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Testing Status of Agents at NTP

Executive Summary Dimethylethanolamine

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Support to the National Toxicology Program for the preparation of the Toxicology of Dimethylethanolamine - Review of Literature was provided by Integrated Laboratory Systems, Inc., through NIEHS Contract Number N01-ES-65402. Contributors included: Raymond R. Tice, Ph.D. (Principal Investigator); Bonnie L. Carson, M.S. (Co-Principal Investigator); Paul W. Andrews, M.S.; Robyn H. Binder, M.E.M.; Maria E. Donner, Ph.D.; John J. Falchi, M.S.; Rodney Gilmore, B.S.; Brenda R. Hafshejani, B.S.; and Gregory G. Pazianos, B.S.

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