References for Certified and Consensus Values




94NBS - 04National Institute of Standards and Technology (1994), Certificate of Analysis, Standard Reference Material 2692a.

94ROE - 01I. Roelandts and J. C. Duchesne (1994), 1993 Compliation of Data on Five Belgain Sedimentary Rock Reference

Materials: AWI-1, SBO-1, PRI-1, CCH-1 and DWA-1, Geostandards Newsletter, 18: 143-184.

94TER - 01S. Terashima, N. Imai, S. Itoh, A. Ando and N. Mita (1994), 1993 Compilation of Analytical Data for Major Elements

in Seventeen GSJ Geochemical Reference Samples, "Igneous Rock Series,", Bulletin of the Geological Survey (Society)

of Japan, 45: 305-381 ; Taken from 95IMA - 01.

95ANO - 01Anonymous (1995), New CCRMP Material, MA-3a, Canadian Certified Reference Material Project, Oct. 1995


95ANO - 02Anonymous (1995), New CCRMP Materials, TILL-1, TILL-2, TILL-3 and TILL-4, Geochemical Soil and Till Reference

Materials, Candaian Certified Reference Materials Project, Nov. 1995 Announcement.

95BOW - 01W. S. Bowman (1995), Canadian Diorite Gneiss SY-4: Preparation and Certification by Eighty-Nine International

Laboratories, Geostandards Newsletter, 19: 101-124.

95GOV - 01K. Govindaraju (1995), 1995 Working Values with Confidence Limits for Twenty-Six CRPG, ANRT and IWG-GIT

Geostandards, Special Issue, Geostandards Newsletter, 19: 1-32.

95IMA - 01N. Imai, S. Terashima, S. Itoh and A. Ando (1995), 1994 Compilation of Analytical Data for Minor and Trace Elements

in Seventeen GSJ Geochemical Reference Samples, "Igeous Rock Series,", Geostandards Newsletter, 19: 135-213.

95TER - 01S. Terashima, A. Usui and N. Imai (1995), Two New GSJ Geochemical Reference Samples: Syenite JSy-1 and

Manganese Nodule JMn-1, Geostandards Newsletter, 19: 221-229.

95TRA - 01N. M. Trahey, editor (1995), NIST Standard Reference Materials Catalog 1995-96, NIST Special Publication 260,

March 1995.

95YAN - 02M. Yan, C. Wang, Q. Cao, T. Gu and Q. Chi (1995), Eleven Gold Geochemical Reference Samples (GAu 8 - 18),

Geostandards Newsletter, 19: 125-133.

96DUN - 01Z. Dunzhong and M. Yifei (1996), Preparation of Three Chinese Certified Reference Materials: Plastic Clay, Potassium

Feldspar and Soda-Lime-Silica Glass, Geostandards Newsletter, 20: 41-43.

96GOV - 01K. Govindaraju (1996), Corrections,, Geostandards Newsletter, 20: 157.

96IMA - 01N. Imai, S. Terashma, S. Itoh and A. Ando (1996), 1996 Compilation of Analytical Data on Nine GSJ Geochemical

Reference Samples, "Sedimentary Rock Series", Geostandards Newsletter, 20: 165-216.

96LYN - 01J. Lynch (1996), Provisional Elemental Values for Four New Geochemical Soil and Till Reference Materials, TILL-1,

TILL-2, TILL-3 and TILL-4, Geostandards Newsletter, 20: 277-287.

96PET - 01L. L. Petrov, Yu. Kornakov, L. Persikova, V. Malykh and A. Prokop'eva (1996), New Reference Samples of Magmatic

Rocks: Quartz Diorite SKD-1 and Sviatonossite SSv-1, Geostandards Newsletter, 20: 95-132.

96WWW - 01CCRMP World-Wide Web Site

97LUO - 01D. Luo, J. Chen, Q. Bao, J. Wang and H. Shen (1997), Four Chinese Sulfide Mineral Reference Materials: Preparation

and Certification, Geostandards Newsletter, 21: 145-156.

98ROE - 01I. Roelandts and E. S. Gladney (1998), Consensus Values for NIST Biological and Environmental Standard Reference

Materials,, Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 360: 327-338.


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