
Running for Office: Candidates, Campaigns, and the Cartoons of Clifford Berryman

The Voter

Elections revolve around voters. Candidates woo them; campaign issues are tailored to them; parties mobilize them; and democratic governments serve them. In these cartoons, Berryman captures the mood of the voters as various elections draw near.

"Ain’t Politics Grand?" October 18, 1924
In this cartoon, "Mr. Tax Payer" revels in all the attention as the Republican elephant, the Democratic donkey, and the Progressive goat all try to outdo each other with promises of lower taxes.

"Campaign Brick" September 26, 1908
In this cartoon, the flying "Archbold" and "Foraker" bricks refer to an election scandal in which Senator Joseph B. Foraker was accused of taking bribes from Standard Oil Vice President John D. Archbold. Uncle Sam ignores the bricks and focuses on a more positive subject: baseball. The Washington Nationals had just defeated the Cleveland Naps in two straight games.

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