National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Small Business Innovation Research & Technology Transfer 2006 Program Solicitations

TOPIC: X4 Lunar In Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU)

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X4.01 Lunar Regolith Excavation and Material Handling
X4.02 Oxygen Production from Lunar Regolith
X4.03 Lunar Polar Resource Prospecting and Collection

Instead of bringing everything from Earth, a key to fulfilling the goal of sustained and affordable human and robotic exploration will be the ability to use resources that are available at the site of exploration to "live off the land", known as In Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU). Past studies have shown making propellants and other mission critical consumables (life support and power) in situ can significantly reduce mission mass and cost, and also enable new mission concepts (e.g. surface hoppers). The ability to excavate and manipulate regolith can also have significant mass and risk reduction benefits. The primary objectives for the following ISRU subtopics are to develop technologies and systems that meet Lunar Precursor and Robotic Program (LPRP) and human lunar exploration mission objectives in the following areas: (1) Lunar regolith excavation, handling, and material transportation; (2) Oxygen production from lunar regolith processing; and (3) Lunar volatile resource extraction, separation, and storage, especially in the permanently shadowed craters at the lunar poles. To support future LPRP and human missions, the technologies and systems developed must meet the following:

X4.01 Lunar Regolith Excavation and Material Handling
Lead Center: JSC
Participating Center(s): GRC, KSC, MSFC

Lunar regolith excavation, handling, and material transportation deal with all aspects of lunar regolith handling for site preparation, resource collection, and construction activities. Excavation and transport technologies and systems are required to support regolith excavation and transport to support oxygen production from regolith (notionally down to 0.5 m), and regolith excavation and transport to support site construction and reactor placement (notional depth down to 3 meters and berms up to 3 meters). To maximize the benefits of incorporating in situ resource utilization (ISRU) capabilities into missions, ISRU excavation and material handling systems must require the minimum amount of mass and power to accomplish the tasks and need to process 100's of times their own mass of extracted resource in their useful lifetimes. Hardware must also be able to operate in wide temperature ranges (-160°C to 123°C), abrasive environments, and partial-gravity. In addition, the maintenance, human supervision, crew operation, and crew training required for these systems must be minimal and affordable. Excavation metrics of interest include: excavation rate (kg/hr), excavation efficiency (power required/excavation rate), and excavation depth and berm height. Specific areas of interest include:

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X4.02 Oxygen Production from Lunar Regolith
Lead Center: JSC
Participating Center(s): GRC, KSC, MSFC

Oxygen production from lunar regolith processing consists of receiving regolith from excavation and material transportation and chemically, electrically, and/or thermally extracting oxygen from the metal and non-metal compounds in lunar regolith. Other resources of interest, such as silicon, iron, titanium, aluminum, etc. may also be processed in the future based on technologies developed for oxygen production.

To maximize the benefits of incorporating ISRU capabilities into missions, oxygen production from regolith systems must require the minimum amount of mass and power to meet production rates and need to process 100's of times their own mass of extracted resource in their useful lifetimes. Hardware must also be able to operate in abrasive environments and partial-gravity, and may need to be shut down for extended periods of time during lunar night if power is not available. In addition, the maintenance, human supervision, crew operation, and crew training required for these systems must be minimal and affordable. Process evaluation metrics of interest include: oxygen production rate (kg/hr), oxygen production efficiency (Watts per mass of product produced per hour), percentage oxygen extracted from regolith, closed loop operations (minimal if any feedstocks from Earth), and mass of Earth consumables used per mass of oxygen produced. Specific areas of interest include:

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X4.03 Lunar Polar Resource Prospecting and Collection
Lead Center: JSC
Participating Center(s): GRC, KSC, MSFC

Lunar volatile extraction, separation, and collection consists of all aspects of locating and characterizing lunar volatile resources (especially polar hydrogen/water); excavating regolith in the permanently shadowed craters (-233°C and down to 2 meters); mechanical, thermal, chemical, and/or electrical processing of this regolith to release volatiles; identifying/quantifying all volatiles; and separating and collecting volatiles of interest. Metrics of interest include: excavation rate (kg/hr); excavation efficiency (power required/excavation rate); resource extraction efficiency (Watts per mass of volatiles produced per hour); collection efficiency (mass collected vs. total evolved); and collection purity (mass collected of desired product vs. total collected). Specific areas of interest include:

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