JUSTICE INFORMATION January 15, 2005 Volume 11, Number 2. Access this issue online at: http://www.ncjrs.gov/justinfo/jan1505.html JUSTINFO, published the 1st and 15th of each month, highlights information from the NCJRS sponsoring agencies. ************************************************************************* CONTENTS Announcements - 2005 National Crime Victims' Rights Week (OVC) - Identity Theft: When Fact Becomes Fiction (OVC) Funding Opportunities - Outcomes of Police Use of Force (NIJ) - Quantitative Research on Friction Ridge Patterns (NIJ) Publications - American Indian Crime and Justice Statistics (BJS) - Bulletin Profiles Juvenile-Involved Pornography (OJJDP) - Corrections Data CD-ROM (BJS) - Jail Administrators' Guide to the Justice System (NIC) - New COPS POP Guide Available (COPS) - New Fact Sheet Available From OVC (OVC) - OJJDP Newsletter Features Agency-Supported Athletic Programs (OJJDP) Conferences and Trainings - Audioconference Features Online Underage Drinking Laws Resource (OJJDP) - Eighth Annual Crime Mapping Research Conference (NIJ) - Call for Papers: Workplace Stress and Health (NIJ) - Youth for Justice Trainings Scheduled (OJJDP) ************************************************************************* *** ANNOUNCEMENTS *** 2005 National Crime Victims' Rights Week National Crime Victims' Rights Week: "Justice Isn't Served Until Crime Victims Are" will be celebrated April 10-16, 2005. Place your order now for the 2005 National Crime Victims' Rights Week Resource Guide (NCJ 207049) and Poster (PS000014) and promote awareness of victim issues all year long. (OVC) For more information, visit: http://www.ovc.gov/ ============================================================ Identity Theft: When Fact Becomes Fiction Join the Federal Trade Commission and OVC in promoting National Consumer Protection Week from February 6-12, 2005 (tool kits at http://www.consumer.gov/ncpw/). An OVC Web Forum Guest Host Session with ID Theft Resource Center founders Linda and Jay Foley will be held on February 9 (http://ovc.ncjrs.org/ovcproviderforum/) to discuss identity theft victims' issues. (OVC) ************************************************************************* *** FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES *** Outcomes of Police Use of Force Deadline: February 22, 2005. NIJ is soliciting concept papers for research and evaluation on the impact of less-lethal technologies on use of force incidents. Proposals should produce findings that will help develop appropriate use of force policies and inform the decision-making of law enforcement personnel. (NIJ) For more information, visit: http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/sl000695.pdf ============================================================ Quantitative Research on Friction Ridge Patterns Deadline: February 25, 2005. NIJ is seeking proposals for quantitative studies of friction ridge skin pattern variations relevant to fingerprint and/or palmprint comparisons for the purpose of identification or exclusion. (NIJ) For more information, visit: http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/sl000698.pdf ************************************************************************* *** PUBLICATIONS *** American Indian Crime and Justice Statistics "American Indians and Crime: A BJS Statistical Profile, 1992-2002" (56 pp.) (NCJ 203097) summarizes data on American Indians in the criminal justice system and reports the rates and characteristics of violent crimes experienced by American Indians. (BJS) Access full text at: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/abstract/aic02.htm ============================================================ Bulletin Profiles Juvenile-Involved Pornography OJJDP has released "Child Pornography: Patterns From NIBRS" (8 pp.) (NCJ 204911). The Bulletin cites data the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) has collected from law enforcement that provide a profile of the dissemination and sale of pornography involving juveniles. (OJJDP) Access full text at: http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.org/publications/PubAbstract.asp?pubi=11943 ============================================================ Corrections Data CD-ROM "National Corrections Reporting Program, 2001 CD-ROM" (NCJ 206513) datasets contain admissions, releases and parole outcomes of persons in the Nation's prisons and parole systems from 1983 to 2001. (BJS) Ordering information is available at: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/cd.htm#ncrp ============================================================ Jail Administrators' Guide to the Justice System "Resource Guide for Jail Administrators" (320 pp.) (ACCN 020030) provides information essential to the jail administrator's understanding of the role of the jail within the local criminal justice system, as well as the jail's relationship to the broader community. (NIC) Not available from NCJRS. For availability and ordering information, contact the NIC Information Center (800-877-1461). For more information, go to: http://www.nicic.org/ ============================================================ New COPS POP Guide Available "Cruising" (54 pp.) (NCJ 208347) provides a general discussion of the problem of cruising and reviews the factors that contribute to it. The guide also identifies questions to ask when dealing with a cruising problem, proposes numerous responses to the problem, and identifies ways to measure the effectiveness of these responses. (COPS) Access full text at COPS Online: http://www.cops.usdoj.gov/mime/open.pdf?Item=1420 ============================================================ New Fact Sheet Available From OVC "What is the Office for Victims of Crime?" (4 pp.) (FS000307) provides a quick overview of OVC's mission, major responsibilities, and divisions. (OVC) Access full text at: http://www.ovc.gov/publications/factshts/what_is_ovc/fs000307.pdf ============================================================ OJJDP Newsletter Features Agency-Supported Athletic Programs The November/December 2004 issue of "OJJDP News @ a Glance" (4 pp.) (NCJ 207328) highlights athletic programs that OJJDP sponsors. The bimonthly newsletter provides news about OJJDP activities, publications, funding opportunities, and events. (OJJDP) Access full text at: http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.org/publications/PubAbstract.asp?pubi=11965 ************************************************************************* *** CONFERENCES AND TRAININGS *** Audioconference Features Online Underage Drinking Laws Resource On January 20, 2005, OJJDP will air "The Alcohol Policy Information System: Resource for Understanding Underage Drinking Laws." The audioconference will highlight this Web-based resource that analyzes state and federal alcohol laws and the information it provides. (OJJDP) Access information and register at: http://www.udetc.org/currentaudioconferences.asp ============================================================ Eighth Annual Crime Mapping Research Conference Deadline for abstract submission is January 25, 2005. NIJ/MAPS announces the call for presentations and professional development workshops for the Eighth Annual Crime Mapping Research Conference to be held September 7-10, 2005, in Savannah, Georgia. This year's theme is Research & Practice Affecting Public Policy. (NIJ) For more information, visit: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/nij/maps/savannah2005/ ============================================================ Call for Papers: Workplace Stress and Health Deadline: April 1, 2005. Proposal deadline for posters, papers, and symposia: May 1, 2005. NIJ joins the American Psychological Association and the National Institute for Occupational Safety in convening the sixth interdisciplinary conference on occupational stress and health. This conference will address the changing nature of work and the implications of these changes for the health, safety, and well-being of workers. (NIJ) For more information, visit: http://www.apa.org/pi/work/callforpapers.html ============================================================ Youth for Justice Trainings Scheduled In Redondo Beach, CA, the Center for Civic Education will conduct a "Foundations of Democracy Training of Trainers Professional Development Institute" on February 19-25, 2005, and "We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution Institute" on March 9-16, 2005, for teachers in juvenile correctional facilities. (OJJDP) Access information at: http://www.youthforjustice.org/news.html ************************************************************************* Ordering Instructions - Resources available for ordering are noted with the reference "Place orders at." The link, http://puborder.ncjrs.org/, connects to the NCJRS Online Store. NCJRS Online Resources NCJRS offers a wide range of services for further assistance: - Consult the NCJRS Web site at http://www.ncjrs.gov - Ask NCJRS at http://askncjrs.ncjrs.org - Share your comments at http://tellncjrs.ncjrs.org Subscription Details - To subscribe to this newsletter go to http://puborder.ncjrs.org/register - To unsubscribe from this newsletter go to http://puborder.ncjrs.org/Listservs/unsubscribe_justinfo.asp If you have any questions about JUSTINFO, need to change your e-mail address, or experience technical difficulties in receiving or unsubscribing to the newsletter, please go to http://askncjrs.ncjrs.org or call 800-851- 3420 or 301-519-5500.