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Welcome to SURF - Gaithersburg, MD

Dear Student or Colleague:

You and your school are invited to participate in the National Institute of Standards and Technology's Gaithersburg, MD Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program for students majoring in science, mathematics and engineering. Note that applications for participation in the SURF program are only accepted from colleges or universities, and not from individual students. Please prepare a single proposal from your institution to the NIST SURF program. This proposal, using the forms provided, will include a portion completed by an institutional representative and a set of materials provided by each student applicant. Students can participate in any one of the nine NIST laboratories:

  • Building and Fire Research
  • Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology
  • Chemical Science and Technology
  • Electronics and Electrical Engineering
  • Information Technology
  • Manufacturing Engineering
  • Materials Science & Engineering
  • NIST Center for Neutron Research
  • Physics

The student application form should indicate in which laboratory he/she is most interested. The applications will be considered by the student's first choice, then second choice and finally by all programs, with consideration of the student's preferences and research interests. Please circulate the information about this program to other appropriate academic departments and administrative staff at your institution.

SURFing is a partnership, supported by NIST, NSF, and the participating colleges/universities. The actual number of awards supported will depend on the level of cost sharing by the college/university proposers, however, the ability to cost share is NOT a criteria for acceptance into the program. We anticipate providing meaningful research opportunities for approximately 25 SURFers in the Physics Laboratory (PL) and the Materials Science & Engineering & NIST Center for Neutron Research Laboratories, and 10-15 in each of the other Laboratories. The NIST facilities are located just outside Washington, DC.

The NIST site in Boulder, Colorado, also operates a SURF programs with a distinctly separate application. Students are encouraged to review research opportunities in Boulder. An application for one SURF program does not constitute an application for the other.

The SURF Program is anticipated to run between May 26 - August 7, 2009; adjustments may be made to accommodate specific academic schedules (e.g., a limited number of 9-week (June 8 - August 7, 2009) slots).

Further information for individual Laboratories can be found through the website


The Application Package is available here:


You will find a list of frequently asked questions here:



Lisa Jean Fronczek
Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory SURF Program

C. Cameron Miller, Uwe Arp, Marc F. Desrosiers & Paul D. Lett
Physics Laboratory SURF Program

Terrell A. Vanderah, Robert D. Shull & Julie Borchers
Materials Science & Eng. Laboratory and
NIST Center for Neutron Research SURF Program

Chris White & Chiara Ferraris
Building and Fire Research Laboratory SURF Program

Joseph Kopanksi & Dave Newell
Electronics and Electrical Engineering Laboratory SURF Program

Isabel Beichl & Bj Lide
Information Technology Laboratory SURF Program

Dianne Poster, Mary Satterfield & Wyatt Vreeland
Chemical Science and Technology Laboratory SURF Program

John Unguris & Kartik Srinivasan
Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology


 Last updated: November 14, 2008