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Chemical Datasheet


Chemical Identifiers | Hazards | Response Recommendations | Physical Properties | Regulatory Information | Alternate Chemical Names

Chemical Identifiers

UN/NA Number - The United Nations-North America number (also called UN number or DOT number). 4-digit number identifying an individual chemical or group of chemicals with similar characteristics. Required on shipping papers; often shown on placards or labels. This numbering system was developed by the U.S. Department of Transportation, and then became the UN standard system for classifying hazardous materials.

CAS Number - Chemical Abstracts Service registry number. Unique identification number assigned to this chemical by the American Chemical Society.

CHRIS Code - 3-letter code used by the U.S. Coast Guard to identify individual chemicals included in its CHRIS (Chemical Hazards Response Information System) manual.

DOT Hazard Label - U.S. Department of Transportation hazard warning label for the chemical (such as flammable liquid or corrosive). This label must be displayed on shipped packages, railroad tank cars, and tank trucks according to specifications described in 49 CFR 172.

NFPA 704 - Text description of the diamond-shaped placard, which contains codes indicating the level of the chemical's health, flammability, and reactivity hazards, along with special hazards such as water- and air-reactivity. (The NFPA 704 diamond is also shown at the top of the datasheet.) See a guide to the NFPA diamond.

General Description - Brief description of the chemical's general appearance, behavior, and hazardousness.

List of data sources.
UN/NA Number CAS Number CHRIS Code DOT Hazard Label
  • 7791-12-0
NFPA 704: data unavailable
General Description
White, crystalline powder, becomes violet on exposure to light. Used as a catalyst in chlorinations and in suntan lamps. (EPA, 1998)


Reactivity Alerts - Special alerts if the chemical is especially reactive (see list of reactivity alerts).

Air & Water Reactions - Special alerts if the chemical reacts with air, water, or moisture.

Fire Hazard - Description of the chemical's fire hazards (such as flammability, explosion risk, or byproducts that may evolve if the chemical is burned).

Health Hazard - Description of the chemical's health hazards (such as toxicity, flammability, or corrosivity).

Reactivity Profile - Description of the chemical's potential reactivity with other chemicals, air, and water. Also includes any other intrinsic reactive hazards (such as polymerizable or peroxidizable).

Reactive Groups - List of reactive groups that the chemical is assigned to, based on its known chemistry. Reactive groups are categories of chemicals that react in similar ways because their chemical structures are similar. Reactive groups are used to predict reactivity when you add a chemical to MyChemicals. Read more about reactive groups.

List of data sources.
Reactivity Alerts
Air & Water Reactions
No rapid reaction with air. No rapid reaction with water.
Fire Hazard
(Non-Specific -- Thallium Salts) Fire may produce irritating or poisonous gases. When heated to decomposition, it emits very toxic fumes of chloride and thallium. Thallium(I) chloride is vigorously attacked by cold fluorine. A mixture of potassium and thallous chloride produces a weak explosion on impact. (EPA, 1998)
Health Hazard
(Non-Specific -- Thallium Salts) Poisonous if swallowed. Inhalation of dust is poisonous. (EPA, 1998)
Reactivity Profile
Fluorine and THALLOUS CHLORIDE react violently, melting the product [Mellor Supp. 1:63 1956]. When heated to decomposition, it emits very toxic fumes of chloride and thallium. Thallium(I) chloride is vigorously attacked by cold fluorine. A mixture of potassium and thallous chloride produces a weak explosion on impact [EPA, 1998].
Belongs to the Following Reactive Group(s)

Response Recommendations

Firefighting - Response recommendations if the chemical is on fire (or near a fire).

Non-Fire Response - Response recommendations if the chemical isn't on fire (or near a fire).

Protective Clothing - Recommendations for protective gear and, in some cases, a table of breakthrough times for protective materials.

First Aid - Recommended first aid treatment for people exposed to the chemical.

List of data sources.
(Non-Specific -- Thallium Salts) Move container from fire area if you can do so without risk.

(Non-Specific -- Thallium Salts) Small fires: dry chemical, carbon dioxide, water spray or foam. Large fires: water spray, fog or foam. (EPA, 1998)
Non-Fire Response
Avoid inhalation. (Non-Specific -- Thallium Salts) Do not touch spilled material; stop leak if you can do so without risk.

Small spills: absorb with sand or other non-combustible absorbent material and place into containers for later disposal.

Small dry spills: with clean shovel place material into clean, dry container and cover; move containers from spill area.

Large spills: dike far ahead of spill for later disposal. (EPA, 1998)
Protective Clothing
For emergency situations, wear a positive pressure, pressure-demand, full facepiece self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) or pressure- demand supplied air respirator with escape SCBA and a fully-encapsulating, chemical resistant suit. (EPA, 1998)
First Aid
Warning: Effects may be delayed from hours to days. Caution is advised.

Signs and Symptoms of Acute Thallous Chloride Exposure: Signs and symptoms of acute exposure to thallous chloride may be severe and include bronchitis, pneumonia, and respiratory paralysis. Tachycardia (rapid heart rate) may occur. Victims may experience headache, delerium, dementia, depression, psychosis, and peripheral burning sensations with severe pain. Muscle weakness and atrophy, incoordination, choreiform (spasmodic) movements, convulsions, shock, and coma may also occur. Hair loss is common. Gastrointestinal effects include increased salivation, inflammation of the oral cavity, anorexia, vomiting (may be bloody), diarrhea (may be bloody), abdominal pain, and constipation. Kidney damage has been reported.

Emergency Life-Support Procedures: Acute exposure to thallous chloride may require decontamination and life support for the victims. Emergency personnel should wear protective clothing appropriate to the type and degree of contamination. Air-purifying or supplied-air respiratory equipment should also be worn, as necessary. Rescue vehicles should carry supplies such as plastic sheeting and disposable plastic bags to assist in preventing spread of contamination.

Inhalation Exposure:
1. Move victims to fresh air. Emergency personnel should avoid self-exposure to thallous chloride.
2. Evaluate vital signs including pulse and respiratory rate, and note any trauma. If no pulse is detected, provide CPR. If not breathing, provide artificial respiration. If breathing is labored, administer oxygen or other respiratory support.
3. Obtain authorization and/or further instructions from the local hospital for administration of an antidote or performance of other invasive procedures.
4. Transport to a health care facility.

Dermal/Eye Exposure:
1. Remove victims from exposure. Emergency personnel should avoid self- exposure to thallous chloride.
2. Evaluate vital signs including pulse and respiratory rate, and note any trauma. If no pulse is detected, provide CPR. If not breathing, provide artificial respiration. If breathing is labored, administer oxygen or other respiratory support.
3. Remove contaminated clothing as soon as possible.
4. If eye exposure has occurred, eyes must be flushed with lukewarm water for at least 15 minutes.
5. THOROUGHLY wash exposed skin areas with soap and water.
6. Obtain authorization and/or further instructions from the local hospital for administration of an antidote or performance of other invasive procedures.
7. Transport to a health care facility.

Ingestion Exposure:
1. Evaluate vital signs including pulse and respiratory rate, and note any trauma. If no pulse is detected, provide CPR. If not breathing, provide artificial respiration. If breathing is labored, administer oxygen or other respiratory support.
2. Obtain authorization and/or further instructions from the local hospital for administration of an antidote or performance of other invasive procedures.
3. Vomiting may be induced with syrup of Ipecac. If elapsed time since ingestion of thallous chloride is unknown or suspected to be greater than 30 minutes, do not induce vomiting and proceed to Step
4.Ipecac should not be administered to children under 6 months of age.Warning: Ingestion of thallous chloride may result in sudden onset of seizures or loss of consciousness. Syrup of Ipecac should be administered only if victims are alert, have an active gag-reflex, and show no signs of impending seizure or coma. If ANY uncertainty exists, proceed to Step
4.The following dosages of Ipecac are recommended: children up to 1 year old, 10 mL (1/3 oz); children 1 to 12 years old, 15 mL (1/2 oz); adults, 30 mL (1 oz). Ambulate (walk) the victims and give large quantities of water. If vomiting has not occurred after 15 minutes, Ipecac may be readministered. Continue to ambulate and give water to the victims. If vomiting has not occurred within 15 minutes after second administration of Ipecac, administer activated charcoal.
4. Activated charcoal may be administered if victims are conscious and alert. Use 15 to 30 g (1/2 to 1 oz) for children, 50 to 100 g (1-3/4 to 3-1/2 oz) for adults, with 125 to 250 mL (1/2 to 1 cup) of water.
5. Promote excretion by administering a saline cathartic or sorbitol to conscious and alert victims. Children require 15 to 30 g (1/2 to 1 oz) of cathartic; 50 to 100 g (1-3/4 to 3-1/2 oz) is recommended for adults.
6. Transport to a health care facility. (EPA, 1998)

Physical Properties

This section contains physical properties, flammability limits, and toxic thresholds for this chemical (see definitions of each property). More property data is available for common chemicals.

Guide to toxic levels of concern (AEGLs, ERPGs, TEELs, and IDLH).

List of data sources.
Molecular Formula:
  • ClTl
Flash Point: data unavailable
Lower Explosive Limit: data unavailable
Upper Explosive Limit: data unavailable
Autoignition Temperature: data unavailable
Melting Point: 806.0 ° F (EPA, 1998)
Vapor Pressure: 10.0 mm Hg at 963.0 ° F (NTP, 1992)
Vapor Density: data unavailable
Specific Gravity: 7.0 (EPA, 1998)
Boiling Point: 1328.0 ° F at 760 mm Hg (EPA, 1998)
Molecular Weight: 239.82 (EPA, 1998)
Water Solubility: data unavailable
AEGL: data unavailable
ERPG: data unavailable
1.25 mg/m3 2.0 mg/m3 10.0 mg/m3
(SCAPA, 2008)
IDLH: 15.0 mg/m3 (as Tl) (NIOSH, 2003)

Regulatory Information

Regulatory Names - Names under which this chemical is regulated under several U.S. federal laws: CAA (Clean Air Act of 1990), CERCLA (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980, also known as Superfund), EPCRA (Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, also known as SARA Title III), and RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976).

CAA RMP - Indicates whether this chemical is regulated under Section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act, which lists about 100 toxic, flammable, or explosive hazardous substances. (Section 112(r) mandates the Risk Management Plan regulations.) For listed chemicals, the Threshold Quantity (from 40 CFR 68) is also shown. Facilities that use more than the threshold quantity of a listed chemical in a process are subject to the CAA accidental release prevention provisions.

CERCLA - Indicates whether this chemical is listed as a hazardous substance under CERCLA. For listed chemicals, the Reportable Quantity (from 40 CFR 302) is also shown. Facilities that spill more than the reportable quantity of a listed chemical must report it to federal, state, and local governments.

EHS (EPCRA 302) - Indicates whether this chemical is listed as an Extremely Hazardous Substance under Section 302 of EPCRA. For listed chemicals, the Threshold Planning Quantity (from 40 CFR 355) is also shown. Facilities that store more than the threshold quantity of an EHS chemical must meet the reporting, community right-to-know, and emergency planning requirements of EPCRA.

TRI (EPCRA 313) - Indicates whether this chemical is listed as a toxic chemical under Section 313 (Toxics Release Inventory) of EPCRA. Facilities that manufacture, store, or use significant amounts of Section 313 chemicals may be required to submit annual reports about any releases into the environment (see 40 CFR 372).

RCRA Chemical Code - 4-character identification code assigned to this substance under RCRA.
Regulatory Names:
CAA RMP: Not a regulated chemical.
CERCLA: Regulated chemical with a Reportable Quantity of 100 pounds.
EHS (EPCRA 302): Regulated chemical with a Reportable Quantity of 100 pounds and a Threshold Planning Quantity of 100/10000 pounds.
TRI (EPCRA 313): Not a regulated chemical.
RCRA Chemical Code: U216

Alternate Chemical Names

This section provides a listing of alternate names for this chemical, including trade names, synonyms, and foreign names.