STWS Home Module Home  Prostate: Case #1 Print

Physical Exam

Difficulty urinating. Nocturia 3 - 4 times, frequency, urgency, hesitancy, intermittence, and a feeling of incomplete bladder emptying.

Genitourinary Exam Digital rectal exam: enlarged prostate.
X-Rays & Scans

Chest: Unremarkable. CT abdomen: No significant findings.

Scopes Cystoscopy: Significant obstruction by enlarged prostate.

Alk phos: 123 (normal 69 - 241).

Surgical Findings

TURP: Bladder outlet significantly obstructed by an enlarged prostate.

Pathological Reports

Micro: Prostate: Well differentiated adenocarcinoma, grade 2 - 3, in 3 of 24 total chips.

Treatment TURP.

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