Observation of a Counter-Clockwise-Rotating Lobe Convection Cell in the Cusp/Mantle Post-Noon

N. C. Maynard,  W. J. Burke, D. R. Weimer, F. S. Mozer, J. D. 
Scudder,  C. T. Russell,  and W. K.  Peterson
Using measurements from the EFI, MFE, HYDRA, TIMAS instruments on POLAR and supplemented with solar wind information from WIND, we have been able to observe the existence of a counter-clockwise-rotating lobe convection cell in the cusp/mantle post noon. This configuration is expected in a four cell convection pattern and is necessary to fit observed NBZ field aligned current patterns in the polar cap for Bz north; however, it has been difficult to pinpoint in statistical derivations of ionospheric convection patterns. Its appearance is a consequence of transitioning from the distorted two-cell convection pattern generally observed with IMF By and Bz positive to a four cell convection pattern as the IMF clock angle approaches zero. Two POLAR passes above the northern dayside ionosphere with similar IMF characteristics (as determined by the WIND satellite) but slightly different orbit tracks were used for this study. In one instance the downward moving ions displayed a ``reverse'', velocity-dispersion feature, with the highest energies detected near the poleward boundary of the cusp, indicating that POLAR crossed magnetic field lines that map upward to a merging region poleward of the cusp. This feature was driving a counter-clockwise rotating (positive potential) cell, which was adjacent to a negative potential afternoon cell encompassing precipitation from CPS and boundary layer sources. In the other case, which crossed the cusp-mantle region at slightly later times, POLAR exited a wide boundary layer directly into the polar cap, where it detected a clockwise-rotating (negative potential) lobe cell, poleward of its merging line. The wide boundary layer maps to the dusk flank well down the tail. At different times during the passes POLAR encountered particle fluxes with central plasma sheet (CPS), boundary layer, cusp and polar cap spectral characteristics. Electric fields measured during cusp/boundary layer passages are marked by very large variability. The short time required for low-altitude satellites to cross these regions restricts observations into the PC 1 frequency range. High-altitude variations extend from the PC 1 through the PC 4 ranges. Comparing electric potential distributions detected at altitudes near 5 Re with predictions under prevailing solar wind conditions of the Weimer [1996] model derived from ionospheric measurements, we found that the model correctly predicted the low-latitude boundaries of measurable convection in the CPS, the presence of lobe convection cells, and a region of relative convective stagnation. While it failed to predict the positive potential cell in the cusp for the observed IMF conditions, the model does indicate the appearance of such a cell at smaller IMF clock angles. Analysis of northward IMF convection is continuing with other cusp passes under different clock angle conditions.