Table of contents for Geosystems : an introduction to physical geography / Robert W. Christopherson.

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1 Essentials of Geography 0 
The Science of Geography 0 
		Geographic Analysis 0 
		The Geographic Continuum 0 
Earth Systems Concepts 0 
		Systems Theory 00 
		Open System 
		Closed System 
		System Example 
		System Feedback 
		System Equilibrium 
Mount Pinatubo?Global System Impact 
		Systems in Geosystems 
		Models of Systems 
		Earth?s Four ?Spheres? 00 
		A Spherical Planet 00 
		Earth as A Geoid 
		Measuring Earth in 247 b.c. 00 
Location and Time on Earth 00 
		Latitude 00 
		Latitudinal Geographic Zones 
		Longitude 00 
		Determination of Latitude and Longitude 
		Great Circles and Small Circles 00 
		Prime Meridian and Standard Time 00 
		International Date Line 
		Coordinated Universal Time 
		Daylight Saving Time 
Maps, Scales, and Projections 00 
		The Scale of Maps 00 
		Map Projections 00 
		Properties of Projections 
		The Nature and Classes of Projections 
Remote Sensing and GIS 00 
		Remote Sensing 00 
		Active Remote Sensing 
		Passive Remote Sensing 
		Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 00 
Summary and Review 00 
Career Link 1.1: Thomas D. Jones, Ph.D, Astronaut, Earth Observer, and 
Geographer 00 
High Latitude Connection 1.1: Meltponds as positive feedback 
Focus Study 1.1: The Scientific Method 00 
Focus Study 1.2: The Timely Search for Longitude 00 
News Report 1.1: GPS: A Personal Locator 00 
News Report 1.2: Careers in GIS 00 
PART 1 ? The Energy?Atmosphere System 00 
2	 Solar Energy to Earth and the Seasons 00 
The Solar System, Sun, and Earth 00 
	Solar System Formation and Structure 00 
		Dimensions and Distances 
Earth?s Orbit 
Solar Energy: From Sun to Earth 00 
	Solar Activity and Solar Wind 00 
		Solar Wind Effects 
		Weather Effects 
	Electromagnetic Spectrum of Radiant Energy 00 
	Incoming Energy at the Top of the Atmosphere 00 
		Solar Constant 
		Uneven Distribution of Insolation 
		Global Net Radiation 
The Seasons 00 
	Seasonality 00 
	Reasons for Seasons 00 
		Tilt of Earth?s Axis 
		Axial Parallelism 
	Annual March of the Seasons 00 
		Dawn and Twilight 
		Seasonal Observations 
Summary and Review 00 
News Report 2-1: The Nature of Order is Chaos 00 
News Report 2-2: Monitoring Earth Radiation Budget 00 
3	Earth?s Modern Atmosphere 00 
Atmospheric Composition, Temperature, and Function 00 
	Atmospheric Profile 00 
	Atmospheric Composition Criterion 00 
	Atmospheric Temperature Criterion 00 
	Atmospheric Function Criterion 00 
Variable Atmospheric Components 00 
	Natural Sources 00 
	Natural Factors That Affect Air Pollution 00 
		Local and Regional Landscapes 
		Temperature Inversion 
	Anthropogenic Pollution 00 
		Carbon Monoxide Pollution 
		Photochemical Smog Pollution 
		Industrial Smog and Sulfur Oxides 
	Benefits of the Clean Air Act 00 
Summary and Review 00 
News Report 3-1: Falling Through the Atmosphere?The Highest Sky Dive 00 
News Report 3-2: 1995 Nobel Chemistry Prize for Ozone Depletion Researchers 00 
Focus Study 3-1: Stratospheric Ozone Losses: A Worldwide Health Hazard 00 
Focus Study 3-2: Acid Deposition: A Blight on the Landscape 00 
	4	Atmosphere and Surface Energy Balances 00 
Energy Essentials 00 
	Energy Pathways and Principles 00 
Insolation Input 
Albedo and Reflection 
Clouds, Aerosols, and the Atmosphere?s Albedo 
Conduction, Convection, and Advection 
Energy Balance in the Troposphere 00 
	The Greenhouse Effect and Atmospheric Warming 
	Clouds and Earth?s ?Greenhouse? 
	Earth?Atmosphere Radiation Balance 
Energy Balance at Earth?s Surface 00 
	Daily Radiation Patterns 00 
	Simplified Surface Energy Balance 00 
		Net Radiation 
		Sample Stations 
	The Urban Environment 00 
Summary and Review 00 
Focus Study 4.1: Solar Energy Collection and Concentration 00 
News Report 4.1: Earthshine Studies?Possible Energy Budget Diagnostic 
	5	Global Temperatures 000 
Temperature Concepts and Measurement 000 
	Temperature Scales 000 
	Measuring Temperature 000 
Principal Temperature Controls 000 
	Latitude 000 
	Altitude 000 
	Cloud Cover 000 
	Land?Water Heating Differences 000 
Specific Heat 
		Ocean Currents and Sea-Surface Temperatures 
		Summary of Marine vs. Continental Effects 
Earth?s Temperature Patterns 000 
	January Temperature Maps 000 
	July Temperature Maps 000 
	Annual Temperature Range Map 000 
	Record Temperatures Suggest a Greenhouse Warming 
Summary and Review 000 
High Latitude Connection 5.1: Overview of Trends in the Polar Regions 000 
Focus Study 5.1: Air Temperature and the Human Body 000 
6	 Atmospheric and Oceanic Circulations 
Wind Essentials 000 
	Air Pressure and Its Measurement 000 
	Wind: Description and Measurement 000 
	Global Winds 000 
Driving Forces Within the Atmosphere 000 
	Pressure Gradient Force 000 
	Coriolis Force 000 
	Friction Force 000 
Atmospheric Patterns of Motion 000 
	Primary High-Pressure and Low-Pressure Areas 000 
		Equatorial Low-Pressure Trough?ITCZ: Clouds and Rain 
		Subtropical High-Pressure Cells: Hot, Dry, Desert Air 
		Subpolar Low-Pressure Cells: Cool and Moist Air 
Polar High-Pressure Cells: Frigid, Dry Deserts 
	Upper Atmospheric Circulation 000 
		Rossby Waves 
		Jet Streams 
	Multiyear Oscillations 
		North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) 
		Arctic Oscillation (AO) 
		Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) 
	Local Winds 000 
	Monsoonal Winds 000 
Oceanic Currents 000 
	Surface Currents 000 
		Equatorial Currents 
		Upwelling and Downwelling Flows 
	Thermohaline Circulation?the Deep Currents 000 
Summary and Review 000 
News Report 6.1: Coriolis, a Forceful Effect on Drains? 000 
News Report 6.2: Jet Streams Affect Flight Times 000 
News Report 6.3: A Message in a Bottle and Rubber Duckies 000 
Focus Study 6.1: Wind Power: An Energy Resource for the Present and Future 000 
PART 2 ? The Water, Weather, and Climate Systems 000 
7 Water and Atmospheric Moisture 000 
Water on Earth 000 
	Worldwide Equilibrium 000 
	Distribution of Earth?s Water Today 000 
Unique Properties of Water 000 
	Heat Properties 000 
		Ice, the Solid Phase 
		Water, the Liquid Phase 
Water Vapor, the Gas Phase 
	Heat Properties of Water in Nature 000 
Humidity 000 
	Relative Humidity 000 
		Daily and Seasonal Relative Humidity Patterns 
	Expressions of Relative Humidity 000 
		Vapor Pressure 
		Specific Humidity 
		Instruments for Measuring Humidity 
Atmospheric Stability 000 
	Adiabatic Processes 000 
		Dry Adiabatic Rate 
		Moist Adiabatic Rate 
	Stable and Unstable Atmospheric Conditions 000 
Clouds and Fog 000 
	Cloud Formation Processes 000 
	Cloud Types and Identification 000 
	Fog 000 
		Advection Fog 
		Radiation Fog 
Summary and Review 000 
News Report 7-1: Breaking Roads and Pipes and Sinking Ships 000 
News Report 7-2: Harvesting Fog 000 
8	Weather 
Weather Essentials 000 
Air Masses 000 
	Air Masses Affecting North America 000 
	Air Mass Modification 000 
Atmospheric Lifting Mechanisms 000 
	Convergent Lifting 000 
	Convectional Lifting 000 
	Orographic Lifting 000 
	Frontal Lifting (Cold and Warm Fronts) 000 
		Cold Front 
		Warm Front 
Midlatitude Cyclonic Systems 000 
	Life Cycle of a Midlatitude Cyclone 000 
		Open Stage 
		Occluded Stage 
		Dissolving Stage 
		Storm Tracks 
	Analysis of Daily Weather Maps?Forecasting 000 
Violent Weather 000 
	Thunderstorms 000 
		Atmospheric Turbulence 
		Lightning and Thunder 
	Tornadoes 000 
		Tornado Measurement and Science 
		Recent Tornado Records 
	Tropical Cyclones 000 
		Hurricanes, Typhoons, Cyclones 
		Physical Strcuture 
		Hurricane Andrew?1992 
Summary and Review 000 
News Report 8-1: Mountains Set Precipitation Records 000 
News Report 8.2: May 2003 Tornado Outbreak in Tornado Alley 000 
Focus Study 8-1: Forecasting Atlantic Hurricanes 000 
Career Link 8-1: Tracy Smith, Research Meteorologist 000 
9	Water Resources 000 
The Hydrologic Cycle 000 
	A Hydrologic Cycle Model 000 
	Surface Water 000 
Soil-Water-Budget Concept 000 
	The Soil-Water Balance Equation 000 
		Precipitation (PRECIP) Input 
		Actual Evapotranspiration (ACTET) 
		Potential Evapotranspiration (POTET) 
		Determining POTET 
		Deficit (DEFIC) 
		Surplus (SURPL) 
		Soil Moisture Storage (( STRGE) 
	Drought 000 
	Sample Water Budgets 000 
	Water Budget and Water Resources 000 
Groundwater Resources 000 
	Groundwater Profile and Movement 000 
	Aquifers, Wells, and Springs 000 
		Confined and Unconfined Aquifers 
		Wells, Springs, and Streamflows 
	Overuse of Groundwater 000 
		Collapsing Aquifers 
		Saltwater Encroachment 
	Pollution of Groundwater 000 
Our Water Supply 000 
	Water Supply in the United States 000 
	Instream, Nonconsumptive, and Consumptive Uses 000 
	Desalination 000 
	Future Considerations 000 
Summary and Review 000 
News Report 9.1: Middle East Water Crisis: Running on Empty 000 
News Report 9.2: Personal Water Use 000 
Focus Study 9.1: Hurricane Camille, 1969: Water-Balance Analysis Points to 
			Benefits 000 
Focus Study 9.2: High Plains Aquifer Overdraft 000 
10	Global Climate Systems 000 
Earth?s Climate System and Its Classification 000 
	Climate Components: Insolation, Temperature, Pressure, Air Masses, and 
Precipitation 000 
	Classification of Climatic Regions 000 
		Classification Categories 
		Global Climate Patterns 
Tropical Climates (equatorial and tropical latitudes) 000 
	Tropical Rain Forest Climates 000 
	Tropical Monsoon Climates 000 
	Tropical Savanna Climates 000 
Mesothermal Climates (midlatitudes, mild winters) 000 
	Humid Subtropical Climates 000 
	Marine West Coast Climates 000 
	Mediterranean Dry-Summer Climates 000 
Microthermal Climates (mid- and high-latitudes, cold winters) 000 
	Humid Continental Hot-Summer Climates 000 
	Humid Continental Mild-Summer Climates 000 
	Subarctic Climates 000 
Polar and Highland Climates 000 
	Tundra Climate 000 
	Ice Cap and Ice Sheet Climate 000 
	Polar Marine Climate 
Arid and Semiarid Climates (permanent moisture deficits) 000 
	Desert Characteristics 000 
	Low-Latitude Hot Desert Climates 000 
	Midlatitude Cold Desert Climates 000 
	Low-Latitude Hot Steppe Climates 000 
	Midlatitude Cold Steppe Climates (BSk) 000 
Global Climate Change 000 
	Global Warming 000 
		Carbon Dioxide and Global Warming 
		Methane and Global Warming 
		Other Greenhouse Gases 
	Climate Models and Future Temperatures 000 
	Consequences of Global Warming 000 
		Effects on World Food Supply and the Biosphere 
		Melting Glaciers and Ice Sheets 
		Changes in Sea Level 
	Political Action to Slow Global Warming 000 
		Mitigation Actions with ?No Regrets? 
Summary and Review 000 
News Report 10.1: What?s in a Boundary? 000 
News Report 10.2: Coordinating Global Climate Change Research 000 
News Report 10.3: The IPCC Process 
High Latitude Connection 10.1: Climate Change in the Polar Regions 
Focus Study 10.1: The El Niño Phenomenon?Record Intensity, Global Linkages000 
Part 3 The Earth?Atmosphere Interface 000 
11	The Dynamic Planet 000 
The Pace of Change 000 
Earth?s Structure and Internal Energy 000 
	Earth?s Core and Magnetism 000 
	Earth?s Mantle 000 
	Earth?s Lithosphere and Crust 000 
The Geologic Cycle 000 
	The Rock Cycle 000 
		Minerals and Rocks 000 
	Igneous Processes 000 
		Intrusive and Extrusive Igneous Rocks 
		Classifying Igneous Rocks 
	Sedimentary Processes 000 
		Clastic Sedimentary Rocks 
		Chemical Sedimentary Rocks 
	Metamorphic Processes 000 
Plate Tectonics 000 
	A Brief History 000 
	Sea-Floor Spreading and Production of New Crust 000 
	Subduction of the Lithosphere 000 
	The Formation and Breakup of Pangaea 000 
	Plate Boundaries 000 
	Earthquake and Volcanic Activity 000 
	Hot Spots 000 
Summary and Review 000 
High Latitude Connection 11.1: Isostatic Rebound in Alaska 000 
News Report 11.1: Radioactivity: Earth?s Time Clock 000 
News Report 11.2: Drilling the Crust to Record Depths 000 
Focus Study 11.1: Heat from Earth?Geothermal Energy and Power 
12	Tectonics, Earthquakes, and Volcanism 000 
Earth?s Surface Relief Features 000 
	Crustal Orders of Relief 000 
		First Order of Relief 
		Second Order of Relief 
		Third Order of Relief 
	Earth?s Topographic Regions 000 
Crustal Formation Processes 000 
	Continental Shields 000 
	Building Continental Crust and Terranes 000 
Crustal Deformation Processes 000 
	Folding and Broad Warping 000 
	Faulting 000 
		Normal Fault 
		Reverse (Thrust) Fault 
		Strike-Slip Fault 
		Faults in Concert 
Orogenesis (Mountain Building) 000 
	Types of Orogenies 000 
	The Grand Tetons and the Sierra Nevada 000 
	The Appalachian Mountains 000 
	World Structural Regions 000 
Earthquakes 000 
	Expected Quakes and Those of Deadly Surprise 000 
	Focus, Epicenter, Foreshock, and Aftershock 000 
	Earthquake Intensity and Magnitude 000 
		Moment Magnitude Scale Revises the Richter Scale 
	The Nature of Faulting 000 
Earthquakes and the San Andreas Fault 000 
	Los Angeles Region 000 
	Earthquake Forecasting and Planning 000 
Volcanism 000 
	Volcanic Features 000 
	Location and Types of Volcanic Activity 000 
	Effusive Eruptions 000 
	Explosive Eruptions 000 
	Volcano Forecasting and Planning 000 
Summary and Review 000 
News Report 12.1: Mount Everest at New Heights 000 
News Report 12.2: A Tragedy in Kobe, Japan?the Hyogo-ken Nanbu Earthquake 000 
News Report 12.3: Seismic Gaps, Nervous Animals, Dilitancy, and Radon Gas 000 
News Report 12.4: Is the Long Valley Caldera Next? 000 
Focus Study 12.1: The 1980 Eruption of Mount St. Helens 000 
Career Link 12.1: Travis Heggie, Geographer/Park Ranger/Ph.D. Candidate 
13	Weathering, Karst Landscapes, and Mass Movement 000 
Landmass Denudation 000 
	Geomorphic Models of Landform Development 000 
	Dynamic Equilibrium View of Landforms 000 
Weathering Processes 000 
	Factors Influencing Weathering Processes 000 
	Physical Weathering Processes 000 
		Frost Action 
		Pressure-Release Jointing 
	Chemical Weathering Processes 000 
		Hydration and Hydrolysis 
		Carbonation and Solution 
Karst Topography and Landscapes 000 
	Formation of Karst 000 
	Lands Covered with Sinkholes 000 
	Caves and Caverns 000 
Mass Movement Processes 000 
	Mass Movement Mechanics 000 
		The Role of Slopes 
		Madison River Canyon Landslide 
	Classes of Mass Movements 000 
		Falls and Avalanches 
	Human-Induced Mass Movements (Scarification) 000 
Summary and Review 000 
News Report 13.1: Amateurs Make Cave Discoveries 000 
Focus Study 13.1: Vaiont Reservoir Landslide Disaster 000 
Career Link: Gregory A. Pope, Geography Professor 000 
14	River Systems and Landforms 000 
Fluvial Processes and Landscapes 000 
	Base Level of Streams 000 
	Drainage Basins 000 
		Drainage Divides and Basins 
		Drainage Basins As Open Systems 
		Delaware River Basin 
		Internal Drainage 
	Drainage Density and Patterns 000 
		Common Drainage Patterns 
Streamflow Characteristics 000 
	Exotic Streams 000 
	Stream Erosion 000 
	Stream Transport 000 
	Flow and Channel Characteristics 000 
	Stream Gradient 000 
		Stream Gradient and Landscape Forms 
	Stream Deposition 000 
		Stream Terraces 
		River Deltas 
		Mississippi River Delta 
		Rivers Without Deltas 
Floods and River Management 000 
	Rating Floodplain Risk 000 
	Streamflow Measurement 000 
Summary and Review 000 
News Report 14.1: Scouring the Grand Canyon for New Beaches and Habitats 000 
News Report 14.2: Rivers Make Poor Political Boundaries 000 
News Report 14.3: The 1993 Midwest Floods 000 
News Report 14.4: The Nile Delta Is Disappearing 000 
News Report 14.5: What once was Bayou Lafourche?Analysis of a Photo. 
Focus Study 14.1: Floodplain Strategies 000 
Career Link: Julie Dian-Reed, Senior Service Hydrologist and Weather 
Forecaster 000 
15	Eolian Processes and Arid Landscapes 000 
The Work of Wind 000 
	Eolian Erosion 000 
	Eolian Transportation 000 
	Eolian Depositional Landforms 000 
	Loess Deposits 000 
Overview of Desert Landscapes 000 
	Desert Climates 000 
	Desert Fluvial Processes 000 
	Desert Landscapes 000 
	Basin and Range Province 000 
	Desertification 000 
Summary and Review 000 
News Report 15-1: The Dust Bowl 000 
Focus Study 15-1: The Colorado River: A System Out of Balance 000 
16	The Oceans, Coastal Processes and Landforms 000 
Global Oceans and Seas 000 
		Chemical Composition of Seawater 000 
		Ocean Chemistry 
		Average Salinity: 35? 
		Physical Structure of the Ocean 000 
Coastal System Components 000 
		Inputs to the Coastal System 000 
		The Coastal Environment and Sea Level 000 
Coastal System Actions 000 
		Tides 000 
		Causes of Tides 
		Spring and Neap Tides 
		Tidal Power 
		Waves 000 
		Wave Refraction 
		Tsunami, or Seismic Sea Wave 
Coastal System Outputs 000 
		Erosional Coastal Processes and Landforms 000 
		Depositional Coastal Processes and Landforms 000 
		Maintaining Beaches 
		Barrier Formations 
		Barrier Island Origin and Hazards 
		Biological Processes: Coral Formations 000 
		Coral Reefs 
		Coral Bleaching 
Wetlands, Salt Marshes, and Mangrove Swamps 000 
	Coastal Wetlands 
		Marco Island 
Human Impact on Coastal Environments 000 
Summary and Review 000 
High Latitude Connection 16.1: A Rebounding Shoreline and Coastal Features 000 
News Report 16.1: Sea Level Variations and the Present MSL Increase 000 
News Report 16.2: Engineers Nourish a Beach 000 
Focus Study 16.1: An Environmental Approach to Shoreline Planning 000 
17	Glacial and Periglacial Processes and Landforms 
Rivers of Ice 000 
		Alpine Glaciers 000 
		Continental Glacier 000 
Glacial Processes 000 
		Formation of Glacial Ice 000 
		Glacial Mass Balance 000 
		Glacial Movement 000 
		Glacial Surges 
		Glacial Erosion 
Glacial Landforms 000 
		Erosional Landforms Created by Alpine Glaciation 000 
		Depositional Landforms Created by Alpine Glaciation 000 
		Glacial Drift 
		Erosional and Depositional Landforms Created by Continental 
Glaciation 000 
Periglacial Landscapes 000 
		Geography of Permafrost 000 
		Continuous and Discontinuous Zones 
		Behavior of Permafrost 
		Ground Ice and Frozen Ground Phenomena 000 
		Frost Action Processes 
		Frost Action Landforms 
		Hillslope Processes: Gelifluction and Solifluction 
		Thermokarst Landscapes 
		Humans and Periglacial Landscapes 000 
The Pleistocene Ice Age Epoch 000 
		Changes in the Landscape 000 
		Lowered Sea Levels and Temperatures 000 
		Paleolakes 000 
Deciphering Past Climates: Paleoclimatology 000 
		Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age 000 
		Mechanisms of Climate Fluctuation 000 
		Climate and Celestial Relations 
		Climate and Solar Variability 
		Climate and Tectonics 
		Climate and Atmospheric Factors 
		Climate and Oceanic Circulation 
Arctic and Antarctic Regions 000 
	Changes are Underway in the Polar Regions 
Summary and Review 000 
News Report 17.1: South Cascade and Alaskan Glaciers Lose Mass 000 
News Report 17.2: An Arctic Ice Sheet? 000 
News Report 17.3: Increase in Meltponds?Changing Surface Energy Budgets 
Focus Study 17.1: GRIP, GISP-2, and Dome C: Boring Ice for Exciting History 000 
High Latitude Connection 17.1: Climate Change Impacts Arctic Ice Shelf 
Career Link 17-1: Karl Birkeland, Avalanche Scientist, Forest Service National 
			Avalanche Center 000 
Part 4		Soils, Ecosystems, and Biomes 000 
18	The Geography of Soils 000 
Soil Characteristics 000 
	Soil Profiles 000 
	Soil Horizons 000 
Soil Properties 000 
	Soil Color 000 
	Soil Texture 000 
	Soil Structure 000 
	Soil Consistence 000 
	Soil Porosity 000 
	Soil Moisture 000 
	Soil Chemistry 000 
	Soil Acidity and Alkalinity 000 
Soil Formation Factors and Management 000 
	Natural Factors 000 
	The Human Factor 000 
Soil Classification 000 
	Soil Taxonomy 000 
		Pedogenic Regimes 
	Diagnostic Soil Horizons 000 
	The 12 Soil Orders of the Soil Taxonomy 000 
Summary and Review 000 
News Report 18-1: Soil Is Slipping Through Our Fingers 000 
News Report 18-2: Drainage Tiles, But Where to Go? 000 
Focus Study 18-1: Selenium Concentration in Western Soils 000 
19	Ecosystem Essentials 000 
Ecosystem Components and Cycles 000 
	Communities 000 
	Plants: The Essential Biotic Component 000 
	Photosynthesis and Respiration 000 
		Net Primary Productivity 
	Abiotic Ecosystem Components 000 
Light, Temperature, Water, and Climate 
Life Zones 
		Other Factors 
	Elemental Cycles 000 
		Oxygen and Carbon Cycles 
		Nitrogen Cycle 
	Limiting Factors 000 
Biotic Ecosystem Operations 000 
	Producers, Consumers, and Decomposers 000 
	Examples of Complex Food Webs 000 
	Efficiency in a Food Web 000 
	Ecological Relations 000 
	Concentration of Pollution in Food Chains 000 
Ecosystems, Evolution, and Succession 000 
	Biological Evolution Delivers Biodiversity 
	Ecosystem Stability and Diversity 000 
		Agricultural Ecosystems 
		Climate Change 
	Ecological Succession 000 
	Terrestrial Succession 000 
		Succession Through the Ice Age 
		Wildfire and Fire Ecology 
	Aquatic Succession 000 
Summary and Review 000 
News Report 19.1: Earth?s Magnetic Field?An Abiotic Factor 000 
News Report 19.2: The Dead Zone 000 
News Report 19.3: Chinstrap Penguins and Their Short, Busy Summer. 
News Report 19.4: Experimental Prairies Confirm the Importance of 
Biodiversity 000 
Focus Study 19.1: The Great Lakes 000 
20	Terrestrial Biomes 
Biogeographic Realms 000 
	Transition Zones 000 
	Terrestrial Ecosystems 000 
Earth?s Major Terrestrial Biomes 000 
	Equatorial and Tropical Rain Forest 000 
	Deforestation of the Tropics 000 
	Tropical Seasonal Forest and Scrub 000 
	Tropical Savanna 000 
	Midlatitude Broadleaf and Mixed Forest 000 
	Needleleaf Forest and Montane Forest 000 
	Temperate Rain Forest 000 
	Mediterranean Shrubland 000 
	Midlatitude Grasslands 000 
	Deserts 000 
	Arctic and Alpine Tundra 000 
Summary and Review 000 
News Report 20.1: Aquatic Ecosystems and the LME Concept 000 
News Report 20.2: Alien Invaders of Exotic Species 000 
News Report 20.3: ANWR Faces Threats 000 
Focus Study 20.1: Biodiversity and Biosphere Reserves 000 
21	Earth and the Human Denominator 000 
The Human Count and the Future 000 
An Oily Bird 000 
The Need for International Cooperation 000 
Twelve Paradigms for the 21st Century 000 
Who Speaks for Earth? 000 
News Report 21-1: Gaia Hypothesis Triggers Debate 000 
High Latitude Connection 21.1: The Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, November 
2004 000 
Appendix A 
Appendix B 
Appendix C 

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:

Physical geography.