EKEY: The Eletronic Key for Identifying Freshwater Fishes
EKEY - The Electronic Key for Identifying Freshwater Fishes
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Taxonomic Classification
For those with considerable familiarity with families, genera, and species of freshwater fishes, we offer the option to browse by taxonomic classification.

Dichotomous Key
For those with less familiarity, we offer the option to browse using a dichotomous key. In such a key, the user is presented with a question about the specimen in hand. The answer to that particular question determines what question is asked next. Answers to a series of such questions leads to identification of the specimen.

Text-based Search
You can also try to find material using a text-based search. The search looks at all of the text in the species profiles. You can enter keywords such as the family, genus, or species you are looking for, or other keywords such as 'endangered' or 'warm water'. Multiple words can be entered.

Fish Shape and Text-based Search
If you are interested in searching for material by taking into account fish shape outlines and textual terms, click here.

The NBII Program is administered by the Biological Informatics Office of the U.S. Geological Survey
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