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The Nineteenth Century in Print: Periodicals

Browse items in The American Whig review. Volume 13, Issue 76, Apr 1851
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  • Imaginary Presidents: The Ideal of a National Administration, 289-301.
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  • The Two Thompsons - G. P. and P. P. Another Chapter on "Civil Discord Duty Free", 301-304.
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  • Neglected Authors. Rabelais: His Account of the Great Master Gaster, the Inventor of Arts, 304-305.
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  • Madame D'Arblay, 305-311.
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  • The Humanitarian Language, 311-312.
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  • Geraldin: A Play in Five Acts, 312-329.
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  • The Democratic Review on Freedom of trade, 329-352.
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  • The Crowning of Quashee: A Coronation Commemoration, 352-357.
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  • Hon. William Wright, 357-359.
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  • Longfellow's Poems, 359-369.
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  • The Humble Remonstrance of Steel Scissors, an Over-Worked and Ill-Used Member of the American Press, 369-372.
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  • The Church of England in a Minority, 372-374.
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  • Mr. Martin Farquhar Tupper, 374-376.
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  • Miscellany, 376-378.
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  • The Jesuit; or the Amours of Captain Effingham and the Lady Zarifa. Thomas W. Whitley, 378-379.
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  • Letters from the Continent. M., the Arkansas Corespondent of the Louisville Journal, 379.
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  • The Annual of Scientific Discovery, 379.
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  • Protestantism and Catholicity Compared, in their Effects on the Civilization of Europe. Rev. J. Balmes, 379-380.
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  • Classical Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography, Mythology, and Geography. William Smith, 380.
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  • History of the United States of America. Richard Hildreth, 380.
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  • The Manhunter in New Orleans. A. Oakey Hall, 380.
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  • The Celestial Telegraph; or, Secrets of the Life to Come, Revealed through Magnetism, 380.
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  • Picturesque Sketches of Greece and Turkey. Aubrey De Vere, 380-381.
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  • Wallace: A Franconian Story. By the Author of the "Rollo Books", 381.
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  • The Moorland Cottage. By the author of "Mary Barton", 381-382.
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  • American Institutions and their Influence. Alexis De Tocqueville, 382.
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  • Foreign Reminiscences. Henry Richard Lord Holland, 382.
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  • Lavengro: The Scholar - The Gipsy - The Priest. George Borrow, 382.
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