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To amend the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act and the Solid Waste Disposal Act to limit the liabilities under these Acts of both fiduciaries and... (Introduced in House)
HR 2462 IH


1st Session

H. R. 2462

To amend the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act and the Solid Waste Disposal Act to limit the liabilities under these Acts of both fiduciaries and lending institutions, including finance lessors, guarantors, and others directly or indirectly holding indicia of ownership primarily to protect a security interest in property which is subject to either Act.


June 18, 1993

Mr. LAFALCE (for himself, Mr. SLATTERY, Mr. LAROCCO, and Mr. MCCOLLUM) introduced the following bill; which was referred jointly to the Committees on Energy and Commerce and Public Works and Transportation


To amend the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act and the Solid Waste Disposal Act to limit the liabilities under these Acts of both fiduciaries and lending institutions, including finance lessors, guarantors, and others directly or indirectly holding indicia of ownership primarily to protect a security interest in property which is subject to either Act.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


    The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 is amended--

      (1) by striking the last sentence of paragraph 101(20)(A); and

      (2) by inserting the following new paragraphs 101(20) (E) and (F):

        `(E)(i) The term `owner or operator' does not include a person who, without participating in the management of a vessel or facility, holds indicia of ownership primarily to protect his or her security interest in the vessel or facility.

        `(ii) The term `indicia of ownership' means any legal or equitable interest in property acquired directly or indirectly--

          (I) for the purpose of securing payment of a loan or indebtedness, a right of reimbursement or subrogation under a guaranty, or the performance of another obligation,

          (II) evidencing ownership under a lease financing transaction where the lessor does not initially select or ordinarily control the daily operation or maintenance of the property, or

          (III) in the course of protecting a security interest or right of reimbursement or subrogation under a guaranty.

        `Indicia of ownership' include evidence of interests in mortgages, deeds of trust, liens, surety bonds, guaranties, lease financing transactions where the lessor does not initially select or ordinarily control the daily operation or maintenance of the property, other forms of encumbrances against property recognized under applicable law as vesting the holder of the security interest with some indicia of title, legal or equitable title obtained at, or in lieu of, foreclosure, and their equivalents. A person may, but is not required to, hold title in property in order to hold indicia of ownership in that property.

        `(iii) A `holder of a security interest' is a person who holds indicia of ownership in property primarily to protect a security interest. A `holder of a security interest' includes the initial holder (such as a loan originator) and any subsequent holder (such as a successor-in-interest or subsequent purchaser of the security interest on the secondary market); guarantor; lease financier or any successor where the lessor does not initially select or ordinarily control the daily operation or maintenance of the property; any person who holds indicia or ownership primarily to protect a security interest; or a receiver or other person who acts on behalf or for the benefit of a holder of a security interest.

        `(iv) The term `security interest' means an interest in property created or established for the purpose of securing a loan, right of reimbursement or subrogation under a guaranty, or other obligation or constituting a lease financing transaction. Security interests include mortgages, deeds of trust, liens, lease financing transactions in which the lessor does not initially select or ordinarily control the daily operation or maintenance of the property, trust receipt transactions, and their equivalents. Security interests may also arise from transactions such as sales and leasebacks, conditional sales, installment sales, certain assignments, factoring agreements, accounts receivable financing arrangements, and consignments, if the transaction creates or establishes an interest in property for the purpose of securing a loan, right of reimbursement or subrogation under a guaranty or other obligation.

        `(v) The term `participating in the management of property' means actual participation in the management or operational affairs of the property by the holder, and does not include the mere capacity to influence, or ability to influence, or the unexercised right to control facility operations. A holder is participating in management while the borrower is still in possession of the property encumbered by the security interest, only if the holder either--

          `(I) exercises decisionmaking control over the borrower's environmental compliance, such that the holder has undertaken responsibility for the borrower's solid waste handling or disposal practices; or

          `(II) exercises control at a level comparable to that of a manager of the borrower's enterprise, such that the holder has assumed or manifested responsibility for the overall management of the enterprise encompassing the day-to-day decisionmaking of the enterprise with respect to--

            `(aa) environmental compliance; or

            `(bb) all, or substantially all, of the operational (as opposed to financial or administrative) aspects of the enterprise other than environmental compliance. Operational aspects of the enterprise include functions such as that of facility or plant manager, operations manager, chief operating officer, or chief executive officer. Financial or administrative aspects include functions such as that of credit manager, personnel manager, controller, chief financial officer, or similar functions.

        `(vi) The term `primarily to protect a security interest' includes indicia of ownership acquired as a consequence of having or exercising rights as a holder of a security interest where the same is necessary or appropriate to protect the security interest, to provide for compliance with laws, to preserve the value of the property or benefits therefrom, or to recover a loan, indebtedness or right of reimbursement or subrogation under a guaranty or to redress any other obligation secured by such interest or to recover property subject to a finance lease. A holder of a security interest who directly or indirectly acquires full title or a right to title or possession of such property upon default under the security interest, or at, or in lieu of, foreclosure, or, in the case of a finance lease, upon expiration, cancellation, or termination of such lease, shall continue to hold indicia of ownership primarily to protect a security interest so long as such holder is diligently proceeding to sell or convey title or the right to title or to re-lease such property on commercially reasonable terms at the earliest possible time, while preserving the property in the interim.

        `(vii) The term `property' means real and personal property and includes facilities, storage tanks, equipment, vessels, vehicles, and other modes of transportation whether by sea, land, or air.

        `(viii)(I) The term `guarantor' includes guarantors and sureties of security interests, securities, and other obligations, issuers of letters of credit and other credit enhancements, title insurers, and entities which directly or indirectly acquire indicia of ownership in the course of protecting a security interest or acting as such guarantors, sureties, issuers of letters of credit or other credit enhancements or title insurers, and the term `guaranty' includes guaranties, surety bonds, title insurance policies, letters of credit and other credit enhancements, and other agreements with a guarantor relating to the obligations described in this subclause (I).

        `(II) `Directly or indirectly' includes any interest in property, security interest, indicia of ownership title, or right to title held or acquired by a fiduciary or similar entity for the benefit of a holder of a security interest.

        `(ix) The terms `borrower', `debtor', and `obligor' mean a person whose property is encumbered by a security interest and includes a lessee under a lease financing transaction.

        `(x) Actions taken by a holder of a security interest to foreclose, sell, liquidate, release or otherwise divest or cause the transfer of property subject to a security interest; or preserve or protect the value of such property; or otherwise to exercise rights of a holder of a security interest specified in subparagraph (v) above; or to assist the borrower, debtor, obligor, or lessee in winding down its operations or activities related to such property; or to abandon or release the property prior to foreclosure or its equivalents; or to require or conduct response action on, or relating to, the property; shall not be deemed `participating in the management of property' within the meaning of this subsection (101)(20)(E). Completion of an environmental inspection or evaluation consistent with good commercial or customary practice by or for the use of a holder of a security interest is probative evidence that a holder of a security interest is acting to preserve and protect the property during the time the holder of a security interest may have possession or control of such property, except that this Act does not require a holder of a security interest to conduct nor does it require any environmental inspection or evaluation to qualify for this exemption.

        `(xi) A holder of a security interest who, in taking actions referred to in subparagraph (x) above respecting property, actively and directly causes or exacerbates a release of a hazardous waste for which a Federal or an authorized State government determines that response action is necessary, shall be liable for the cost of such response action to the extent only that the release is directly attributable to such holder's activities, except that such a holder shall not be liable for response action costs arising from a release which commences before and continues after such holder takes any action referred to in subparagraph (x) above.

        `(F)(i) The term `fiduciary' means any entity which is considered a fiduciary under section 3(21) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended from time to time, or who is acting as trustee, executor, administrator, custodian, guardian of estates, conservator, committee of estates of disabled persons, personal representative, receiver, agent, nominee or in any other fiduciary capacity for the benefit of another entity.

        `(ii) A fiduciary who acquires ownership or control of property without having owned, operated, or participated in the management of that property prior to assuming ownership or control as fiduciary, other than for the benefit of a holder of a security interest, shall not be an `owner' or `operator' under this Act.

        `(iii) Such a fiduciary who willfully, knowingly, or recklessly causes (in a direct and active manner) a release of a hazardous substance, for which a Federal or an authorized State government determines that response action is necessary, shall be liable for the cost of such response action to the extent only that the release is directly attributable to the fiduciary's activities, except that such a fiduciary shall not be liable for response action costs arising from a release which commences before and continues after such fiduciary acquires ownership or control of the property.

        `(iv) Nothing in this subsection shall prevent claims against the assets that constitute the estate held by the fiduciary or the filling of actions against the fiduciary in its representative capacity.


    The Solid Waste Disposal Act is amended--

      (1) by adding at the end of section 1004 the following paragraph:

      `(41) The terms `owner', `operator', `generator', `transporter', and `person' do not include any entity which would not be an `owner' or `operator' within the meaning of paragraphs 101(20) (E) or (F) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980.';

      (2) by adding at the end of paragraph 9003(h)(a) the following sentence: `This definition shall be construed to be parallel to the provisions of paragraph 101(20)(E) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980.', and

      (3) by adding at the end of section 3006 the following subsection:

    `(i) AMENDMENTS MADE BY 1993 ACT- The provisions of section 1004(41) of this Act shall apply in each State having an interim or finally authorized State program to the same extent that such provisions apply in other States.'.


    The provisions of this Act shall apply to--

      (1) all indicia of ownership acquired prior to the date of enactment that are held primarily to protect a security interest in property; and

      (2) each fiduciary with respect to any property acquired by the fiduciary prior to the date of enactment.

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