SPATIAL DATA TRANSFER STANDARD PART 2 SPATIAL FEATURES Contents 1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1 Purpose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 Conceptual Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.1 Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.2 Conceptual Approach. . . . . . . . . . 3 3 Scope and Field of Application. . . . . . . . 3 3.1 Scope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3.2 Field of Application . . . . . . . . . 3 4 Relationship to Other Standards . . . . . . . 4 5 References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Conformance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 Status of Annexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ANNEXES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 A: Entity Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 B: Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 C: Included Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 C.1 Entity Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 C.2 Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 1 Introduction This part of the standard responds to the need for common definitions of spatial features in the process of data transfer. The conceptual model and defined terms are the foundation for exchanging data between existing digital cartographic systems and may also be used as a viable approach to creating a new spatial feature file. Traditional map symbols and their digital code equivalents often refer to real world features which have been defined only in the mind of the cartographer responsible for compiling the data. Even when agencies make an effort to define systematically the features portrayed in their data bases, these definitions are likely to vary from one organization to another. Thus, agreement on a common format for data exchange is not sufficient to ensure that the information provided by the supplier organization will be meaningful or useful to the receiving organization. In order to facilitate transfer of data that is meaningful both to exporters and to importers, a common bridge of well understood feature definitions is required. The feature and attribute lists and definitions contained in the annexes to part 2 are a first step in this direction. These lists and definitions are the product of several years of effort during which approximately 2,600 definitions of geographic features were compared and distilled into the initial list of 200 entity types. The definitions of these entity types encompass the meanings found in the definitions of over 1,200 alternative terms. 1.1 Purpose The purpose of part 2 is to provide a common classification and meaningful definitions for the spatial features identified in a transfer. 1.2 Objectives Based on the sources consulted at the time of the preparation of this part of the standard, existing hydrographic and topographic features could, with few exceptions, be encoded to one of the 200 defined standard entity types, thereby facilitating transfer between organizations that might otherwise differ on the nuances of their particular term for, or definition of, essentially the same real-world phenomenon. This list and these definitions are not presented as a definitive product, but as a living compendium subject to future amendments and extensions to meet the diverse needs of the spatial data community. The primary focus of this initial effort is on topographic and hydrographic features, using sources available at the time of preparation. Among the extensions anticipated are (a) updating to accommodate new topographic and hydrographic products and (b) addition of features from other disciplines concerned with the exchange of spatially referenced geographic information. Because all spatial data are likely to be exchanged in future, organizations considering the development of new data bases may use these standard categories as the basis for classifying phenomena to be entered into such data bases. 2 Conceptual Model 2.1 Definitions Spatial features are defined entity types and the representation of instances of those types by spatial objects, as specified in section 2 of part 1. Spatial features shall be described by the concepts: Entity Type, Entity Instance, Attribute, and Attribute Value; and by the terms Standard and Included. These are defined as follows: Entity Type - the definition and description of a set into which similar entity instances are classified (e.g., bridge). Entity Instance - a spatial phenomenon of a defined type that is embedded in one or more phenomena of a different type, or that has at least one key attribute value different from the corresponding attribute values of the surrounding phenomena (e.g., the 10th Street Bridge). Attribute - a defined characteristic of an Entity Type (e.g., composition). Attribute Value - a specific quality or quantity assigned to an attribute (e.g., steel) for a specific Entity Instance. Standard Term - primary label of an Entity Type or Attribute (listed in annex A and B). Included Term - nonstandard label of an Entity Type or Attribute that is cross-referenced to a Standard Term of an Entity Type or Attribute. Included Terms used in more than one context may be cross- referenced to more than one Standard Term. (See annex C.) 2.2 Conceptual Approach Many feature classification schemes are based on a hierarchical system. This standard specifically avoids adopting any particular hierarchy, in part because the higher level classifications differ from one organization to another. Hierarchical classification, if desired, may be constructed using standard attributes (such as air/land/water, or manmade/natural) or through user-defined non- standard attributes. Network, relational, and object-oriented structures of feature data may also be constructed from this non-hierarchized list of standard features and attributes. The features presented are defined independently of map or geographic scale. Scale independence implies that no specific spatial object (such as a point, line, or area representation) is necessarily used to represent a given Entity Type. Further, the list includes features defined at any level of geographic interest, from mountain ranges and oceans to sidewalks and trees. 3 Scope and Field of Application 3.1 Scope This part of the standard applies to the terms and definitions used for Entity Types, Attributes, and Attribute Values in a transfer. The terms may appear in the Data Dictionary/Definition, Data Dictionary/Domain, Data Dictionary/Schema, Attribute Primary, and Attribute Secondary module types as specified in part 1. Definitions included in part 2 need not be repeated in a Data Dictionary/Definition module in a given transfer, provided that the Standard Term is used with its standard meaning. The definitions of standard Entity Types are mutually exclusive, but not exhaustive. Future extensions are anticipated. 3.2 Field of Application There are two intended applications of this part of the standard for systems employing spatial data in digital form: (a) new users will have a model and the definitions needed for creating a features set, and (b) transfer of the meaning of feature information between existing systems will be facilitated. 4 Relationship to Other Standards Federal Information Processing Standard codes exist for the instances of certain Entity Types, for example states of the United States (FIPSPUB 5-2). By implication, the Entity Type for which these codes are provided (i.e., states and outlying areas of the United States) has already been recognized as a standard Entity Type. Many federal agencies have agency standards for the classification and definition of features within their particular realms of responsibility. This standard is not intended to replace existing agency standards, but to provide a basis whereby existing data can be shared with other organizations that do not necessarily accept the same terms and definitions for similar real-world phenomena. Depending on the conformance level selected and the functional requirements of a particular transfer, each agency may find it useful to develop a cross-reference between its internal feature and attribute classification system and the Standard Terms and definitions in annexes A and B. 5 References Selected references used in the preparation of part 2 of the standard are included in annex F of part 1. The following is a short list of the authors included in these references: þ Canadian Council on Surveying and Mapping þ Defense Intelligence Agency þ Defense Mapping Agency þ Monkhouse, F.J. þ Moore, W.G. þ Stamp, D. þ U.S. Geological Survey, Geographic Names Information System þ U.S. National Ocean Service This list will be updated and expanded as additional feature lists and definitions are submitted to the maintenance authority. 6 Conformance All entity type, attribute, and attribute value terms and (or) codes used in a transfer shall be defined. Non-standard Entity Type and Attribute terms shall be specified through the use of the Data Dictionary/Definition module. Attribute Value terms shall be defined in the Data Dictionary/Domain module. See also part 1, (Attributes). The mandatory Features Level subfield of the Identification Module specifies the conformance level of a transfer with respect to feature definitions (see part 1, Use of conformance levels 2, 3, or 4 for features limits the scope of transfer and are discouraged. Recurring needs to resort to non-standard terms and definitions should be referred to the maintenance authority, for possible amendment and extension of the standard. 7 Status of Annexes Annex A contains definitions for standard Entity Type terms. Annex B contains definitions for standard Attribute terms. Annex C contains cross-reference lists between Included Terms and Standard Terms. These annexes are normative in that they shall be used for transfers of feature conformance levels 1 and 2, as described in part 1, However, use of the terms and definitions contained in these annexes is optional for feature conformance levels 3 and 4. Part 2 ANNEXES Normative Annex A: Entity Types AIRPORT A facility, either on land or water, where aircraft can take off and land; usually consists of hard-surfaced landing strips, a control tower, hangars, and accommodations for passengers and cargo. ANTENNA A metallic apparatus for sending and receiving electro-magnetic waves. ANTENNA_ARRAYA group of directional antennas. APPROACHWAY The airspace through which aircraft approach or leave a landing area. ARCH A curved structure that supports the weight of material over an open space. BACKWATER An area of calm water unaffected by the current of a stream. BAR A submerged or emerged mound, ridge, or succession of ridges of sand or other material extending across the bottom, and which may obstruct navigation. BASIN Any bowl-shaped depression in the surface of the land or ocean floor. BEACH The gently sloping shore which is washed by waves or tides, especially the parts covered by sand or pebbles. BEACON A fixed signal, mark, or light and associated facilities erected for the guidance of mariners or airplane pilots. BERTH The place where a ship lies when at anchor secured to a pier or wharf. BOTTOM The portion of the ground surface which lies below water. BOUNDARY A nonphysical line indicating the limit or extent of an area or territory. BREAKERS A zone or region of waves breaking into foam as they advance toward the shore. BREAKWATER A structure built to break the force of waves so as to protect a beach, harbor, or other waterfront facility. BRIDGE A structure erected over a depression or obstacle to carry traffic or some facility such as a pipeline. BRIDGE_ Those elements of the bridge structure which are above the SUPERSTRUCTUREuppermost deck. BUILDING A permanent walled and roofed construction. BUILDING_COMPLEX A group of buildings and associated facilities functioning together as a unit. BUOY A float moored or anchored in water. CABLEWAY A conveyor system in which carrier units run on wire cables string between supports. CAMPGROUND The ground or area on which tents, huts, etc., are erected for temporary shelter. CAPE A relatively extensive land area jutting into a water body, which prominently marks a change in or interrupts notably the coastal trend of that water body. CATCHMENT An area drained by a single watercourse; a natural drainage area which may coincide with a river basin, in which the divides direct the water from the rainfall and percolation into a river. However, where underground flow is involved, the catchment may be larger or smaller than that that may be apparent from the surface relief. CAVE Naturally formed, subterranean open area or chamber. CEMETERY A place for burying the dead. CHIMNEY A structure containing a passage or flue for discharging smoke and gases from combustion. CIRQUE A deep natural hollow near the crest of a mountain. CLEARING An open area in a forest. CLIFF A high, steep, or overhanging face of rock. COAST The general region of indefinite width that extends from the sea inland to the first major change in terrain features. CONTINENT One of the large, unbroken masses of land into which the Earth's surface is divided. CONTROL_POINTA point of known location. CRATER Circular-shaped depression at the summit of a volcanic cone or on the surface of the land. CREVASSE A deep fissure in snow or ice. CRIB A crate-like construction of logs or beams, usually filled with stones, placed in water as a free standing mooring device or as the foundation of a pier or wharf. CROPLAND Land that has been plowed or otherwise cultivated. CUT An excavation of the Earth's surface to provide passage for a road, railway, canal, etc. DAM A barrier constructed across a watercourse to control the flow or raise the level of water. DELTA A tract of alluvium formed at the mouth of a river where the deposition of some of its load exceeds its rate of removal, crossed by the divergent channels (distributaries) of the river. DEMILITARIZED_ An area in which military activity is prohibited. ZONE DESERT A region rendered barren or partially barren by environmental extremes, especially by low rainfall. DRY_DOCK An artificial basin fitted with gate or caisson into which a vessel may be floated and from which the water may be pumped out to expose the bottom of the vessel. DUMPING_GROUND Area designated for dumping various types of materials. EARTH_SURFACE The outermost surface of the land and waters of the planet. EMBANKMENT A raised structure of earth, ground, etc. EXHIBITION_GROUND A public area containing buildings, paddocks, etc., for the display of livestock, agricultural produce, machinery, etc. FARM A tract of crop or grazing land, as well as the group of buildings with and often surrounding a farmhouse, including barns, sheds, and other outbuildings, used for agricultural production. FAULT A fracture in the Earth's crust with displacement on one side of the fracture relative to the other. FENCE An enclosure or barrier made of wire, rails, slats or other relatively light material, as opposed to a wall which is of stone or other heavy material. FILTRATION_BEDSAn area containing layers of material used to filter or aerate water. FISH_HATCHERY A facility used for the spawning of fish which are subsequently used to stock lakes and streams. FISH_LADDER A facility consisting of a series of small pools each one slightly higher than the preceding, built around a dam to enable fish to make their way upstream. FISH_TRAP A device used to catch fish. FISHING_GROUND A water area in which fishing is frequently carried on. FLAT A level tract lying at a small depth below the surface of water, or alternately covered and left bare by the tide. FLOOD_PLAIN An area which is subject to periodic flooding. FORD The shallow part of a river which can be easily crossed. FORT A fortified place or position. FUMAROLE A hole in the Earth's crust from which steam and gases are emitted. GANTRY A frame structure raised on side supports so as to span over or around something. GAP Low point or opening between hills or mountains or in a ridge or mountain range. GATE A structure that may be swung, drawn, or lowered to block an entrance or passageway. GEYSER An intermittent fountain of hot water ejected with force from a hole in the Earth's crust. GOLF_COURSE An area set out for the playing of golf. GRANDSTAND A usually roofed structure for viewing events and having tiers of seats for spectators. GRASSLAND An uncultivated area of grass or grass- like vegetation. GRAVE A place within a graveyard used for burial. GROUND The solid portion of the Earth up to and including the ground surface. GROUND_SURFACE The land surface of the Earth, both exposed and underwater. GUARD_RAIL A strong fence or barrier to prevent vehicles from leaving the roadway, or for people's safety. HARBOR An area of water where ships, planes or other watercraft can anchor or dock. Also spelled HARBOUR. HEADWATERS The upper part of a river system, denoting the upper basin and source streams of a river. HEDGE A dense growth of shrubbery planted as a fence or boundary. HELIPAD A transportation structure used for the landing of helicopters. HOPPER A top loading funnel-shaped structure for temporary storage of loose materials which will be dispensed from its bottom. ICE_FIELD Large area of permanent sea or land ice. ICE_RINK A surface of ice for ice skating. ICEBERG A large mass of detached land ice in the sea or stranded in shallow water. INDIAN_RESERVATION An area set aside for the use of an indian tribe or tribes. INLET An opening of the sea into the land, or of a lake into its shore. INSHORE_TRAFFIC_ A designated area between the landward boundary of a ZONE traffic separation scheme and the adjacent coast, intended for local traffic. INTERSECTION The junction of roads or tracks. IRRIGATION_SYSTEM A system designed to supply land with water. ISLAND Area of dry or relatively dry land surrounded by water or low wetland. ISLAND_CLUSTER A group of islands. ISTHMUS Narrow section of land in a body of water connecting two larger land areas. LAGOON A sheet of salt water separated from the open sea by sand or shingle banks. The sheet of water between an offshore reef, esp. of coral and mainland. The sheet of water within a ring or horseshoe shaped atoll. LAKE Any standard body of inland water. LANDING_PLACE A place for loading and unloading passengers or cargo to and from water vessels. LANE A prescribed course for ships or aircraft, or a strip delineated on a road to accommodate a single line of automobiles; not to be confused with the road itself. LAUNCHING_RAMP A transportation structure used for launching boats. LOCK An enclosure in a water body with gates at each end to raise or lower vessels as they pass from one level to another. MARINA A harbor facility for recreational craft where supplies, repairs, and various services are available. MILITARY_BASE An area owned and operated by the government in which various military activities take place. MILITARY_BUNKERA military strong point, usually part of an extensive fortification. MINE An excavation in the Earth for the purpose of extracting earth materials. MINE_FIELD An area where explosive mines have been anchored or sunk in water or buried on land. MISSILE_SITE An area for housing and launching guided missiles. MOBILE_HOME A trailer that is a permanent dwelling and is designed without a permanent foundation. MOBILE_HOME_PARK An area maintained for the parking of inhabited mobile homes. MONUMENT A structure erected as a memorial. MOORING The place where a craft may be secured to the ground, wharf, pier, post, or buoy. MORAINE An accumulation of boulders, stones, or other debris carried and deposited by a glacier. MOUNT A mountain or hill. MOUNT_RANGE A series of connected and aligned mountains or mountain ridges. MOUTH The exit or point of discharge of a stream into another stream, lake or sea. OASIS A small, isolated, fertile or green area in a desert region, usually having a spring or well. OFF_ROAD_ An area for the testing of, or use by, vehicles that are VEHICULAR_AREA designed to travel across the terrain. OFFSHORE_PLATFORM A raised surface located in a sea. OIL_FIELD An area where petroleum is or was removed from the Earth. OUTDOOR_THEATERAn outdoor area consisting of a stage or other focal point, and an area where the audience can be seated. OVERFALLS Short breaking waves occurring when a current passes over a shoal or other submarine obstruction or meets a contrary current or wind. OVERRUN/STOPWAYAn area beyond the take-off runway able to support an airplane during an aborted take-off. PARK A place or area set aside for recreation or preservation of a cultural or natural resource. PARKING_AREA An area set aside for the parking of motor vehicles. PEAK The summit of a mountain. PENINSULA A body of land jutting out into and nearly surrounded by water. PIER A structure built out into the water, usually with its greatest dimension at right angles to the shore, forming a landing place or a place alongside which vessels can lie. PILING A set of posts forced into the earth to serve as a support, as for a pier, or to resist lateral pressure. PILOT_WATERS Areas in which the services of a marine pilot are essential. PINNACLE A tall, slender, spire-shaped rock projecting from a level or more gently sloping surface. PLACE An area with definite or indefinite boundaries. PLAIN A region of general uniform slope, comparatively level, and of considerable extent. PLATEAU An elevated and comparatively level expanse of land. PLUNGE_POOL A hollow eroded by the force of the falling water at the base of a waterfall, particularly by the eddying effect. POLYNA Any enclosed water area in pack ice other than a lead, not large enough to be called open water. When frozen over, a polyna becomes an ice skylight from the point of view of the submariner. Also called BIG CLEARING, CLEARING, GLADE, ICE CLEARING, POOL, REGIONAL CLEARING. PORT A landing place provided with terminal and transfer facilities for loading and discharging cargo or passengers, usually located in a harbor. POST A long relatively slender, and generally round piece of wood or other material. PUMP_OUT_FACILITY A holding place where ship's bilges and cargo are pumped. PYRAMID An ancient structure having a broad base with sides narrowing towards the top. QUICKSAND A bed of loose sand mixed with water forming a soft, shifting mass that yields easily to pressure. RACETRACK A course laid out for racing. RADAR_DOME A dome shaped structure used to protect the antenna of a radar installation. RADAR_REFLECTORA device capable of or intended for reflecting radar signals. RAILWAY A permanent way having one or more rails which provides a track for cars. RAILWAY_YARD An area provided with a system of tracks where railroad trains are made up and cars are switched, stored, or serviced. RAPIDS An area of broken, fast flowing water in a stream, where the slope of the bed increases (but without a prominent break of slope which might result in a waterfall), or where a gently dipping bar of harder rock outcrops. REEF A ridge of rocks, lying near the surface of the sea, which may be visible at low tide, but is usually covered by water. REFUELING_TRACKAirspace designated for conducting aerial refueling. RESERVE A tract of land set aside for a specific use. RESTRICTED_AREAAn area of air, land, or water in which travel or other activities are subject to specified conditions or constraints. REVETMENT A facing, other than a wall, of stone, concrete, wood, etc., built to sustain an embankment. RIDGE A long and narrow upland with steep sides. RIDGE_LINE The line separating drainage basins. RIG Vertical structure fitted for drilling or lifting operations. ROAD An open way for the passage of vehicles, persons, or animals on land. ROCK An isolated rocky formation or a single large stone, usually one constituting a danger to navigation. It may be always submerged, always uncovered, or alternately covered and uncovered by the tide. ROUNDABOUT Area of water subject to a routing measure restricting ship movement to a counter-clockwise direction. RUNWAY A straight path used for landing, taxiing, and take-off of aircraft. SALT_PAN An area of salt deposits. SEA The great body of salt water of the oceans. SHAFT A long narrow passage sunk in the earth. SHINGLE A collection of loose pebbles on the shore of the sea or a lake. SHIPYARD A yard or area where ships are built or repaired. SHORE That part of the land in immediate contact with a body of water including the area between high and low water lines. SHORELINE The line of contact between a body of water and the land. SIGN A roadway associated feature which provides information to people passing. SKI_AREA An area used for skiing. SKI_JUMP A ramp used for ski jumping. SNAG A stem or trunk of a tree above or below the surface of the water. SNOWFIELD A region of permanent snow in mountainous areas or high latitudes. SOLAR_PANEL A unit of solar cells for converting sunlight into electrical energy or heat. SPORTS_FIELD A field on which sporting activities are carried out. SPRING The place where water issues from the ground naturally. STADIUM Large often unroofed structure in which athletic events are held. STOCKYARD An enclosed area in which livestock are temporarily kept. SWASH The mass of broken foaming water which rushes bodily up a beach as a wave breaks. Synonymous with SEND. TALUS Slopes of broken rock debris on a mountainside. TANK A structure used for the storage of fluids. TENNIS_COURT A recreational area used for playing tennis. TERRACE A step-like feature between higher and lower ground: a relatively flat or gently inclined shelf of earth, backed and fronted by steep slopes or man-made retaining walls. TIDAL_GAUGE An instrument for measuring the height of the tide. TIME_ZONE A geographic region within which the same standard time is used. TOWER A tall framework or structure, the elevation of which is functional. TRAFFIC_ Area of water with lanes designated to separate opposing SEPARATION_ streams of vessel traffic. SCHEME TREE A woody perennial plant, having a self- supporting main stem or trunk. TROUGH A long depression of the sea floor. TUNDRA A treeless area poleward or upward of the tree line of arctic or alpine regions, having a permanently frozen subsoil and supporting low-growing vegetation such as lichens, mosses, and stunted shrubs. TUNNEL An underground or underwater passage. TURNING_BASIN A water area used for turning vessels. TURNTABLE A circular horizontal rotating platform equipped with a railway track, used for turning locomotives, as in a roundhouse. UTILITY A linear distribution system consisting of pipelines, high tension wires, cables, etc., providing a public service and usually subject to government regulations. VALLEY A long, narrow depression in the Earth's surface, usually with a fairly regular downslope. WALL An upright structure of masonry, wood, plaster, or other building material serving to enclose, divide, or protect an area. WATERCOURSE A way or course through which water may or does flow. WATERFALL A sudden descent of water over a step or ledge in the bed of a river. WATER_SURFACE The water portion of the Earth's surface, including the surface of sea and inland waters. WATERING_PLACE A place other than a spring or well where vessels and vehicles replenish their water supply. WELL A pit or hole dug or bored into the earth, for the extraction of oil, water, other fluids or gases. WETLAND A vegetated area that is inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater. WHARF A structure extending parallel to the shoreline so that vessels may lie close alongside to receive and discharge cargo. WIND_INDICATOR A visual device used to provide wind information. WINDBREAK A shelter, either natural (e.g., a line of trees or a thick hedge) or artificial (a screen), which breaks or interrupts the force of the wind. WINDMILL A mill or other machine that runs on the energy generated by a wheel of adjustable blades or flats rotated by the wind. WOODLAND Land having a cover of trees, shrubs, or both. WRECK A wrecked vessel, either submerged or visible, which is attached to or foul of the bottom or cast up on the shore. ZONE_OF_ An area, usually temporary, held and controlled by a foreign OCCUPATION military force. Normative Annex B: Attributes ABANDONED Deserted. ACCESS The type of connection available to a given transportation feature. ACIDITY The degree to which hydrogen ions are held by soil colloids or water. ACTIVE/INACTIVEEngaged in activity versus no longer in use. ADMINISTRATION The organization that has charge of or directs or manages the operation of the feature. AERONAUTICAL_ Involving transmission of special radio signals intended to NAVIGATIONAL assist in the determination of aircraft position including that relative to collision hazards. AGE The first year in existence. AIR/LAND/WATER Existing in or part of the atmosphere, the Earth's dry surface, or a body of water. AIRCRAFT_LANDING Suitable for or designed for aircraft to descend toward and settle on. ALTITUDE The height of a thing above a reference level, especially above the Earth's surface. See also HEIGHT, ELEVATION. ANNUAL_ The quantity of rain and snow falling within the period of a PRECIPITATION year. ARCHITECTURAL_ The style or method of design or construction. PROPERTIES AREA The measure of a planar region of the Earth's surface. AREA_DIVIDED The part of the Earth's surface apportioned. ARTIFICIALLY_ Artificially improved: naturally existing feature with IMPROVED/ manmade alterations; manmade: made by man rather than MANMADE/NATURALoccurring in nature; natural: present in or produced by nature. ATTACHED_TO_LAND Connected to a body of land. BARE Exposed, not covered with such things as ice, snow or trees. BARRIER Fence hedge wall. BEARING_CAPACITY The ability of a surface or a structure to bear weight. BLIND/OPEN Blind, not having an outlet versus open, allowing continuous passage. BOUNDARY_MARKER Serving to preserve and identify the location of the boundary line. BRAIDED Split into many parts or choked with sandbars that divide it into an intricate network of interlacing channels. BRANCH/PARENT Relationship between a main stream and one of its tributaries. BUILDINGS_ The number of permanent walled constructions present. NUMBER_OF BUOYED Marked with buoys used as navigation aids. CARGO_ Used for the moving of freight from one place to another. TRANSPORTATION CHAMBERS_ The number of enclosed spaces or compartments. NUMBER_OF CHARTED_DEPTH The vertical distance from the tidal datum to the bottom. CIRCUMFERENCE The length of the boundary line of any closed curvilinear feature. CLEARANCE The vertical distance from a surface to the nearest overhead obstruction. COASTAL Pertaining to the edge of land next to the sea. COG Equipped with teeth to transmit motive force to a corresponding wheel. COLOR That aspect of things that is caused by differing wave lengths of light reflected or emitted by them. COLOR_PATTERN The color or combination of colors in the geometrical design or pattern. COMMERCIAL Used or exploited for financial gain. COMMERCIAL_ Travel or traffic by water vessels carrying commercial goods. SHIPPING COMMUNICATION/ Used for transmission or reception of communication signals NONCOMMUNICATION versus not used for the transmission or reception of communication signals. COMPOSITION The specified mixture or combination of one or more elements or ingredients. CONNECTED_BY_ Connected by switches: a railway segment such as a siding SWITCHES/MAIN or spur, requiring passing through a switch to gain access TRACK to the main track. CONSTRICTION Having a narrow place in the feature. CONSTRUCTION_ The structural configuration of a feature. TYPE CONTINENTAL_ Separates drainage basins that flow to opposite sides DIVIDE of a continent. CONTROL To exercise authority or dominating influence over; direct; regulate/verify. CONTROL_OVER_ Having some means of regulating the height of a specific WATER_LEVEL body of water. CONTROLLING_ The least depth in the approach or channel to an area DEPTH governing the maximum draft of vessels that can enter. CONTROLLED/ Authority or dominating influence exercised over; directed; UNCONTROLLED applies to air traffic near and at an airport. COVERED/ Having something placed over the feature versus not having UNCOVERED anything over it. CROP_USE The employment or purpose of an agricultural product. CROSS_SECTIONAL_ A section formed by a plane cutting through an object at AREA right angles to an axis. CULTIVATED Improved and prepared land; plowed or fertilized or tended for growing crops. DANGER_TYPE The kind of or source of peril. DANGEROUS Involving or fraught with danger; perilous. Apt or able to do harm. DECIDUOUS/ Deciduous, characterized by shedding foliage at the end of its EVERGREEN growing season. DENSITY_OF_ The degree or measured degree to which the area is filled or GROWTH occupied by plant life. DEPTH_BELOW_ Distance downward from the elevation of the local ground GROUND_SURFACE surface to the bottom of a feature. DIAGNOSTIC Used to check system accuracy. DIAMETER The length of a line segment passing through the center of a circular shaped feature. DIRECTION The relationship by which the alignment or orientation of any position with respect to any other position is established. DIRECTION_OF_FLOW The line or course of movement of water or lava shown by the position of one point relative to another without reference to the distance between them. The direction is usually indicated in terms of its angular distance from a reference direction. DISCHARGE Cubic measure of water flowing per unit of time. DISCOLORED Having a changed or spoiled color. DRAINAGE Used for removing water from the ground surface. DRAINED Water has been drawn off the ground surface. DREDGED Deepened by various machines equipped with scooping or suction devices usually attached to barges or boats. DUAL_GAUGE Having a third rail to permit use by non- standard gauge rolling stock. DWELLING Used as a residence or an abode. EDDIES_PRESENT Presence of currents moving contrary to the direction of the main current especially in a circular motion. ELECTRIFIED Equipped for use by electric power driven engines. EMBANKED Confined, supported or protected by a piled up mass. EMBEDDED_IN_ Permits land vehicles to travel along a railway. PAVEMENT ENCLOSED Surrounded on all sides by for example a fence. EQUIPMENT_ Devices or machinery or tools present. PRESENT EVENT_HELD The organized program or parts of a program taking place at the site. EXERCISE Used for activities that require physical exertion especially when performed to develop or maintain fitness. EXISTING/PROPOSED Previously constructed and presently existing versus in the planning stage. EXPOSED/ Not protected versus protected as from the weather. SHELTERED EXTERNAL_ The specified mixture or combination of elements used to CONSTRUCTION_ construct the outer layer of the feature. MATERIAL FACILITIES_PRESENT The structures or installations available for enhancing the use of the feature being described. FALLOW Cultivated land that is allowed to lie idle during the growing season. FEATURE_BOUNDEDThe feature that has its border identified or marked. FEATURE_ Another feature which is joined to the feature being CONNECTED described. FEATURE_CROSSED_ The feature that is passed under by the feature being UNDER described. FEATURE_MARKED The feature that is distinguished by some physical sign, symbol or visible impression or some physical object. FEATURE_PRESENTPresence of one feature within another feature, for example, dam in watercourse, breakwater in harbor. FEATURE_SPANNEDA feature that the feature being described crosses above without joining. FEATURE_ The feature that has its weight borne from below by the SUPPORTED feature being described. FIRE_LINE Cleared or plowed strip of land to stop the spread of fire. FLOATING Suspended within or on the surface of water. FLOOD_CONTROL Designed for the control or drainage of a rising and overflowing body of water. FLOOD_FREQUENCYHow often an area is subject to inundation. FLOODED Inundated with or submerged under an excess amount of water. FORCE_OF_FLOW The strength of energy exerted by the movement of water or lava. FORM_RATIO The relationship between the depth and width of a stream, expressed as a ratio. FOUL_GROUND Having holding qualities for anchoring that are poor, or where danger of striking or fouling the ground or other obstructions exist. FUNCTION The activity or need that the feature is designed for or adapted to. GAS_EMITTED_TYPE Kind of gaseous substance released. GLACIAL Of, pertaining to or derived from a glacier. GRADE_SEPARATION An intersection using an overpass or underpass. GRAZING Land which supplies herbage for grazing animals. GROWING_PATTERNThe layout or arrangement of growing plant life. GROWING_SEASON The period of time during the year characterized by environmental conditions suitable for planting and growing crops. HEIGHT The vertical distance from the base to the top. HORIZONTAL/ Parallel to or in the plane of the horizon versus VERTICAL perpendicular to the plane of the horizon. HYDRAULIC_RADIUS The ratio between the cross-sectional area of a stream and its wetted perimeter. HYDROELECTRIC_ Used for the production of electricity by water power. POWER ICE_PRESENT Containing water which is either partially or completely frozen. INCORPORATED/ United or combined into an organized body which is UNINCORPORATED maintained through a series of laws or rules. INFORMATION_ The idea communicated through exhibition. DISPLAYED INTERMITTENT/ Occurring or appearing in interrupted sequence versus PERENNIAL present at all seasons of the year. INTERNATIONAL_ The imaginary line through the Pacific Ocean roughly DATE_LINE corresponding to 180 degrees longitude, to the east of which, by international agreement, the calendar date is one day earlier than to the west. IRRIGATED Supplied with water by means of pipes, ditches or streams for agricultural purposes. IRRIGATION Used for the supplying of water by artificial means to land for agricultural purposes. ITEM(S)_STORED The articles or substances reserved or put away for future use. LAND_USE Broad classification of the use of land for planning and CATEGORY zoning purposes. LANDFILL Land being rehabilitated for future productive use. LANDING/TAKE-OFF/ Used as the place for aircraft to descend from flight or to TAXIING rise up into flight versus the place for aircraft to roll to and from the landing/take-off place. LANDMARK A prominent and identifying feature of a landscape. LANES_NUMBER_OFThe number of paths available side by side for the simultaneous passage of vehicles in a road, railway or navigation route. LATITUDINAL_ZONE One of the large regions delimited by distance from the equator, used as a basis for classifying climates. LEADING_LIGHTS Presence of two or more lights forming a leading line or course to be followed. LEAD_TYPE Characteristics or category of lead. LENGTH The longer or longest dimension of a feature. LEVEL_SURFACE A tract with a relatively uniform horizontal uppermost layer. LIGHT_ The distinctive character or quality typical of a specific CHARACTERISTIC light emitted. LIGHT_DISPLAY The sequence and approximate length of light and dark periods of a specific light. LIGHTED/ Marked with lights used as aids to navigation, or to general UNLIGHTED night use. LIGHTS_IN_A_LINE Presence of lights marking area limits, cable alignments for anchoring, etc., not marking direction or course. LOADING/ Used as a place where cargo or passengers can be received UNLOADING or discharged. LOCATION The place, site or space occupied by a specified feature. MATERIAL_ The substance or item(s) being transported. CONVEYED MATERIAL_ The substance being altered through an industrial PROCESSED procedure. MEAN_HIGH_WATERThe tidal datum that is the arithmetic average of the high water heights observed over a specific 19-year metonic cycle. See also DATUM. MEAN_SEA_LEVEL A standard datum for heights and elevation in coastal areas. MEDIAN_PRESENT Presence of a dividing area often paved or landscaped, between opposing lanes. MEMORIAL Designed or established to serve as a remembrance to a person or an event. METHOD_OF_ Determined astronomically versus determined by MEASUREMENT triangulation. MICROWAVE_ The act or process of sending a signal of electromagnetic TRANSMISSION radiation having a wavelength in the approximate range from one centimeter to one meter. MINERAL_CONTENTPresence of any naturally occurring, homogeneous inorganic substances. MOUNTED Fitted into or set in a backing or support. MOVABLE/ Ability to change position versus fixed in position unable to STATIONARY move. NAME A word or phrase that constitutes the distinctive designation of an occurrence of a feature. NAVAIDS Serving as aids to navigation. NAVIGABLE Having water deep enough and wide enough to afford passage to ships; capable of being steered. NEGOTIATED/ Arranged or settled through consultation and agreement with UNILATERAL two or more parties versus arranged or settled by one party without consultation or agreement with any other interested party. NUMBER_OF_SITESThe number of places or plots of land designated for a specific use. OBSERVATION Used as a place to watch over attentively. OBSTRUCTION Acting as an obstacle impeding passage. OFFSHORE/ONSHORE Located or occurring at a distance from shore versus located or occurring on shore. ONE_WAY/TWO_WAYAccommodating a lane or lanes of traffic moving in one direction only versus traffic moving in opposing directions. OWNER_TYPE Characteristics or category of owners of the feature. PARK_ATTRACTIONThe presence of various mechanical contraptions operated as amusement park entertainment. PASSENGER_ Used for the conveyance of human passengers. TRANSPORTATION PASSING Used for traveling at a faster speed or for going around others using the feature. PEDESTRIAN_USE Used by people traveling on foot. PERMANENTLY_ICE_ Having a fixed outer layer of ice which does not melt. COVERED PERMEABILITY The ability of substances to pass through the openings or interstices. PHYSICAL Of or pertaining to material things. PHYSICAL_ The state of repair of a feature or the extent of CONDITION_OF_ deterioration. FEATURE PHYSICAL_ The physical condition of a specified transportation CONDITION_OF_ surface which allows for use ranging from sustained use SURFACE_MATERIAL by heaviest vehicles to non-use due to disrepair or deterioration. POPULATION The number of people inhabiting a specified area. PREDOMINANT_ The most common, conspicuous, or prevalent animal or SPECIES life belonging to a distinct biological species. PRIMARY/ Order of importance, degree of priority or degree of use. SECONDARY/ TERTIARY/ QUATERNARY PRODUCT The item or substance produced through an industrial process. RADAR_GUIDED Users directed or steered by signals of reflected high frequency radio waves. RADAR_TYPE The kind of or intensity of the high frequency radio waves used for guidance or detection of objects. RADIO_SIGNAL_ The distinctive characteristic or quality typical of a CHARACTERISTIC specific radio signal emitted. RADIO_ Used for or containing the equipment used to transmit radio TRANSMISSION signals, electromagnetic waves in approximate frequency range from 10 kilocycles/second to 300,000 megacycles/ second. To transmit or to receive electric signals without wires connecting the points of transmission and reception. RAIL_CONNECTOR_The method used to join or connect consecutive rails of a TYPE specific rail line or segment. RAIL_DIRECTION_Facility available at a specific location to change the CHANGES direction of a locomotive. RAIL_GAUGE The distance between two rails of a railway track. RAIL_GAUGE_ Method used to change the gauge on a specific piece or ADAPTABILITY category of railway equipment. RAILS_NUMBER_OFHaving parallel bars for conveyance versus a single bar system. RECOGNIZED/ Acknowledged as being valid versus not acknowledged. UNRECOGNIZED RECREATIONAL Used for the refreshment of one's mind or body after labor through diverting activity; play. RELATIONSHIP_TO_ The occupation of space in relation to the solid surface of GROUND_SURFACE the Earth. RELATIONSHIP_TO_ The position of the feature above or below the surface of WATER_SURFACE the local water feature. RELIEF The difference between high and low places in a locality. RESTRICTIONS Limitations on the use for legal, safety, security or other reasons. ROAD_TYPE Characteristics or category of road. RUNWAYS_NUMBER_The number of prepared surfaces available to accommodate OF the landing and take-off of aircraft. SAFE_PASSAGE Having been established as a route free from hazards. SALINITY The proportion of dissolved salts in pure water, stated in parts per thousand by mass. SCREEN_PRESENT The presence of a large flat white or silver surface upon which a picture is projected. SEA_ICE_PRESENTPresence of more than 10 percent sea ice inhibiting free navigation. SEASON_USED The specified season or time of year that something can be used, especially in reference to something that is dependent on or controlled by seasonal changes. SEASONAL_DEPTH The measurement from the water surface to the bottom of that water body at different seasons; used in relation to water bodies which have marked changes due to season change. SEAWEED_PRESENTPresence of any of numerous marine algae, such as kelp, rockweed, or gulfweed. SERVICES_PROVIDED Kinds of services provided at a given facility. See also FACILITIES AVAILABLE. SHAFTS_NUMBER_OF The number of long narrow passages sunk in the Earth. SHAPE Spatial form. SHARP_CURVE Presence of an abrupt acute bend in the feature. SHORE_ORIENTATION The position of something relative to the shore, for example, parallel. SIGNAL_DIRECTION The line or course along which the sound, image, or other transmitted message travels. SIGNAL_INTENSITY The concentration of power or force of the signal emitted. SIGNAL_TYPE The kind of electronic impulse used for communication. SINGLE_WIRE/ Presence of one strand of wires versus more than one strand MULTIPLE_WIRES of wire together. SIZE The physical dimensions, proportions, magnitude, or extent of something. SLIPS_NUMBER_OFThe number of spaces between wharfs or piers designed to accommodate water vessels. SLOPE The slant or deviation from horizontal measured in degrees. SLOPE_OF_SHAFT The slant or deviation from horizontal measured in degrees of the shaft. SLOPE_OF_SIDES Same as for "SLOPE," but measured between the upper and lower surfaces of the feature, along its sides. SMOKE_EMISSION The venting of vapor made up of small particles of carbonaceous matter in the air, resulting mainly from incomplete combustion of organic material, such as wood or coal. SOIL_TEXTURE The kind of ground material characterized by the relative proportions of the various size groups of individual soil grains in a mass of soil. SOIL_TYPE The principal unit used in soil mappings as defined by the Soil Conservation Service. SOUND_ The distinctive character of quality typical of a specific CHARACTERISTIC sound emitted. SOVEREIGNTY The supreme authority or control over the feature. SPAN_LENGTH The length of the section between intermediate supports of a bridge. SPAN_MOVEMENT The manner in which the section between two intermediate supports of a bridge moves. SPECIES A fundamental category of taxonomic classification, ranking after a genus, and consisting of organisms capable of interbreeding. SPECIES_CULTIVATED The form of life grown and nurtured for harvest. SPORTS_TYPE The type of organized competitive game(s) that the feature is used for. STAFFED/UNSTAFFED Presence or absence of personnel who carry out a specific enterprise. STORAGE Used for maintaining a stock or supply for future use. STRUCTURE_TYPE The configuration or arrangement of a feature. SUBSTANCE_ The matter (liquid, solid or gaseous) being drawn forth by EXTRACTED mechanical or chemical processes. SUPPORT_TYPE The kind of feature used to bear the weight of the feature being described. TELEVISION_ The transmission of visual images of moving and stationary TRANSMISSION objects, generally with accompanying sound, as electromagnetic waves, and the reconversion of received waves into visual images. TEMPERATURE A specific degree of hotness or coldness as indicated on or referred to a standard scale. TIDAL Subject to the alternating rise and fall of water level caused by the astronomic tide-producing forces. TOLL A fixed charge or tax for access, especially for passage across a bridge or along a road. TRAFFIC_LIGHTS_Presence of road signals that beam a red or green light or an PRESENT amber warning light to direct traffic to stop or proceed. TRANSPORTATION_The kind of transportation that a feature is adapted to or MODE_ suited to. ACCOMMODATED TREE_COVER The amount or density of tall woody plants occupying the surface of a specified area. TREE_LINED Having a border of trees along its sides. UNDERGROWTH_ Presence of low growing plants, saplings, and shrubs beneath PRESENT the trees in a forest. USER_TYPE Characteristics or category of users of the feature. VEHICLE_ The type of vehicle that the feature is adapted to or ACCOMMODATED designed to serve. VEHICLE_SIZE_ The physical dimension, proportion, magnitude, or extent of SERVED any device for carrying passengers, goods, or equipment that the specified feature has space for storage or service for. VENT_PRESENT Presence of an opening permitting the passage or escape of liquids or gas. VOLCANIC Pertaining to or produced by volcanic eruptions. VOLUME Space occupied or cubic capacity as measured in cubic units. WASTE_MATERIAL The useless or worthless byproducts of a process or the like; refuse or excess material. WATER_BODY_ Acting as a link between two larger bodies of water. CONNECTION WATER_PRESENT Presence of water in the feature. WATER_SUPPLY Equipped or used to furnish water. WATERAGE The movement of goods or merchandise (such as logs) by water. WETTED_PERIMETER Length of the line of cross-sectional contact between the water in a stream and its watercourse. WIDTH The maximum horizontal measurement taken at right angles to the length; breadth; the maximum horizontal measurement of the extent of something from side to side. WINDBREAK A hedge, row of trees, or fence serving to lessen or break the force of the wind. WIRE_DRAGGED Cleared of hazards through the use of a wire dragged through the water. WORK_IN_PROGRESS Presence of construction or other work that is incomplete and that may limit access or pose some hazard. ZOO Presence of wild animals for public display. Normative Annex C: Included Terms C.1 Entity Types Accessway ROAD Administrative boundary BOUNDARY Aeration beds FILTRATION BEDS Aerial cableway CABLEWAY Aerial cableway lines CABLEWAY Aerial cableway pylon TOWER Aerodrome AIRPORT Aerodrome beacon BEACON Aerodrome control tower TOWER Aeronautical beacon BEACON Aeronautical light BEACON Aeronautical navigational radio stationBUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Aeronautical radio beacon BEACON Air beacon BEACON Air route LANE Airdrome AIRPORT Airfield RUNWAY Airfield revetment WALL Airport beacon BEACON Airport traffic area APPROACHWAY Airport traffic control tower TOWER Airstrip RUNWAY Alley ROAD Alluvial fan DELTA Alternate aerodrome AIRPORT Alternating light BEACON Amphitheater OUTDOOR THEATER Amusement park PARK Anabranch WATERCOURSE Anchor buoy BUOY Anchor light BEACON Anchorage HARBOR Anchorage buoy BUOY Animal sanctuary PARK Animal sanctuary boundary BOUNDARY Anse INLET Apartment building BUILDING Apartment complex BUILDING COMPLEX Approach area APPROACHWAY Approach lights BEACON Approach path APPROACHWAY Approach to highway ROAD Apron PARKING AREA, PLAIN Aqueduct WATERCOURSE BRIDGE Arched iceberg ICEBERG Archipelago SEA, ISLAND CLUSTER Archipelago apron PLAIN Arctic pack ICE FIELD Arena BUILDING Arete RIDGE Arm INLET Armistice line BOUNDARY Armory BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Army camp MILITARY BASE Arroyo WATERCOURSE Art gallery BUILDING Artificial harbor HARBOR Athletic club BUILDING Astronomic position CONTROL POINT Athletic field SPORTS FIELD Atoll REEF, ISLAND Atoll reef REEF Auditorium BUILDING Automobile plant BUILDING COMPLEX Auxiliary aerodrome AIRPORT Avenue ROAD Awash rock ROCK Awawa WATERCOURSE Back marsh WETLAND Backswamp WETLAND Bald CLEARING, MOUNT Ball BAR Ball park PARK, SPORTS FIELD Bamboo WOODLAND Bandstand OUTDOOR THEATER Bank MOUNT, SHORE Bank reef REEF Bar buoy BUOY Bar port PORT Bare rock ROCK Barn BUILDING Barracks BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Barrage DAM Barranca WATERCOURSE Barrier basin BASIN Barrier beach BAR Barrier flat WETLAND, FLAT Barrier iceberg ICEBERG Barrier island BAR, ISLAND Barrier lagoon LAGOON Barrier reef REEF Bascule bridge BRIDGE Battery FORT Bay INLET Bay head bar BAR Bay bar BAR Bay barrier BAR Bay delta DELTA Bay ice ICE FIELD Baymouth bar BAR Bayou LAKE, WATERCOURSE Beach berm BEACH Beach cusps RIDGE Beach face SHORE Beach ridge RIDGE Beach scarp CLIFF Beaver dam DAM Beck WATERCOURSE Bell buoy BUOY Bench TERRACE Bench mark CONTROL POINT Bend WATERCOURSE Bery MOUNT, ICEBERG Bicycle path ROAD Bicycle trail ROAD Bifurcation buoy BUOY Bight INLET Billboard SIGN Bird sanctuary PARK Blanket bog WETLAND Blast barrier WALL Bluff CLIFF, WOODLAND Boardwalk ROAD Boat basin HARBOR Boat harbor HARBOR Boat landing WHARF, PIER, LANDING PLACE Boathouse BUILDING Bog WETLAND Bollard MOORING Boom BREAKWATER Borough PLACE Borrow pit MINE Botanical garden PARK Boulevard ROAD Boundary line BOUNDARY Boundary lights BOUNDARY BEACON Boundary monument CONTROL POINT Boundary sign SIGN Braided river WATERCOURSE Braided stream WATERCOURSE Brake WOODLAND Branch WATERCOURSE Brigalow WOODLAND Brine well WELL Brook WATERCOURSE Brush WOODLAND Built up area PLACE Bulkhead BREAKWATER, EMBANKMENT, WALL Burn CLEARING Burnt over area CLEARING Bush WOODLAND Butte PLATEAU Caatinga WOODLAND Cable UTILITY Cable buoy BUOY Cadastral boundary BOUNDARY Cadastral monument CONTROL POINT Cairn CONTROL POINT Caisson GATE Caldera CRATER Calibration radiobeacon BEACON Camber HARBOR BASIN Campsite CAMPGROUND Can buoy BUOY Canal WATERCOURSE Canal port PORT Cannery BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Canyon VALLEY Canyon delta DELTA Carline RAILWAY Cart track ROAD Cascade WATERFALL Cask buoy BUOY Cataract RAPIDS Catch basin LAKE, TANK Cathedral BUILDING Cattle gate GATE Cattle underpass TUNNEL Cauldron BASIN Causeway ROAD Cavern CAVE Cay ISLAND Cease fire line BOUNDARY Ceja CLIFF Cement plant BUILDING COMPLEX Cerrito MOUNT Cerro MOUNT, RIDGE Chanaral WOODLAND Channel WATERCOURSE, LANE Channel buoy BUOY Channel light BEACON Channel marker BEACON, BUOY Chaparral WOODLAND Chapeirao PINNACLE Chasm VALLEY Checkered buoy BUOY Chemical plant BUILDING COMPLEX Church BUILDING Cinder cone MOUNT Circular beacon BEACON Cistern TANK City PLACE City hall BUILDING City limits BOUNDARY City square PARK Claim line BOUNDARY Cleared area CLEARING Clinic BUILDING Closed bay INLET Closed sea SEA Clover leaf interchange INTERSECTION Coastal shoreline SHORELINE Coast guard station BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Coast guard lines BOUNDARY Coastal area COAST Coastal plain PLAIN, COAST Coastline SHORELINE Code beacon BEACON Col GAP College BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Colored light BEACON Colregs demarcation line BOUNDARY Combination buoy BUOY Community PLACE Conical buoy BUOY Coniferous forest WOODLAND Conservation area RESERVE Continental glacier ICE FIELD Continental ice ICE FIELD Continuous radiobeacon BEACON Control survey monument CONTROL POINT Control tower TOWER Controlled access road ROAD Controlled aerodrome AIRPORT Convent BUILDING Cooling tower TOWER Copse WOODLAND Convention mandate line BOUNDARY Coral head PINNACLE Coral reef REEF Corduroy road ROAD Coulee VALLEY, WATERCOURSE Course LANE, WATERCOURSE Courthouse BUILDING Cove INLET Covered bridge BRIDGE Crag CLIFF, PINNACLE Creek WATERCOURSE Crematorium BUILDING Crest RIDGE Crevice CREVASSE, VALLEY Crossing INTERSECTION Crossing gate GATE Cuesta RIDGE, MOUNT Cul de sac ROAD Cultivated field CROPLAND Cultivated area CROPLAND Culvert WATERCOURSE Cuspate bar BAR Cuspate spit BAR Custom boundary BOUNDARY Cut line CLEARING Cut off WATERCOURSE Dale VALLEY Dan buoy BUOY Danger buoy BUOY Dangerous wreck WRECK Dangerous rock ROCK Daybeacon BEACON Dead end street ROAD Deciduous forest WOODLAND Deep TROUGH De facto boundary BOUNDARY Defile GAP, VALLEY Dell VALLEY Delta moraine MORAINE Demilitarized line BOUNDARY Depot BUILDING Depression BASIN, VALLEY Diagnostic point CONTROL POINT Diamond intersection INTERSECTION Dike EMBANKMENT Directional beacon BEACON Directional antenna ANTENNA Dish ANTENNA Disk ANTENNA Dismal WETLAND Display sign SIGN Disposal area DUMPING GROUND Disposal bed DUMPING GROUND Distributary WATERCOURSE Ditch WATERCOURSE Divided highway ROAD Dock BERTH Dockyard SHIPYARD Dolphin MOORING Dome MOUNT Double track railway RAILWAY Down GRASSLAND Downland GRASSLAND Downs GRASSLAND Drain WATERCOURSE Drainage basin CATCHMENT Draw WATERCOURSE Draw bridge BRIDGE Dredged channel LANE, WATERCOURSE Dredging buoy BUOY Drill hall BUILDING Drive in theater OUTDOOR THEATER Driveway ROAD Drowned valley VALLEY Drumlin MOUNT, RIDGE Dry harbor HARBOR Dual highway ROAD Dump DUMPING GROUND Dump site DUMPING GROUND Dyke EMBANKMENT Early warning radar site BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Ecological area RESERVE Electric power generating station BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Electrical tower TOWER Electric substation BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Elevated highway ROAD Elevation point CONTROL POINT End moraine MORAINE Engine test cell BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Entrance lock LOCK Entrepot PORT Equatorial forest WOODLAND Equatorial rain forest WOODLAND Escarpment CLIFF Esker RIDGE Estuary INLET, MOUTH Everglade WETLAND Excavation MINE Expressway ROAD Factory BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Fairground EXHIBITION GROUND Fairway LANE Fairway buoy BUOY Falls WATERFALL Fan DELTA Fan delta DELTA Fan marker beacon BEACON Farm lane ROAD Feedlot STOCKYARD Fen WETLAND Ferry WHARF, PIER Ferry crossing LANE Ferry site BERTH, PIER, WHARF Ferry slip BERTH Ferry station BUILDING Ferry terminal PIER, WHARF Field CROPLAND, GRASSLAND Filling station BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Filtration plant BUILDING COMPLEX Fiord INLET Fire line CLEARING Fire lookout tower TOWER Fire lookout building BUILDING Fire road ROAD Fire station BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Fire tower TOWER Firebreak CLEARING Firth INLET Fish haven FISHING GROUND Fish net buoy BUOY Fish pound FISH TRAP Fish stakes FISH TRAP, POST Fish trap area FISHING GROUND Fish weir FISH TRAP Fishery FISHING GROUND, FISH HATCHERY Fishing zone FISHING GROUND Fixed and flashing light BEACON Fixed and group flashing light BEACON Fixed light BEACON Fjord INLET Flag tower TOWER Flame float BUOY Flare pipe CHIMNEY Flashing light BEACON Floating breakwater BREAKWATER Floating dock DRY DOCK Floating marsh WETLAND Floeberg ICEBERG Floodgate GATE Flume WATERCOURSE Fog signal BEACON Footbridge BRIDGE Foothill MOUNT Footpath ROAD Forces base MILITARY BASE Foredeep TROUGH Foreland PENINSULA Foreshore SHORE Foreshore flats BEACH Forest WOODLAND Forest/park boundary BOUNDARY Forest reserve RESERVE Fork WATERCOURSE Freeway ROAD Fringing reef REEF Funeral home BUILDING Garage BUILDING Garden CROPLAND Garigue WOODLAND Gas field OIL FIELD Gasometer TANK Glacial gorge VALLEY Glacial moraine MORAINE Glacial stream WATERCOURSE Glacial trough VALLEY Glacier ICE FIELD Glacier berg ICEBERG Glacier iceberg ICEBERG Glacier tongue ICE FIELD Glade CLEARING, GRASSLAND Glen VALLEY Goe VALLEY Golf driving range GOLF COURSE Gorge VALLEY Graben VALLEY Grade crossing INTERSECTION Grade intersection INTERSECTION Grain elevator BUILDING Granary BUILDING Grave marker MONUMENT Gravel pit MINE Graveyard CEMETERY Graving dock DRY DOCK Greenhouse BUILDING Groin BREAKWATER Grotto CAVE Grove WOODLAND Groyne BREAKWATER Guide rail GUARD RAIL Gulch VALLEY, WATERCOURSE Gulf INLET Gully VALLEY, WATERCOURSE Gut WATERCOURSE Gutter WATERCOURSE Guyot PLATEAU Half tide basin LOCK Hamlet PLACE Hangar BUILDING Harbor limit BOUNDARY Harbor line BOUNDARY Harbor of refuge HARBOR Haven HARBOR Hay meadow GRASSLAND Head PENINSULA Headland PENINSULA Heath WOODLAND, WETLAND Hedgerow HEDGE Helicopter landing pad HELIPAD Heliport AIRPORT Herbaceous area GRASSLAND Highway ROAD Highway route number SIGN Hill MOUNT Hillock MOUNT Hockey rink ICE RINK Holding pen STOCKYARD Hollow VALLEY Homing beacon BEACON Hook BAR, PENINSULA Hooked spit BAR Horizon lights BEACON Horizontal control point CONTROL POINT Horizontal control monument CONTROL POINT Horn buoy BUOY Hospital BUILDING Hospital complex BUILDING COMPLEX Hostel BUILDING Hotel BUILDING Hotspring SPRING House BUILDING Hovercraft station BUILDING Hovercraft terminal PIER, WHARF Hulk WRECK Hummock MOUNT, ISLAND Hut BUILDING Hydro tower TOWER Hydrofoil station BUILDING Hydrofoil terminal PIER, WHARF Ice buoy BUOY Ice cap ICE FIELD Ice cliff CLIFF Ice peak PEAK Ice sheet ICE FIELD Identification beacon BEACON Improved channel WATERCOURSE, LANE Incline railway RAILWAY Indian treaty line BOUNDARY Inland sea LAKE Inner harbor HARBOR Inner lead LANE Inshore SHORE Interchange INTERSECTION Intermittent light BEACON Intermontane plateau PLATEAU International boundary BOUNDARY International date line BOUNDARY Interprovincial boundary BOUNDARY Island arc ISLAND CLUSTER Island harbor HARBOR Island ice ICE FIELD Islet ISLAND Jail BUILDING Jetty BREAKWATER Junction buoy BUOY Jungle WOODLAND Junk yard DUMPING GROUND Kame MOUNT, RIDGE Kame terrace TERRACE Keg buoy BUOY Kettle BASIN Key ISLAND Kill WATERCOURSE Kilometer post SIGN Knob MOUNT Knoll MOUNT Lagoon beach BEACH Laguna LAGOON Land grant line BOUNDARY Landing LANDING PLACE, PIER, WHARF Landing area AIRPORT, RUNWAY Landing beacon BEACON Landing field RUNWAY Landing lane RUNWAY, LANE Landing strip RUNWAY Landmark beacon BEACON Large automatic navigational buoy BUOY Lateral moraine MORAINE Launch pad MISSILE SITE Lava cone MOUNT Lawn bowling green PARK Lead LANE Leading light BEACON Ledge REEF Levee EMBANKMENT Library BUILDING Life saving station BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Lift bridge BRIDGE Light BEACON Light float BUOY Light standard POST Light station BEACON Light vessel BUOY Lighted beacon BEACON Lighted buoy BUOY Lighted sound buoy BUOY Lighthouse BEACON Lightship BUOY Limits BOUNDARY Liquid waste disposal area DUMPING GROUND Locality PLACE Lode WATERCOURSE Logged area CLEARING Long flashing light BEACON Longshore bar BAR Lookout tower TOWER Loop antenna ANTENNA Lumber camp CAMPGROUND Maintenance road ROAD Major fog signal BEACON Major light BEACON Mallee scrub WOODLAND Mangrove swamp WETLAND, WOODLAND Maquis WOODLAND Marginal sea SEA Marine automatic meteorlogical stationBUOY Marine bench TERRACE Marine cliff CLIFF Marine light BEACON Marine radiobeacon BEACON Marker beacon BEACON Marker radiobeacon BEACON Market garden CROPLAND Marsh WETLAND Marsh bar BAR Mattress REVETMENT Meadow GRASSLAND Meander WATERCOURSE Memorial park PARK Mesa PLATEAU Microwave tower TOWER Mid channel buoy BUOY Mile post SIGN Mileage post SIGN Military reserve RESERVE Mill BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Millpond LAKE Mine danger area BOUNDARY Mineral pile DUMPING GROUND Mineral spring SPRING Minor fog signal BEACON Minor light BEACON Mire WETLAND Mississippi River type buoy BUOY Moat WATERCOURSE, VALLEY Mole BREAKWATER Monadnock MOUNT Monastery BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Monorail RAILWAY Monsoon forest WOODLAND Monumented control point CONTROL POINT Moor WOODLAND, WETLAND, GRASSLAND Mooring buoy BUOY, MOORING Mooring mast MOORING, POST Mooring ring MOORING Morass WETLAND Mortlake LAKE Mosque BUILDING Motel BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Motte WOODLAND Mound MOUNT Mountain MOUNT Mountain pass GAP Mountain range MOUNT RANGE Mulga WOODLAND Mulga scrub WOODLAND Multiple track railway RAILWAY Municipal park PARK Municipality PLACE Museum BUILDING Muskeg WETLAND Narrows WATERCOURSE National park PARK Natural harbor HARBOR Naval station MILITARY BASE Navigation light BEACON Neck ISTHMUS, PENINSULA Neutral zone DEMILITARIZED ZONE Non tidal basin BASIN Notch GAP, CAVE Nuclear accelerator BUILDING Nuclear reactor BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Nullah WATERCOURSE Nunatak PEAK Nun buoy BUOY Nursery FARM Obsequent stream WATERCOURSE Obelisk MONUMENT Observation tower TOWER Obstruction beacon BEACON Obstruction marker BEACON Obstruction light BEACON Obstruction buoy BUOY Occasional light BEACON Occasional fog signal BEACON Occulting light BEACON Occulting quick flashing light BEACON Ocean SEA Office building BUILDING Offshore bar BAR Offshore light station BEACON Offshore loading facility PORT Offshore tower BEACON Oil well WELL Omnidirectional beacon BEACON Open pit mine MINE Open berth HARBOR Open harbor HARBOR Open roadstead HARBOR Open sea SEA Open sound SEA Open water SEA, LAKE Orchard CROPLAND Outlet MOUTH Outport PORT Outwash DELTA Outwash plain DELTA, PLAIN Overflow channel WATERCOURSE Overpass BRIDGE Oxbow LAKE Oyster bed FISHING GROUND Pack ice ICE FIELD Paddy field CROPLAND Palisade CLIFF Palsa bog WETLAND Pampas GRASSLAND Parish PLACE Parking garage BUILDING Parking lot PARKING AREA Parkway ROAD Parti colored buoy BUOY Pass GAP, WATERCOURSE, LANE Passage WATERCOURSE, LANE Pasteuer lake LAKE Pasture CROPLAND, GRASSLAND Paternoster lake LAKE Path ROAD Peat bog WETLAND Peat cutting WETLAND Pedestrian crossing INTERSECTION Pedestrian-bicycle overpass BRIDGE Pedestrian underpass TUNNEL Penitentiary BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Pens WHARF Penstock UTILITY, WATERCOURSE Perch BEACON Photogrammetric horizontal control CONTROL POINT point Picnic site PARK Pile POST Pile beacon BEACON Pile dolphin BEACON Pile lighthouse BEACON Pillar PINNACLE Pillar buoy BUOY Pilot lightship BUOY Pingo MOUNT Pipe UTILITY Pipeline UTILITY Pit MINE, BASIN Placer mine MINE Planetarium BUILDING Plant BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Plantation CROPLAND Plantation field CROPLAND Platform OFFSHORE PLATFORM Playground PARK Plaza PARK Pocosin WETLAND Point BAR, PENINSULA Polar ice ICE FIELD Polar ice pack ICE FIELD Police station BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Pond LAKE Pontoon bridge BRIDGE Pool LAKE Populated place PLACE Post office BUILDING Powder magazine BUILDING Power line UTILITY Power plant BUILDING COMPLEX Power transmission line UTILITY Power transmission pole POST Power transmission pylon TOWER Prairie GRASSLAND Precipice CLIFF, PINNACLE Primary tide station BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Prison BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Private road ROAD Proglacial lake LAKE Prohibited anchorage HARBOR Prohibited area RESTRICTED AREA Prohibited flying area RESTRICTED AREA Promontory PENINSULA Pumping station BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Pup WATERCOURSE Puszta GRASSLAND Pylon TOWER Quagmire WETLAND Quaking bog WETLAND Quarantine anchorage HARBOR Quarry MINE Quay WHARF Quick flashing light BEACON Race WATERCOURSE Racon BEACON Radar beacon BEACON Radar buoy BUOY Radar responder beacon BEACON Radar station BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Radio beacon monitor station BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Radio direction finder station BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Radio mast TOWER Radio station BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Radio tower TOWER Radiobeacon BEACON Radiobeacon buoy BUOY Railroad RAILWAY Railroad crossing INTERSECTION Railroad gantry GANTRY Railroad passing RAILWAY Railroad repair building BUILDING Railroad storage building BUILDING Railroad yard RAILWAY YARD Railway tunnel TUNNEL Railway turntable TURNTABLE Raised beach TERRACE Raised bog WETLAND Ramp ROAD, LAUNCHING RAMP Ranch FARM Range GRASSLAND, LANE, MOUNT- RANGE, RIDGE, CROPLAND Ranger station BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Ranging light BEACON Ranging marker BEACON Ravine VALLEY, WATERCOURSE Re-entrant VALLEY Reach WATERCOURSE Rear light BEACON Recreational vehicle area CAMPGROUND, PARKING AREA Recurved spit BAR Red sector BEACON Red sector light BEACON Reef flat REEF Reference point location CONTROL POINT Refinery BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Reforested area WOODLAND Regional park PARK Research center BUILDING COMPLEX Reservation INDIAN RESERVATION, RESERVE Reservation boundary line BOUNDARY Reserve boundary line BOUNDARY Reservoir LAKE Responder beacon BEACON Rest area PARK Restricted waters RESTRICTED AREA Retaining wall WALL Ria INLET Rift valley VALLEY Rill WATERCOURSE Rincon INLET Rink ICE RINK Rio WATERCOURSE Riprap REVETMENT Riprap mounds REVETMENT Rise MOUNT Rivage BEACH, COAST, SHORE River WATERCOURSE River bed WATERCOURSE River buoy BUOY Rivulet WATERCOURSE Roadstead HARBOR Rock glacier ICE FIELD Rock terrace TERRACE Rocket station BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Rotating beacon BEACON Rotating loop-radiobeacon BEACON Rotating light BEACON Roundhouse BUILDING Route marker SIGN Ruins PLACE Run WATERCOURSE Runaway preventer ROAD Runnel TROUGH, WATERCOURSE Runway lights BEACON, RUNWAY Runway radar reflector RADAR REFLECTOR Sabkha BASIN Saddle GAP Safety fairway LANE Sagebrush WOODLAND Salina WETLAND, LAKE Salt lake LAKE Salt marsh WETLAND Salting WETLAND Sanctuary PARK Sand bank BAR Sand dune MOUNT, RIDGE Sand hills MOUNT, RIDGE Sand horn BAR Sand lobe BAR Sand pit MINE Sand spit BAR Sandbar BAR Sanitarium BUILDING Savanna GRASSLAND Scar CLIFF, PINNACLE Scarp CLIFF Scaw CLIFF School BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Science center BUILDING Scrap yard DUMPING GROUND Scrub WOODLAND Sea beacon BEACON Sea buoy BUOY Sea coast COAST Sea gate BREAKWATER, GATE Seachannel VALLEY, WATERCOURSE Seadrome AIRPORT, RUNWAY Seaknoll MOUNT Seamount MOUNT Seamount chain MOUNT RANGE Seamount group MOUNT RANGE Seamount range MOUNT RANGE Seapeak PEAK Seaplane base AIRPORT Seaplane landing/take off area RUNWAY Seaport PORT, PLACE Seashore SHORE Seawall BREAKWATER, EMBANKMENT, WALL Seaway WATERCOURSE, LANE Secondary tide station BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX, TIDAL GAUGE Section line BOUNDARY Sectored light BEACON Seep SPRING Send SWASH Service lane ROAD, LANE Service street ROAD Settlement PLACE Sewage treatment plant BUILDING COMPLEX Shelf ice ICE FIELD Shelterbelt HEDGE Shield volcano MOUNT Ship canal WATERCOURSE Shipping lane LANE Shoal BAR Shoal patches BAR Shopping center BUILDING COMPLEX Shore reef REEF Shoreface SHORE Short flashing light BEACON Short long flashing light BEACON Shrine MONUMENT Shrub WOODLAND Sidewalk ROAD Siding RAILWAY Sign post SIGN Signal station BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Sill RIDGE, GAP Silo BUILDING Silva WOODLAND Single track railway RAILWAY Sink BASIN Sinkhole BASIN Ski lift CABLEWAY Ski pylon TOWER Slag heap DUMPING GROUND Slash WETLAND Slip BERTH Slipway LAUNCHING RAMP Slough WETLAND, WATERCOURSE Slue WETLAND Sluice WATERCOURSE, GATE Sluice gate GATE Smoke stack CHIMNEY Snow shed BUILDING Sonobuoy BUOY Sound WATERCOURSE, LAKE, INLET Sound barrier FENCE, WALL Sound buoy BUOY Sovereignty limit BOUNDARY Spar buoy BUOY Special purpose buoy BUOY Special track railway RAILWAY Spillway WATERCOURSE Spit BAR Spoil area DUMPING GROUND Spoil banks DUMPING GROUND Spoil ground DUMPING GROUND Spoil ground buoy BUOY Sports playing field SPORTS FIELD Sports track RACETRACK Spur RIDGE, RAILWAY, ROAD Square PARK Stable BUILDING Stack ISLAND Stake net FISH TRAP Stakes BEACON Stand WOODLAND Standpipe TANK Station BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Station buoy BUOY Steel mill BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Steppe GRASSLAND Stone mound monument CONTROL POINT Storage bunker BUILDING Storage tank TANK Store BUILDING Strait WATERCOURSE Strand SHORE Stranded wreck WRECK Stranding harbor HARBOR Strath VALLEY Stream WATERCOURSE Stream channel WATERCOURSE Street ROAD Streetcar line RAILWAY String bog WETLAND Strip mine MINE Stump SNAG Submarine isthmus ISTHMUS Submarine cable UTILITY Submerged reef REEF Substation/transformer yard BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Subway RAILWAY, TUNNEL Summit PEAK Sunken rock ROCK Sunken wreck WRECK Super buoy BUOY Supplementary aerodrome AIRPORT Survey monument CONTROL POINT Suspension bridge BRIDGE Swale TROUGH Swamp WETLAND Swamp forest WETLAND Swimming pool LAKE Swing bridge BRIDGE Swinging buoy BUOY Synagogue BUILDING Tableknoll PLATEAU Tableland PLATEAU Tablemount PLATEAU Taiga WOODLAND Tailing dump DUMPING GROUND Tailing pile DUMPING GROUND Taxi channel RUNWAY Taxi channel light BEACON Taxiway RUNWAY Taxiway lights BEACON, RUNWAY Telegraph buoy BUOY Telegraph line UTILITY Telegraph pole POST Telegraph pylon TOWER Telephone line UTILITY Telephone pole POST Telephone pylon TOWER Television station BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Television tower TOWER Temple BUILDING Temporary anchorage HARBOR Terminal BUILDING Terminal moraine MORAINE Territorial waters limit BOUNDARY Texas tower TOWER Theater BUILDING Thermobuoy BUOY Thicket WOODLAND Thorn forest WOODLAND Thorofare ROAD, WATERCOURSE Thoroughfare ROAD, WATERCOURSE Threshold light BEACON Throughfare ROAD, WATERCOURSE Thruway ROAD Tidal basin BASIN Tidal flat FLAT Tidal harbor HARBOR Tidal light BEACON Tidal marsh WETLAND Tidal quay WHARF Tide gate GATE Tide limit BOUNDARY Tide lock LOCK Tide signal BEACON Tide rips OVERFALLS Tide station BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Tideway WATERCOURSE Timber line BOUNDARY Toll gate GATE Tollroad ROAD Tombolo BAR, ISLAND Tongue BAR, PENINSULA Topmark buoy BUOY Torrent WATERCOURSE Tourist cabin BUILDING Tourist lodge BUILDING Town PLACE Town hall BUILDING Town limits BOUNDARY Track RAILWAY, ROAD Traffic circle INTERSECTION Traffic sign SIGN Trail ROAD Trailer MOBILE HOME Trailer park MOBILE HOME PARK Training wall BREAKWATER Tramway CABLEWAY Transformer station BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Transmission line UTILITY Transmitter station BUILDING, BUILDING COMPLEX Transobuoy BUOY Transponder beacon BEACON Transverse bar BAR Tree line BOUNDARY Trench VALLEY, TROUGH Trestle BRIDGE Triangulation station CONTROL POINT Tributary WATERCOURSE Tropical rain forest WOODLAND Truck farm CROPLAND Truck garden CROPLAND Trumpet buoy BUOY Trunk buoy BUOY Tulelands WETLAND Tunny nets FISH TRAP Turning buoy BUOY Turnpike ROAD Unattended light BEACON Underpass TUNNEL Undulating light BEACON University BUILDING COMPLEX Unwatched light BEACON Urban area PLACE Utilidor UTILITY Veld GRASSLAND Vertical control point CONTROL POINT Vertical control monument CONTROL POINT Viaduct BRIDGE Village PLACE Vineyard CROPLAND Volcano MOUNT Volcanic dike RIDGE Wadi WATERCOURSE Walk ROAD Warehouse BUILDING Warning beacon BEACON Warning light BEACON Warning radiobeacon BEACON Warping buoy BUOY Wash WATERCOURSE Watched light BEACON Water gap VALLEY, WATERCOURSE Water hole WELL Water intake tower TOWER Water lane RUNWAY, LANE Water tower TOWER Waterway LANE Wave basin BREAKWATER, BASIN Wave trap BREAKWATER Way LANE, ROAD Way point CONTROL POINT Wayside park PARK Weak light BEACON Weir FISH TRAP, DAM Weir jetty BREAKWATER Wetdock BERTH Whistle buoy BUOY Winged headland PENINSULA Winter buoy BUOY Winter light BEACON Winter marker BEACON Winter road ROAD Wood WOODLAND Wooded area WOODLAND Woods WOODLAND Wreck buoy BUOY Wrecking yard DUMPING GROUND Zoo PARK C.2 Attributes Airport lighting LIGHTED/UNLIGHTE D Alkaline ACIDITY Approach lighting LIGHTED/UNLIGHTE D Astronomically determined METHOD OF MEASUREMENT Brackish SALINITY Civilian OWNER TYPE, USER TYPE Constructional material COMPOSITION Crop grown SPECIES CULTIVATED Cross lines CHARTED DEPTH Cul-de-sac BLIND/OPEN Dead end BLIND/OPEN Depth CHARTED DEPTH, DEPTH BELOW GROUND SURFACE Determined by triangulation METHOD OF MEASUREMENT Drilling EQUIPMENT PRESENT Evergreen DECIDUOUS/EVERGR EEN Fresh SALINITY Gauge RAIL GAUGE Gradient SLOPE Gradient of sides SLOPE OF SIDES Land AIR/LAND/WATER Main track CONNECTED BY SWITCHES/ MAIN TRACK Manmade ARTIFICIALLY IMPROVED/MANMADE/ NATURAL Military OWNER TYPE, USER TYPE Mode transported TRANSPORTATION MODE ACCOMMODATED Multiple wires SINGLE WIRE/MULTIPLE WIRES Municipal ADMINISTRATION Natural ARTIFICIALLY IMPROVED/MANMADE/ NATURAL Noncommunication COMMUNICATION/ NONCOMMUNICATION Onshore OFFSHORE/ONSHORE Open BLIND/OPEN Parent BRANCH/PARENT Perennial INTERMITTENT/PER ENNIAL Pillar construction CONSTRUCTION TYPE Private OWNER TYPE, USER TYPE Proposed EXISTING/PROPOSED Quaternary PRIMARY/SECONDAR Y/TERTIARY/ QUATERNARY Rocky SOIL TEXTURE Salt SALINITY Seasonal limits RESTRICTIONS, SEASON USED Secondary PRIMARY/SECONDAR Y/TERTIARY/ QUATERNARY Sheltered EXPOSED/SHELTERE D Solid construction CONSTRUCTION TYPE Sounding CHARTED DEPTH Special use RESTRICTIONS Stationary MOVABLE/STATIONA RY Substance being processed MATERIAL PROCESSED Substance stored ITEM(S) STORED Substance transported MATERIAL CONVEYED Surface material COMPOSITION Through road BLIND/OPEN Tertiary PRIMARY/SECONDAR Y/TERTIARY/ QUATERNARY Track gauge RAIL GAUGE Two way ONE WAY/TWO WAY Uncontrolled CONTROLLED/UNCONTROLLED Uncovered COVERED/UNCOVERE D Unilateral NEGOTIATED/UNILA TERAL Unincorporated INCORPORATED/UNINCORPORAT ED Unlighted LIGHTED/UNLIGHTE D Unloading LOADING/UNLOADIN G Unrecognized RECOGNIZED/UNRECOGNIZED Unstaffed STAFFED/UNSTAFFE D Use restrictions RESTRICTIONS Use type LAND USE CATEGORY, FUNCTION Vehicle served VEHICLE ACCOMMODATED Vehicle type VEHICLE ACCOMMODATED Vertical HORIZONTAL/VERTI CAL Vessel accommodated VEHICLE ACCOMMODATED Vessel type VEHICLE ACCOMMODATED Watched STAFFED/UNSTAFFED Water AIR/LAND/WATER Water temperature TEMPERATURE Weight bearing capacity BEARING CAPACITY