way */ if( replace ){ if( sold->num_ixyz == ag->num_ixyz ){ /* same number of nodes, move the triangle information */ ag->num_ijk = sold->num_ijk ; sold->num_ijk = 0 ; ag->nall_ijk = sold->nall_ijk ; sold->nall_ijk = 0 ; ag->ijk = sold->ijk ; sold->ijk = NULL ; } else { /* the number of nodes has changed */ sprintf(msg,"+++ NOTICE:\n" " Surface '%-14.14s' (#%d) for\n" " session '%.222s'\n" " went from %d nodes to %d nodes\n" , ag->label, surf_num, sess->sessname, sold->num_ixyz , ag->num_ixyz) ; AFNI_popup_message( msg ) ; /* include this in clock time */ } /* and finally, delete the old surface */ SUMA_destroy_surface( sold ) ; } /*-- we're done! --*/ if( ct_start >= 0 ) /* keep track of how */ ct_tot = NI_clock_time() - ct_start ; /* long this took */ /* notify the user */ sprintf(msg,"\n+++ NOTICE: SUMA_ixyz: %s %d nodes\n" " for surface %-14.14s (#%d),\n" " session %.222s\n" , replace ? "replaced" : "received", nel->vec_filled, ag->label, surf_num, sess->sessname ) ; if( ct_tot > 0 ) sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), " I/O time = %4d ms, Processing = %4d ms\n" , ct_read , ct_tot-ct_read ) ; /* 16 Jun 2003: if need be, switch sessions and anatomy */ if( dset != NULL && find.sess_index != im3d->vinfo->sess_num ){ cbs.ival = find.sess_index ; AFNI_finalize_dataset_CB( im3d->vwid->view->choose_sess_pb , (XtPointer) im3d , &cbs ) ; } #if 1 if( dset != NULL && find.dset_index != im3d->vinfo->anat_num ){ cbs.ival = find.dset_index ; AFNI_finalize_dataset_CB( im3d->vwid->view->choose_anat_pb , (XtPointer) im3d , &cbs ) ; } #endif SHOW_MESSAGE(msg) ; /* need to make the "Control Surface" widgets know about this extra surface */ AFNI_update_all_surface_widgets( sess ) ; /* 19 Aug 2002 */ dont_tell_suma = 1 ; PLUTO_dset_redisplay( dset ) ; /* redisplay windows with this dataset */ dont_tell_suma = 0 ; #if 0 XtSetSensitive( im3d->vwid->imag->pop_sumato_pb, True ) ; #endif RETURN(0) ; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /********* surface triangles from SUMA **********/ static int process_NIML_SUMA_ijk( NI_element * nel, int ct_start ) { THD_3dim_dataset *dset ; SUMA_surface *ag ; int *it, *jt , *kt ; char *idc ; int num , surf_num , nold ; THD_session *sess ; /* 20 Jan 2004 */ THD_slist_find find ; int ct_read = 0, ct_tot = 0 ; char msg[1024] ; ENTRY("process_NIML_SUMA_ijk"); if( dont_hear_suma ) RETURN(0) ; if( ct_start >= 0 ) ct_read = NI_clock_time() - ct_start ; /*-- check element for suitability --*/ if( nel->vec_len < 1 || /* empty element? */ nel->vec_filled < 1 || /* no data was filled in? */ nel->vec_num < 3 || /* less than 4 columns? */ nel->vec_typ[0] != NI_INT || /* must be int,int,int */ nel->vec_typ[1] != NI_INT || nel->vec_typ[2] != NI_INT ){ AFNI_popup_message( "*** ERROR:\n\n" " SUMA_ijk surface data \n" " is badly formatted!\n" ) ; RETURN(1) ; } /*-- we need a "volume_idcode" or "dataset_idcode" attribute, so that we can attach this surface to a dataset for display; if we don't find the attribute or the dataset, then we quit --*/ idc = NI_get_attribute( nel , "volume_idcode" ) ; if( idc == NULL ) idc = NI_get_attribute( nel , "dataset_idcode" ) ; if( idc == NULL ){ AFNI_popup_message( "*** ERROR:\n " " SUMA_ijk surface input\n" " does not identify dataset! \n" ) ; RETURN(1) ; } find = PLUTO_dset_finder( idc ) ; dset = find.dset ; if( dset == NULL ){ sprintf(msg, "*** ERROR:\n\n" " SUMA_ijk surface dataset idcode is \n" " %s\n" " Can't find this in AFNI\n", idc ) ; AFNI_popup_message( msg ) ; RETURN(1) ; } sess = GLOBAL_library.sslist->ssar[find.sess_index] ; /* 20 Jan 2004 */ /*-- session must already have a surface --*/ num = sess->su_num ; if( num == 0 ){ sprintf(msg,"*** ERROR:\n\n" " SUMA_ijk surface data\n" " received for dataset\n" " %.222s\n" " before any SUMA_ixyz data! \n" , DSET_FILECODE(dset) ) ; AFNI_popup_message( msg ) ; RETURN(1) ; } idc = NI_get_attribute( nel , "surface_idcode" ) ; if( idc == NULL ) idc = NI_get_attribute( nel , "SUMA_idcode" ) ; if( idc == NULL ){ AFNI_popup_message( "*** ERROR:\n\n" " SUMA_ijk surface input\n" " does not have surface idcode! \n" ) ; RETURN(1) ; } /* 14 Aug 2002: find surface idcode in dataset's list of surfaces */ for( surf_num=0 ; surf_num < num ; surf_num++ ) if( strstr(sess->su_surf[surf_num]->idcode,idc) != NULL ) break ; if( surf_num == num ){ sprintf(msg, "*** ERROR:\n\n" " SUMA_ijk surface input surface idcode\n" " %s\n" " does not match any surface in session \n" " %.222s\n" , idc, sess->sessname ) ; AFNI_popup_message( msg ) ; RETURN(1) ; } ag = sess->su_surf[surf_num] ; /* set surface to run with */ if( ag->num_ijk > 0 ){ sprintf(msg, "*** WARNING:\n\n" " SUMA_ijk surface input surface idcode\n" " %s\n" " already has %d triangles in it, and\n" " the SUMA user is trying to add %d more!\n" , idc, ag->num_ijk , nel->vec_filled ) ; AFNI_popup_message( msg ) ; RETURN(1) ; /* perhaps we can remove this */ } /*-- pointers to the data columns in the NI_element --*/ it = (int *) nel->vec[0] ; /* node index #1 */ jt = (int *) nel->vec[1] ; /* node index #2 */ kt = (int *) nel->vec[2] ; /* node index #3 */ /*-- add nodes to the surface --*/ nold = ag->num_ijk ; /* 19 Aug 2002: # triangles before */ SUMA_add_triangles( ag , nel->vec_filled , it,jt,kt ) ; /*-- we're done! --*/ if( ct_start >= 0 ) /* keep track */ ct_tot = NI_clock_time() - ct_start ; /* of time spent */ /* let the pitiful user see what just happened */ if( nold == 0 ) sprintf(msg,"\n+++ NOTICE: SUMA_ijk: %d triangles attached\n" " to surface %-14.14s (#%d),\n" " session %.222s\n" , nel->vec_filled, ag->label, surf_num, sess->sessname ) ; else sprintf(msg,"\n+++ NOTICE: SUMA_ijk: %d triangles ADDED\n" " (was %d) to surface %-14.14s (#%d),\n" " session %.222s\n" , nel->vec_filled, nold, ag->label, surf_num, sess->sessname ) ; if( ct_tot > 0 ) sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), " I/O time = %4d ms, Processing = %4d ms\n" , ct_read , ct_tot-ct_read ) ; SHOW_MESSAGE(msg) ; dont_tell_suma = 1 ; PLUTO_dset_redisplay( dset ) ; /* redisplay windows with this dataset */ dont_tell_suma = 0 ; RETURN(0) ; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /********* node normals from SUMA 05 Oct 2004 [rickr] **********/ static int process_NIML_SUMA_node_normals( NI_element * nel, int ct_start ) { THD_3dim_dataset *dset ; SUMA_surface *ag ; float *xc, *yc, *zc ; char *idc ; int num , surf_num ; THD_session *sess ; THD_slist_find find ; int ct_read = 0, ct_tot = 0 ; char msg[1024] ; ENTRY("process_NIML_SUMA_node_normals"); if( dont_hear_suma ) RETURN(0) ; if( ct_start >= 0 ) ct_read = NI_clock_time() - ct_start ; /*-- check element for suitability --*/ if( nel->vec_len < 1 || /* empty element? */ nel->vec_filled < 1 || /* no data was filled in? */ nel->vec_num < 3 || /* less than 3 columns? */ nel->vec_typ[0] != NI_FLOAT || /* must be float,float,float */ nel->vec_typ[1] != NI_FLOAT || nel->vec_typ[2] != NI_FLOAT ){ AFNI_popup_message( "*** ERROR:\n\n" " SUMA_node_normals data \n" " is badly formatted!\n" ) ; RETURN(1) ; } /*-- we need a "volume_idcode" or "dataset_idcode" attribute, so that we can attach this surface to a dataset for display; if we don't find the attribute or the dataset, then we quit --*/ idc = NI_get_attribute( nel , "volume_idcode" ) ; if( idc == NULL ) idc = NI_get_attribute( nel , "dataset_idcode" ) ; if( idc == NULL ){ AFNI_popup_message( "*** ERROR:\n " " SUMA_node_normals input\n" " does not identify dataset! \n" ) ; RETURN(1) ; } find = PLUTO_dset_finder( idc ) ; dset = find.dset ; if( dset == NULL ){ sprintf(msg, "*** ERROR:\n\n" " SUMA_node_normals surface dataset idcode is \n" " %s\n" " Can't find this in AFNI\n", idc ) ; AFNI_popup_message( msg ) ; RETURN(1) ; } sess = GLOBAL_library.sslist->ssar[find.sess_index] ; /*-- session must already have a surface --*/ num = sess->su_num ; if( num == 0 ){ sprintf(msg,"*** ERROR:\n\n" " SUMA_node_normals surface data\n" " received for dataset\n" " %.222s\n" " before any SUMA_ixyz data! \n" , DSET_FILECODE(dset) ) ; AFNI_popup_message( msg ) ; RETURN(1) ; } idc = NI_get_attribute( nel , "surface_idcode" ) ; if( idc == NULL ) idc = NI_get_attribute( nel , "SUMA_idcode" ) ; if( idc == NULL ){ AFNI_popup_message( "*** ERROR:\n\n" " SUMA_node_normals surface input\n" " does not have surface idcode! \n" ) ; RETURN(1) ; } /* find surface idcode in dataset's list of surfaces */ for( surf_num=0 ; surf_num < num ; surf_num++ ) if( strstr(sess->su_surf[surf_num]->idcode,idc) != NULL ) break ; if( surf_num == num ){ sprintf(msg, "*** ERROR:\n\n" " SUMA_node_normals surface input surface idcode\n" " %s\n" " does not match any surface in session \n" " %.222s\n" , idc, sess->sessname ) ; AFNI_popup_message( msg ) ; RETURN(1) ; } ag = sess->su_surf[surf_num] ; /* set surface to run with */ if( nel->vec_filled != ag->num_ixyz ){ sprintf(msg, "*** ERROR:\n\n" " SUMA_node_normals surface input surface idcode\n" " %s\n" " has %d nodes, but has been sent %d normals\n" , idc, ag->num_ixyz, nel->vec_filled ) ; AFNI_popup_message( msg ) ; RETURN(1) ; } if( ag->norm != NULL ){ sprintf(msg, "*** WARNING:\n\n" " SUMA_node_normals surface input surface idcode\n" " %s\n" " already has normals associated with it,\n" " replacing old normals with new ones\n" , idc ) ; AFNI_popup_message( msg ) ; } /*-- pointers to the data columns in the NI_element --*/ xc = (float *) nel->vec[0] ; /* norm.x */ yc = (float *) nel->vec[1] ; /* norm.y */ zc = (float *) nel->vec[2] ; /* norm.z */ /*-- add normals to the surface --*/ if( SUMA_add_norms_xyz( ag , nel->vec_filled , xc,yc,zc ) ){ sprintf(msg, "*** ERROR:SUMA_add_norms_ixyz failure!\n"); AFNI_popup_message( msg ) ; RETURN(1) ; } /*-- we're done! --*/ if( ct_start >= 0 ) /* keep track */ ct_tot = NI_clock_time() - ct_start ; /* of time spent */ sprintf(msg,"\n+++ NOTICE: %d normals attached\n" " to surface %-14.14s (#%d),\n" " session %.222s\n" , nel->vec_filled , ag->label , surf_num , sess->sessname ) ; if( ct_tot > 0 ) sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), " I/O time = %4d ms, Processing = %4d ms\n" , ct_read , ct_tot-ct_read ) ; SHOW_MESSAGE(msg) ; dont_tell_suma = 1 ; PLUTO_dset_redisplay( dset ) ; /* redisplay windows with this dataset */ dont_tell_suma = 0 ; RETURN(0) ; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /********* new focus position **********/ static int process_NIML_SUMA_crosshair_xyz(NI_element * nel) { float *xyz ; ENTRY("process_NIML_SUMA_crosshair_xyz"); if( dont_hear_suma ) RETURN(0) ; if( nel->vec_len < 3 || nel->vec_filled < 3 || nel->vec_num < 1 || nel->vec_typ[0] != NI_FLOAT ){ SHOW_MESSAGE( "+++ WARNING:\n\n" " SUMA_crosshair_xyz input \n" " is badly formatted!\n" ); RETURN(1) ; } xyz = (float *) nel->vec[0] ; dont_tell_suma = 1 ; AFNI_jumpto_dicom( AFNI_find_open_controller(), xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2] ); dont_tell_suma = 0 ; RETURN(0) ; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*********** ROI drawing from SUMA **********/ static int process_NIML_Node_ROI( NI_element * nel, int ct_start ) { int *nlist , *nval , num_list , num,ii,jj,pp,ks ; char *surf_idc , *roi_prefix , *dset_idc ; THD_slist_find find ; THD_3dim_dataset *dset_anat , *dset_func ; SUMA_surface *ag ; Three_D_View *im3d = AFNI_find_open_controller() ; MCW_choose_cbs cbs ; THD_session *sess ; THD_fvec3 fv ; THD_ivec3 iv ; short *funcar ; float xbot,ybot,zbot , xtop,ytop,ztop ; int wodsave , nx,ny,nxy ; int ct_read = 0 ; char msg[1024] ; ENTRY("process_NIML_Node_ROI"); if( dont_hear_suma ) RETURN(0) ; if( ct_start >= 0 ) ct_read = NI_clock_time() - ct_start ; STATUS("received Node_ROI element") ; if( nel->vec_num < 2 || nel->vec_typ[0] != NI_INT || nel->vec_typ[1] != NI_INT ){ SHOW_MESSAGE( "+++ WARNING:\n\n" " Node_ROI input \n" " is badly formatted!\n" ); RETURN(1) ; } nlist = (int *) nel->vec[0] ; /* node list */ nval = (int *) nel->vec[1] ; /* value list */ num_list = nel->vec_filled ; /* number of nodes */ /** get ID codes of surface and anat parents **/ STATUS("checking Node_ROI ID codes") ; surf_idc = NI_get_attribute( nel , "MeshParent_idcode" ) ; if( surf_idc == NULL ) surf_idc = NI_get_attribute( nel , "surface_idcode" ) ; if( surf_idc == NULL ) surf_idc = NI_get_attribute( nel , "SUMA_idcode" ) ; dset_idc = NI_get_attribute( nel , "volume_idcode" ) ; if( dset_idc == NULL ) dset_idc = NI_get_attribute( nel , "dataset_idcode" ) ; /** get name of dataset this goes into **/ roi_prefix = NI_get_attribute( nel , "target_volume" ) ; if( roi_prefix == NULL ) roi_prefix = NI_get_attribute( nel , "ROI_prefix" ) ; /** check for errors [there are lots of possibilities] **/ if( surf_idc == NULL ){ AFNI_popup_message( "*** ERROR:\n\n" " Node_ROI input doesn't\n" " set 'MeshParent_idcode'!\n" ) ; RETURN(1) ; } if( dset_idc == NULL ){ AFNI_popup_message( "*** ERROR:\n\n" " Node_ROI input doesn't\n" " set 'volume_idcode'!\n" ) ; RETURN(1) ; } if( roi_prefix == NULL ){ AFNI_popup_message( "*** ERROR:\n\n" " Node_ROI input doesn't\n" " set 'target_volume'!\n" ) ; RETURN(1) ; } if( !THD_filename_pure(roi_prefix) ){ sprintf(msg, "*** ERROR:\n\n" " Node_ROI 'target_volume' prefix \n" " %s\n" " contains illegal characters!\n" , roi_prefix ) ; AFNI_popup_message( msg ) ; RETURN(1) ; } /** find parent volume for this ROI (from its ID code) **/ STATUS("searching for Node_ROI parent volume") ; find = PLUTO_dset_finder( dset_idc ) ; dset_anat = find.dset ; if( dset_anat == NULL ){ sprintf(msg, "*** ERROR:\n\n" " Node_ROI volume dataset idcode is \n" " %s\n" " Can't find this in AFNI\n", dset_idc ) ; AFNI_popup_message( msg ) ; RETURN(1) ; } sess = GLOBAL_library.sslist->ssar[find.sess_index] ; /* 20 Jan 2004 */ /** find the surface within this session (from its ID code) **/ STATUS("searching for Node_ROI surface") ; num = sess->su_num ; if( num == 0 ){ sprintf(msg,"*** ERROR:\n\n" " Node_ROI data received for dataset\n" " %.222s\n" " but no surfaces available in session! \n" , DSET_FILECODE(dset_anat) ) ; AFNI_popup_message( msg ) ; RETURN(1) ; } for( ks=0 ; ks < num ; ks++ ) if( strstr(sess->su_surf[ks]->idcode,surf_idc) != NULL ) break ; if( ks == num ){ sprintf(msg, "*** ERROR:\n\n" " Node_ROI surface idcode\n" " %s\n" " does not match any surface in session \n" " %.222s\n" , surf_idc, sess->sessname ) ; AFNI_popup_message( msg ) ; RETURN(1) ; } ag = sess->su_surf[ks] ; /* set surface to run with */ /** switch session and anat dataset, if need be **/ if( find.sess_index != im3d->vinfo->sess_num ){ cbs.ival = find.sess_index ; AFNI_finalize_dataset_CB( im3d->vwid->view->choose_sess_pb , (XtPointer) im3d , &cbs ) ; } if( find.dset_index >= 0 && find.dset_index != im3d->vinfo->anat_num ){ cbs.ival = find.dset_index ; AFNI_finalize_dataset_CB( im3d->vwid->view->choose_anat_pb , (XtPointer) im3d , &cbs ) ; } AFNI_update_all_surface_widgets( sess ) ; #if 0 XtSetSensitive( im3d->vwid->imag->pop_sumato_pb, True ) ; #endif /* see if ROI dataset already exists */ STATUS("searching for Node_ROI functional dataset") ; find = THD_dset_in_session( FIND_PREFIX , roi_prefix , sess ) ; dset_func = find.dset ; /* func dataset already exists? Check if for goodness. */ if( dset_func != NULL ){ if( !EQUIV_DATAXES(dset_anat->daxes,dset_func->daxes) ){ sprintf(msg, "*** ERROR:\n\n" " Node_ROI functional dataset\n" " %.222s\n" " exists, but doesn't match geometry of anat dataset\n" " %.222s\n" , roi_prefix , DSET_FILECODE(dset_anat) ) ; AFNI_popup_message( msg ) ; RETURN(1) ; } DSET_mallocize(dset_func) ; /* oops */ if( !DSET_LOADED(dset_func) ){ DSET_load(dset_func) ; if( !DSET_LOADED(dset_func) ){ sprintf(msg, "*** ERROR:\n\n" " Node_ROI functional dataset\n" " %.222s\n" " exists, but doesn't have data!\n" , roi_prefix ) ; AFNI_popup_message( msg ) ; RETURN(1) ; } DESTROY_VVLIST(ag->vv) ; ag->vv = NULL ; sprintf(msg,"+++ NOTICE:\n\n" " Node_ROI command is using existing dataset\n" " %.222s\n" , DSET_FILECODE(dset_func) ) ; SHOW_MESSAGE( msg ) ; } if( find.dset_index >= 0 && find.dset_index != im3d->vinfo->func_num ){ cbs.ival = find.dset_index ; AFNI_finalize_dataset_CB( im3d->vwid->view->choose_func_pb , (XtPointer) im3d , &cbs ) ; } } else { /*** no pre-existing func? create a dataset now ***/ ii = sess->num_dsset ; if( ii >= THD_MAX_SESSION_SIZE ){ sprintf(msg, "*** ERROR:\n\n" " Can't create Node_ROI dataset\n" " %.222s\n" " because of AFNI session overflow!\n" , roi_prefix ) ; AFNI_popup_message( msg ) ; RETURN(1) ; } dset_func = EDIT_empty_copy( dset_anat ) ; EDIT_dset_items( dset_func , ADN_prefix , roi_prefix , ADN_type , HEAD_FUNC_TYPE , ADN_func_type , FUNC_BUCK_TYPE , ADN_nvals , 1 , ADN_ntt , 0 , ADN_brick_fac , NULL , ADN_none ) ; EDIT_BRICK_TO_NOSTAT( dset_func , 0 ) ; EDIT_substitute_brick( dset_func , 0 , MRI_short , NULL ) ; sess->dsset[ii][dset_func->view_type] = dset_func ; sess->num_dsset ++ ; STATUS("switching func to Node_ROI dataset") ; cbs.ival = ii ; AFNI_finalize_dataset_CB( im3d->vwid->view->choose_func_pb , (XtPointer) im3d , &cbs ) ; STATUS("popping up Node_ROI dataset creation notice") ; sprintf(msg,"+++ NOTICE:\n\n" " Node_ROI command is creating dataset\n" " %.222s\n" , DSET_FILECODE(dset_func) ) ; SHOW_MESSAGE( msg ) ; STATUS("destroying any pre-existing Node_ROI vvlist") ; DESTROY_VVLIST(ag->vv) ; ag->vv = NULL ; } STATUS("locking Node_ROI dataset into memory") ; DSET_lock(dset_func) ; /* lock into memory (no purge allowed) */ funcar = (short *) DSET_BRICK_ARRAY(dset_func,0) ; /* array to draw */ /** now, see if there is an old voxel value list attached to the surface ; if so zero out those voxels **/ if( ag->vv != NULL ){ fprintf(stderr,"++ erasing %d voxels from previous SUMA ROI\n",ag->vv->nvox) ; for( ii=0 ; ii < ag->vv->nvox ; ii++ ) funcar[ ag->vv->voxijk[ii] ] = 0; DESTROY_VVLIST(ag->vv) ; ag->vv = NULL ; } else { STATUS("no old Node_ROI vvlist") ; } /** now put values from SUMA into dataset array **/ if( num_list > 0 ){ fprintf(stderr,"++ writing %d voxels from SUMA ROI\n",num_list) ; ag->vv = (SUMA_vvlist *) malloc( sizeof(SUMA_vvlist) ) ; ag->vv->nvox = num_list ; ag->vv->voxijk = (int *) malloc( sizeof(int) *num_list ) ; ag->vv->voxval = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float)*num_list ) ; wodsave = dset_func->wod_flag ; dset_func->wod_flag = 0 ; xbot = DSET_XXMIN(dset_func) ; xtop = DSET_XXMAX(dset_func) ; ybot = DSET_YYMIN(dset_func) ; ytop = DSET_YYMAX(dset_func) ; zbot = DSET_ZZMIN(dset_func) ; ztop = DSET_ZZMAX(dset_func) ; nx = DSET_NX(dset_func); ny = DSET_NY(dset_func); nxy = nx*ny ; for( ii=0 ; ii < num_list ; ii++ ){ pp = SUMA_find_node_id( ag , nlist[ii] ) ; if( pp >= 0 ){ LOAD_FVEC3( fv , ag->ixyz[pp].x, ag->ixyz[pp].y, ag->ixyz[pp].z ) ; fv = THD_dicomm_to_3dmm( dset_func , fv ) ; if( fv.xyz[0] < xbot || fv.xyz[0] > xtop ) continue ; if( fv.xyz[1] < ybot || fv.xyz[1] > ytop ) continue ; if( fv.xyz[2] < zbot || fv.xyz[2] > ztop ) continue ; iv = THD_3dmm_to_3dind( dset_func , fv ) ; jj = iv.ijk[0] + iv.ijk[1]*nx + iv.ijk[2]*nxy ; funcar[jj] = nval[ii] ; ag->vv->voxijk[ii] = jj ; ag->vv->voxval[ii] = nval[ii] ; } } } else { STATUS("no nodes in Node_ROI input") ; } DSET_write( dset_func ) ; /* save to disk */ dont_overlay_suma = 1 ; STATUS("redisplay Node_ROI function") ; MCW_set_bbox( im3d->vwid->view->see_func_bbox , 1 ) ; im3d->vinfo->func_visible = 1 ; PLUTO_dset_redisplay( dset_func ) ; /* redisplay windows with this dataset */ AFNI_process_drawnotice( im3d ) ; RETURN(0) ; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Construct an AFNI dataset from the group element, and insert it into the current session in lowest open controller if it is a new dataset. If it has the same idcode as an old dataset, replace that dataset with this one. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void process_NIML_AFNI_dataset( NI_group *ngr , int ct_start ) { Three_D_View *im3d = AFNI_find_open_controller() ; THD_3dim_dataset *dset , *old_dset ; THD_slist_find find ; THD_session *ss ; int ii , vv , ww ; int ct_read = 0, ct_tot = 0 ; char msg[1024] ; ENTRY("process_NIML_AFNI_dataset") ; if( ct_start >= 0 ) ct_read = NI_clock_time() - ct_start ; /* convert the group element contents into a dataset */ dset = THD_niml_to_dataset( ngr , 1 ) ; /* 1 ==> don't load sub-bricks */ if( dset == NULL ){ AFNI_popup_message("\n*** ERROR:\n" " Received bad ''\n" " Discarding data and continuing.\n" ) ; EXRETURN ; } /* now see if this dataset idcode is already stored in AFNI somewhere */ find = PLUTO_dset_finder( dset->idcode.str ) ; old_dset = find.dset ; if( old_dset == NULL ){ /********* this is a new dataset *************/ ss = GLOBAL_library.sslist->ssar[im3d->vinfo->sess_num] ; /* session */ ii = ss->num_dsset ; /* row */ vv = dset->view_type ; /* and view */ if( ii >= THD_MAX_SESSION_SIZE ){ /* session overflow! */ DSET_delete(dset) ; AFNI_popup_message("\n*** ERROR:\n" " Received new dataset but am out of space!\n\n" ) ; EXRETURN ; } ss->dsset[ii][vv] = dset ; /*** insert dataset into session here ***/ ss->num_dsset++ ; POPDOWN_strlist_chooser ; } else { /************* have an old dataset *************/ DSET_delete(dset) ; /* delete the new copy */ dset = old_dset ; /* instead, will replace contents of old dataset */ } DSET_superlock(dset) ; /*-- make sure will not be purged from memory! --*/ /* load any data bricks present in the group element */ (void)THD_add_bricks( dset , ngr ) ; THD_update_statistics( dset ) ; /** wrapup **/ if( ct_start >= 0 ) /* keep track */ ct_tot = NI_clock_time() - ct_start ; /* of time spent */ if( old_dset == NULL ) sprintf(msg,"\n+++ NOTICE: New AFNI dataset received.\n\n") ; else sprintf(msg,"\n+++ NOTICE: Replacement AFNI dataset received.\n\n") ; if( ct_tot > 0 ) sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), " I/O time = %4d ms, Processing = %4d ms\n" , ct_read , ct_tot-ct_read ) ; SHOW_MESSAGE( msg ) ; UNDUMMYIZE ; EXRETURN ; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Process a '' element to add/replace sub-bricks in an AFNI dataset already stored somewhere (identified by the idcode). ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void process_NIML_AFNI_volumedata( void *nini , int ct_start ) { char *idc ; THD_slist_find find ; int ct_read = 0, ct_tot = 0 ; char msg[1024] ; ENTRY("process_NIML_AFNI_volumedata") ; if( ct_start >= 0 ) ct_read = NI_clock_time() - ct_start ; idc = NI_get_attribute( nini , "AFNI_idcode" ) ; if( idc == NULL ) idc = NI_get_attribute( nini , "self_idcode" ) ; if( idc == NULL ) idc = NI_get_attribute( nini , "idcode" ) ; if( idc == NULL ) EXRETURN ; find = PLUTO_dset_finder(idc) ; if( find.dset == NULL ) EXRETURN ; (void)THD_add_bricks( find.dset , nini ) ; THD_update_statistics( find.dset ) ; /** wrapup **/ if( ct_start >= 0 ) /* keep track */ ct_tot = NI_clock_time() - ct_start ; /* of time spent */ sprintf(msg,"\n+++ NOTICE: Replacement AFNI sub-bricks received.\n\n") ; if( ct_tot > 0 ) sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), " I/O time = %4d ms, Processing = %4d ms\n" , ct_read , ct_tot-ct_read ) ; SHOW_MESSAGE( msg ) ; EXRETURN ; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Process a '' element to add a .1D file to AFNI's library of such things. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void process_NIML_MRI_IMAGE( NI_element *nel , int ct_start ) { MRI_IMAGE *im ; ENTRY("process_NIML_MRI_IMAGE") ; im = niml_to_mri( nel ) ; /* convert element to an image */ /* reject bad or overlarge images */ if( im == NULL ) EXRETURN ; if( im->nx < 2 || im->nz > 1 || im->ny > 99 ){ mri_free(im); EXRETURN; } /* convert to float, if needed */ if( im->kind != MRI_float ){ MRI_IMAGE *qim = mri_to_float(im) ; if( qim != NULL ){ mri_free(im); im = qim; } } /* make up a name, if none provided */ if( im->name == NULL || im->name[0] == '\0' ){ static int nnn=1 ; char mmm[32] ; sprintf(mmm,"niml_%03d",nnn) ; mri_add_name(mmm,im) ; } /* store in AFNI's list, and vamoose */ AFNI_add_timeseries( im ) ; EXRETURN ; }